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    • Dzień 16

      Ferry, Customer Service issues, Gelato

      16 sierpnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Breakfast at Tiffany’s - oops, make that Breakfast at Sara’s! Carolina needs a cappuccino first thing in the morning to function on all cylinders, so what better way to enjoy a cappu than sitting out on a sun-filled balcony absorbing the morning sun, and looking out over the full vista of Lake Como. It’s a tough life!
      Sara’s parents joined us a short time later as we discussed the plans for today. We decided to take the 10:30am ferry down the Lake to Bellagio, look around this beautiful lakeside town, and come back on the 2:30pm ferry to Gravedona.
      However this is Italy, and often not all is what it seems. When we got to the ferry jetty we discovered that the 10:30am ferry had been suddenly cancelled for that day. Fortunately there was a 10am ferry which was about to leave and we managed to jump on board just before it departed. It was just as well we had left home a few mins early. The 1:30 hours ferry trip stopping at all stations to Bellagio was very relaxing. The weather was warm and sunny, even a bit hot hot as we sat in the sun, and a sliding cascade of beautiful scenery passed by for us to gaze upon and enjoy. Lake Como is a very picturesque area!
      On arrival into Bellagio there were masses of people everywhere as it is still the school holidays here. It was impossible to get a table for coffee or lunch and we were told at several places that there are no reservations and instead we must queue up in the hot sun for 30-45 mins to get a table.
      This did not seem like a good plan, so we thought we would use up a bit of time to confirm that the ferry back was operating ok.
      However this is Italy, and sure enough we found this ferry had just been cancelled with some mutterings in Italian from the ferry staff that it had just broken down. But not to worry they told us, because the next ferry leaves 3 hours later at 5:30pm!! So it was clear that we were destined to have more than enough time for a good look around Bellagio.
      It was still impossible to get a table for lunch so we started looking at the shops that seem to make up most of Bellagio. Carolina was fascinated, Peter less so. Very narrow but pretty cobblestone streets and very steep climbs and descents were the order of the day. Up and down with lots of people around. Bellagio is a very scenic town.
      Along the way we got thirsty and stopped to buy a large bottle of water at a small store. The shop girl told us it was €2.50 so we gave her a €10 note. The response was “we don’t take change”. OK we replied and prepared to pay by card. The reply was “We only accept cards for €5 minimum”. So we replied “You will not accept cash or card, so how can we buy this bottle of water?” The reply - “Buy 2 bottles of water”. The staff there were rude, very unhelpful, and seemed to have no interest in looking after a customer. Carolina was horrified and livid!!
      We finally trudged out of the shop with Peter carrying 2 large bottles of water in his backpack with Carolina remonstrating about the lack of customer service of some Italian shop staff.
      At that point we got to a cafe that had some tables available. So we asked the waiter if we could sit at one of them. His answer was “No, they are not my tables”. So we asked whose tables they were and he shrugged and pointed to another waiter. It seems each waiter looks after his set of tables and is not interested in any customers that need to sit at some other tables in the same restaurant! Again Carolina was livid about the Italian customer service or lack thereof.
      So we finally spoke to the right waiter for one of the vacant tables and managed to get some lunch.
      Later in the day after trudging up and down hills visiting lots more shops while we bided the time until the late ferry departed, we treated ourselves to large amaretto gelato!! That made us feel much better!
      The ferry trip back to Gravedona was again spectacular. The sun was beginning to set and the water, mountains, and clouds all painted beautiful pictures for us to end the day.
      And then it all changed! A storm suddenly hit with lightning, winds over 50kts, large waves, and heavy rain. The wind caused the ferry to be jammed against the jetty at one of the stops and had a lot of trouble leaving. After that the ferry stopped in the middle of the lake and waited for about 20 mins for the weather to pass through before continuing. So the day ended on an adventurous note.
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    • Dzień 3

      Alpi innevate da Bellagio 🗻🌳🏘️

      2 grudnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Tras más de una hora de trayecto en la que nos da tiempo a recrear la vista ante semejantes paisajes y a almorzar, llegamos a Bellagio 🌞

      Conocido por su pintoresco casco antiguo y sus exuberantes jardines, Bellagio se encuentra en una península que divide el lago en dos ramas, lo que le otorga vistas panorámicas impresionantes 🤩

      Tenemos mucha suerte, ya que en esta fecha podemos ver los Alpes Réticos nevados de fondo, montañas orientales centrales que son parte de los Alpes italianos y suizos 🗻🗻🗻
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    • Dzień 2


      26 września 2022, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      So richtig sind wir miteinander den Motorrädern nicht zu den exponierten Stelle gekommen. Parkplätze, von denen man hätte zu de Stelle gehen können, waren schon überfüllt und die Polizei hat uns gleich weiter geschickt... und für weiter entfernt Parkplätze waren wir im BikeOutfit schlicht und einfach nicht wandertauglich, zu schwer angezogen...
      Also nur ne Runde gedreht und weiter.
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    • Dzień 4

      Como-Bellagio-Day 3

      17 marca 2023, Włochy

      Exploring Day - We drove 50 mins to the town of Bellagio on Lago De Como. This town is what the Bellagio Casino in Vegas is named after. The road was narrow and almost complete switchbacks the entire time. We were up higher than the lake. There were some really pretty views. When we arrive to the town we were starving of course. So we got some “toast”. Americans would call it a grilled ham and cheese. You can also get it just cheese. restaurants, cafes and bars serve different things in Italy. You cant get toast at a restaurant. Only at a bar. And a bar can serve alcohol, espresso or dolci (desserts or pastries). You mostly only find gelato at a Gelateria. The town seemed to be under a bit of construction so the path along the lake was blocked. We decided to take a cute little faux train on a tour around the town. It took about 25 mins. After we got back to started walking up, up and up more steps to the different streets. We found a place to eat that served fish n chips for Andrew and a Hamburger for Renee. Gabe wasn’t hungry and I got a GREEN salad. We chose this place quickly and because we were Hangry! As we left, we walked about 5 more steps and found a delightful quaint bistro serving truffle risotto. Fail!
      We took some photos, got a gelato and headed back to Como. We parked the car and walked to the Funicular stop. The Funicular is a tram that climbs the side of the mountain. This one takes 7 minutes to get from Como to Brunate. Deer Valley has a Funicular that we like. So this was very interesting to us. The town of Brunate is at the top of the Funicular. High above the lake. We took some photos and looked for a place to eat something. We chose a nice family owned trattoria, got some pasta and a Prosecco for Mom. We rode the Funicular back to Como and of course had to stop for a gelato. Gabe and Veronica decided to have a date night in Piazza de Volta. Andrew and Renee went back to the apartment. Ready to drive to France tomorrow!
      *History details to come….
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    • Dzień 16

      Remèdes à la chaleur écrasante !

      30 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      1er remède à la chaleur qui cogne cogne dès le réveil...aller se blottir sous des metaséquoias qui eux savent et trempent leurs racines dans le lac! A partir de là on trouve le banc à l'ombre qui reste, on ne bouge plus car croyez-moi nous ne sommes pas les seuls à avoir la stratégie du parc public! On garde le banc, on se promène à tour de rôle ! Car en 1 seconde, le banc peut changer de locataire !
      Pique-nique partagé avec canards, foulques et truites voraces pendant que des illuminés joyeux sautent du rebord dans le lac...
      2nd remède, trouver une plage propre, pente douce car les cailloux sont assez pointus pour vous faire dandiner sans équilibre ! Se baigner dans le lac de Côme, frais mais doux, au pieds des montagnes, quelle sensation magique partagée avec canards et une foule d hirondelles ! Panorama magnifique quelques 25 kms plus haut....
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    • Dzień 7


      18 sierpnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Départ en bateau de Tremezzo à Bellagio. Petites ruelles typiques avec des magasins bien sympa. Glaces artisanales dans une boulangerie succulentes.
      Petit temps calme à la pointe de Bellagio "Punta Spartivento" avec une petite sieste en poussette au bord de l'eau, bercés par le bruit des vagues. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 5

      Deževna noč nad L. Como

      19 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ko sva prišla do svojega piknik prostora, kjer bova prespala, je že temno, a končno prijetno hladno za umirjeno večerjo pod zvezdami. Ponoči nekaj dežja, zbudiva pa se ob klicih mladih osličkov. Zajtrk, hiter sprehod in z neba že kaplja, ko končno kreneva. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 41–46

      Lake Como

      9 października 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Arrived in Lake Como after a short delay the train was late so we missed our connection.
      Such a beautiful town. Met Karen and Ian. .. time for a drink. Found a great place for dinner then a walk along the foreshore.
      Gordon got his bucket list ✔️,.... Motto Guzzi museum. He was in his element. Had a look around Mandello del Lario while we were there
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    • Dzień 7

      Rifugio Martina

      23 września 2021, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Le refuge se trouve 1100m au dessus du lac (et 300m au dessus de la route, ce qui permet une ballade digestive).
      Il est connu pour sa cuisine traditionnelle dont la base est une polenta à base de maïs et de sarrasin. Sa spécialité : la polenta Uncia, cuit dans du beurre clarifié, couvert de fromage de chèvre fondu et agrémenté d’une quantité respectable d’ail. Délicieux et diététique à la fois …
      Nous l’avons rincé avec un Barbera jeune.
      Sur le chemin nous croisons un troupeau de vaches â longues cornes, possiblement à l’origine du ´mozzarella di buffalo’
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    • Dzień 6


      22 września 2021, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Bellagio, c’est une petite heure au nord de Milan.
      Bellagio, c’est cette petite ville dans l’entrejambe du lac de Come, qui a la forme d’un « Y » renversé.
      Bellagio nous a été conseillé par une connaissance allemande pour qui c’est l’endroit ou elle termine tous ses voyages.
      D’autres amis allemands nous ont décrit Bellagio comme le point ou se rencontrent les beaux et les riches.
      Françoise disait que Bellagio partage avec beaucoup de lieux jolis, pittoresques, photogéniques le sort d’être au bout d’un moment complètement dominé par le tourisme avec un afflux ininterrompu d’humains qui veulent eux aussi en faire partie et qui par leur simple masse détruisent (symboliquement) ce qu’ils sont venus chercher. Par ailleurs, nous en faisons partie…
      Gordes, St Tropez, Moustiers, les 5 terres, belle île, St Paul de Vence … etc partagent ce même sort.
      Nous avons décidé de contenir nos tendances agoraphobes et de consacrer une paire d’heures à la visite de ce joli village entouré d’eau.
      Heureusement que notre hébergement se trouve dans l’arrière-pays en altitude, ou l’air est frais …
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Bellagio, Беладжо, בלאגיו, ベッラージョ, Белладжо, 벨라조, Bellasium, Bellas, Bellagiu, เบลลาโจ, 贝拉焦

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