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    • Day 21 - Forio, Ischia

      30 juli 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we left Naples brisk-fully! Straight down to the port after breakfast to get on a ferry to Forio on the island of Ischia.

      Once on the island we went to the hotel to put our bags there, luckily enough our room was ready at 11am instead of 3pm!
      We dropped our bags off to the room, went out for a walk and found a place that had excellent reviews for lunch - I was aiming for something that wasn’t pizza or pasta - Annunziata dal 1936. These guys did burgers/big sandwiches.
      After ordering off translate, we sat down and waited for our food, in the mean time the owner gave us deep fried mozzarella & deep fried some sort of pasta in a ball, delicious. Then the burgers came out, I had grilled chicken with caramelised onion and zucchini sauce while Katie had Parma Ham with salad in sliced Carsareccio Bread.
      We then rolled out of the shop back to the accomodation.

      We spent the remaining afternoon lazing around the pools in sun beds, yes the beach is 300-400m away, but when in Forio!

      We ventured out for dinner to Sarace Restaurant, I was disappointed that their octopus wasn’t available but got steered to fish of the day pasta by the waiter, I can’t say this enough, I have not tasted pasta or fish like this! Everything just melted in your mouth. Katie had the Tuna pieces and I thought the Japanese could do good Tuna, Italians have been hiding this from us! This was the best meal we’ve had in Italy so far, still getting used to some waiters attitudes but the owners are always friendly!
      Capped off the evening with Gelato.
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    • Dag 3

      Sonnenuntergang am Chitara Strand

      18 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach dem wunderschönen Tag in den Poseidon Gärten lassen wir den Tag am Chitara Strand bei einem Limoncello Sprizz ausklingen. Hier reihen sich kleine Restaurants und Bars aneinander mit herrlichem Blick auf die Bucht und die untergehende Sonne.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Abendessen im Kantharos

      18 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Schon gestern hatten wir in diesem kleinen, außergewöhnlichen Restaurant mit exzellenter Küche für heute Abend einen Tisch reserviert! Hier gibt es extravagante Gerichte und herzlich erfrischenden Service bei einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungsverhältnis!Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Abendessen im Da Ciccio, Forio

      17 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Aufgrund der Erfahrungen mit unserer Familie letztes Wochenende in Straßburg dachte ich, ich reserviere sicherheitshalber alle Abendessen für unsere Reise auf Ischia im voraus. Ganz offensichtlich ist jedoch hier gar nicht mehr viel los. Als wir um 19:30 Uhr das Restaurant betreten, gehören wir zu den ersten Gästen, doch nach und nach füllt es sich mit Einheimischen. Der Chef des Hauses empfiehlt uns gekonnt eloquent die Spezialitäten des Hauses und wir sind sehr zufrieden mit unserer Wahl. Sehr leckere Pasta mit wunderbarer Sauce, vorweg Bruschetta mit viel Knoblauch und frittierte Zucchiniblüte mit Schafskäse. Sehr lecker, dazu gibt es ganz wunderbaren Hauswein für 13 € der Liter .Meer informatie

    • Dag 40

      D40 Italy - Forio, Ischia

      13 augustus 2019, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Our mission today was to enjoy a little bit of the western section of the island, by first heading to Giardini La Mortella. This garden is one of the top things to do here on Ischia, and was recommended also by our Air B&B host in Rome, and after a long morning we knew why - it was truly spectacular.

      Mortella is in fact the Italian name of Myrtus communis (a relatively common hedging plant in Australia with edible berries), which used to grow wild and populate the hillside where the gardens were developed.

      The garden is the life’s work of the 1900s composer William Walton’s wife; Susana Walton. Gardening was her passion, and she created the garden for the sole purpose of providing her husband with a place to relax. Landscape designer Russel Page was adopted to support in the early stages of the gardens design; a project at the time which expected to take 10 years. Since it’s inception, it’s continued to be developed to this day, but its bones and core aesthetics remains the same. Page took his inspiration from the surrounding environment. This meant embracing the naturally rocky outcrops of the garden, which features steep steps and dry stone walling created from rock mined on site. The curved paths create a sense of mystery, with small rooms providing vistas to Forio, and irregularly shaped ponds full of water Lilly’s and other Italianate features.

      While the garden today begins in the valley beneath the rocky face and features a long simple water feature connecting three small fountains, Russell Page originally said no to any water (as it wasn’t natural given the landscape), until Naples connected Ischia on town water supply some 12 years later.

      One of the fountains is octagonal shaped, created for Williams 80th birthday. Interestingly and hilariously, William had a button installed in his room so he could turn off the fountains after Susana had entertained guests, and continue composing in silence.

      One of the gardens prize pieces is it’s Victoria House, a small glasshouse with a pond featuring three different species of of Victoria, the giant prickly water Lilly’s. Rhett themselves are fascinating, closing their flowers in the evening and overnight turning in colour and gender from female to male.

      There is a small recital hall on site which was created after William’s death to provide aspiring artists a place to practice and develop confidence in front of real audiences. This opportunity continues to this day, as does the outdoor concerts in the on site performance open air theatre with stadium seating built into the rocky face of the gardens, and with Forio as the backdrop far below.

      We watched a 45 minute video (made in the ?90s?) that had Susana guide us through the garden. In this, she shares a drink of Prosecco, Lemon and Mortella with a young artist who has just performed a recital. This is a drink she proudly created and self describes as ‘a miracle combination’! One which we enjoyed afterwards at the dainty little garden cafe, accompanied by a deliciously sweet and savoury bruschetta and a lemon almond cake - molte bene!

      The last interesting point I’ll mention is that William’s remains were put inside a natural pyramidal rock over looking the garden. Next to ‘William’s Rock’ there is a permanent bowl of Felicia’s, paying tribute to the colour of his eyes.

      If one ever finds themselves in Ischia, visiting Giardini La Mortella is essential. The spirit of both Susan and William Walton lives on in the garden’s aura, bestowed to the trust that maintains it.

      After visiting the garden, we made a beeline to the slither of ‘free’ beach in Forio where we cooled down in the Mediterranean. We wandered the streets of Forio, visited its Basilica atop a spur jutting into the sea, then returned back to our beloved (and quieter) Lacco Ameno.

      After a cooling shower, we headed to the local Archaeological Museum of Pithecusae to see ‘Nestor’s Cup’ in all its glory. This pottery wine cup dates back to the eighth century BC and was discovered in 1954 at Pithecusae (first Greek colony name of Ischia). It is significant in having one of the earliest surviving examples of writing in the Greek alphabet.

      That evening, we wandered into town and feasted on seafood while watching cute Italian children dance their little hearts off to the music blaring in the streets. Tonight was some kind of musical street party, with numerous performers busting out tunes on the foreshore. We spent some time on the fringe of the dance floor bopping along to what must have been popular Italian songs, with the locals singing along, worded for word.
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    • Day 22 - Forio, Beach Day

      31 juli 2023, Italië

      Today we had nothing planned, it was going to pretty much stick like that. No miraculous walks up a hill with 1500 steps or so today!

      We had breakfast at the hotel, wasn’t anything to write home about so I’ll skip that.

      Katie and I opted for a beach day, the sun has some bite in it, most beaches don’t have much shade during the day so we decided to treat ourselves to rent two sun beds and an umbrella.

      We rented them from Chalet Nonna Carmela, which coincidently has a Maltese background!

      That was us set for the day! Couple of swims, a siesta and a beer!

      For dinner we went to Jack all’empomeo - Osteria - pizzeria. Katie had the Napoli and I had margarita with basil as the owner said was quite nice.
      We chatted to the owner and found out a lot of his family (cousins ect) are in New Zealand and he told us about his last visit.

      We finished the night off with gelato!
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    • Dag 2

      Hotel La Scogliera, Forio

      17 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Als wir im Frühjahr hier waren, sind wir an diesem kleinen Hotel vorbei gewandert und mich hatten damals sowohl die Lage als auch die Gestaltung des Innenhofes begeistert, so haben wir zwei Zimmer mit herrlichem Meerblick gebucht. Das Hotel liegt nur 2 Gehminuten vom Strand La Chiaia entfernt, es verfügt über drei Swimmingpools, einen Süßwasserpool im Freien, einen Außenthermalpool mit einer Hydromassage-Ecke und einen Innenthermalpool, eine Sauna. eine Sonnenterrasse, und einem Wellnesscenter.

      Schon das Ankommen in der herrlichen Abend Stimmung mit Blick auf den Sonnenuntergang über dem Meer, war ein Erlebnis, dazu ein Aperol, was braucht es mehr, um glücklich zu sein?
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    • Dag 7

      Aufstieg auf den Epomeo

      22 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Der Monte Epomeo ist mit 788 Metern der höchste Berg der Insel Ischia und für uns der Aufstieg ein Muss eines jeden Ischia-Aufenthaltes. Oben angekommen wird man mit einem wunderschönen Ausblick über die Insel Ischia und bei schönem Wetter über den Golf von Neapel belohnt!

      Der wunderschöne Tuffstein, der uns auf dem Weg zum Epomeo Berg begleitet, hat eine grünliche Farbe angenommen. Am Anfang ist der Weg asphaltiert, dann läuft man durch einen Kastanienwald, teils mit Blick auf die Landschaft. Danach folgt ein Maultierweg, der uns bis auf den Gipfel führt.

      Hier oben liegt uns die ganze Insel zu Füßen, der Pilz von Lacco Ameno scheint ein kleiner Stein zu sein, die weiße Kirche vom Soccorso in Forio glänzt, das Castell Aragonese, die Insel Procida, der Vesuv, ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl… Viele sagen „da oben sei man nah bei Gott“. Andere sagen, dass der Epomeo dank seines Tuffsteins, voller Energie geladen sei! Wir sind es auch, genießen noch einen frisch gepressten O-Saft in der Bar und machen uns dann an den Abstieg. Joe, Martina und Martin zurück zum Auto und Uta zurück zum Hotel.
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    • Dag 3

      Poseidon Thermalgärten Forio

      18 oktober 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Therme Poseidon-Gärten ist Ischia's größter Thermalpark: sehr heilsame Thermalwasser fließen in die mehr als 20 Pools mitten im Grünen, mit verschiedenen Wassertemperaturen (28°C - 40°C), insgesamt drei Pools sind mit Meerwasser gefüllt, zur Freude der Kinder und zum Schwimmen, eine Thermaldampfgrotte, nach guter alter griechisch-römischer Tradition, drei Kneipp-Anlagen (Wechselbäder bei 40°C und 15°C) zur Anregung des Blutkreislaufes und ein Parcours zur Stärkung der Blutgefäße in den Beinen.

      Im Frühling waren wir zum ersten Mal in dieser traumhaft schönen Parkanlage und waren total begeistert. Zum Glück hat sie auch jetzt noch geöffnet. Für uns gibt es fast nicht Schöneres,, als im warmen Thermalwasser mit Blick aufs Meer zu liegen, umgeben von einem sehr gepflegten Landschaftspark. Wir haben dafür 33 € pro Person, Eintritt gezahlt, ab 12:30 Uhr zahlt man nur noch 28 €.
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    • Dag 39

      D39 Italy - Lacco Ameno

      12 augustus 2019, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We decided before we went to sleep last night that today would be dedicated loosely to life admin (ie. washing a tonne of dirty laundry) and exploring the area of Lacco Ameno. That seemed to warrant a sleep in.

      After a homemade breakfast of champions (supplies entirely by our lovely host Bjorn - thanks Bjorn!), Ant set off to run errands around town while I....did Pilates.
      We both had a productive hour as Ant was able to book us tickets for the boat to Amalfi on Thursday and also grabbed some washing machine detergent at the local supermarket. He even made a new friend in one of the local nonnas who helped him pick some natural detergent. Awww.

      Clothing was washing and hung.
      Sunscreen was applied.
      Another supermarket run was made for dinner supplies - I can’t communicate what a hectic experience that was, it was every man for themselves (and deli meats!)!
      Snacks and bottled were packed.
      Beach time was upon us!

      We spent a few hours at the local beach (Spiaggia di San Montano) before we both had had enough of the loud locals standing close to our faces, the smoking and the dusty sand. But the water was really refreshing!

      After a cold shower we did some necessary Sri Lanka research and started prepping dinner. We have been looking forward to having a kitchen to cook food in for weeks, so we kept it simple - oven baked chicken with onion, tomatoes, Italian seasoning, lemon and extra virgin olive oil alongside fresh bread and a caprese salad. We’re all about variety here...

      We decided to go for a quick walk through the town after dinner, as it’s at its best at 10pm at night, when the temperature is cooler. It’s apparently also an opportunity tor the holidaymakers to put on their best clothes and go out for dinner. We however, feel like it’s perfectly acceptable to rock dirty jeans shorts and Tiva sandals while we scope out the gelato options...
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    Forio, Форио

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