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    • Day 10

      Como to Belaggio

      August 26, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Walking up in Como with a view of the lake is devine. Our first hot breakfast of bacon and eggs.

      We book a hydrofoil to Bellagio.
      45 minutes at 14.00 euro.
      I spot George Clooney's villa Oleandra. His speedboat is parked out front.

      We embark at Bellagio. It is small and quaint and much quieter than Como.

      Lunch is at a restaurant called Suisse on the waterfront. Another chardy another onion soup.

      We walk through the streets, up steep cobblestone walkways with shops on each side.

      I buy a little hand fan. We sit in the shady gardens overlooking the lake in the coolness as it is very warm today.

      We head toward Villa Melzi and we are lucky to find it open until 6.30. It is 5pm. So a wander around the botanic gardens with species of trees and plants from all over the world. The main villa is closed but we walk through the family chapel and museum.

      On our map it shows WC which I am in need of, so I tell Athena I am looking for the water closet. I come back all happy 😊 it is then that she learns that I went to the Loo. Well off she went herself.

      Enjoying my leisurely stroll, next minute I roll my ankle for the 3rd time on this trip. Almost fall down the hill. I expected Athena to be laughing but she looked horrified.

      We come out of the Villa exactly on gate closing time. Walk back to the town and we find out the ferry does not go to Como and are told to take the bus. I thought that is ridiculous. We walk further up to the little Port and walk straight on a Hydrofoil. Which zooms us home across the water. Athena nearly falls asleep on the boat so we head up to our room for a nap.

      At 9.30pm, we decide to get dinner otherwise we will wake at midnight starving.
      I had the home made spaghetti with seafood. God it was good. Then off to bed.
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    • Day 110

      Lac de Côme

      July 31, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      La visite de ce lac a failli ne pas se faire🥲. En effet, en plus de la fuite dans le toit, nous avons constaté que notre frigo fonctionnait mal🧊⛔ ! Autant pour la fuite, ça reste minime et les pluies se font rares, autant le frigo, on ne peut pas le laisser en mauvais état de marche (comment garder l'alcool au frais sinon 🍾😅?).

      Donc on se motive, on prend quelques heures le temps de comprendre ce qui ne fonctionne pas, voir comment on peut le réparer et mettre les correctifs en place 👩‍🔧🚧🛠️. On a donc découvert que des câbles n'éteint plus correctement connectés à notre tableau électrique et qu'on avait un faux contact sur la prise d'alimentation de la glacière. On repasse un câble, on en sécurise un autre, on revisse un support et on scotch/isole une prise. Tout ça semble fonctionner ☺️, on peut passer à la suite.

      Malheureusement il est déjà 16h et on a 1h de route pour le Lac, mais notre planning est serré (on doit être le 6 août à Budapest ), donc on se motive car on peut pas reporter au lendemain. Le plan de départ était de profiter de toutes les villes qui bordent le lac (grâce à un passe bateau 🚤journée, on peut facilement tout faire), on se contentera d'une seule destination.

      Quelle découverte, pour visiter ce lac, nous avons décidé de nous rendre dans la ville de Bellagio (oui, oui, comme le nom du casino de la série "Las Vegas"💰). Pour accéder au parking, c'était un peu sportif (peu adapté aux vans ou grosse voitures, mais bizarrement Rémi aime ce genre de routes). Nous sommes restés 2h, au final, c'était suffisant pour parcourir les ruelles qui composent la ville, faire un tour sur le "front de lac", se poser en terrasse pour prendre un verre et craquer pour une glace 🍧🍦sur la route du retour. Tout était délicieux, autant la ville, que le paysage et la glace.

      Pour se rendre compte que la ville est vraiment magnifique, il y a 2 indicateurs qui ne trompent pas : on a croisé des personnes qui faisaient une séance shooting photo 📷 pour leur mariage 🤵👰(ça devait valoir le coup de voir le résultat, ça doit être superbe), mais également pas mal de sugar daddy👴👧, se baladant avec leur femme trophée en revenant d'une balade en bateau privé de collection (si ça ce n'est pas un signe que la ville est de toute beauté, je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut d'autre).

      Au final, journée bien productive entre les réparations et la visite, ne manquait plus qu'à se rafraîchir☺️💦 pour être comblé. Sur la route, au détour d'un virage, on voit un petit accès pour les abords du lac et 1 place de stationnement dispo, même si un peu à l'arrache, donc petite pause de 10 minutes chronos ⏱️le temps de se baigner avant de reprendre la route 🏊‍♂️. L'eau du lac était parfaite. Et en plus, ça nous a un peu rafraîchi avant de reprendre la route 👌.
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    • Day 11

      Bellagio, the Pearl of Lake Como

      July 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After a couple hours on the water, we hopped off the boat at Bellagio, a town of about 4,000 on the point between the two branches of Lake Como. It was stunning and we had a great time exploring the cobbled streets.Read more

    • Day 30

      There's always that one day

      June 16 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Travel day. We got up super early to catch our water taxi - left our apartment at 6.40. Went to the taxi depot for them to ring our taxi (I don't see the benefit of prebooking this service). She gave very detailed description where the water taxi would arrive. We waited and waited - no taxi.
      Brett sprinted back to the taxi depot to check our pick up point and the taxi lady yelled at him. He saw our taxi starting to reverse out of the dock so Brett jumped on the boat as he was backing out. The driver was not happy. He was even unhappier when he realised he had to drive to pick us up. We tipped him. He was slightly happier.
      Got to the Venice train station. Train strike! Most trains were cancelled but we were lucky and our train headed off to Milan. Arrived in Milan and most trains were again cancelled. Ours is not. Winning! It was delayed 50 minutes but we were happy to wait. Just before our 50 minutes was up - train was cancelled. Not winning!
      Couldn't get a driver. Further trains were cancelled. Not looking good. Graham went to two ticket offices and the second gave us an alternative train, but it was about to leave. We ran to the platform and dragged our bags up multiple flights of stairs. Bree was standing one foot on the train and one on the platform so it wouldn't leave without us. Threw our bags on just in time .... and then sat on the train for 45 minutes.
      Eventually made it to Como train station. Huge queue for taxis. Graham bought us tickets for the regional bus. Nowhere to store our bags so threw them on seats, which was fine until lots of people got on the bus. The driver was a grumpy bum and drove like a maniac. Made it to Bellagio.
      The girls threw our bags on their backs and Brett sprinted up the stairs with Bon's suitcase on his shoulders. Thank goodness they have been working out at the gym.
      Ten hours after we left our apartment in Venice we finally arrived in Bellagio. Brett was saying look at the lovely view. I don't care.
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    • Day 33

      Lake Como (Bellagio)

      June 26 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We spent 3 nights pretending we were rich and famous in Bellagio. I don't think we fooled anyone!

      This area is absolutely gorgeous. However, the tourists in this area seemed a little different to other areas - maybe wealthier? We didn't feel like we fit in quite as well. I'm sure I didn't look the part walking up the street with my backpack. 🤣

      Nevertheless, we had a lovely time visiting Menaggio and Varenna on the ferry and having a wine in each village. Our highlight was kayaking in Bellagio.
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    • Day 22–26

      Beautiful Lake Como

      July 17 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      So, we managed to navigate the trains to Milan and on to Verenna, a lake side town. We were already seeing some of the beautiful lake on the train trip.

      Was a very hot day and could have done without the crowded queue for the ferry to Bellagio where we were staying, and the 100 or more steep cobbled steps up to the hotel with luggage, but wow, how amazing is this place!!! This was the bucket list destination on this tour and for 4 days, it definitely hasn’t disappointed. A beautiful huge lake with gorgeous postcard towns dotted around, gorgeous gardens and flowers blooming everywhere. Very clean, lots of alfresco dining and good coffee and vino. We’ve loved every minute of being here in Lake Como and have seen many of the places on the lake and constant spectacular views.

      Our hotel is called Charming Bellagio and is a small boutique hotel over the hill near a small fishing village. It’s been a wonderful stay. Breakfast is made to order each day and we sit looking out at spectacular views of the lake. Surrounded by hills with small farming and gorgeous tiered gardens. We have a balcony, to look out on with a glass of vino and a pool at the end of a hot day.

      We hired our own little boat for 3 hours to look around the lake. It’s very big with lots of small towns. Of course, we’ve seen George and Amal Clooney’s house as well as Richard Branson’s and both are beautiful, right on the lake. Apparently, you can stay at Sir Richard’s for 180,000 euro per week if you like. We saw the famous Nesso bridge where people jump into the water. We saw the Villa Balbianello where they filmed scenes from Casino Royal and Star Wars. Many beautiful old mansions, gardens and fancy hotels. All has the very European holiday vibe that you see on Instagram, and it’s all living up to expectations.

      Still eating lots of pizza and pasta, and still haven’t seen any other type of food than Italian since being in Italy 😄 All fresh food and great flavour though, so no complaints. Anyway, we are walking average 10km per day up and down steep hills to try keep those carbs at bay 🥵🍕🍕🍕

      Shopping is amazing and expensive, all the big designers are here and lots of jewellery stores, but managed to find a few nice affordable bits made here in Bellagio.

      So much more to do, until next time 💖

      Will add pics over a few foot prints.

      We leave Lake Como today and on to Florence - Firenze. David here we come! 🇮🇹
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    • Day 10

      Lake Como

      July 20, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Vandaag wordt ik wakker in Como!
      Het plan voor vandaag; een tripje naar Bellagio en Varenna

      Na mijzelf klaar gemaakt te hebben pak ik mijn spullen en vertrek om 11:00 richting mijn bestemming.
      Ik wil graag met de ferry richting mijn gewenste bestemming (Bellagio) gaan, ondanks dat dit duurder is dan met de bus vind ik dit het dubbel en dwars waard.
      Ik informeer mij bij het ticket loket en hier wordt mij verteld dat het het beste is om een ferry dagticket voor €25,80 te kopen, dit doe ik dan ook.

      Rondom het ticket loket staat het vol met toeristen wie niet begrijpen welke ferry waar heen gaat en welke ferry je kunt nemen.
      Lang verhaal kort; de eerst volgende ferry gaat om 15:00 en het duurt 2-3 uur om in het stadje te komen. (Momenteel is het al 12:30)

      Ik besluit om naar het busstation te lopen om de bus te nemen. Bustickets zijn €3,40 een enkeltje.

      De busrit in nog enger dan bij papa in de auto zitten. 😉
      De bus rijdt over berg weggetjes en toetert bij elke bocht in de hoop dat wij geen andere auto aanrijden.

      Om 15:00 kom ik aan in Bellagio.
      Opnieuw een typisch Italiaans dorpje.
      Het is een prachtig dorpje, maar na iets meer dan een uur heb ik ook echt wel alles gezien.

      Ik besluit een tweede rondje te lopen en wat te lezen aan het water. Om 18:45 (een bus welke 40 min te laat is!) keer ik weer terug naar Como.
      En opnieuw is dit een verschrikkelijk rit.

      Om 19:30 eet ik pizza, hiervoor betaal ik €7 en voor mijn drankje betaal ik €8,50!!

      Voor de rest van de avond houdt ik het voor gezien.
      Morgen ga ik naar La Spezia/Cinque tere
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    • Day 4

      Bellagio must see?

      July 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      No, pa sva končno prišla do Lago Como in se odločila kar z ladjico na ogled Bellagia, ki naj bi bil ful cute... Ajoj. Vročina. Gneča. Od mesta pa le hoteli, restavracije in nekaj dragih trgovin... Sva se bala, da bo 1h premalo za ogled, pa... Hm, na klopci čakava trajekt nazaj v Menaggio, potem pa hitro proti Aosti. Tale Como bi komot tut spustila; večinoma je obala v zasebni posesti velikih vil, vmes kotički dostopa do jezera. Med turisti pa predvsem Američani in bogate arabske družine. Pa nekaj Francozev za vzorec.
      Z malo besed nama je jasno, tole ni najin dopustniški stil. Ampak z barčico sva se pa peljala. Kljukica, lahko greva naprej 🙈
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    • Day 32

      Lake Como Boat Day

      June 18 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Had a glorious day on Lake Como today. We hired a boat for five hours and cruised around the lake, checking out all the towns, fancy schmancy villas and manicured gardens. Gardeners here must earn a lot of money. We saw one property which had a robo lawn mower with a dog chasing it!
      We saw George Clooney and Richard Branson's houses, but unfortunately neither were waving at us from their balconies. Brett backflipped off Nesso Bridge (that'shim in the photo). We weren't happy with the photo so we made him do it again. Found a lovely area to stop for lunch, prosecco and a swim for an hour or so. It's a tough life.
      We enjoyed it so much we're going back tomorrow for another go.
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    • Day 27

      Lake Como - Switzerland

      July 9 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The morning started with coffee ☕️ from Panzera 1931 and catching a bus, we drove for an hour or so, then arrived at Menaggio, a brief stop time to get another coffee ☕️ and a croissant. Saw a beautiful lavender display, and the smell was the best as we strolled past it. We then boarded our boat for the Lake Como cruise 🛳 😎. Beautiful serene time the views were amazing again, surrounded by mountains, greenery and water. We saw views of houses that belong to George Clooney, Anglican Church, and another where 007 and Starwars were filmed just breathtaking.
      Once, on the other side, we docked at Bellagio for lunch at Seta Restaurant it was ok, nothing special. Then, I did a little bit of shopping for mementos and found some xmas ones for my collection. Back on board and final cruise back to the side with of bus. Our adventure continued to cross the border into Switzerland 🇨🇭 from here, an additional stop due to complications in Como and not being able to go there. Tough gig, found a mall, and added to my Pandora, then wandered with the girls browsing went to the chocolate shop to some photos at the Lago di Laguna, relaxed and then off trip back to Milan wonderful day, hot day but beautiful and an experience to remember 😀 💕
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bellagio, Беладжо, بلاجو, בלאגו, Բելաջո, ベッラージョ, Белладжо, 벨라조, Bellasium, Bellas, Белладжио, Bellagiu, Белађо, เบลลาโจ, 贝拉焦

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