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    • Dia 15

      Blarney Castle

      27 de maio de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      It's the last day of our tour and our first stop was Blarney Castle. There's a whole story about who built the castle and how the stone got there, but to tell the truth I'm functioning on information overload right now and not taking too much in. What I got from the whole story is that you be held upside down and kiss the stone. When you kiss the stone you get the gift of eloquent speech. The stone is located at the top of tower. The line up started at the bottom and was 30 minutes long. We opted to walk around the grounds inside, which were beautiful. No regrets.pLeia mais

    • Dia 7

      6. Tag - Tag der Wünsche

      27 de maio de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Der erste Wunsch ging an Wolfgang: Blarney Castle and Garden. Die Ruine beinhaltet den magischen Stein, den zu küssen einem Redegewandtheit geschert. Also rauf auf die Ruine zum Stone. Der Aufstieg dauerte nicht nur lange (großer Menschenandrang), sondern war auch abenteuerlich. Schmale, steile Wendeltreppen mit glatten, ausgetretenen Treppenstufen. Um den Stein küssen zu können, musste man sich auf dem Boden auf den Rücken legen, dann wurde man kopfüber an den Stein geschoben und sollte ihn möglichst weit unten küssen. Von unten konnte man die Prozedur beobachten, da die Lücke zwischen Stein-Wand und Mauer offen war. Nach jedem Kuss wurde der Stein desinfiziert und: Der nächste bitte… Das war für uns zu viel Touristenhype. Also genossen wir nur die Aussicht von oben und schlängelten uns anschließend wieder nach unten.
      Der rundum angelegte Garten war sehr vielseitig und lud zum Spaziergang ein.
      Anschließend wurde Annettes Wunsch erfüllt. Ab nach Cork zum English Market. Einmal kurz durch die City von Cork und feststellen, dass wir alle Cork nicht schön finden. Also kurz in den Markt rein. Richtige Markthallen, wie man sie überall kennt. Am meisten Leute tummeln sich um den HotDog-Stand. Also kaufen wir uns einen, um zu probieren. Die Bestellung überfordert uns etwas, da man alle Zutaten selbst zusammenstellen muss. Aber er ist lecker.
      Jetzt schnell aus Cork weg, um Andis Wunsch zu erfüllen. Ab zum Golfplatz Old Head südlich von Kinsale. Leider durften wir nicht mal rauf, um ihn zu besichtigen. GreenFee liegt ja auch nur bei 385,- Euro pro Runde.
      Also zurück nach Kinsale, um auch den letzten Wunsch für Rita zu erfüllen. Der Ort ist wunderschön - wie man sich einen kleinen übersichtlichen Urlaubsort vorstellt. Nette kleine Gassen, einladende Atmosphäre. Und Rita durfte das Restaurant für unser Abendessen aussuchen.
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    • Dia 37

      Blarney Castle sous la pluie

      9 de outubro de 2022, Irlanda ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      C’est sous la pluie qu’on est allés se promener au Blarney Castle and Gardens avec toute notre troupe et deux amis d’Alessandro qui sont venus nous voir. J’ai embrassé Blarney Stone qui est une des pierres de la muraille du château censée porter chance (avant ils prenaient par les chevilles la personne qui voulait embrasser la pierre et la tenaient par dessus la muraille…). Le parc est super grand et magnifique !Leia mais

    • Dia 3

      Montag, den 22.08.2022

      22 de agosto de 2022, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute geht es mit dem Taxi nach Dublin und wir holen unser Mietauto. Dann geht's in Richtung Kilmore Quay mit Zwischenstop in Glendalough, wo wir uns eine alte Klostersiedlung mit seinen wunderschönen Seen anschauen. Und weiter geht es nach Kilmore Quay in unsere Unterkunft ins ,Wooden House'. Am Abend sitzen wir am Meer und lauschen den Wellen.Leia mais

    • Dia 29

      Blarney Castle

      31 de maio de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      It was off to Blarney Castle today, where you can kiss the famous Blarney Stone, which will give you the gift of the gab.

      Even in the covid-era, you can still do this, as they disinfect it after each person. We didn't bother. Besides, the wait time was nearly an hour.

      Instead, we walked around the beautiful gardens.

      Blarney Castle is a large tower house built in the 1500s. The walls are 18 feet thick at the base, gradually sloping inwards as they rise. This makes the building more stable but would also have helped with defence: when an object was dropped from the top, it would bounce off the wall on the way down and fly outwards into the enemy.
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    • Dia 11

      Blarney Castle

      19 de julho de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Welcome to Blarney Castle, the home of the Blarney Stone

      Built nearly six hundred years ago by one of Ireland’s greatest chieftans, Cormac MacCarthy, and has been attracting attention ever since. Over the last few hundred years, millions have flocked to Blarney making it a world landmark and one of Ireland’s greatest treasures.

      Now that might have something to do with the Blarney Stone, the legendary Stone of Eloquence, found at the top of our tower. Kiss it and you’ll never again be…
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    • Dia 5

      Inch Beach - Blarney

      18 de outubro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Immer noch Dauerregen, aber mit mehr Wind-yeahhh.
      Ein kurzer Abstecher zum Strand muss sein, danach geht's auf unsere vorletzte Etappe nach Blarney, bei Cork/County Kerry.
      Für den Nachmittag stand Sightseeing in Cork und die Besichtigung des Blarney Castle auf unserem Programm.

      Das Wetter spielte allerdings überhaupt nicht mit mit. Blarney Castle wurde kurzfristig wegen des Wetters früher geschlossen und der ÖPNV nach Cork wurde auch eingestellt, weil die Straßen überflutet waren.
      Glücklicherweise gab es ein überaus nettes Pub an unserer Unterkunft, wo wir uns den Tag" schön trinken und essen "konnten.
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    • Dia 9

      Ein Hoch auf unseren Busfahrer!

      12 de março de 2020, Irlanda ⋅ 🌬 8 °C

      Froh der Unterkunft entfliehen zu können, hatten wir uns vorgenommen zwei Castles zu besichtigen. Zuerst steuerten wir das Blarney Castle an. Es ist wohl die berühmteste Sehenswürdigkeit Corks. Das Castle hat zudem noch eine große Gartenanlage, in der man munter spazieren kann. Mit dem Bus fuhren wir ca. eine halbe Stunde. Die Haltestelle war gleich vor unserer Tür. Einen Fahrplan gab es nicht. Dort standen wir gegen 9 Uhr morgens und warteten. Und warteten und warteten… Irgendwann wurden wir ungeduldig und fragten andere Busfahrer, wann unser Bus denn kommen mag oder ob sie zufälligerweise auch zum Blarney Castle fahren. Die meisten gaben keine Antwort oder verneinten kurz und fuhren weiter. Der vierte Busfahrer, den wir fragten, teilte uns zumindest mit, dass unser Bus 10 nach 10 kommen wird. Skeptisch, aber mit Hoffnung warteten wir und der Busfahrer fuhr weiter. Er kam aber nicht weit. Rasch hielt er wieder an, stieg aus und rannte auf uns zu. „Es tut mir leid!“ „Ich hatte es total vergessen!“ „Ihr Bus wird heute nicht an dieser Haltestelle bedient, da gebaut wird!“ „Sie müssen zur Hauptstraße!“, rief er uns zu. Wir nahmen die Beine in die Hand und rannten die Treppen runter zur Hauptstraße. Eine Haltestelle war nicht in Sicht. Wir liefen entlang der Hauptstraße in Richtung Castle. Es dauerte mindestens eine halbe Stunde, bis wir eine Haltestelle erblickten. Dort warteten wir noch einmal 10 Minuten, bis wir endlich im Bus saßen. Die Sonne schien. Im Ort angekommen schauten wir uns erst einen Laden für Souvenirs an, da Vanessa ihren Liebsten Wollpullover mitbringen möchte. Später als wir am Gelände des Schlosses ankamen, fing es an in Strömen zu Regnen und zu Hageln. Das Wetter sollte den gesamten Tag sehr wechselhaft werden. Wir erlebten fast alle vier Jahreszeiten in einer Stunde. Während des Regens versuchten wir uns im Schloss unterzustellen und sobald die Sonne wieder rauskam spazierten wir entlang der botanischen Gärten. Vom Vorabend hatten wir Burger übrig, die wir gegen Mittag glücklich auf einer Bank in der Sonne verspeisten. Am Nachmittag stand noch das Blackrock Castle auf dem Plan, welches auf Bildern, die wir gesehen hatten sehr imposant ausgesehen hatte. Nur 30 Minuten brauchten wir mit dem Bus. Als wir dann endlich das Schloss erblickten, kamen wir aus dem Lachen nicht mehr heraus. „Da ist ja sogar meine 1-Raum Wohnung größer!“ Lange hielten wir uns daher am Blackrock Castle nicht auf. Den Rest des Tages verbrachten wir in der Innenstadt Corks, wo ich mir eine Vintage Jacke zulegte, die ich seitdem jeden Tag stolz trage.Leia mais

    • Blarney Castle and Gardens

      11 de outubro de 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We spent a couple of hours at Blarney Castle The Blarney stone is 123 steps up into a tower via a narrow spiral passageway. There are views through the bars to the garden below for those who care to look down!
      The stone was set into a tower of the castle in 1446. According to legend, kissing the stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab. Yes Bruce and Sam kissed it!
      The gardens were amazing with streams separating the various areas. I could have spent hours there but we needed to get to Rosslare to catch the ferry back to Wales the next morning
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    • Dia 16

      Day 16 - Kissing the Blarney Stone

      16 de agosto de 2019, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Jackie slept in until 9.30am, three hours after me, but I didn’t blame her it had been raining hard all morning. It wasn’t until 11.30am that there was a little break in the rain, so we threw our motorcycle gear on & set out for the day.

      No sooner were we on our way when the heavens opened up again. We started on the N72, but my SatNav had other ideas & took me off down country roads to pick up the R628. We were progressing at a decent pace, when an oncoming van started flashing me. I slowed down as I went round the next corner & came face to face with the Fire Brigade controlling the traffic. When we were let through, we saw that a car was smashed in at the front, which was a sobering reminder to stay vigilant.

      We continued to the M8 motorway, where we paid our €1 toll fee, then rode down towards Cork, whilst being battered by heavy rain & high winds. Before reaching Cork City centre, we came off & passed through Glanmire & the scruffy suburbs of Cork. We next joined the N20 that took us to Blarney & it’s Castle.

      We rode into the official Blarney Castle car park after taking a ticket to raise the barrier. I then had a heart attack when I realised we may have to pay. What a schoolboy error!

      Upon parking up, it had eventually stopped raining & the sun had come out. We stripped of the motorcycle togs, put them in the panniers, then headed to the entrance. We paid our €18 admission fee & I asked the cashier if motorcyclists had to pay for the car park. We wasn’t initially sure where I was going with this question, but once he realised we were motorcyclists, my guinea pig hair probably gave it away, he said that officially we had to pay, but if we drove around the barrier no-one would chase after us. That brightened up my day!

      We celebrated with a cup of coffee & half an egg sandwich each. We then headed straight to the castle & joined the queue to kiss the Blarney Stone. At the end of the queue was a sign that told us that it would take approximately 30 minutes to reach the Blarney Stone, which was less time than we expected.

      The queue started just outside the castle, then went in to the castle, up a wooden staircase for two flights, then we ascended a narrow steep spiral stone staircase. Before reaching the spiral staircase there were plaques on the walls providing information about the castle & the Blarney Stone.

      The current Blarney Castle was built in 1446, but earlier fortifications were built on the site. At the top of the now ruins of Blarney Castle is the Stone of Eloquence, better known as the Blarney Stone. It is said that those ‘brave enough’ to hang upside-down over a sheer drop to kiss the stone, will receive the gift of eloquence.

      Queen Elizabeth l is credited with introducing the word ‘Blarney’ to the English language. Whilst frustrated with the then owner of the Castle, MacCarthy, refusing to accept the authority of the English throne, she exclaimed, “This is all Blarney. What he says he never means”. And a new word was born.

      The actual process was a bit of an undignified affair, well certainly for me. Jackie went first, lay down, leant back & kissed the Blarney Stone, which was all captured by me on video. It was then my turn & I did the same thing, well nearly, I’m not quite so flexible, so as I struggled to get to crane my neck back for the kiss, my T-shirt flew up exposing my 6-pack to the world. I did kiss the Blarney Stone, but I shouldn’t have worn such a baggy T-shirt having lost so much weight on this trip!

      It was interesting to note that a lot of people queued & got all the way to the top, then either failed to kiss the Blarney Stone or just refused to attempt it.

      We then proceeded to negotiate the much more treacherous steps down, stopping to look at Murder Hole. We didn’t however stop to look at the official photos of our kisses. Jackie was keen to, but I wouldn’t let her. Nothing to see there!

      After, we strolled around the various gardens, including the Poison Garden, Himalayan Garden, Rock Garden amongst others & we took the lake walk, well part of it. The whole afternoon had been in sunshine which made for a very pleasant experience & all in all probably worth the money. On the way out we passed through the gift shop & Jackie bought herself a Pandora shamrock ☘️ charm for her bracelet with the birthday money she had been given.

      It was 4.00pm, when we saddled up, then sped around the car park ticket barrier, thus evading the €2 parking fee! My plan was to stop along the coast, back at Youghal, to the explore the town’s rich history further. Unfortunately, what I had not taken into account was that it was Friday afternoon rush-hour & everyone was coming out of Cork, completely choking up all the roads.

      Despite conducting a few sneaky manoeuvres, it was still gone 5.00pm & Youghal was in total gridlock. We decided it just wasn’t worth the pain of stopping, so apart from passing under the Clock Gate Tower at about 1mph, we didn’t see anything else.

      Instead we decided to go back to Lismore & pick up a Chinese Takeaway. I’m not sure why, but instead of putting Lismore into the SatNav, I entered Tallow. As a result we avoided the quick direct route to Lismore, but took a ridiculously long winded way to get there, funnily enough via Tallow.

      We arrived in Lismore about 6.15pm, with a sore & not so happy Jackie on the back, particularly as she had pointed out the quick road to Lismore, but I ignored her for the more ‘scenic’ route!

      We got off & walked to the Chopsticks Takeaway & ordered our favourite dishes, then decided we needed a drink, so arranged to collect it at 7.00pm. We went over the road to The Classroom Bar ordered a pint each & sat outside in the dying sun. The landlord was very welcoming, albeit slightly pissed, and his customers as they went in & out of the pub to bookmakers next door were all very friendly & said “Hello” to us. It reinforced our view that Lismore was a very lovely town & definitely worth going out of your way to visit.

      The happiness, serenity & peace was soon to be shattered by Hoisin Sauce Gate!

      At 7.00pm, we collected our takeaway & returned to the bike. I put the bulging carrier into a side pannier & did my best to secure it safely. I was just about to get a jacket to pack out the pannier & so hold everything firmly in place, when Jackie bellowed “Hurry up, it’s going to get cold”. There then was a ‘minor’ disagreement, resulting in me closing the pannier without said jacket to pack it tight.

      We then proceeded home without incident, parked up & when I opened the pannier, lo & behold the now lidless Hoisin sauce pot had tipped up & was empty. There was Hoisin sauce running over all the other dishes in the bag & worse still, Hoisin Sauce has nicely coated the inside of my pannier & formed a pool at the bottom.

      Needless to say, I wasn’t best pleased & our very dry Aromatic Duck Pancakes were eaten in stony silence. As it happens the meal turned out to be generally very nice.

      We played another game of Cribbage with a bottle of red & had an early night.

      Song of the Day - Kiss by Prince.
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    Blarney, An Bhlarna

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