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    • Day 23

      Cruising in Hamburg ⛴️

      August 9, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      No not like that, get your mind out of the gutter, I’m on a boat. The only way to get skip the line tickets to the Miniature Wunderland was to buy a combo ticket with a pre entry cruise. My cruise was for 8:30pm with it advertised as “we have ordered lots of boats, just turn up and go at your time. No waiting.” Alas the tide was high and only a few boats fit under the smaller bridges to get to the dock.

      The crowd now waiting was sorted (in German) between those who can walk 10mins to get to the bigger boat at a different dock and those that can’t. English speakers were classified as those who couldn’t walk. “It’s easier” they say.

      We head onto the boat, similar to the canal boats in Amsterdam. I grab a seat inside by the window then immediately feel the rock and remember getting sea sick on one of these in Amsterdam so move to the small outside section. I grab a centre seat at the back, basically sitting on the engine which makes the seat nice and warm.

      We head out along the old canal area and out into the harbour. I’m not much of a boat lover but with the sun already set the sky is a beautiful colour and the lights on the buildings along the shore is pretty. All the commentary is in German but I understand what to look at (or at least the direction) when the rest of the boat suddenly turn and look to each side. We pass one boat called ‘VB Perfect’ which makes me think of the beer which is anything but perfect.

      Soon we’re in the port of Hamburg getting really close to some massive container ships. I know plane spotters and train spotters, but what’s a ship spotter called? Turns out there are a lot of them on this cruise as heaps of people were snapping photos like crazy of the big ship. Before I realised I was in with them taking heaps of pictures… why? I don’t really care for container ships.

      We went through a lock (not sure of the purpose given the other side was connected to the same bit of water we were just in and then looped around through some dry docks to where we started. By this time it was dark and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg was the star of the show getting lots of pics from everyone.

      Even though I generally don’t like a boat cruise, this was pretty alright. Bonus I didn’t throw up or get overly nauseous! Next stop, Wunderland!
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    • Day 4

      Mit Schiff auf der Elbe nach Cuxhaven

      August 11, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Bei Hamburg Landungsbrücken stiegen wir in die Fähre und fuhren 2 ½ Stunden nach Cuxhaven. 14 km ist die Elbe an ihrer Mündung breit und da begegnen uns schon so richtige Ozeanriesen - Fracht - und Containerschiffe, die in die ganze Welt fahren.
      Cuxhaven ist jetzt nicht Venedig, das Gehwagerlaufkommen ist hier schon ein großes. Noch bevor wir unser Quartier bezogen hatten, ging’s an den Stand und der ist doch beeindruckend. Wenn auch nicht zum Baden, da geht man fast einen Kilometer bei Ebbe bis zum Wasser. Dort kann man aber auch nicht baden weil Schifffahrtsrinne!
      Aber zum Entdecken gibt’s - Muscheln Seewürmer Krabben usw., spannend für jung und alt. Geschwommen wurde dann doch noch im Meerwasser-Freibad.
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    • Day 16

      Finish in Hamburg - Germany

      March 10, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After 16 days and around 7500km, the rally has come to an end. We finished around 15h30 today in Hamburg. What a wonderful experience it was. Along the way we made some new rally friends, and had lots of fun with all of them. Thanks everyone and we will meet again!Read more

    • Day 16

      Finish Line überquert

      July 7, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Juhui, wir haben es geschafft!
      7‘500 km, 9 Länder in 16 Tagen.

      Das ist unser letzter Footprint zum Baltic Sea Circle 2024. Danke euch allen für eure Unterstützung und Kommentare.

      Special greetings to our followers in Wales:
      We got it! 💪
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    • Day 2

      Schweden, Tag minus 2

      August 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      bei schönem Regenwetter und vielen stockenden Strecken auf der A7 kamen wir gut auf unserem Standardplatz, südlich des Alten Elbtunnels an. Nach einem Bummel durch die Speicherstadt gönnten wir uns beim "Luigi's" eine seeehr leckere Pizza und eine Flasche Wein. Der gratis - Grappa rundete den gemütlichen Abend ab und wir verkrochen uns müde in unsere Decken im WoMo.Read more

    • Day 2

      Hamburg Fishmarket

      October 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Left the hotel at 7:30 am to visit the famous Fishmarket in St. Pauli. A not ending number of sales stands offering all kinds of foods, clothes and handcrafts. Legendary are the barkers (Marktschreier) who fill up bags with fruits, vegetables or sweets for a low price: for 15 € we got 2 kg of apples, 2 kg oranges, 2kg bananas, 1 kg red grapes, two pineapples, five avocados, a coconut, and a mango!!!Read more

    • Day 1–2

      1mo giorno verso Amburgo

      February 23, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Prima tappa 1034 km fatti
      Dopo un primo intoppo nel tunnel del Gottardo, risolto grazie al centro di soccorso di Airolo con un pronto intervento e alla professionalità del Gotthardgarage M. Calcagni, il nostro mezzo ha viaggiato senza problemi.Read more

    • Day 6

      Date Night in Hamburg 💜

      July 25, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Frisch gwoschn und fesch zaumgricht sama heit Obnd numoi noch Hamburg ind Stodt gfoan. 🏙

      Auf da Reeperbahn woama a weng Bummeln, vorbei am Hooters, wo da Phips unbedingt wos trinken woit 😂 warum nur? 😀 Gibt duat sehr nette Kellnerinnen 😅

      Um hoiba 8i hauma daun an Tisch reserviert ghobt im Caribbean Restaurant Roatan. 🌴🌸🌼 Ned nur de Deko duat, sondan a es Essen woa a Wahnsinn.. 🤤 riiiichtig legga!

      Danoch hauma a Punk Bar 🎵 gsuacht und san fündig woan. Im GUN CLUB hauma uns recht nett mitn Barmann u de Gäste unterhoidn und en Christian, an woschechtn Hamburger 🍔, kennaglernt. Der hod uns ned nur a boa Insidertipps gem, sondern hod uns daun a nu de Bar KOMET zagt. "Das mach ich nur, weil ihr zwei so goldig seit!", hod a gmant. 🤭

      In an Irish Pub hauma bei Livemusik nu an Absacker trunga und san min Taxi 🚕wieda zruck zum Campingplotz gfoan.
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    • Day 16

      Ende 😀

      March 5, 2023 in Germany

      Es war uns ein Vergnügen. Eine tolle Erfahrung und eine gute Zeit 🤩🤩🤩

      Vielen Dank den Veranstaltern und vor allem

      Vielen Dank an die Teams...

      Der größte Dank gilt #106 Wintersport. Heiner und Fred. Es war phantastisch 🤩😍🤩Read more

    • Day 47

      Home again!

      August 6, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 17 °C

      And the journey is over! I am back home and it was pretty easy getting here. I got up and had some breakfast on the boat, packed up the last of my things in my backpack, waited until my disembarkment time and headed off the boat. They had given me a paper that said I had to make sure to check in with the customs officers since I don't have an EU passport and get my passport stamped or there could be issues at the airport when I leave Germany! When I got down there there was barely a line so I handed my passport over and the lady barely looked at it. She kind of did that quick flip through the pages thing and then handed it back to me and said have a good day. No stamp, not sure why they even had that check to be honest, maybe it was because of my permanent residency? It worked out so no issues.

      Then it was off to the bus to take me to the train station. I had paid for it via the boat people and it was so easy! I went and got on, they loaded my luggage and we were off! It was annoying trying to get my 2 giant heavy suitcases to the correct platform, but I had plenty of time. My train was 20 min late leaving Hamburg and then we arrived 40 min late in Berlin, but it was so quick and painless it was great. I did try and read on the train, but that was a no go and I pretty much instantly started to get sick. Oh well.

      Then I decided to get a taxi home from the train station (I was going to take another train up to a closer to home train station that has parking since the main station for some reason doesn't have an area to pick up/drop off except for taxis, but the next train wasn't leaving for 20 min and I could be home by then!).

      It was so nice seeing Raymond again!! He was like I don't have to do much at work today so we can do whatever you want! So I unpacked my things, then we went to the park and hung out and read some (he had kept sending me photos of him reading in the park while I was gone and I was like how come we never do that??? Or really he never reads except on vacation! Why does he read when I am not there?? He said he needs more book recs so I gave him a few :) We went out to dinner since I didn't want to go shopping and get stuff and we went to go to this vegan restaurant that is right around the corner basically, but it wasn't the vegan restaurant anymore. It was a new restaurant but had basically the same vegan menu, but also meat stuff, so we decided to try it out. It was pretty good, maybe better than the other versions of the things we normally got! I was sad at first, but I think this is a better restaurant so yey for having some good food nearby!

      So that is it for this adventure! I loved the boat ride and will definitely book looking to do that again when I go visit PA. So much easier and less stressful than flying even if it take a lot longer. Plus I get to be on the water for so long! I love that. It was also super nice getting to see my mom again and visit her for such a long time. I still am like how did we ever fit everything into a 2 week visit? It was such a nice time!! Though I am happy to be with Raymond again and start planning the next adventure! 4 weeks till Norway! Until then :)
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