
december 2016
En 14-dags äventyr från Holly Läs mer
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  • Dag 1

    Why does it always rain on me?!

    17 december 2016, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C


    Indonesia - Labuan Bajo

    We're in Bajo. Think white beaches, jungle, boats and fish. Beautiful sunshine 28 degrees. It's all of those things.... Except... Nobler forgot to check when monsoon season is, and guess what.... It's now!!!


    Wake up to a massive downpour on our tin shack.

    The tin shack has 3 elevations basically open to the elements... So we have loads of bugs including a giant hornet!! Ahh!!

    I'm writing this at 1000hrs why? Because Jose noblanos is sick again. We reckon off the planes sardine curry... Perhaps not the greatest choice in hindsight. Every (currently) 8-20mins he's off to the WC. As soon as he can go half an hour though we're off exploring.... He's just gone again but has to take the tennis racket bug electrocution device with him (supplied with the shack obviously) as the massive hornet has taken up residency in the bathroom... Of course he has!!!

    He has also defined 'I don't feel great so I am sick' I was like, so every time I bleed I'm sick? He's like 'no, that's self inflicted!' Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!

    Went for a bit of a mooch but after 200 yards Noblet had to run back to the room whilst having stones thrown at him by some begging child because he wouldn't give him money. He turned to give chase but decided to sort his aim out before he redecorated our hotel.

    The boats here are very skinny things which used to be made from a single tree trunk, they're now made from
    Fibreglass but they are all made on the island as there is an insane kayak import tax. They have a float on one side and a small outboard motor. They can fit 1/2 fishermen in.

    Decided against going too far aling the coast as it was all rocks and
    The tide was coming in so followed Noblet home.

    Had some beers while he bled and sorted out a trip to the volcanoes on the other side of the island.

    Had a lonely fish and chips with banana coladas for tea (while the cat's away!!!...)
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  • Dag 2

    Stand up for your right!

    18 december 2016, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C


    Labuan Bajo - Indonesia

    We're both temporarily able to hold our bowels!!!

    So we're off for a walk to find a beach. Check the tides just about low, so we go for it!

    Scrambling around a couple of rocks be predominantly skipping from Rock to rock with the odd bit of sand.

    Work our way out for an hour or so. We have selfies with children one girl was literally hysterical she was that excited! To be fair she basically had a picture of Cheryl Cole and Chewbacca!

    In some areas we paddled through the sea and watched fish swim through our legs.... But then I got attacked by some Tiny things chomping at the feet so high tailed it to regain composure. There was shed loads of round orange coral, crabs and loads of mad shells (each Brett would collect and take home!!)

    The humidity is insane though.... It's 98% really didn't get how it wasn't raining. At least it was cloudy though! Sweating absolute buckets!

    The water in some areas of the bay was as hot as bath water it was crazy. Sand white, the only downside was the litter which came in with the sea.... Apparently this island hasn't got its waste management sorted yet.

    Noblet has a bad turn and we're half way through our water so we turn back.

    We forgot to anticipate the tide coming in though (still 5 hours till high tide but enough to cut off our route). So we had to scramble a lot, full on climbing and also wading through the sea. Pretty dangerous in havianas. Noblet ends up bleeding from three different limbs I managed to get
    Away with just a few stubbed toes. Got back alive so we were winning.... Straight off to the pub for water!

    Only then do we realise we have been seriously seriously sun burnt!! It's painful! We didn't even notice with the sea breeze and clouds and endless perspiring must have washed off our lotion!

    To feel better we both eat a lot of pizza, whilst talking to a lad from Chorley and a bird from aus, who've both moved out to Vietnam teaching English.

    Time to get serious! We've hydrated now right! So off to the paradise bar to get some golden nectar!! It's a bar run by Rastas! One guy has his dreads down to his ankles and that's with it in a ponytail wrapped round a few times. One of them is a city fan FFs.

    We sit chill and wait for the sunset (we don't see it as it's behind storm clouds obvs) and listen to a young rasta murder Bob Marley. It was truly awful. After an hour of war torture the proper lads come on and sort the shit out giving us some nice vibes. Massive healthy looking dog gets our attention and half of the chicken nuggets (the only good they serve here is chicken nuggets OBVS 😂😂😂)

    Then Noblet tells me a fact about Baileys uncle.... Something to do with a song.... Can't remember, must ask! He's surprised I don't know! Damn! Come on brain! >post diary note BAILEYS UNCLE SANG BAD BOYS BEST THING OMG YES<

    We drink ourselves out of money so Noblet dutifully goes back to the 'hotel' to get some more cash! Please can we stay out I slurred.... That's as much as I remember!!!

    Apparently I also tried to get a Belgian girl to come back with us so she wouldn't get murdered and then proceeded to play my iPhone full blast for half an hour in our tiny intimate hotel.... Whupps!!

    Noblet tells me this whilst rolling his eyes excessively

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  • Dag 3

    Ende of the world!

    19 december 2016, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C


    Labaun Bajo - Flores - Indonesia

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas?

    All restaurants and shops have got Christmas decs and music going on which is weird when you're sweating buckets with the tiniest bit of movement.

    Woke early (4am) to watch the sports personality award come in and was gutted to hear muzza won it again. Hockey girls won nothing.

    Saw I was loosing the weekend warrior step count competition and thought, I'll go for a run to catch up.

    Holy crap. I went for 1.6k. I have never sweated that much in my life.... It's 5am how is the humidity this high it's insane!!?

    The full port is alive and kicking at 5am aswell. It's daylight, children showering with buckets, chickens on full cock alert, getting hello'd from every which way. Still nice going along the sea front!

    2000 steps only and totally failed at weekend warrior. To boot heavily sun burnt and covered in midgie bites AND severely hung over after last nights rasta bar escapades!

    Got back, and we are both on full rear alert again having gone through 5 full toilet rolls in two days. I have no idea what is making us go.... Reckon it might be the bottled water which is bottled on the Island.

    Go get the laundry done £1 per kg, and grab some lunch before we fly to Ende. It was terrible! Deep fried portion of chicken although I don't know which portion, firey hot sauce... I got cocky thinking it was tomato salsa had a gob full and nearly cried.

    Noblet tactically brought us to a restaurant with slow service so he could get out of walking to the airport.... In revenge, I got us 2 motorbikes to get us there (saved us £2 in the process).

    He had a 15kg rucksack of aswell... His terrified face was a picture and worth sacrificing some steps for!! The driver gave him a pink helmet and proceeded on the slowest motorbike journey ever .... Engine nearly died dragging his arse up the hills!!!! We drive past him and he is hanging on for dear life... Best £2 saving ever.

    He was like 'consider revenge had' haha

    We get to the worlds smallest airport Komodo, to find our flight to Ende has been delayed by 40 mins (its a 40 minute flight so not sure how this has been achieved!!)

    All construction details analysed. Continue with the same theory that no one in Asia can finish buildings, we've still not seen one its ridic!

    We're on Tsumami watch following an earthquake (our second at 5.2) there are warnings on all the TVs in the airport!i

    After a long delay we get on the prop plane which has 40 seats on it. Yet again we've managed to secure the seats at the front which come with additional leg room, thank god, Poor Noblet is hunched up otherwise! Think they give us these because they trust white people to follow the instruction card in case of emergency which sees us removing doors and getting everyone out lol.

    We land, in a storm, and it's a very bad landing where everyone on the plane shits themselves. We're in the midst of a monsoon. It's an insane downpour and the airfield is flooded under at least an inch of water. We're given umbrellas as we get off the plane and get to shelter as soon as possible, drenched, even with the protection of the baby umb. The lads working on the airfield are doing their signalling under an umbrella and a couple sack of duties and take refuge under the fuselage 😂

    Manage to share a minibus with a couple which halves the price winner, not one word of English between them but we offer them snacks and vice versa as seems the custom in Asia. They're friendly but there's a kid in the car and everyone's smoking, windows are open but the smokes just blown into the car.... Feels wrong but only the same as what everyone did 10 years ago. Understandable.... What we can't get our heads round is that we are driving through pristine rainforest and he finishes his 1.5L coke and lobs it out of the window.... Want to cry.... Then finishes his snacks, cardboard, plastic, polythene bag, cigaret plastic... Each done separately and with each drop it was like a massive I want to smash you in the face, but at the same time it's your culture observe only holly OMFG so annoying!!

    Looking at the villages as we drive through predominantly tin huts, some bamboo. Everyone is well fed, no one looks like they're starving unlike India. There's also more cats than dogs for the first time and there's not that many cats! All animals look well fed.

    We're making good time despite picking up a 50kg sack of rice, some lettuces and a few other bits and bobs on the way for our fellow travellers.... Driver was totes ok with it.

    Hotel, noodles & bed!

    In the morning 3.30am we're going to see mount Kelimutu!!

    Donkey Noblet for thinking the drivers aid he wanted money when he was saying we're nearly at moni!
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  • Dag 4

    Mount Kelihutu?

    20 december 2016, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C


    We're in a large village called Moni.

    Up all night as it's one of the locals birthday so they're up till 4 drinking next to our shack and singing with guitar!! Like whaling cats on acid.... I swear it was the same song on repeat.... Of course Noblet snores through.... Anyway we're up at 3.30am anyway to leave for mount Kelimutu which is a dormant volcano which last erupted in 1968.

    We walk up around 2k from the gate having paid white mans fees. We get to the top, Noblet did well as it was a proper ridge on the way up.

    When we get up there it is truly magical.

    3 lakes. 3 different colours! One is a milky blue turquoise, one is bright turquoise and the other is dark green! They all look like paint they are that deep a colour.

    We watch the sunrise and the full light allows us to see how wonderful these things are. The photos don't do the view and contrast justice! Clouds are sweeping below us we're at 1639m.

    The Indonesians believe that when you die your soul goes to these lakes, and which lake depends on judgement. There is a youth lake, old lake and a villans' lake. They have a pilgrimage here every year where thousands walk up to the top of the volcano and offer food to the gods to say thanks for the previous year, and can you sort us out for this year coming! The wake is never on the same day as apparently it's a mammoth task getting all of the different tribes to agree on when to carry out this holy pilgrimage.

    The scientific reason for the colour differentiation is because of the oxygen and primarily sulphur composure (other stuff as well). On the way up and down the sulphur really gets on your chest and Noblet's asthma almost flares up.... Although that could've been the sight of the sudden shear cliff face either side of us!

    The lakes change colour regularly even from month to month they can go from blue to red to green.

    People watching here is interesting but Noblet got too much info when a newly formed travelling couple were talking about going back to their room and what they would do to each other .... Tmi lol.

    Unfortunately for Noblet going back to our room couldn't be further from our minds as we had a 14km walk back down to Moni to complete. He is not pleased.

    Some dick (me) forgot the sunscreen so in order to prevent sun I went all Arab camel jockey with my scarf and Noblet used a large leaf to shade his head.... He says this is in my top 4 worst ideas but can't name any other bad ideas so reckon he's being dramatic (or severely dehydrated).

    We spend around 3.5 hours coming back down and see a great waterfall which the locals use to bathe in, it's lovely, however to get across it we have to cross bamboo bridges with no handrails. Again he's not happy but gets on with it!!! The bamboo is very old and very flexible, easy does it. Then across another water way on a half log.

    We come out into the town of Moni having completed the walk 30mins quicker than we should have!! Ha!!

    So we get to our hotel for the famous garlic sandwich.... But to our dismay the restaurant was shut.... By shut, the man was asleep on a coconut mat behind the counter and snored through my polite 'oh helllloohhh' three times.... Not poking this massive Indonesian bear!

    Had breakfast instead at the hotel which was amazing it was a really thick buttery pancake with bananas sliced sideways! Awesome!! Noblet also said it's the best cooked fruit he's ever had (sorry Freda).... Progress is being made.

    Taxi back with the hotel owner which is a 2 hr drive back through the rain Forrest where there are regular land slides due to the angle of the batter they have carved to build a new road!

    Get to the airport 2 hours before takeoff, it's shut.... ?!?! There is a chain and padlock on the door and it's shut?!? Wtf who shuts an airport. Mooch for some food in the mean time (sneaky steps with food at the end mwahahaha) go into a cafe. Woman gets two plates out. We pick something that we've figured out means noodles.... She says no food. She got plates out, but served no food! Bah.

    White baby outside the airport where a queue forms... Indonesian men are loving the baby.... Openly buzzing off the baby more than the women! Funny. They're taking photos of it and everything, imagine in the UK that would be weird1 but defo totally ok here. I really like the Indonesians a lot and trust them more than the Indians. They're more cards on the table, they say hello because that's what they do not because that's the opener into getting you into their shop or taxi. They tell you a price and that's the price.... Not figured out a way to haggle with these lot yet, non of the normal tactics are working, may have to google.

    Man: Noblet makes it up the mountain.

    Donkey: holly forgetting sunscreen.
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  • Dag 14

    The big ship sails on the ally ally oh!

    30 december 2016, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C


    Bali to Ko Phanghan (Thailand)

    We leave sunny Bali and our amazing bargain of a hotel and get to the airport. This is our last flight for a while having done around 12/13 in the last 6 weeks! I have some great photos of column encasements and all of the terrible detailing (and some nice ones) of so many airports. Bali although small is one of the best finished.... Although a brothel in downtown Bali is finished better than manchester airport so I can't really talk.

    We are both feeling good for a change brilliant!!!!

    Get to Phuket and then it's a 7 hour transfer across to the port at Suratani.

    We decide to get a night boat so we don't have to get a room anywhere.

    It leaves at 11pm so us and our newly found Egyptian, Indian and Italian friends head to a 7/11 and start to get on it while we wait for a few hours!!

    Once aboard the boat we each have a mattress 1" thick and they are all lined up bang tight to each other.

    We crack open more beers and end up being that end of the boat that everyone hates!

    We add to our possey four Mexicans, two yanks, one additional Indian and a Ukrainian. To play with us we made a rule that you had to sing a song which represented your country.... We lead with Jerusalem followed by im a pink toothbrush.

    The Mexicans then went, with a song which we knew at the time but can't quite remember...

    Gino, guacamole, salsa, tortilla TORRO! Which translated to we shag your mothers every which way.... We just can't remember the words only the tune and the last word you'll have to trust us.

    The Indians were God awful and killed it but thankfully Ukraine had had practice from Eurovision so we were back on track.

    The best part of the night by far was showing the Mexicans noblets tattoo we had arriba aye aye aye and finger pistols YES YES YES MINI!

    Heads went down at around 0230 from what I remember.... What a great night!
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