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    • Päivä 109–111

      Tangkoko Nationalpark

      20. huhtikuuta, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      04:30 aufstehen und eine Tarantel gleich am Eingang 😵‍💫🕷️

      Im Tangkoko Nationalpark kann man Tarsire beobachten. Die kleinen, nachtaktiven Koboldmakis kommen früh morgens zurück in den Baum zum Schlafen 💤 Außerdem konnten wir einen Couscous Bär, Nashornvögel und mehrere Affen (Schopfmakaken) sehen 🐒🦜

      An den Toren des Nationalparks gibt es sonst nicht allzu viel zu sehen und nur selten verirren sich Menschen hierher 😅 Mag an der doch abenteuerlichen und kurvigen Anfahrt liegen. Wir sind froh, dass es ein „Restaurant“ hier gibt, dass wir mehrmals täglich besuchen 😂😂 Es gibt aber nur ein Gericht, das was die Küche hergibt 🍅🥥🥗 Gegessen wird also was auf den Tisch kommt 😅 Die Menschen scheinen froh zu sein, dass wir hier sind - zumindest werden wir überall überschwänglich begrüßt 👋🏼🙋🏼‍♀️🙋‍♂️
      und ich (Nadine) werde sogar mit meinem Gepäck auf dem Roller kostenlos zum richtigen Hotel gebracht nachdem wir voller Überzeugung im falschen Hotel eingecheckt haben und uns erstmal dort ausgeruht haben 😅😵‍💫🙈
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    • Päivä 20

      Tangkoko Nationalpark

      20. joulukuuta 2019, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Mit Freude und einer Träne im Auge blicken wir nun schon auf die vergangene Reise hier auf Sulawesi und genießen die vorletzte Etappe im Tangkoko Regenwald. Dieser ließ uns nicht schlecht staunen und vor allem schwitzen. Die Hitze und die Luftfeuchtigkeit machten unsere Wanderung durch den Dschungel erheblich anstrengender. Vor allem, da diese um 6:00 in der früh und eine zweite während der Abenddämmerung stattfand. Ausgezahlt hat sich die über 4- stündige Tour trotzdem, da wir die nur hier lebenden Schwarzschopfmakaken und die Koboldmakis gesehen haben. 😍Lue lisää

    • Päivä 83

      Tangkoko National Park Sulawesi

      17. marraskuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Oggi ho fatto due tour (mattina e sera) dentro la giungla nel parco nazionale di Tangkoko, alla ricerca degli animali tipici di qui come il macaco cresta nera (specie in via d’estinzione), l’orso cuscus, il tarsier e diversi uccelli come per esempio tucani, martin pescatori, maleo (non so la traduzione italiana), e le aquile del sulawesi. Per finire ci sono anche le tarantole.
      Sono stati due tour dove abbiamo sudato molto, non per lo sforzo ma per l’umidità nella foresta. È stato però molto interessante vedere le diverse specie nel loro ambiente naturale, sapendo che di alcuni di loro ci sono ancora pochi esemplari nella regione.


      Today I did two tours (morning and evening) inside the jungle of Tangkoko national park, looking for the typical animals of here such as the black crest macaque (an endangered species), the couscous bear, the tarsier and various birds such as toucans, kingfishers, maleos, and Sulawesi eagles. Finally there are also tarantulas.
      There were two tours where we sweated a lot, not from the effort but from the humidity in the forest. However, it was very interesting to see the different species in their natural environment, knowing that some of them there are still few specimens in the region.
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    • Päivä 18

      Tarsiers in the Tangkoko

      4. maaliskuuta 2017, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Welcome dear reader to the forest-tour section of our journey for a short stay at the Tangoko Ranger Home Stay and a look in the Tangoko National Park. This area has a high number of unique species as befits its location where Australia tectonically met Asia millions of years ago. Most come here to see the tarsiers, the smallest primates in the world, able to fit in the palm of a hand. They come out of tree hollows at dusk so a guide to find them and one's way home is essential. In addition we saw troops of black macaques, huge and brilliant crested hornbills, a variety of kingfishers, hair crested drongos, a type of dollar bird and other crazy stuff. The other notable critter was a cuscus. They are a marsupial like kangaroos, moving slowly in trees like sloths.

      Part of what makes this area interesting is that there is a distinct boundary in animal types based upon the geologic origin of the particular island: from the Australian or Asian tectonic plates. A naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace collected many species throughout this region over a period of years. He is credited with having independently derived the notion of natural selection but returned to publish his idea just shortly after Darwin published The Origin of Species and fame for "discovering evolution". But Wallace described the clear line through Indonesia separating Asian and Australian types and it is known today as the Wallace Line"

      The guide we hired is the son of a park ranger who helped coordinate NAT Geo, BBC, Animal Planet, etc. filming here. He named his son, our guide, Alfritz Russel Masala in honor of Alfred Wallace mentioned above. He was a great guide, able to spot unmoving birds in the forest canopy, others hopping along the forest floor, calling in some. It was amazing to find out how much one could see in a slow saunter in the forest. It was our mistake not to have booked another day or two with him to see other upland parts of the park.

      We were shuttled the two hour trips to and from Manado by Alfretz's brother, Frankie. Also named for a conservationist, he also helped explain local life there. The village we were in is historically a fishing village and he helped us to see that, some coconut processing, and an unusual old cemetery where people are buried upright in the fetal position (knees to face) and facing north. It is called Wagoro, I think.

      Frankie also explained the bottles of blue and yellow Coca Cola we see being sold at lots of roadside stands. They are actually reused bottles of benzene or another fuel but look kind of refreshing on the shelf..... Picture below.

      Driving here, on the left with torrents of motorbikes and the apparent absence of rules is best delegated, even for those of us with control issues. Driving seems to be one of setting a determined direction, honking to help others echolocate you, making no sudden moves and not worrying until something (moving or not) is less than 6 inches away. Yes, I meant 6 inches.......Really. ... Repeatedly ...for hours. Delegation is good.

      Virtually nobody on bicycles, but three people or crates on a motorbike is common. I would be too frightened to bike here and success/ non fatality would require constant high alertness. If this is what Laos, Thailand and Malaysia are like I will stop eyeing a guided bike tour to I have been considering.

      Food and accommodations at the Tangoko Ranger Home Stay were basic but nice. We were glad to have upgraded to air conditioning. The fried rice, local fish and probably even more local chicken was tasty.

      Now off to a home rental SW of Manado, overlooking the coast, for our last stop. Sister Susan and husband Howard returned home after the diving in Raja Ampat. We learned that their trip home went well. It was really nice being with them.
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    • Päivä 8

      Beautiful Tangkoko Sanctuary Villas

      22. huhtikuuta 2022, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      After another 90-minute car ride we arrived at Tangkoko National Park and checked into Tangkoko Sanctuary Villas which is just as beautiful as the pictures on booking promised. The view from the comfy terrace is fantastic. You can see the volcano if the weather allows it.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 18

      More Tangkoko pictures

      4. maaliskuuta 2017, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Here are a few more photos. A troop of macaques with Lauren and I behind, A nightime photo of a Sulawesian nightjar called in by Alfretz. A female macaque. A closing the road through the village for a wedding. Our cook getting some supplies out front in a model of home delivery unmatched by Amazon.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 28

      Jungle Trekking in Tangkoko

      19. syyskuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      - Venturing with my fellow travellers from Bunaken Island into Tangkoko National Park in the morning and evening to see endemic creatures of Northern Sulawesi (hornbill and kingfisher were definitely my favorites)
      - Observing a hornbill nest through a telescope for over an hour to finally see the hornbills (I'll probably not become a birdwatcher after such a long time waiting 😂)
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    • Päivä 27

      Welcomed as Digital Nomad in Bitung

      18. syyskuuta 2023, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      - Arriving at our pre-booked homestay in Bitung and unexpectedly being welcomed and greeted by local government workers to the digital nomad city of Bitung
      - Enlisting ourselves in the pilot digital nomad program without any conditions providing us with free accommodation and an evening opening ceremony (I didn't mention that I'm currently unemployed thus making it impossible for me to be a digital nomad right now 😅 - but I guess they were just happy that they could get ~25 foreigners to sign up for the pilot program 😄)
      - Enjoying the evening ceremony with a "remarkable" speech of the mayor, delicious food and free Bintang beer (and of course posing in thousands of picture requests from locals 😉)

      Sidenote: They want to convert Bitung into a digital nomad place like Bali. However, the infrastructure is definitely not in place yet (e.g., restaurants, bars, recreational activities, etc.) 😅
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