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    • Tag 15

      Bharatpur to Jaipur

      6. März 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Easy 3½ hour drive to Jaipur today. Jaipur is known as ‘The Pink City’ for the colour of the buildings. It is the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, and has an estimated population of 5½ million. We enjoy the drive through the encircling hills and the outskirts, and arrive at our Hotel, the Jai Mahal Palace […], in good time for lunch. Surprise! As we alight there is Tony’s sister Charmian with partner Raf. She has brought some (previously-requested) tonic water. We make plans to catch up firstly for an early morning walk the next day.
      After lunch and settling in we meet our guide Pikan. He took us into the Pink City (old central part of Jaipur).
      First we visit the 18th century observatory, Jantar Mantar. All the instruments are large stone structures, which actually work, some by day and some by night.
      Then we were again blown away by the sheer noisy bustle of the place, as we walked through the markets. Unfortunately tomorrow (7th) is Holi day in Jaipur (next day 8th in the rest of the country, and in our itinerary). Many (over half) of the spice sellers have closed early. We had been given 200 rupees each to buy the best quality and quantity we could for the spice challenge, to be judged at dinner that evening. We managed to buy a good range in small quantities to make a curry. It is incredible to see the amount of spices one can get for 200 rupees. The main problem was getting the quantities small enough for our purposes. The vendors wanted to sell it by the kilo. Ursula borrows sambar bowls and a plate from the kitchen for her presentation. A little birdy suggested presentation was also important. It was a lot of fun and we found some spices we have never heard of.
      In the early evening Manoj took us (in our bus) to a very local neighbourhood fire. There have been piles of wood and cow dung appearing in the streets everywhere. This one was in the middle of the road at an intersection. Lots of people chanting and dancing.
      The spice challenge judging at dinner was close, with Ursula and Rosemary tying for first place. Dinner was a silver thali – delicious.

    • Tag 16


      7. März 2023 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Charmian and Raf collected Tony at 6.45am for a morning walk in Central Park. Dropped him back for the wonderful hotel breakfast. Later they took us for a drive through the Pink City to see the Holi celebrations, then there was morning tea at Charmian’s flat. Lovely to see where she lives. Fully furnished, sufficient but spartan décor.
      In the afternoon the group went to lunch at Samode Haveli. Lovely historic and cool courtyard setting. Marred by very expensive lime drinks.
      Then we “experience the timeless craft of carpet weaving and meet the artisans who are keeping alive the art of hand knotting.” [Thanks, itinerary] It is an exhaustive process to make these lovely carpets by hand. Several of the group bought carpets. Tony assisted John to order some tailored shirts on another floor. Pity he mucked up the arithmetic, but John did get a good deal.
      Dinner was with Charmian and Raf at our hotel. They loved the occasion, as it was a real treat for them. The buffet and especially the glittering dessert section really caught Charmian’s eye. We will catch up with them again tomorrow, as Ian and Liz have invited them to our Holi celebrations at Shahpura.

    • Tag 7

      Fruit and Spice Market

      14. April 2017 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 41 °C

      Nach dem Kaffee fahren wir zu einer Straße an der es Marktstände gibt, die Früchte und Gewürze verkaufen.

      Zwiebeln, Kartoffeln, Mangos, Melonen, alles wird​ hier verkauft. Auch ein gurkenähnliches Gewächs. Zum einen ist es faszinierend, was hier alles angeboten wird, zu sehen, wie Gewürze schüttenweise verkauft werden, zum anderen ist es aber auch bedrückend, zu sehen, dass die Menschen ihre Waren auf dem Boden unter Zelten verkaufen und dort den ganzen Tag ausharren, um ein paar Rupien zu verdienen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      BOARed of Jaipur!

      12. Dezember 2016 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C


      Jaipur to Ranthambore

      We got upgraded last night as an error on the hotel website over booked them so we were taken by a free taxi to this amazing hotel (better than the grot box we were expecting at £16)

      Super wifi, clean sheets, hand towels, hot water, air con, TV with ENGLISH films, and a buffet breakfast with omelette, pancakes, parentha, juice the works. So we had a great nights sleep.

      We had a good look round Jaipur and saw city palace, which if I'm honest is a bit underwhelming considering the other stuff we'd seen such as **** ask Noblet I've forgotten its name! It had two giant silver bowls (biggest single piece of silver in the world) taller than Noblet and wider than me!!

      Also a fancy pantsy room with gold everywhere but nothing on UK standards of fancy.

      Ran out of time to see the Amber fort which was a shame!!

      So we got a Tuk Tuk for the second time with an absolutely mental driver who was awful, they are all pretty bad anyway but this guy took the biscuit, he managed to get himself boxes in by a wagon and a central reservation.... Brilliant. However progress has been made on adjusting to this way of driving, where in Kathmandu my heart rate got up to 117 I stayed at a steady 65 so apparently the body is getting used to this craziness. The thing about the Tuk Tuks is that they turn on a sixpence, the drivers know this and use it to squirm through traffic, but every time you feel like the things going to fall over. It's basically a tall reliant robin!

      We had to go and get the train again!!

      This would be more of a challenge than last time as, although we have paid for a ticket, we have no confirmed seat.... As have 250 odd other people.

      The trains work like this

      The choo choo bit at the front

      15 sleeper carriages (holding around 110 people per carriage)

      10 3rd class AC (blankets included with AC) holding around 60 people per carriage

      5 2nd class AC (as above with feet warmers)

      2/3 1st class carriages (food etc included)

      Catering carriage (3)

      Luggage (1/2)

      So these things are MASSIVELY long. It takes around 15 mins to walk the length of one they are huge! Helpfully they label the carriages roughly on lit signage so you know where to stand so it doesn't take ages to get everyone on.... It still does by the way, they're Indians, they do everything except drive and talk at half pace.... Trains are regularly 3 hours late, some of this is because trains are scheduled to stop for two mins per station but it ends up being 5/10 whilst everyone nips off to get a newspaper full of vegetable pakoras with chillies and A child's tea set cup of chai (tea)

      Anyway, we have no seat. We think, sack it we'll go to 3rd class and upgrade (we've been told we can do this by the station master and some wobbly headed local men who are travelling in 3rd) did I mention they wobble their heads to say yes it's very confusing. Noblet has it down but I look like I'm attempting some kind of Shakira shimmy (SHAKIRA SHAKIRA!!)

      We sit in the gantry in 3rd being too British to push our way on and assume someone's seat like these lot. We patiently wait for the conductor to come down... He promptly throws us off and angrily States no upgrading no no no.... Good job he didn't fine us as it would've been an excessive £12 fine! (Or three months in prison). By the way the people who pretended properly to be 3rd and weren't got away with it.... Go hard or go home hoblets FFS #bottlejobs

      So our next issue is the trains about to leave, we are laden with luggage and we have to find a carriage.... We get on the first one we see and as we do the train starts moving, so Indiana jones (in slow mo). We're now in a carriage.... We walk through... Men shouting at us not here not here, find the first people that don't speak English and just sit next to them. When in Rome. We also hung out of the train on this journey, pretty cool .... Oh fuck lamppost !

      Drama.... Not for long as within two hours we're in Ranthambore National Park and what a difference two hours makes.

      No smog!!!! Fresh air!!! Hallelujah!!

      We get off the train and are not hounded by taxi drivers but instead children not asking for money but chocolate.... Mister mister can you give any chocolate and the. About 3 join in! We were like sorry we've not got any!!! They were like ok good night mwah mwah and blowing us kisses. This was the nicest encounter we'd had with kids so far.... Clearly he rural life is better for most as everyone here seems to be well fed, poor but not hungry as they can grow their own food.

      Smashing basic hotel with GREEN GRASS, a bathroom that has no insects residing another Brucey bonus which the team high fives about.

      No beer on the menu so head out to find some Kingfisher Ultra (labelled between 6/12%) not sure on the consistency of the blend but it's handy on the pocket.

      Id spotted a place which said BBQ on the way in so we walked the 5k or so to it not knowing what to expect.

      On the way there are wild boar running around everywhere just in the street... No pigs just boar.... And little boarlets brilliant. There's camels and tractors playing banging tunes on the way home. Bats flying around and monkeys in the trees. Also some good lucking dogs with puppies... I do love this country for its baby animals.

      We also see another example of a massive wedding, must be 2000 people there.

      We get to the restaurant.... Except it's a 36room resort opened in 1890 which our royalty stayed in apparently. It's gorgeous and a five star(8 if possible) 10 acre place with shed loads of wildlife.

      We opt for the BBQ, no one else is there... The guy has us say round a fire pit cushions ultimate comfort ensuing and then puts a documentary about tigers in the Ranthambore national park on for us on a big screen. As its playing he talks us through facts and information its like having a guide on safari!

      Meanwhile our food is being BBQ'd and were blissfully drinking our beloved beer.

      Food arrives and its spot on, best we've eaten since being here. Meat, no salad or carbs just meat. So tender so good! Can't wait to review on trip advisor and give a full 5 (not often that happens lol)

      We leave and wander back to the hotel as we're up at 5am for Safari tomorrow!!!!

      Fingers crossed for tigers!!!

      Man- hotel for the upgrade!

      Donkey- holly for being over confident whilst urinating in the eastern WC on the train and pissing on herself!

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