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    • Dag 168

      Kamasutra Temple and Chitrakoot

      15 januari 2020, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      The from westerners called Kamasutra Temples of Khajuraho are an amazing group of Hindu temples with very detailed little statues. The most famous one shows sexual intercourse in a wide range of positions.

      Later on, in the small town of Chitrakoot we did like the locals and made a pilgrimage clockwise around a holy mountain. Arriving at this place we where received like superstars. This time we not only had to take lot of photos, even a TV channel wanted a short interview with us :)
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    • Dag 20

      Khajuraho Sutra

      5 december 2019, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Arrived at Khajuraho train station at 5 am. Tom booked in at Moustache Khajuraho, a guesthouse Z had shortlisted. Tuk tuk to Moustache w Tom, Sasha and Johnny 100INR. Sasha and Johnny decide they don’t want to stay at moustache..stay in tuk tuk to go to city centre. Staff member greets us and asks M&Z “what [we] want” and disregards Tom as he knew he had a booking. Told man to tend to Tom first and we’d have a chat w him afterwards. Had to insist on this a few times. Tom checked in and M&Z negotiate room that is available for 2 nights if needed as we are thinking of staying two nights but we are still not sure. 650 INR per night. Man tells us we can take brekky at their rooftop restaurant, has tours available etc. Told him we will take a rest and might see him for tea at the restaurant later. Settle in and told each other would nap for half hour... slept in until 9am. Resto for masala tea, no brekky - didn’t feel the vibe, not really a resto, man (staff) keeps trying to sell us on tours, says seeing one of the temples is “complimentary “ as if it came with the stay at their guesthouse. Gloated to other guest (Alex from Italy) that he read that we like hiking from our gear (boots, pants and fleeces) and explained that’s why he keeps trying to sell the tiger reserve tour and hiking tour to us. Not impressed with his manner of approaching us, no genuine interaction and all about non stop selling. Finished our tea and left. Saw free temples (2), had brekky at Guru Kripa Pure Veg Restaurant - Aloo Paratha x2 & masala tea. Then headed to UNESCO World Heritage Site (Western group of temples) - birthplace of karma sutra. Beautiful, ornate, detailed, well kept and well preserved archeological site. Z hungry and belly still sensitive so had western lunch - Margherita pizza. Tried to find a travel agent to enquire about trains to Orchha and booking train tix. Only one helpful agent, the rest kept dodging giving us train ticket pricing and instead tried to push for a private taxi hire to Orchha. Walked out on these shops, unhelpful and could not get anywhere with them. Went back to guesthouse for rest, Zinia’s belly still unwell. Touts are different in this town - very deceiving, disingenuous, annoyingly persistent (don’t respect you when you say no thank you like the touts in Varanasi) and more kids begging and ones that follow you a long way. Had to tell off one child that followed us almost all the way back to our guesthouse despite saying no and ignoring him for a long time. While resting, we decided we want to move on to Orchha tmrw so will stay only 1 night. Checked trains to Orchha and availability- train available midday tmrw. M chatted w man to help book train tix, tried to say this train wasn’t available when he realised we didn’t want to stay for 2 nights. Offered a private driver at an expensive rate. He did accidentally mention a tourist quota for train tix that get released at 6pm so M will check again later. Z feeling better, time for dinner. Will speak now with staff about tourist quota for train and confirm we are staying only one night. Man was very unclear about tourist quota and tried to say there was no tourist quota. Man was trying to say we had told him we would stay 2 nights and he agreed for us to stay in our room for 1300 for 2 nights. Argued this with him and he said “okay fine, I will give you 45 mins to decide if you want to stay 1 or 2 nights”. Z says “45 mins? How about we make it easier and decide now. We are staying one night only.” Heard Tom outside the room and chatted for a while - he too has had same experience with touts and locals and is planning on leaving to Orchha tmrw. Will leave with Tom tmrw and will discuss over dinner. Went to Guru Kripa again for dinner with Tom, met Naresh - lovely host keen to practice his English and to chat about cricket with Tom. Naresh asked if we could keep in contact with him to practice his English and so we can practice our Hindi. Added Tom and Z on WhatsApp. Headed back to guesthouse, got there and saw a group of guys with rifles out the front and started walking away as we walked closer. Went to rooftop and played cards with Tom’s Karma Sutra deck he bought today. President, then Tom taught us “Cambio” game. Talked about transport to Orchha tmrw, Tom mentioned bus to Chhatarpur then transfer bus to Orchha which leaves in the morning. Will do this tmrw instead of train. Meet at lobby tmrw for 8:30am.Läs mer

    • Dag 179

      Sexy tempels van Khajuraho

      5 januari 2016, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Om 6.00 uur komen we - na een onrustige treinrit - aan in Khajuraho. Rond 1050 AD zijn er hier tientallen tempels gebouwd, waarvan er tegenwoordig nog een handjevol bewaard zijn gebleven. Pas in 1838 zijn de tempels herontdekt door een Engelsman en wereldberoemd geworden als de "kama sutra tempels".
      Met rode konen lopen we door de tempels en genieten we van het ordelijk aangelegde park. De diverse beeltenissen op de tempelmuren zijn... uhhm.. avontuurlijk. Laten we zeggen; don't try this at home ;) Wat een verschil met het chaotische Varanasi.
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    • Dag 7

      Kamasutra in Stein

      30 december 2018, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Die Kunst des Liebens ist in Khajuraho seit ca 1000 Jahren schon in den Stein gemeißelt. So begeistert, wie die indische Männergruppen die uralte Anleitung studiert und fotografiert haben, lernten wohl unzählige Generationen von Indern, in ihrem Sexleben den Ahnen zu vertrauen. In den Tempeln von Khajuraho beten die Gläubigen für alle Anlässe. Die einheimischen kommen z. B vor der Hochzeit hierher und beschwören die Götter für eine gute, kinderreiche Ehe. Die ca 30 Gebäude entstanden innerhalb von 2 Jahrhunderten, damals waren es noch viele mehr. Sie betören den Betrachter mit ihrer filigranen Ausarbeitung und Detailversessenheit, so wie mit anmutender Bauweise und erzählen neben der Geschichte alter Schlachten auch über das menschliche Leben und vor allen über die Liebe.(Agata)

      W Khajuraho sztuka miłości upamiętniona jest w kamieniu od ponad tysiąca lat. Z zapału, z jakim młodzi hindusi studiowali i fotografowali te prastare instrukcje, wnioskuję że do dzisiaj gotowi są uczyć się od przodków. Miejscowi modlą się ze wszystkich okazji w tych świątyniach, np. młode pary proszą przed ślubem o dobre małżeństwo i dużo dzieci. Te ok. 30 budynków zbudowano w przeciągu 2 stuleci ( wtedy było ich dużo wiecej). Filigranowo wyrzeźbione detale opowiadają o dawno wygranych bitwach, o życiu codziennym i miłości.
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    • Dag 10

      Kamasutra Temple

      27 januari 2018, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Have been to the temple been well educated on the birds and the bees by our local guide and seen some fascinating temples and stonework, now having lunch

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