Campanile di Giotto

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    • Dag 3–7

      Sightseeing am 1. Hochzeitstag

      18 november 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Strahlend blauer Himmel heute Morgen. Uns erwartet traumhaftes Wetter mit bis zu 18 Grad. Wir starteten wie immer mit einem leckeren Frühstück und tollen Gesprächen mit Nadia. Sir empfahl uns für unseren heutigen Abend das Restaurant La Spada mit typischer Toscanischer Küche. Gesagt, reserviert, immerhin ist heute Samstag.
      Nach unserer Stärkung stiegen wir wieder in den Bus Nr. 12 und fuhren zur Basilika San Miniato al Monte. Dieses Mal besuchten wir auch die Kirche und durften einer Messe lauschen. Leider haben wir nicht so viel verstanden. Die Kirche ist sehr schön und zeigt beeindruckende Wandmalereien.
      Wir schlenderten über den Friedhof, wo viele Florentiner Familien sakrale Bauten für ihre Verstorbenen haben. Irgendwie wirkte es wie die Gruften von Dracula oder dem kleinen Vampir. Allgemein ist die Kultur in der Grabgestaltung eher auf Stein ausgerichtet. Gräber mit Grabschmuck, wie Pflanzen und Blumen gab es nicht.

      Der Abstieg zurück in Florenz Zentrum führte uns zu der berühmten Kirche Santa Croce. Natürlich mussten wir unterwegs anhalten und in einem kleinen Cafe in einer Seitengasse eine Stärkung zu uns nehmen. Cappuccino und Rotwein.
      Bei Santa Croce angekommen war es wieder alles voller Touristen. Direkt vor dieser Kirche , und Nadja hatte uns das bereits erzählt, hab es einen deutschen Weihnachtsmarkt, mit Glühwein, Bratwurst, Lakritz, Winterjacken und und und . Was der hier zu suchen hat, ist uns unbegreiflich... Es passte dort einfach nicht hin.
      Die Kirche bestaunten wir nur von außen. Berühmt ist sie, da hier die Grabmäler der Berühmtheiten von Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei uvm liegen.

      Weiter ging es zum Palast Vecchio und der Piazza Della Signoria. Florenz war von 1865-1895 Hauptstadt von Italien. Auf diesem Platz wurden damals politische Diskussionen geführt und es fanden im Mittelalter öffentliche Hinrichtungen statt.
      Natürlich war es heute überall voll. Samstag und dazu dieses traumhafte Wetter. Wir bestaunten den Neptunbrunnen von Giovanni da Bologna und besuchten das kleine Freilichtmuseum in der Loggia dei Lanzi.
      Hier findet man unter anderem die Statue von Cellini die Perseus mit Medusas Kopf in der Hand zeigt.
      Von dem Platz aus war es nicht mehr weit zum Dom und heute wollten wir ja den nun geöffneten Glockenturm von Giotto erklimmen. Allerdings brachten wir Mal wieder eine Stärkung und suchten uns ein Restaurant, um einen kleinen Salat zu essen. Rundherum liefen junge Menschen mit Italienischen Dönern... Also Fladenbrot gefüllt mit Mortadella, oder Salame oder Proscutto und Käse. Überall saßen sie auf den Bordsteinen. Später sagen wir, was da los war. Die Schlange zu diesem Laden war locker 50m lang und dort konnte man sich von 5-10 Euro dieses speziellen italienischen Döner kaufen. Von dem einen Laden gab es 4 Filialen nebeneinander. Verrückt.
      Dieses Mal lagen 414 Stufen vor uns, 84m Höhe. Irgendwie war der Aufstieg anstrengender, die Stufen waren höher und schmaler. Es kam auch regelmäßig Gegenverkehr und man musste sich an die Wand pressen, damit die Leute vorbei konnten. Ganz oben wurden wir wieder mit einem atemberaubenden Blick auf die Dächer von Florenz belohnt und dieses Mal auch ein Blick auf diese riesige Kuppel des Doms.
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    • Dag 6


      27 maart, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nach Krypta und Taufkirche fehlt noch die Besteigung des Glockenturms.
      Das Wetter macht mit und wir sind an der Spitze der Schlange.
      Wir genießen den Turm und die Aussicht. Von all den Treppenstufen die wir diese Ferien überwinden, sprechen wir nicht....
      Sogar Mutprobe gab es bei der Besteigung.
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    • Dag 21

      Florence Part 2, eating

      4 oktober 2018, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      As we are deprived of tea we went to one of the few cafes open at 8 o’clock in the morning. We sit and ask for tea and toast. The waiter brings a selection of tea bags along with two tea pots filled with boiling water. Milk still hasn’t arrived but instead of toast two plates with toasted cheese and ham arrive. We send it back making sure it is understood we want toasted bread with butter. Milk arrives and we finish our tea but still no toast so I get up to pay, explain that we did not get the toast. The man at the cash register is not happy and after I pay the toast arrives. Too late. Pleased I didn’t wait for the toast as it was not bread but thin wafer style biscuit.
      Next meal we try is lunch, well I do. I have a four cheese pizza at a pizzeria. It arrives, lovely base beautifully smothered with cheese. I start to slice it when cheese or more likely milk, starts running off the pizza. I wait a while to see if it would set but no, it stays runny. I manage to eat it anyway.
      Final meal of the day is cannelloni for me and pork steak and potato for MDW. The meals arrive, mine perfectly aligned on the plate whilst MDW’s looked like manufactured pork with potato slices and salad. I know MDW is not going to eat her dinner. Mine is bland which is disappointing as I expected something special in Italy. The waiter came out and proudly told us that as they don’t have a kitchen he managed to find a packet of potato to heat up with the pork. What, no kitchen? We were given microwaved meals? We were not impressed but just paid the bill and left the food on the plate. This was very disappointing, if we had been home we would have complained but the cold beer at this place is pretty good.
      During one of our strolls we hear an almighty noise and saw the result of a wheel falling of the cart with 4 tourists in the back. One wheel had rolled to the side of the street with the passengers clambering off the cart and left to their own devices to get to the centre of town. It’s not surprising the carts wheel fell off, the paved roads are quite bumpy. I wonder how the wheels on our suitcases will survive the walk back to the train station.
      Florence is a wonderful city, the centre is magnificent, it’s more touristy than Milan but also more laid back. Plenty of places to sit and have a drink and watch the tourists go by. Next stop Bologna, our Italian is working well with the locals appearing to appreciate our efforts.
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    • Dag 21

      Florence Part 1

      4 oktober 2018, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Continuing our love of public transport we caught the Metro to Milan Centrale Station and found our way to the departure area for the inter city trains. MDW was keen to get there so we only had a three hour wait and no seats were available. It was packed. So we went to a cafe where we paid extra for seating and purchased a coffee and hot chocolate. Italian coffee is fairly strong but usually of good quality and I find it very drinkable. The size is small but because of the strength it is probably sufficient. MDW’s hot chocolate came in a large mug and was like a cup of melted chocolate. Thick brown syrup, MDW said there were enough calories in it for a year, you have it. So I slowly spooned the chocolate until I had half finished it. That was enough. We took our bags to the departure area and spent the next hour looking at the departures notifications along with a thousand other train travellers. Eventually we were able to board and found our seats. It was a high speed train from Milan to Florence. With speeds of 300km it was a two hour journey and quite comfortable. The Florence station was 1 kilometre from our hotel, The Hotel Villini. 10 minutes walk, no public transport options and a mile long queue for the taxis. Google maps pointed in the right direction and off we trekked. The non existent foot paths made us wheel our bags along the paved road along with many others including cars and push bikes. It was a battle at times and we did think the wheels could fall off at any moment. After our 10 minute walk we found the entrance to our accommodation. This hotel was picked by MDW, 2 Star. I think 1 star for having a bed and 1 star for having a bathroom, a disaster of no kettle so no cups of tea, but 5 stars for location. We were greeted by two work experience students who explained the bar opens at 6pm but if we wanted something earlier they would look after us but don’t tell the boss. We unloaded our bags, noticed there was the standard bidet in the bathroom, something that will remain unused, and headed out. 20 meters from the front door we were in the main piazza. The 3rd biggest cathedral in Italy I was informed by a tourist guide. It is immense, spectacular, amazing etc etc. We walked around it, up and down many streets then sat near it for a cold drink. My glass was frosty and the “almost a long neck” very cold. I poured the beer in the glass and suddenly had a frozen beer in front of me. But it was refreshing. After dinner we walked around for a few more hours marvelling at the spectacular buildings, watching and listening to buskers and walking in and out of a 100 shops. Back to our room we collapsed and even the hard bed seemed almost comfortable.
      One thing whilst people watching, we have noticed is the various stances people take before having their photo taken, it is an art form and at time amusing.
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    • Dag 16

      Explorando Florença II

      4 juni 2013, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hoje foi dia de visitar A Galleria da Academia onde fica a famosa estátua de David de Michelangelo entre outras importantíssimas obras da época do Renascimento italiano.
      Depois do almoço foi a vez de conhecer um dos museus mais famosos do mundo: a Galleria degli Uffizi, um outro icone de Florença. Infelizmente não foi permitido filmar ou fotografar dentro dos museus.
      À noite reservei uma atração muito especial: um jantar renascentista ao estilo da época, onde tive a oportunidade de me vestir com trajes da época e participar de uma dança com os atores. Uma boa experiência que recomendo.
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    • Dag 17

      Piazza del Duomo

      5 juni 2013, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      "Um museu a céu aberto". É assim que muitos descrevem a Piazza del Duomo de Florença, um enclave deslumbrante que reflete a grandeza que a capital da Toscana desfrutou durante o Renascimento.
      Localizada no coração do centro histórico, além da Catedral de Santa Maria del Fiore, ela esconde alguns dos maiores tesouros da cidade, como a Cúpula de Brunelleschi, o Batistério de São João, a Torre do Sino de Giotto e o Museo dell'Opera del Duomo.
      Tirei o dia hoje para visitar a Catedral, o Campanário, porém não foi possível visitar o Batistério e a Cúpula da Catedral, devido à filas imensas.
      O Campanile di Giotto é o belo Campanario da Catedral Santa Maria del Fiori de Florença. É considerado um dos mais bonitos da Itália graças ao seu colorido e suas harmoniosas proporções. A torre possui um revestimento de mármore branco,
      verde e vermelho igual ao da Catedral.
      Subir os 414 degraus do Campanario não foi nada fácil, porém a vista de lá de cima compensou.
      Terminei o dia com um jantar em uma Taverna, seguido de um concerto em uma Saint Mark's English Church.
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    • Dag 3

      Anreise Florenz

      7 mei, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      In strömenden Regen nach Florenz. Mit dem Auto zum Hotel war dann doch die reine Katastrophe, da ich durch die engen Straßen musste, die eigentlich nur für Fußgänger gedacht sind. Mal abwarten, ob da noch eine Rechnung kommt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4


      5 juli 2018, Italië ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Woken up to bells ringing at 7am.. They will forever be in my mind!!! Breakfast in a lovely cafe 5 mins from our appt. just love their fresh juice and food. Walked around one of the many squares with all the tourists and waited in a queue again to visit a palace museum. Had an early lunch then walked down to the Ponte Vecchio Bridge and watched dragon boats practising on the Arno River . Opening ceremony for the International Festival tomorrow night with racing on Sat. NZ team racing. Had siesta then back on the streets to see the famous sculpture of David, just amazing. Claire has sore throat so only three for dinner, hopefully she will feel better after a good nights sleep.Meer informatie

    • Dag 19

      Giotto's Bell Tower

      27 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Day 1 - Florence - Climbed Giotto's Bell Tower with Connor, Ella, Dan and Lisa total of 414 steps

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    Campanile di Giotto

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