Prenzlauer Berg

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    • Dag 188


      21 september 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We had a bit of a slower start this morning with Daniel going for a run and gab doing a call to do some organisation for a hens party when we get back.

      We then set out to explore Berlin for one last day on foot - the theme of today is the Cold War and the Berlin War. Our first stop was the Ernst Thailmann statue. This represents a prominent socialist figure in the post WWII era and so has been heavily graffitied. It is huge and there were many of these statues all around East Germany during the division of Germany. We moved on from the statue and headed towards the Museum at the Kulturbrauerei.

      This is a museum dedicated to the everyday life of people living in East Germany (otherwise known as the German Democratic Republic (GDR) or Communist East Germany) from the late 60s to 1990. The musesum is located at the site of a former brewery. The GDR was of course not democratic or a republic; rather it was a dictatorship with no elections, division of powers or freedom of movement.

      It was very interesting seeing and hearing the perspectives of people living during this time. The musesum addressed various parts of everyday life such as work, culture, leisure, supermarkets, fashion, restaurants, the press, housing, holidays, surveillance and censorship. The exhibition pointed out many positives and negatives of the GDR and how criticisms of the regime increased over time (especially as there were mass shortages on food and resources and people became dissatisfied with the lack of access to goods). Everyone was given a basic house, food and free child care. However, because everything was supposedly evenly spread there was lots of food shortages and people constantly seeking support from the west, which was banned. We also learnt about the FDJ - which was the GDR's way of getting school children involved in the socialist movement from a young age.

      After the museum, we headed to the Berlin Wall Memorial. This is a very beautiful outdoor memorial which is on the site of a section of the former Berlin Wall. It depicts the location of the inner and outer walls, where guard towers would have been and how some brave people attempted to tunnel under from east to west. Some did succeed, however 136 people lost their lives during the walls existence from 1961 to 1989. There are interesting exhibitions here about escapes and these people's stories.

      In a very fitting way to end this day and our last one in Berlin, we travelled to the East Side galleries. These are murals painted on the longest standing section (approx 1km) of the Berlin Wall which represent the freedom that the tearing down the wall signified. West Germany was seen as progressive or ‘hippies’ by the East and, of course, freedom of expression was banned in the east. The tearing down of the wall in 1989 not only signifies the reunification of a country but the freedom presented to those forced to live in the East against their will. We really enjoyed walking around the East Side Galleries - Gab has been here before and maintains its her favourite place to visit in Berlin. The images contain various messages and images - mostly representing hope and unity!

      We then made our way back to the hostel to chill out for a bit before heading to a comedy club for our last night in Berlin! It was open mic night and the acts were definitely very varied from all over the globe - US, India, Latvia and England plus also a 6 year old girl. It was a very fun night and a nice light hearted way to finish our time in Berlin after learning about a lot of dark history of the last few days.
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    • Dag 54

      GLS + Homestays

      23 oktober 2023, Duitsland

      For the last 3 weeks, WNE has been in home-stays and German Language School (GLS)! We were all divided up, and I was so lucky as to land with Cole, Andrew, Braedon, and Jo! Us five guys were assigned to Jörg and Angela, a lovely couple who were born and raised in the former East Germany (GDR)! They have been such kind hosts! They cook for us every breakfast and dinner (we get lunch at GLS), and Angela even does our laundry for us on the weekends!

      We have become very familiar with the M1 Tram, which takes us to and from school each day.

      GLS has also been incredible! Even in three weeks, I can tell that my German has improved dramatically! However it is less beautiful than it’s cousin, Dutch. Our teachers are engaging and hilarious. They also never miss an opportunity to jab at “Dumm Amerikaner” 😂

      We wrap up our 2nd of 3 blocks in Berlin on Friday when we depart for Bratislava, Slovakia! It is all flying by!

      The last photo is of Sarah waiting for her train after we departed from our 1.5 year anniversary dinner! She is so precious to me 🥰
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    • Dag 4

      Prenzlauer Berg

      9 augustus 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      È un quartiere residenziale rilassato e piacevole. Vi abbiamo visitato le strade e un paio di negozi locali, per approdare alla Wasserturm (torre idrica) che riforniva la città d'acqua. Arrivano i nazisti per utilizzarla come campo di concentramento per ebrei e comunisti locali, sperimentando torture e orrori poi applicati in larga scala.
      Oggi vi trovano posto appartamenti di prestigio e tutt'attorno un parco con una collina molto rilassante, in cui abbiamo schiacciato un pisolino tonificante.
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    • Dag 4

      Vita nella DDR

      9 augustus 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      In una ex-fabbrica di birra c'è "Allltag in Der DDR": vita di tutti i giorni nella Repubblica Democratica Tedesca.
      Ogni aspetto della vita quotidiana, dall'organizzazione del lavoro e del tempo libero, dall'infanzia alla gioventù, alla famiglia e agli aspetti economici correlati sono documentati con dossier, video e interviste dell'epoca.
      Gli ideali comunisti si infrango contro la propaganda, la libertà viene soffocata dal controllo continuo, dalle attività collettive "volontarie". Una vita semplice, frugale, regolata dal partito in ogni suo aspetto, senza molto spazio spazio per poter sognare o desiderare altro.
      In molti provano "Ostalgie" (Ostdeutschland+Nostalgie) per quel sistema che chiedeva tanto ma assicurava in modo paternalistico uno standard minimo per vivere; la contrapposizione con il sistema capitalistico, competitivo e individualista, è stato uno choc troppo forte per alcuni.

      Servirebbe una museo simile anche in Italia per esplorare a fondo la vita degli italiani nelle decadi passate.

      Completa la visita un birra da Schusterjunge, locale storico della Berlino Est, che ha saputo aggiornarsi senza snaturarsi, mantenendo lo spirito di locale della "vecchia Berlino" (così recita la presentazione, e io mi fido).
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    • Dag 24

      die Kulturbrauerei

      1 oktober 2023, Duitsland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Die Kulturbrauerei (ein beliebter Veranstaltungsort) lockt uns mit einem Steetfood-Markt.
      Die alte Fabrik ist stilvoll ... es gibt auch diesen Markt ... aber Sitzplätze sind Mangelware und .... es ist ungemütlich hier. Wir gehen wieder.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Day 3 Berlin

      14 mei 2019, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Slept 8 hours last night but only problem was that it was from 7pm till 3am. Had excellent Hotel Select The Wall breakfast at the unheard of hour of 6:30am.
      9am appointment for Reistag glass dome with audio pointing out sights and features of the dome. Then Brandenburg Gate, Hotel Adlon (where Michael Jackson dangled baby off the balcony), memorial to the murdered jews of Europe, Unter den Linden with coffee break at Microsoft Digital Cafe. Then Bebel Platz ( where Nazis burnt the books), tour of every hall in the Koncerthaus (if the sign was in english, who would think the tour would be in german only). Lunch of muligatawny chicken soup at Green Rabbit organic soup and salad cashless restaurant.
      Audio guide of history of german parliament in the German Dom.
      Then the Berlin Wall Museum at Check Point Charlie.
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    • Dag 2

      Kastanienallee, Mitte

      15 augustus 2016, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      *TESSA* We staved off jet lag by wandering around our hotel and stumbled on a Church set on Berlin's highest natural hill. The hill is barely a hill at all! We rested, listening to organ practice, and continued to stroll until we were compelled to join happy hour. Stocked up on Ritter Sport and other snacks and now counting the minutes until I can go to bed xxMeer informatie

    • Dag 6


      18 juli 2022, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Copying my oats (not porridge, disgusting word)

    • Dag 4

      Day 4 Berlin

      15 mei 2019, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Still waking early so 6:30 breakfast in the hotel again. It was the first day of the 3 day museum pass so went over to the Gemeralderie past Potsdammer Platz. Renaissance and middle ages - Lucas Cranach ( esp Fountain of Youth), Durer, Perugino, Lippi, Caneletto etc all the usual suspects. Special exhibition of Bellini and Mantegna comparing their paintings of similar subjects, both from Padua. Then Decorative Arts Museum with dresses from late 1800s. Left cold by the Sony Centre - was largest construction site in Europe in 1990s and Berlin Mall was standard. So had very tasty bratwurst for lunch from stand on corner Wilhelmstrasse/Zimmerstrasse.
      Spy museum in the afternoon was entertaining and informative.
      Chardonnay in Bar Eleven, then home dinner of proscuitto, sauerkraut, kartofflen and tomatoes.
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    • Dag 2

      Osmans töchter

      19 maart 2022, Duitsland ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      E per finire la giornata in bellezza andiamo a cena in un ristorante turco, a detta di Marco la nostra guida uno dei migliori del genere. È un locale molto particolare, spartano e affollato ed abbiamo mangiato proprio bene.
      Oggi abbiamo fatto più di 22.000 passi e quasi 15 km a piedi....... In effetti siamo un po' stanchine e ci sdraiamo molto volentieri..........
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Prenzlauer Berg, Prenzlauer Berg Bezirk, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, פרנצלאואר ברג, プレンツラウアー・ベルク, Пренцлауэр-Берг, Пренцлауер-Берґ, 普伦茨劳贝格

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