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  • День 260


    19 декабря 2017 г., Германия ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Met in foyer.

    Will had Currywurst for breakfast and I had donuts hahah
    God I love donuts.

    We saw the big cathedral which was nice. We went inside too. Lots of columns and beautiful stain glass.
    It's another old gothic style. I've seen heaps but I still dont understand how they build them.

    Will got a coffee cause he was a grumpy Gus and then we went to the cologne house - where cologne was invented. They still sell the original scent.
    I actually really enjoyed it because when we walked in a shop worker told us all about the history without actually trying to sell us anything.
    Some really cool people have bought it such as Napoleon, Princess Diana, Oscar Wilde, Bill Clinton etc.
    Apparently it was some dude from Italy who wanted a citrus smell that reminded him of home.
    Will didn't like it too much because it wasn't artificial enough for his liking lol.

    We gave away so much money today. The homeless are killing me. They look so depressed and rightfully so.
    One man looked so down - I gave him a euro and said merry Christmas and he was so damn excited I still want to cry about it.
    He had this little pathetic Santa doll set up too.
    Bless him, lord.

    As we were walking a man fell down the stairs at an entrance to a train station.
    I didn't see him fall but I saw his feet go up as he went down backwards. He could easily have died. I was expecting to see his unconscious form at the bottom. It was really scary. everyone rushed over but by some miracle he was still conscious. I'm pretty sure the shop keeper was calling an ambulance as we left.
    Seriously though, he should have died.

    We went to see town hall but there was a wedding on. The outside was still nice.

    We walked through some Christmas markets. They aren't as magical during the day.

    Cologne reminds me a little of Amsterdam. It's just long strips of shops. It's less touristy than Amsterdam but still a shopping district.

    We finally bought another charge point - I left the last one in Turkey - because it's difficult being in different rooms.

    We went home and did a load of laundry. It took 2 hours . we just hung out in the laundry room lol.

    We asked reception which Christmas markets to go to - but first - dinner 🤗
    I bloody love Hard Rock Cafe lol.
    New birthday resturant choice for sure.

    Went to 2 Christmas markets. It was the busiest we went to. We can see how if a truck when through the crowd people wouldn't be able to move out of the way. It was so hard to move.
    One had a massive Christmas tree with lights spilling off it.
    I don't know what ice game they are playing but it's like lawn bowls I think and we have seen a few people play it in places. This market had several lanes for people to Play in.

    We then went to Colognes version of love lock bridge.
    Easy 100,000+ lock are attached to this bridge.
    If it weren't so expensive to replace I would have attached mine too haha
    I don't know why I enjoyed it so much but I really did.

    The cathedral looked really spooky tonight because it was so misty.

    Big mumma gave me another show today except this was so much worse.
    I walked into the room and then into the shower and BAM there she was with a leg up on a stool (legs In the presentation position) , giving herself a scrub down.


    Shut the damn door woman!

    In the picture of the bridge you can see all the locks run along the bottom. So many!
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