Hong Kong
Tai Pau Mai

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    • Day 18

      Hongkong's Calling

      August 16, 2019 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Unser heutige startete früh. Da unser Flieger bereits um 6 Uhr startete, war unsere Nacht leider schon um 3 Uhr zu Ende. Vorteil dieser Strapazen war jedoch, dass wir einen kompletten Tag in Hongkong hatten. Diesen nutzten wir auch sogleich, denn wir hatten ein straffes Programm vor uns.
      Nachdem wir unser Gepäck am Flughafen verstaut hatten, ging es mit der „Ngong Ping 360“ Seilbahn quer über Lantau Island bis zu dem kleinen Örtchen nach dem die Bahn benannt wurde. Hier erwartete uns der Big Buddha, eine 34 m hohe Buddha-Statue, sowie das dazugehörige Po-Lin Kloster. Mit Weisheit bepackt ging es, nachdem wir den „Path of Wisdom“ bestritten hatten, wieder an den Flughafen und von dort aus in die Stadt. Nachdem wir endlich unsere Unterkunft gefunden hatten, die sich im 6. Stock über einem Einkaufszentrum befand, ging es in Kowloon mit dem Sightseeing weiter. Nach einem Besuch auf dem Ladies-Market, auf dem allerlei Ramsch angeboten wurde und Sebastian seine Verhandlungskünste unter Beweis stellte, ging es über einen kleinen Abstecher im Kowloon Park an den Victoria Harbour, von welchem aus man die bekannte Skyline bewundern kann. Hier befindet sich auch die Avenue of Stars, ein Abklatsch von Hollywood mit Schauspielern die wirklich keiner kennt. Unser nächster Stopp lag im Norden von Hongkong, der „Nan Liang Garden“. Hatten wir erst noch überlegt, ob wir so eine weite Fahrt auf uns nehmen sollten, bereuten wir unsre Entscheidung keinesfalls. Dieser chinesisch angelegte Garten war der schönste, den wir die vergangenen 2,5 Wochen gesehen hatten.
      Am Abend zog es uns nochmal an den Victoria Harbour, wo wir die atemberaubende Skyline bei Nacht bewunderten, welche durch die „Symphony of Lights“, einer Lichtershow, noch getoppt wurde.
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    • Day 8

      Out at night!

      August 15, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Finally we got to go on the night bus tour of Hong Kong! We we're at the front of a double decker bus, up the top. There was a lot of traffic of course. We saw the island and mainland, markets, lights and LOTS of people.Read more

    • Day 8

      Clear skies in Hong Kong

      August 15, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Our last full day in Hong Kong was relaxed. And typhoon free! Thankfully nothing got cancelled or closed due to the weather and we didn't get rained on or blown away. We will be able to fly out without problems tomorrow.

      We had 2 swims! Lunch was interesting, at a fun food court nearby. It was one of the busiest streets we've seen in Hong Kong, which is saying something! The food outlets had plastic examples of their dishes. We didn't eat the chicken feet!

      On the way back to the hotel we explored Kowloon Park. So nice to have some green in the city, and flamingoes!
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    • Day 10

      Drying out and haggling.

      November 13, 2017 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      So drying out and getting changed seemed to drop us in another time zone... We were aiming to get back out by 4pm and go to Wong Tai Sin Temple (one of my favourites... Full of fortune tellers, people praying, lighting incense and paper objects being ritually burnt. However despite a relatively short MTR ride we did not get there till after it had closed. Pah!
      We decided to head for the Temple Street night market for a bit of tat shopping. But by the time we got there things were frazzling and we needed a restorative starbucks again.
      Fortified we set off again and launched into the melee. Dad wanted another T-shirt and I wanted some bits and pieces. The place was full of Australians who didn't seem to be haggling and I got the impression that the stall holders missed the wrangling.. I was complemented on my haggling skills at a couple of stalls. Lots of hand-shaking and congratulations to Dad on having a good haggling woman with him! Best bargain was a new case... Lily was lovely but she insisted on dragging my bag for me... Sadly the wrong way... And two trips like that and the nylon was starting to hole... So for £20 I got a rather excellent hard-shell case in lime green... No problem spotting that on the luggage return belt.
      We had dinner at the Spicy Crab stall on the edge of the market. Food was good although they seemed to be increasing their income by subtly increasing the bill and then having a failure to understand the tourists. We didn't care, what we had was good and it was a great people watching spot. A very pernickety group arrived on the table next door and didn't stop whining... We need an extra stool (they could have grabbed one themselves, we need the table wiping again... Then when it was wiped they wiped it again with their own stash of tissues...... If you're going to eat at a street food type place you just have to be relaxed about it all... They were the sort of people who give tourists a bad name. We left them whingeing and headed back to the hotel via the 7-11 where we got a beer each, with the intention of taking in the harbour view with a beer once we had sorted the packing.

      Can't add photos from the big camera... Will follow when home...
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    • Day 2

      Hong Kong at last!!

      August 9, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      It's hot here! Some proper summer. Ruby nearly fell asleep in the car from the airport. Hong Kong is so different to Melbourne. Our hotel room is on the 10th floor which feels high for us, but lots of buildings are much bigger. And there are so many people everywhere! Mum and Dad got bothered a lot by people wanting to sell clothes and watches on the street, Sam and Ruby didn't like how that felt. But Hong Kong is supposed to be very safe so we are so happy to be here.

      We found a shop with big jars of strange ingredients for Chinese medicine, and explored some busy streets. Then it was sooooo good to jump in the pool. A big sleep is what we need tonight. What will we do tomorrow?
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    • Day 4

      Nachts in Hong Kong II

      February 5, 2017 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Helloo! Hong Kong Island ist viel schöner und beeindruckender als das gegenüberliegende Viertel Kowloon 🌃. Das Lichtermeer und die nächtliche Fährenfahrt, mega! Morgen verlassen wir jedoch China (20 Grad) und freuen uns wie Wahnsinnige auf Manila, Palawan und Cebu (30 Grad) 😍. Pool und Meer, wir sind bereit. Viele Grüße und ein paar Sonnenstrahlen, CRead more

    • Day 6

      A few more pictures from today.

      August 13, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Here are some extra pictures of animals and other interesting things we couldn't fit in but wanted to share. On the way back from the Ocean Park we saw an interesting cemetery with upright graves .

      Tonight we went swimming after dinner, gee it was good after a big hot day!
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    • Day 4

      Getting home without getting lost!

      August 11, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      The ferry home was was easy and we made our way in the rain. It was soooo busy on the streets. People walk with their umbrellas up even when it's not actually raining. We had to dodge them. We saw some interesting things! And Sam kept count of the annoying salesmen bugging us, today it was 10.

      Dinner was at a fancy Chinese restaurant underground, we tried new things but liked the delicious fried rice the best.
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    • Day 3

      How hard is it to get home??

      August 10, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Our journey "home" to the hotel started really well.

      The cable car from the top of the mountain was awesome! The plants were so lush and it didn't matter that it rained, we were in the clouds! We saw a bridge that is being constructed between Hong Kong and China. Pretty long! It was cool to catch the train back, so we could count many modes of transportation for the day.

      Then... It got tough. We got off the train and we were stuck inside a huge shopping and hotel place where the maps wouldn't show an exit. Maybe they wanted people to just keep shopping. Even when we found a door to the outside we couldn't walk on the roads. It was weird! And pouring with rain. We tried lots of ways out and Mum and Dad asked for help a lot, finally we found a way to get a taxi. It was great to get back to our hotel, we didn't mind that we were so wet! Mum went exploring and brought back food from the Hong Kong back streets. Lots of neon lights!
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    • Day 3

      Two ferry rides and a surprise at lunch

      August 10, 2018 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We slept in today and woke ready for adventure. What a mixed day we've had, it will take more than one post to share with you! We caught a ferry from our hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui to Hong Kong Central, then another one to Lantau island. A long bus ride up the lush Green hills took us to a town called Ngong Ping where we looked at tourist shops and had lunch.

      The big SURPRISE was that Sam and Ruby could both use chopsticks really well! Better than Mum and Dad!

      Next ... off to the big Buddha.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tai Pau Mai, 大包米

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