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    • Day 1

      Book 5 Hotels in Coimbatore

      December 6, 2017 in India ⋅ 🌙 -1 °C

      Book 5 Hotels in Coimbatore: Stay and Relax!

      Coimbatore is a major city arranged in the southern territory of Tamil Nadu, dabbed with various attractions like Marudamalai sanctuary, Patteeswarar Swamy Temple and some more. Notwithstanding, you could wind up at Coimbatore railway station for different reason like business or relaxation. Your trip to the city is certain to be enhanced with an extraordinary stay compared to other inns in Coimbatore, found near the railway or bus stations. Here is an easy availability of shopping ranges, eateries, transport stops and substantially more. Guests in the city of Coimbatore feels convenient by finding themselves near the general population zones amid the rest.

      Find all kinds of hotels in Coimbatore on… , this allows any user to select their preferred location of accommodation in the Coimbatore and choose any type of hotel room satisfying their budget. Most of the hotels listed offers decent hospitability.

      Here is compilation of hotels in Coimbatore that are located close to railway tation, bus stops and in main city. The areas are littered with a range of luxury to budget stays suitable for all categories of travellers. Especially after an arduous train journey, everyone seeks for a comfortable place of rest. Once relaxed, you can reach all the nearby places without facing too much difficulty.

      The list mentioned below shall help travellers to decide their best accommodation in Coimbatore:

      1. Hotel Mangala International: Located at a distance of 2km from the railway station and walkable distance from central bus stand. Travellers looking for a budget stay within a good location, for them this hotel shall serve the best.

      2. Hotel Vinayak: Located at the heart of Coimbatore is easily accessible from railway station and bus stop. It is just a 2 minutes’ walk from the central railway station and just 2 kilometres from the central bus stand. The hotel is designed to have separate special rooms allotted for leisure travellers and different set of rooms for business travellers to feel the comfort and privacy.

      3. Legends Inn: This hotel is very close to the city railway station in Coimbatore. They are quite known for its excellent personalized services. The hotel rooms are available at reasonable rates the offers easy access to easy access to major shopping and tourist destinations in and around Coimbatore, making it an ideal choice for both the leisure and business travellers.

      4. Metro Park Inn: This hotel is located close to railway station offering easy access to other commercial places. There are many restaurants and shops situated close to the hotel. It is a budget friendly stay with all basic amenities and good quality of services.

      5. Grand Plaza: this hotel is located very close to the main Coimbatore railway station. It offers excellent services to its guest at all times. All rooms are well equipped with all basic amenities and the easy accessibility of the place makes it a popular stay option.
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    • Day 1

      5 Budget Hotels in Mangalore

      December 6, 2017 in India ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Stay at 5 Budget Hotels in Mangalore

      Mangalore, the gateway to Karnataka, is easily accessible by railway, roadway as well as by airways. Hordes of tourists or visitors flock to this amazing city for various purposes and struggle to find an appropriate stay that suffices all their requirements. The hard job of hunting for budget hotels end at…, simply browse a range of hotels here and book your ideal hotel in Mangalore without straining your budget. Booking a prior hotel room always keeps you tension-free and help to pick up a comfortable stay without straining your pocket. Don’t forget to carry your booking confirmation copy on the day of travel.

      Visitors coming from different places prefer disparate categories of budget stays such as accommodations near railway station, near main city and stays by the seaside. Renowned for its delectable authentic coastal cuisine and panorama palm-fringed beaches, Mangalore is an amazing travel destination for those who are willing to unwind in the lap of nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life and experience the landscape that is replete with coconut trees, hills and little streams. 

      Booking online hotels come with discounts, guest reviews and description of all service offerings and many more. There are a good number of hotels spread all across Mangalore, they all offer separate location and accessibility depending on their pricing and demand. Mangalore’s Bajpe airport is the closest airport and this city is linked by railway and road to major towns. There is a wide choice of hotels in Mangalore for business as well as commercial travellers within the range of luxury to budget accommodation.

      Here is a list of budget hotels in Mangalore that shall help you select the best stay option and enjoy your stay here.

      1. Hotel Nandhini, near KSRTC bus stand: It is located close to the bus stand and offers clean bed and bath. They also provide good food, efficient service offerings and easy access to all other public places.

      2. Hotel Mangalore International, K.S. Rao Road: All guests can experience opulent luxury all without burning a hole in the pocket. Easily reachable from all city locations like city centre, Tannirubavi beach and many more.

      3. Suman Residency, Balmatta Road: The hotel offers a convenient location where guests can access all public places. In addition, it comes with clean bed and bath. There is a multi-cuisine restaurants comprising of variety of cuisine.

      4. Falnair Palace, Attavar: The hotels property comes in a good location offering ample amount of accessibility to all major locations for the guests.

      5. Hotel Veenu International, Balmatta: This is an ideal stay option for travellers looking to get a glimpse of the city life in Mangalore.
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    • Day 1

      Bus dari Surabaya ke Jakarta

      December 8, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Berkendara dengan Bus dari Surabaya ke Jakarta

      Surabaya dianggap sebagai pusat Gerakan Kebebasan Indonesia pada masa perjuangan kemerdekaan dan juga merupakan kota terbesar kedua di wilayah Indonesia. Anda akan menemukan populasi penduduk campuran di sini yaitu orang-orang yang masih menganut budaya Islam, Cina, Belanda dan Indonesia. Satu hal yang akan langsung Anda sadari saat Anda menginjakkan kaki ke kota ini adalah bahwa arus lalu lintas di sini sangat padat dan ramai. Terdapat banyak bangunan bertingkat tinggi, kota ini merupakan hasil perpaduan yang unik dan menarik antara budaya tradisional dan budaya modern. Sekilas kota ini sepertinya tidak terlalu menarik bagi para wisatawan dari negara manapun dan sebagian besar wisatawan berkunjung ke sini hanya karena tempat ini adalah transit utama menuju ke Pulau Bali. Kota ini memiliki budaya yang kaya dan beragam, yang mampu mempesona para wisatawan. Jakarta adalah salah satu kota dimana Anda akan menemukan bangunan tradisional dan bangunan modern berdiri tegak bersebelahan satu sama lain.

      Dengan infrastruktur dan pembangunan abad ke-21 dan juga berkat kemajuan kota ini, Anda bisa melihat perpaduan arsitektur yang menarik antara arsitektur tradisional dan arsitektur modern. Beberapa tempat wisata utama kota yaitu kebun raya, museum, gereja yang indah, masjid dan pasar loak besar. Hal inilah yang menjadikan Surabaya sebagai kota yang harus Anda kunjungi saat berwisata di indonesia. Akomodasi di sini terdiri dari bangunan zaman Belanda kuno sampai hotel mewah seperti Hotel J W Mariott. Kota ini juga menyediakan berbagai jenis akomodasi untuk para wisatawan yang memiliki anggaran yang terbatas. Anda bisa mendapatkan akomodasi mewah dan nyaman seharga Rp 145,000,- untuk satu malam.

      Satu hal yang paling saya sukai adalah makanan khas dari Kota Surabaya. Pastikan untuk mencoba salad lokal yang terdiri dari saus kacang serta berbagai jenis daging dan sayuran. Hidangan populer lainnya yang Saya paling sukai adalah sate yang pada dasarnya adalah ayam ditambah dengan saus kelapa dan dibakar di atas arang. Untuk siapa saja yang memiliki anggaran yang terbatas, Anda hanya akan memerlukan Rp 3.000.000,- untuk belanja, makan dan berwisata di tempat ini. Bagi mereka yang mencari kenyamanan dan kemewahan, harus membayar lebih tinggi yaitu sekitar Rp 6.000.000,-. Saat berbicara dengan penduduk setempat, Saya menyadari bahwa sebagian besar orang di sini adalah orang-orang yang memeluk agama Islam. Indonesia juga dikenal memiliki masjid-masjid yang megah dan indah.

      Waktu liburan Saya di Kota Surabaya adalah salah satu yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan waktu berlibur di kota-kota lain di Negara Indonesia. Saya menghabiskan waktu sekitar dua minggu di sini untuk berwisata, berpesta, belanja dan mengenal para penduduk setempat. Setelah 15 hari, akhirnya Saya memutuskan untuk pindah ke destinasi berikutnya yaitu Kota Jakarta. Hampir tidak ada penerbangan yang menuju kota Jakarta dan harga tiketnya juga sangat mahal. Saya tahu bahwa alternatif terbaik adalah dengan naik bus ke Kota Jakarta. Saya mengunjungi wesite ini… dan memesan tiket bus ke Kota Jakarta. Harga tiket untuk satu orang sekitar Rp 255.000,-. Harganya sedikit lebih mahal karena Saya memilih untuk pergi dengan menggunakan operator Rendra Travels. Operator ini hanya memiliki satu bus yang beroperasi pada pukul 17.00 sore hari. Butuh waktu sekitar 12 jam untuk sampai ke Kota Jakarta dan Saya sampai keesokan paginya sekitar pukul 05.00 pagi hari.
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    • Day 1

      Taking a RTC bus from Delhi to Haridwar

      December 26, 2017 in India ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Delhi holds a plethora of reputed companies and a heavy population of people. Delhi folks usually seek a required break from the monotonous lifestyle. Apparently, during weekends or public holidays, any traveller simply pack their bags and book bus tickets online and they hit any destination. Likewise, I wanted to visit Haridwar since a long time. Perhaps, I was bored with the city posh lifestyle. I need a break!

      I quickly booked online bus tickets from and boarded the UPSRTC Jan Rath AC bus from Kashmiri Gate. The journey by bus to Haridwar is completed in almost 6 hours. The state owned bus service was pleasant and convenient. My bus left Delhi at 8am and reached Haridwar at 2:30pm, the bus gave one rest stop too.

      I was travelling along with a friend of mine. Both of us enjoyed the bus journey and most of the time we were busy in prattling. We bought some yummy snacks at the rest stop and spent time reading a novel. Bus passed through beautiful broad highways, lush green plantations and many other scenic places. As we approached towards Haridwar, we left behind the busy streets of Delhi; we could feel the simplicity in the air.

      Haridwar is a holy city where large number of pilgrims throng all around the year. Places like Rishikesh, Mussorie, Nainital and many other are easily reachable from Haridwar. Some of them has bus connectivity too!

      Har ki Pauri is the major landmark in Haridwar; the Ganges here attracts several devotees. Some of the major tourist attractions here are Chandi Devi Temple, Shantikunj, Chilla Range and many Ashrams. We had plans of visiting a few of them and then visit Mussorie.
      There are ample amount of accommodations in Haridwar suiting all types of budget. After a tiresome bus journey, you can take rest in any of your preferred hotels in Haridwar. In order to avoid hassles in the new city ensure to book hotels in advance!
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    • Day 1

      Jalan-jalan ke Kota Semarang dari Bekasi

      February 23, 2018 in India ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Jalan-jalan ke Kota Semarang dari Bekasi

      Bekasi adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di provinsi Jawa Barat, yang terletak tepat di samping perbatasan timur kota Jakarta. Meskipun terletak di luar wilayah metropolitan tapi kota ini berfungsi sebagai salah satu hunian pendukung bagi para pekerja di Jakarta dan kota pabrik untuk Jakarta. Perbatasan untuk kota yang indah ini meliputi wilayah Bekasi di sebelah utara, dan Kabupaten Bogor dan kota Depok di sebelah selatan. Ironisnya, Jakarta Timur terletak di sebelah baratnya. Dipercaya bahwa kota Bekasi adalah salah satu kota dengan jumlah penduduk yang tinggi di Indonesia. Ada sejumlah besar perusahaan multinasional di sini yang mendirikan basisnya di sini, dan telah menarik beberapa ekspatriat terutama orang Jepang dan Korea untuk tinggal di Bekasi. Kota ini hanya memiliki luas total sekitar 210 km persegi, yaitu sekitar 80 mil persegi. Penduduk setempat di sini mengklaim bahwa banyak kota-kota kecil yang bergabung sehingga terbentuklah kota Bekasi. Sekarang ini, kota Bekasi juga memiliki banyak fasilitas yang terdiri dari pusat perbelanjaan, sekolah, taman air dan juga tempat hiburan malam. Bepergian di dalam kota Bekasi juga terasa mudah dan bebas dari gangguan - berkat adanya layanan antar jemput.

      Kota Bekasi juga dikenal sebagai kota komuter ke Jakarta, namun baru-baru ini banyak orang yang pindah dari Jakarta ke Bekasi berkat membaiknya industri perdagangan, pengolahan dan bisnisnya. Bekasi juga merupakan salah satu kota tertua di Indonesia dan sebelumnya merupakan ibu kota kerajaan yang sangat besar pada masanya. Keberadaan awal kota ini bisa kita telusuri dari abad ke 5 menurut beberapa prasasti. Ada beberapa hal menarik yang dapat Anda lakukan di Bekasi, seperti mengunjungi situs sejarah dan atraksi budaya sampai menjelajahi daftar lengkap beberapa atraksi lokal yang paling penting. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi monumen bersejarah, dan juga tempat-tempat wisata alam. Jika Anda bepergian bersama keluarga Anda, Anda bisa menikmati beberapa kegiatan hiburan bersama keluarga. Setelah menjelajahi hampir seluruh kota Bekasi, kemudian saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke kota selanjutnya, yaitu kota Semarang. Saya memang selalu memilih bepergian dengan jalur darat dan saya menyadari bahwa mengambil bus ke Semarang akan menjadi pilihan transportasi terbaik bagi saya. Saya pun memesan tiket bus secara online dari

      Ada sekitar tiga operator yang beroperasi pada rute antara kedua kota ini. Dan ketiga operator itu menawarkan perjalanan dengan tipe bus Eksekutif. Kramat Djati Jakarta, Nusantara, dan Rendra Travel memiliki bus yang sehari-harinya melayani rute ini. Kramat Djati Jakarta memiliki sekitar 3 bus yang beroperasi sepanjang hari. Karena saya cukup senang dengan pengalaman saya sebelumnya dengan Operator ini, akhirnya saya pun kembali memesan tiket bus saya dengan mereka. Bus pertama berangkat pada pukul 15.00 dan diikuti oleh bus yang lain pada pukul 15.30 dan yang terakhir pukul 16.30. Satu tiketnya dikenakan biaya sekitar Rp165.000, dan hal itu terasa cukup ramah di kantong mengingat berbagai fasilitas mewah yang ditawarkan oleh Operator ini. Durasi perjalanan sekitar 8 jam dan saya telah berada di kota Semarang pada pukul 11.30 WIB, karena saya sudah memesan tempat duduk saya pada bus yang berangkat pada pukul 3:00 sore. Kursi yang luas dan nyaman serta dilengkapi dengan tempat penyimpanan botol dan stopkontak untuk mengisi daya ponsel saya. Operator lain yang bertugas di rute ini adalah Nusantara dan mereka juga memiliki sekitar dua bis yang beroperasi sepanjang hari.
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    • Day 1

      Top 2 Family Resorts in Langkawi

      February 24, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Top 2 Family Resorts in Langkawi and reach them by Bus

      These resorts are some of the ideal ones if you are travelling along with your kids and family. Keeping in mind that there will be more than 2 travellers these hotels have spacious guestrooms and suites. With easy access to calm and serene waters, golden sandy beaches, proximity to recreational park and the most significant landmarks of Malaysia these resorts have to be on top of your bucket list. Equipped with kid friendly facilities like kids swimming pools, huge playgrounds, babysitting services, as well as tours within the zoo it ensures that you and your family have a memorable experience. The hotel has everything for people of all ages. Horse riding, jungle trekking, island hopping, banana boat rides, snorkelling, are some of the activities that you can indulge with your family here. Therefore, when you are travelling along with your family, I recommend you to travel by Bus as the whole family can travel together.

      Travel carefree without your wallets thanks to

      The Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa

      The Westin is a luxury Resort and Spa with one aim – to provide the best of services to its clients. Comfort and convenience is the moto of this hotel. The guests here are welcomed here with warmth. Rooms are equipped with state of the art amenities like desk clocks, 42-inch LED Screens, tea and coffee vending machines, free Wi-Fi and bathrooms with bathtubs. The hotel is just 3 kms away from Jetty Duty Free Complex making it easier for the guests to go on a shopping spree. There is an express bus every 15 minutes right outside the Airport that will take you directly to the entrance of the Westin Resort. The best part about this resort is that it directly faces the Andaman sea. Featuring more than 6 dining options as well as a spa that offers signature treatments the hotel is a must visit when in Malaysia. The restaurants within the hotel serve fresh seafood and gourmet pizzas. The views from the hotel rooms are quite pleasant and rejuvenating as it is surrounded by plush greenery on all the 4 sides.

      Casa Del Mar Resort

      This is a 4 star hotel and is one of the perfect resorts if you are looking forward for some privacy. It is situated along the white sands of Pantai Cenang on the Langkawi Island. The Airport is just 10 minutes away and can be easily reached by Bus. The Hotel has a cosy ambience and I recommend you to try out the fresh fruit juice cocktail. Alternatively, you can also ask the staff to arrange for water sports. The hotel is quite famous for its golden sandy beaches surrounding it. It serves as one of the perfect destinations for rejuvenation. It is just 20 minutes away from the Queen Beatrix International Airport. If you are into adventure sports you will be delighted to know that you can indulge into Golfing, Snorkelling as well as Diving at the resort.
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    • Day 1


      May 14, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Accommodate at any 5 Hotels near Gandhipuram, Coimbatore

      The plethora of hotels lined up in Ghandhipuram located in Coimbatore, makes it a suitable stay option among visitors. This is area is chosen as one of the most preferable place to stay amongst the entire city. The reason being, Ghandhipuram holds a bustling scene that houses many restaurants, major shopping places, a busy bus stop, railway station and an airport in the vicinity. Apart from these, there are many parks, garden and a stadium. There are many corporate and industrial complexes surrounding Ghandhipuram, creating an ample amount of convenience for all new-visitors. The reachability of this commercial centre is quite smooth. Hence, travellers coming to visit Coimbatore usually seek for an adequate stay option in this region. There are numerous visitors coming to Coimbatore for various purposes, apparently, these folks look for a comfortable place of accommodation in Gandhipuram. Therefore, booking hotels in Gandhipuram, Coimbatore is a cinch, especially when you confirm your ideal stay from… page. Your hunting for hotel ends here!

      Booking a prior hotel room online always keeps you away from hassles. Selecting from the range of listed hotels and booking the ideal room in your budget shall help you to experience a satisfactory stay in Coimbatore. Some of the benefits of going ahead with an online hotel booking privilege includes good location stay, services offered, get discounts and read guest reviews before deciding on the final one. It gives you a transparent picture of the accommodations listed under Gandhipuram region. Do not forget to carry a copy of your booking confirmation on the day of your travel.

      Here is a list of hotels in Gandhipuram, Coimbatore that comes with all basic amenities and offers a good location too. You can book them online and save a lot of time and energy. There are hotels in various categories suiting all types of budget. You can decide the location and understand other requirements before booking your suitable stay.

      Hotel Landmark: They offer all types of rooms depending on your budget. It is located very close to bus stand and gives a view of the market area too.

      Hotel Renukka: There are many crowded streets and other public places around the hotel property. They cater to business as well as leisure travellers. Functionally meets all the basic requirements of the guest and its convenient location helps to access all other places without any difficulty.

      Apple Park: The location of the hotel offers walkable distance from all the shopping & business areas. An ideal stay for travellers looking for a bit of luxury within the city shores.
      Hotel Vishnu Priya: Located close to the Central bus stand and it offers all decent facilities to the guests.

      Hotel The Fortune: The location of the hotel in the city gives you an ease to go to any part of the city by taking any type of transport. Hotel is located close to Railway Station, Coimbatore Airport and near to Gandhipuram Bus Stand.
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    • Pergi Antarkota dari Kota Surabaya Menuj

      November 26, 2018 in India ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C


      Surabaya merupakan kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia setelah Jakarta. Kota ini terletak 796 km sebelah timur Jakarta, atau 415 km sebelah barat laut Denpasar, Bali. Surabaya memiliki budaya yang tercampur antara Belanda, Islam, Arab, orang Indonesia, dan Tiongkok. Kota ini menghadapi masalah kemacetan lalu lintas yang hebat dan dikelilingi oleh gedung-gedung tinggi. Kota ini menjadi percampuran unik antara arsitektur modern dan tradisional. Karena hanya berjarak 415 km dari Denpasar-Bali, dahulu para wisatawan yang berkunjung kesini hanyalah untuk sekedar transit beristirahat semalam yang kemudian perjalanan kembali dilanjutkan untuk menuju Bali. Namun akhirnya pada beberapa tahun terakhir pariwisata telah meningkat disini, ini berkat daya tarik baru yang ada disini semenjak kini dan seterusnya. Dengan berkembang pesatnya teknologi dan pembangunan di bagian industry, Surabaya juga menjadi destinasi utama dalam bidang bisnis. Banyak daya tarik besar di kota ini termasuk kebun raya, diantaranya yang terkenal yaitu Taman Bungkul dan Taman Harmoni, juga museum seperti Museum Sampoerna yang terawat baik, gereja-gereja megah, tak lupa pasar besar, dan masjid-masjid. Ini semua adalah alasan yang membuat Surabaya adalah tempat yang harus dikunjungi ketika anda berada di Indonesia. Kota ini juga memiliki beberapa akomodasi pilihan mulai dari gedung dari era Belanda sampai penginapan mewah seperti Sheraton. Surabaya memiliki semuanya mulai dari pengunjung dengan budget minim hingga turis yang menginginkan beberapa kemewahan. Akomodasi yang ditawarkan dimulai dari harga Rp. 145.000,- hingga Rp. 1.000.000,- per malam.


      Kota yang memiliki semboyan “Bekerja sama dan sama- sama bekerja untuk kemajuan dan kemakmuran Kota Medan metropolitan” ini sangat terkenal dengan tempat bercampurnya perbedaan-perbedaan. Medan adalah kota multietnis yang mana penduduknya terdiri dari orang-orang dengan latar belakang budaya dan agama yang berbeda-beda. Selain Melayu sebagai penghuni awal, Medan juga diisi oleh orang-orang dari seluruh etnis Asia yaitu etnis Jawa, Batak, Tionghoa, Mandailing, dan India. Keragaman besar dalam satu daerah ini telah menciptakan budaya campuran yang dinamis. Membuat tempat ini harus dimasukan dalam daftar keranjang liburan anda. Kota ini penuh dengan kelenteng Hindu dan Budha, Masjid-masjid dan gereja-gereja. Setiap kelompok etnis yang hidup disini telah banyak berkontribusi pada masakan yang tersedia di daerah ini dan menjadi tempat yang sangat wajib untuk berwisata kuliner.

      Di Indonesia, Bus merupakan salah satu moda transportasi terbaik. Karena kita tidak perlu ikut terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas dan dapat duduk santai menikmati perjalanan, banyak penduduk setempat yang memilih untuk bepergian dengan bus. Frekuensi bus juga cukup teratur dengan bus yang selalu datang hampir setiap 15 menit. Saya merekomendasikan anda untuk memesan tiket bus anda sebelumnya dari jejaring situs karena tiket bus sangat cepat habis terjual. Di situs ini memberikan anda potongan harga yang menarik dan anda dapat memilih berbagai pilihan jenis bus seperti ekonomi, ekspress, sampai yang mewah. Perjalanan dengan bus akan membebankan biaya antara Rp. 50.000,- sampai Rp. 200.000,- semua tergantung dari bus kelas apa yang anda pesan. Jika anda berpacu dengan waktu, saya rekomendasikan anda untuk memesan bus ekspress karena pemberhentian hanya dilakukan beberapa kali dan anda akan cepat sampai tujuan. Jika anda memiliki anggaran minim, saya sarankan anda untuk memesan tiket bus kelas ekonomi. Bus mewah memiliki kelas terpisah dengan fasilitas seperti kursi yang dapat bersandar, film-film pilihan, dan makanan ringan. Jadi pesan tiket anda sekarang dan bersemangat sepanjang perjalanan menuju kota-kota tujuan anda.

      Anda dapat dengan mudah mencapai Medan dari Surabaya dalam waktu sehari dengan Bus. Ada beberapa kali waktu istirahat selama perjalanan dan perjalanan memakan waktu kira-kira 71 jam 29 menit. Jarak antara kedua kota besar ini adalah 3200 km. Dua bus setiap harinya meninggalkan Surabaya untuk menuju Medan. Bus-bus ini cukup tepat waktu, waktu keberangkatan dimulai pukul 17.30 pada sore hari dan 22.30 malam karena anda dengan mudah dapat menghindari kemacetan lalu lintas.
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    • Day 1

      A comfortable bus ride from Kuala Lumpur

      June 22, 2018 in India ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Some of the most popular and iconic destinations in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia have come forward to define the city as a true tourism destination. The magnificent outline of the Petronas Towers and the standing image of the Buddha are some of the things that I will never forget. During my stay in the beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur, the one place that I liked the most was Petaling Street market located right in the heart of China Town. During your stay here make sure to visit the beautiful Sultan Abdul Samad building which is located in the city’s colonial quarters. After my tour in Kuala Lumpur was complete, it was time for me to head to my next destination, which was the beautiful town of Baling. Just like the locals, I preferred traveling to Baling by bus as it is quite faster, convenient and hassle free compared to train travel. I booked my bus tickets from… I was quite fortunate to find my choice of seats from their 3D view as I booked my tickets almost a week in advance.

      Baling is located in the state of Kedah, which is quite close to the borders of Thailand. There are a quite a few interesting places to visit in Baling. The bus journey from Kuala Lumpur to Baling was simply mesmerising thanks to the view of turquoise blue waters and plush greenery in the backdrop. The best way to travel to Baling from Kuala Lumpur would be to book and board an express bus. There are only 2 operators plying on this route between Kuala Lumpur and Baling which are Transnasional and Plusliner. Depending on the class of bus you book Transnasional has about 25-30 seats in a bus making it the operator with the most comfortable and spacious seats. Plusliner has 37 seats in all class of buses. Tickets for Transnasional start from MYR 39 whereas from Plusliner the tickets cost about MYR 38 per head. I chose to travel by Transnasional owing to the spacious seats, as I need a lot of legroom and elbow space. The duration of the journey between the two cities is about 5 hours but this is definitely subject to change depending on the traffic you come across. Transnasional has buses almost throughout the day whereas Plusliner has a fixed timing of departure. Plusliner has only two departures in a day and both are at night.

      The buses depart at 9PM and 11PM sharp. This is actually good as there is literally no traffic during these hours. Transnasional buses depart as early as 8AM in the morning and have services operating until 11PM in the night. I booked a bus for 3PM with transnasional as this is a time in the afternoon when there is hardly any traffic. In addition, I could experience the scenic views between the two cities. The staff at Transnasional was quite helpful and interactive. There are about two restroom breaks during the course of the journey. The staff also served us some light snacks.
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    • Day 1

      Pavillion Mall Kuala Lumpur

      August 6, 2018 in India ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Hotel Fort Canning

      This is a boutique heritage hotel that was opened for the people in the year 2010, since then it has won several accolades. The hotel is known to have the highest standard of excellence and has been ranked amongst the top hotels of Asia and all over the world. The hotel has about 86 rooms and suites that have been well appointed and holds some of the most modern amenities. This luxurious hotel also has 2 huge outdoor pools and a 24/7 fitness centre. The building is believed to have been used as the British Far East command during World War II. The hotel is just 22 minutes away from the Changi International Airport.

      The hotel has about 86 guest rooms, which is quite a low number, compared to other hotels. However, this is because each of the rooms have been spaciously designed offering some of the best luxuries. My stay here was an experience that I would hardly ever forget. I was staying on the second floor and a base room cost me 280 SGD.

      Having travelled by bus all throughout my journey in Singapore, I found travelling by bus very convenient and since Kuala Lumpur Malaysia was next on my list, i booked a bus from Hotel Fort Canning to Kuala Lumpur. The bus stop was just 11 minutes away from my hotel and I boarded a bus from the Dhody Ghaut MRT Station Bus Stop. I booked my bus tickets online from . The bus dropped me off to the Air Asia Bus Stop in Malaysia, which is just 4 minutes away from the Pavillion Mall. The journey took me about 9 hours. There were3 operators plying on this route which were KTMB, Rapid KL and SMRT.

      Pavillion Mall Kuala Lumpur

      Pavillion Mall is considered to be one of the biggest shopping malls of Malaysia. The mall occupies a huge chunk of prime real estate along Jalan Bukit Bintang. It was opened for the people in the year 2007 and is divided into 3 major sections – a retail mall, an office block and with two huge residential towers. It has kept the city’s trendy fashion followers completely up to date and setting a perfect example of how extravagant some malls can be, with a number of dining options. The mall is spread across 1.37 million sq ft of land and has been constructed using white marble. The mall is a combination of indoor and outdoor shopping venues and it consists of an oversized Grecian temple. The temple features modern pillars and has about 450 different stores. It also has some hip-hop dining options, big box retailers and international designer labels as well as local retailers. The mall is one of the most visited places by the people of Kuala Lumpur and it does not matter if it is a weekday or a weekend, the mall is always crowded with hundreds of people. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it will take you more than 2 days to explore the entire place.
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