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    • Dia 72

      Rome, Italy (Day 3)

      16 de outubro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      What we did:
      - Woke up early for our colleseum tour! Quick cafe stop on our way over. You are required to have a tour guide to enter so we were in a group of 30 or so tourists with a super Italian, old man. Probably spent more time bashing other guides than giving facts but he was funny in his little fits of anger. We walked through the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum. Pretty impressive to see the historic buildings!
      - Having conquered the last major tourist activity in Rome, we headed back to Trastevere to hunker down from the rain and get back to our wheelhouse of eating and drinking.
      - We stopped for lunch at the notorious Suppli takeout place. See below for a description of this wonderful creation.
      - Then we holed up in a wine bar and over potentially our favorite charcuterie board and Tuscan wines, and revisited our wedding plans. Is Gordon Lodge in Door County right? What if our dates get taken and we miss out? Is it crazy to book without visiting? Eff it we should just elope. No, we shouldn’t elope should we? You know what, no, we want a wedding. After hours of circular discussion and a couple glasses of wine we decided, let’s do it! We got real close to booking while in Croatia and the longer we’ve sat on it the more it just makes sense. Let’s call the Moms tonight and see if we’re crazy.
      - Energized and now with a plan, we decided to initiate a wine bar crawl. After failing to get into two packed ones, we finally holed up in a corner bar and had some Aperol Spritz. Not quite the plan, but hey Aperols are good with us.
      - After drinks we headed back to the hotel to regroup and then went to a casual dinner spot. Another solid meal! We have absolutely loved Rome. Originally intimidated from what we expected to be a super crowded touristy city, the vibes and food in Trastavere made it one of our favorite stops so far in Italy!
      - We headed back to the hotel and called Sally and Helen/Brian to talk wedding plans. After lots of good questions we got complete support to go for it! Excited, we sent a note to Amy at Gordon Lodge that we wanted to lock down our date after a few clarifying questions. Wooooooo!

      What we ate:
      - Breakfast of croissants and coffee at Giselds bakery
      - SUPPLI! So good! Had this for our lunch at “Suppli Roma” and breakfast on our way out of town the next day. It’s like Arancini, but so much better. Little balls of fried risotto and we tried three different types - Classico (red sauce), Cacio e Pepe and Cacio e Pepe with lemon 🔥🔥🔥. Bring these to the USA ASAP.
      - Delicious Italian cold cuts and cheese platter with Tuscan wines as an afternoon snack at Vin Allegro. Also got super fresh prosciutto melon!
      - Dinner at Trattori Del Teo. Steph got carbonara and Trent got seafood linguini. Delicious fried artichokes, a Roman staple, for an app!

      Fun facts:
      - 6M people visit the Colosseum every year.
      - When Mussolini was in power he put a lot of resources into modernizing some of the old buildings to help with bringing back the Roman Empire glory days
      - Back in the day if a building was declared for religious use it was protected from being destroyed/pillaged. If a building was not protected by the church, it was typically destroyed for use in other buildings.
      - Over the thousands of years Romans just kept building on top of other layers of buildings so when they excavated you could see all the different eras stacked up. We found it crazy to think how much is under Rome that they dont even know about
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    • Dia 3


      5 de setembro de 2017, Itália ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Our arrangements work well. The flight to Rome was smooth and the service was great -- but neither of us slept much. As we walked out of the customs area Ricardo Nemi was standing there holding a sign with our name on it. His limo took us to the hotel where we met Emerson our host at the AirB&B- which is simple but clean, private and quiet. Arrived at the airport at 10:30 and were relaxing on the patio of our hotel by noon. But I was knackered- and promptly crashed for a two hour nap.

      By 2pm local time we were out and about getting acquainted with the area. The location is pretty cool. We are three blocks from the Colosseum. One would expect this to be pretty cheesy with tourist junk (and some of that exists) but it is easy to dial into the local community that lives and works here.

      Our first meal out was at a family owned place that has been around since 1945 ( think end of the war). The wait-staff were having a fun time greeting friends as they walked by and the prices were really reasonable - at least $20 less than we would expect to spend for a similar meal on Lopez.

      We finished the evening with a visit to the locals grocery to get supplies for a picnic.
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    • Dia 4

      " Getting to know you ... "

      6 de setembro de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today we set off walking and did at least 7 miles before the heat and humidity told us it was time for a break. We began the process of understanding this city as more than a map or a chapter in a travel guide. With this in mind we selected two sub-communities, separated by the Tiber River. Trastevere and the Jewish ghetto. Here we got to experience some of Rome's history that is not simply ancient monuments.

      Trastevere retains the small single lane roads from the Middle Ages. Following a tip we looked for a sandwich place that features prosciutto-- WOW! This is nothing like what we get at Costco! A mixture of salt and fat that I have never experienced before. We will be eating here again before we leave Rome

      We also found the Santa Maria in Trastevere, one of Rome's oldest church sites where Christians worshipped illegally until the year 313. Most of the church is from the 12 century -- very peaceful -- in a city like this it does not stand out, yet it is certainly a magnificent example of citizens expressing their devotion to faith. This is negatively contrasted by the ghetto where "Christian" leaders defined Jews as second class citizens and forced them to live in difficult conditions.
      We walked through the section of town that was once the Jewish ghetto. In 1555 the pope forcibly moved all Jews to a confined space that became known as the Jewish ghetto. October 3rd, 1943 -- for the Roman Jews it was, to paraphrase Roosevelt "a day that will live in infamy " - the nazi's demanded 20 kilos of gold or they would deport Jews to concentration camps. It is reported that the citizens of Rome contributed their personal jewelry to pay the ransom -- and of course history reveals the deportation of Jews happened anyway.

      As I said, it was hot and humid today. Thank goodness it is possible to drink water "from the tap." In fact there are water fountains everywhere that can be used to fill water bottles.
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    • Dia 5

      Colloseum, forum and palitime hill

      7 de setembro de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We spent the entire day doing the Caesar shuffle. A required Rome experience. Things have really changed since I was here in the 80's. Back then you just walked in: no lines, no fees, no explanatory signs, and actually not much of a crowd. Now everything has changed. I certainly learned more this time -- even without a guided tour you can read the signs and get a lot of formation.

      Still,for me, it is an exhausting experience -- never been much of a museum buff.
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    • Dia 6

      Wrapping up phase one . . .

      8 de setembro de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Tomorrow we meet our Road Scholar group for transport to Foligno. Today we figured out how to use the light rail system and got oriented at the main train station for the train out to the airport where we will meet the RS group.

      The Baths of Diocletian were an easy walk away. Built in 10 years about 300 A.D. This was "Huuuge". It originally covered 30 acres and could accommodate 3000. The bath I am standing in was 4 feet deep with a surface area of 32,000 square feet. This facility was in service for 237 years.

      Next we found the Trevi fountain. It is impressive but probably more amazing was the number of people that where also there. Great watching couples, young and old toss coins in the fountain pool.

      Then on to the Spanish steps. Factoid of the day -- the Spanish consulate to the Vatican is located here and has been for 300 years. When the newly weds appeared everyone rushed to snap their picture.

      Last stop of the day was a church recommended by Val -- Santa Maria Della Vittorisa -- location of Bernini's best known statue -- the swooning Saint Teresa in ecstasy.
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    • Dia 17

      Day 17: Rome, Italy

      7 de julho de 2017, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Food, food and more food.

      Whenever we plan our day, we always make sure we add in a restaurant (or two) to our itinerary. For those of you who know me well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. Today we had the most amazing fresh gnocchi from That's Amore (a cute restaurant near the Trevi Fountain) and gelato from Venchi. I've recently become obsessed with Pistachio gelato because it's the best.

      Thank god we've been walking a lot the past few days to work it all off. Cumulatively, we've walked 47 km within the two and a half days that we've been in Rome. Today we visited the Jewish Ghetto, the Piazza Venezia and the Crypt of the Capuchins. The crypt was cool, yet eery and the Piazza was gorgeous. The detail in Italy's architecture is on another level. It's incredible.

      Today also reminded me of the best advice that we got for Italy. It was from two Australian girls we shared a room with in Santorini. They said "just walk" and at first we were confused, but after having been in Italy for a few days, it makes complete sense. No one gives you the opportunity to cross so you've got to wait for the perfect moment (or take a chance) and just walk across. Seems like we've got it down pat as many people today followed our lead.
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    • Dia 18

      Day 18: Rome, Italy

      8 de julho de 2017, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      It was a wonderful, lazy day.

      We were exhausted from the past few days and decided to be lazy in our lovely room before heading to a hostel tomorrow.

      For dinner, we went to a nice place near the Trevi Fountain and had pasta carbonara for the fourth or fifth time since being in Rome. Best pasta ever.

      We then went to have gelato at Venchi again, but had the cone that they fill with Nutella. Thank god we're leaving Rome tomorrow as I would go back everyday to eat that. We also walked over to the Trevi Fountain to see it all lit up and it was really nice. There was even a proposal!

      It was a nice ending to our last night. I shall miss the lovely Rome, but on to Florence tomorrow!
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    • Dia 20

      Basilica of Saint Clement

      7 de julho de 2016, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      This was one of my favorite sites! I think it's important to think about how societies have approached and absorbed religion into their culture over time. This church is a physical example of that layering as it is a 12th century Basilica built over a 4th century Basilica which was bulit over a temple to Mithrias which was apparently built over an early clandestine christian church.

      The pics include the sanctuary of the cult of Mithrias church, as well as other pics of the old and current churches.
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    • Dia 1


      17 de julho de 2017, Itália ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

      Wir fuhren zunächst mit dem Zug bis nach Hamburg, wo wir am Flughafen Luna an Nadja zur Pflege übergaben. Und Luna, die treulose Tomate, hat sich nicht ein Mal nach uns umgeschaut, sondern ist sofort mit Nadja abgedackelt... :-( Nach gut 2 Std Flug sind wir glücklich in Rom gelandet und abends todmüde in unserem sehr schönen Hotel angekommen. Wir haben noch super lecker im Obladi-Oblada zu abend gegessen und auf dem Rückweg ins Hotel einen ersten Blick auf den petersdom bei Nacht werfen können, was toll aussah.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Rom, Tag eins

      18 de julho de 2017, Itália ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

      An unserem ersten Tag in Rom entdeckten wir auf unserem Streifzug durch die Stadt den vier-Ströme-Brunnen, wir standen schon vor dem beeindruckenden Pantheon und wir kamen zur spanischen Treppe und aßen ein leckeres Eis, am Plaza del Popolo, Die Stadt ist einfach überwältigend und beeindruckend!Leia mais

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