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    • Dag 16

      Ferry, Customer Service issues, Gelato

      16. august 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Breakfast at Tiffany’s - oops, make that Breakfast at Sara’s! Carolina needs a cappuccino first thing in the morning to function on all cylinders, so what better way to enjoy a cappu than sitting out on a sun-filled balcony absorbing the morning sun, and looking out over the full vista of Lake Como. It’s a tough life!
      Sara’s parents joined us a short time later as we discussed the plans for today. We decided to take the 10:30am ferry down the Lake to Bellagio, look around this beautiful lakeside town, and come back on the 2:30pm ferry to Gravedona.
      However this is Italy, and often not all is what it seems. When we got to the ferry jetty we discovered that the 10:30am ferry had been suddenly cancelled for that day. Fortunately there was a 10am ferry which was about to leave and we managed to jump on board just before it departed. It was just as well we had left home a few mins early. The 1:30 hours ferry trip stopping at all stations to Bellagio was very relaxing. The weather was warm and sunny, even a bit hot hot as we sat in the sun, and a sliding cascade of beautiful scenery passed by for us to gaze upon and enjoy. Lake Como is a very picturesque area!
      On arrival into Bellagio there were masses of people everywhere as it is still the school holidays here. It was impossible to get a table for coffee or lunch and we were told at several places that there are no reservations and instead we must queue up in the hot sun for 30-45 mins to get a table.
      This did not seem like a good plan, so we thought we would use up a bit of time to confirm that the ferry back was operating ok.
      However this is Italy, and sure enough we found this ferry had just been cancelled with some mutterings in Italian from the ferry staff that it had just broken down. But not to worry they told us, because the next ferry leaves 3 hours later at 5:30pm!! So it was clear that we were destined to have more than enough time for a good look around Bellagio.
      It was still impossible to get a table for lunch so we started looking at the shops that seem to make up most of Bellagio. Carolina was fascinated, Peter less so. Very narrow but pretty cobblestone streets and very steep climbs and descents were the order of the day. Up and down with lots of people around. Bellagio is a very scenic town.
      Along the way we got thirsty and stopped to buy a large bottle of water at a small store. The shop girl told us it was €2.50 so we gave her a €10 note. The response was “we don’t take change”. OK we replied and prepared to pay by card. The reply was “We only accept cards for €5 minimum”. So we replied “You will not accept cash or card, so how can we buy this bottle of water?” The reply - “Buy 2 bottles of water”. The staff there were rude, very unhelpful, and seemed to have no interest in looking after a customer. Carolina was horrified and livid!!
      We finally trudged out of the shop with Peter carrying 2 large bottles of water in his backpack with Carolina remonstrating about the lack of customer service of some Italian shop staff.
      At that point we got to a cafe that had some tables available. So we asked the waiter if we could sit at one of them. His answer was “No, they are not my tables”. So we asked whose tables they were and he shrugged and pointed to another waiter. It seems each waiter looks after his set of tables and is not interested in any customers that need to sit at some other tables in the same restaurant! Again Carolina was livid about the Italian customer service or lack thereof.
      So we finally spoke to the right waiter for one of the vacant tables and managed to get some lunch.
      Later in the day after trudging up and down hills visiting lots more shops while we bided the time until the late ferry departed, we treated ourselves to large amaretto gelato!! That made us feel much better!
      The ferry trip back to Gravedona was again spectacular. The sun was beginning to set and the water, mountains, and clouds all painted beautiful pictures for us to end the day.
      And then it all changed! A storm suddenly hit with lightning, winds over 50kts, large waves, and heavy rain. The wind caused the ferry to be jammed against the jetty at one of the stops and had a lot of trouble leaving. After that the ferry stopped in the middle of the lake and waited for about 20 mins for the weather to pass through before continuing. So the day ended on an adventurous note.
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    • Dag 31

      Lazy Day in Bellagio

      17. juni, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Spent the day strolling around town. Did the high street in the morning then joined the throng down against the shore of the lake in the afternoon. It is very busy here. Currently sitting on the balcony overlooking the lake having a quiet drink while the boys cook dinner. We have really scored with our accommodation here.Læs mere

    • Dag 17


      2. oktober 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      This morning the bus left the hotel at 8.00am and drove us the 60 minutes to Bellano, a town on the eastern side of Lake Como, from which we caught a ferry to the famous and beautiful town of Bellagio, right at the geographical centre of lake Como. The town, like most in this area, is built on the shores of Lake Como, the surrounding hills of which plummet spectacularly from about 800m above the lake into the water. The mountains seem further back from the lake are up to 2500m above sea level. The lake is said to have been carved out by a glacier over many years.
      Bellagio is a famous town on the lake and we spent several hours wandering through its streets and to the peninsula which reaches right out into the middle of the lake and from which the are almost 300 degrees views.
      We ate a pasta lunch overlooking the lake.
      After lunch we caught another ferry to the western side of the lake to visit Villa Carlotta, a famous large villa built in the early 19th century for an aristocratic Italian family. The villa has been a museum for many years, and is an insight into how the upper class maintained large stately homes in this region hundreds of years ago. The gardens are also extensive and well maintained. There were a large number of huge trees in the garden the must be at least 200 years old, including an impressive cedar of Lebanon which is huge in height and girth.
      We caught a ferry back to Bellano, then the bus back to Como, admiring the amazing tunnels through the mountains that must have taken years and millions of dollars to build. We also respected the skills of the bus driver on the switchback turns climbing the mountain out of Bellano.
      We had a late dinner in Como before heading off to bed after a big day beside the glistening freshwater of Lake Como.
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    • Dag 33

      Lake Como Boat Trip

      19. juni, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We fluffed around Bellagio, waiting for our afternoon boat hire. We got there to find there had been a market all day that was packing up ... oops. Probably a good thing as we would have bought more stuff to carry.
      Had another three hour boat hire and it was once again glorious. We went to the other leg of Lake Como which was much less populated and had more rugged mountains - a bit more like Switzerland. Had a lovely afternoon drinking limoncello spritz and swimming in the lake. Bree dived in and lost her bather bottoms, and we laughed. Parents of the year. We are all debating which side of the lake is better but I think all of it, for different reasons.
      Saw something very strange. There was a lady in her 50s topless in a boat, not a care in the world. Trust me, she should have been wearing a top.
      We have all loved being on the lake to get away from the tourists and the "influencers".
      We have returned to the apartment to drink more prosecco, cook dinner and play Dean Martin music. I am not sure how tomorrow's 6am pick up will go.
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    • Dag 3

      Alpi innevate da Bellagio 🗻🌳🏘️

      2. december 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Tras más de una hora de trayecto en la que nos da tiempo a recrear la vista ante semejantes paisajes y a almorzar, llegamos a Bellagio 🌞

      Conocido por su pintoresco casco antiguo y sus exuberantes jardines, Bellagio se encuentra en una península que divide el lago en dos ramas, lo que le otorga vistas panorámicas impresionantes 🤩

      Tenemos mucha suerte, ya que en esta fecha podemos ver los Alpes Réticos nevados de fondo, montañas orientales centrales que son parte de los Alpes italianos y suizos 🗻🗻🗻
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    • Dag 7


      18. august 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Départ en bateau de Tremezzo à Bellagio. Petites ruelles typiques avec des magasins bien sympa. Glaces artisanales dans une boulangerie succulentes.
      Petit temps calme à la pointe de Bellagio "Punta Spartivento" avec une petite sieste en poussette au bord de l'eau, bercés par le bruit des vagues.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Deževna noč nad L. Como

      19. juli 2023, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ko sva prišla do svojega piknik prostora, kjer bova prespala, je že temno, a končno prijetno hladno za umirjeno večerjo pod zvezdami. Ponoči nekaj dežja, zbudiva pa se ob klicih mladih osličkov. Zajtrk, hiter sprehod in z neba že kaplja, ko končno kreneva.Læs mere

    • Dag 41–46

      Lake Como

      9. oktober 2023, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Arrived in Lake Como after a short delay the train was late so we missed our connection.
      Such a beautiful town. Met Karen and Ian. .. time for a drink. Found a great place for dinner then a walk along the foreshore.
      Gordon got his bucket list ✔️,.... Motto Guzzi museum. He was in his element. Had a look around Mandello del Lario while we were there
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    • Dag 27

      Lake Como - Switzerland

      9. juli, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The morning started with coffee ☕️ from Panzera 1931 and catching a bus, we drove for an hour or so, then arrived at Menaggio, a brief stop time to get another coffee ☕️ and a croissant. Saw a beautiful lavender display, and the smell was the best as we strolled past it. We then boarded our boat for the Lake Como cruise 🛳 😎. Beautiful serene time the views were amazing again, surrounded by mountains, greenery and water. We saw views of houses that belong to George Clooney, Anglican Church, and another where 007 and Starwars were filmed just breathtaking.
      Once, on the other side, we docked at Bellagio for lunch at Seta Restaurant it was ok, nothing special. Then, I did a little bit of shopping for mementos and found some xmas ones for my collection. Back on board and final cruise back to the side with of bus. Our adventure continued to cross the border into Switzerland 🇨🇭 from here, an additional stop due to complications in Como and not being able to go there. Tough gig, found a mall, and added to my Pandora, then wandered with the girls browsing went to the chocolate shop to some photos at the Lago di Laguna, relaxed and then off trip back to Milan wonderful day, hot day but beautiful and an experience to remember 😀 💕
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    • Dag 3

      Sind nicht von hier

      28. maj 2022, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Also Tag gut gestartet… kleiner Frühstückssnack und dann heut mal etwas früher unterwegs. Fahren nach Bellagio, die Perle des Comer See 🥰.
      Auf dem Weg fühle ich mich den ersten Tag hinterm Steuer ganz wohl und freu mich, dass die Fahrradfahrer alle den Berg rauf und wir runter fahren. Bedeutet wir müssen nicht überholen sondern NUR aufpassen, dass der Gegenverkehr nicht in uns hineinfährt 😬.
      Die Fahrt ist wunderschön so am See entlang unter Bäumen. Die Luft ist noch frisch und es riecht nach See 😎. In Bellagio gehen wir auf Nummer sicher und fahren Google hinterher um zu den öffentlichen Parkplätzen zu kommen. Irgendwie nicht so gut… landen direkt an der Promenade im Stau und bekommen natürlich keinen Parkplatz… also steuern wir den nächsten an. Auch mit Google und auch nicht so gut bis furchtbar. Denn nach Kreuz und quer durch die Gassen finden wir uns auf einmal vor der Fußgängerzone wieder 🙈🙈🙈 zurück: no way 4 Autos hinter mir und an umdrehen ist nicht mehr zu denken… vor mir ein blinkendes Schild: wegen Überfüllung Durchfahrt verboten… also was machen?! Augen zu und durch … wir im Schlepptau mit den anderen 4 einmal mitten durch die Altstadt und den Besucherstrom. Ich scherze noch, dass ich Karsten die Stadt wegen seines Knies so zeigen möchte, der hat dafür kein Verständnis, da er mir schließlich gesagt hat ich soll da nicht reinfahren… wichtig war auch der Hinweis, dass alle Leute schauen … klar da die Straße so eng ist bleibt ihnen nix anderes übrig wenn ich ihnen nicht über die Schuhe fahren soll. Aber ich muss sagen, alle waren super nett und haben sich ohne zu meckern an die Hauswände gepresst…Knallrot (nicht vom Sonnenbrand) steuern wir direkt auf die Kirche zu und sind einfach nur happy, dass wir gleich am Parkplatz sind, der wie soll es auch anders sein … ebenfalls gesperrt ist. Also wieder zurück und nur ein kleines Stück durch die Fußgängerzone und dann raus aus dem Stadtkern.
      Wir ergattern etwas außerhalb und nicht von Google vorgeschlagen auf einem großen Parkplatz und können uns tatsächlich einen aussuchen … Yeah und nicht selbstverständlich… denn bis wir uns mit dem Parkautomaten endlich arrangiert haben ist der Parkplatz voll. Wir schlendern über das Kopfsteinpflaster Richtung Altstadt und finden uns zufällig an der „verbotenen Straße“ wieder und folgen einem Auto, dass auch nicht den Ausweg gefunden hat. Zur Veranschaulichung anbei 🫢.
      Wir starten mit einem Snack und einem Aperol und beobachten das bunte Treiben und nehmen uns vor die Hop on Hop off Tour quasi auf dem Wasser zu machen und fahren von Bellagio nach Varenna. Ein goldiges Dorf mit bunten Häuser … und massig Touristen. Wir setzen uns erstmal in den Schatten und genießen Aperol Nummer 2 dann bummeln wir auch hier durch die Gassen und fahren dann weiter nach Menaggio wo wir an der Palmen gesäumten Promenade ein Eis verspeisen… dann gehts auch schon wieder zurück nach Bellagio. Dort wollten wir eigentlich in der Abendsonne noch Gemütlich was essen, bekommen aber keinen Tisch… Gott sei Dank, denn auf dem Heimweg finden wir ein super Pizzaria, bei der Karsten eine Calzone und ich mein Spaghetti bekomme… zwar nicht mit Tomatensauce dafür mit Muscheln 😀 .
      Morgen heißt es arrividerci Comer See und ciao Lucca 😍…. Sind gespannt…
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