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    • Day 8

      Hiking - Day 6 - Licata

      March 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We've had a long and good night. A building kept us protecting from the wind. The night was warmer. A little bit at least. Lupo got up earlier than expected. So we directly started a beach walk for 5km and have seen some fisherman in the darkness at the beach. Fishing, having had a fire spot in the sand, sitting around it and haven't really realized me passing. I walked without light and greeted. They haven't stopped starring on their cell phones. Busy. Socializing. Mobile signal at the beach was at least pretty good 😊
      We headed further to town. Some dogs were barking again. Behind fences. Still everything closed. To early start. Suddenly again a group of taller stay dogs next to the road across the shopping mall. One dog jumping up and running barking and teeth showing to Lupo. I shoot immediately at him. Luckily after awhile it showed results. But too risky to leave my dog in front of the supermarket and risk that they approach and fight while I am inside. So we walked into town for a cafe to charge the phones. And wait for the opening hour. ...

      Just passed a frutta e vedura shop. There are some of them in town. Finally I see yummy fruits and gigantic vegetables.

      Next stop...MD supermarket. Oh... Now the backpack is heavy. At the fruit shop he gave me an Artischocken salad for free. Interesting to try. In oil and done spices. So after stroking further mostly on roads (no traffic) I stopped early cause of the midday heat. A very nice beach but not cleaned yet. Smells a bit of sea grass. Beautiful, looks almost like Asian beaches. Just be crowded in main season.
      I've taken the only hit at the beach and started to cook the 2 minutes pasta from the shop, spiced with Italian herbs from Austria and my garlic, olive oil, chili mix. Not too bad actually. Next to it the gifted veggie salad. As a dessert I've found a high protein chocolate. I needed to try. Not too shabby, but probably a bit healthier right now. 24g protein in one bar. Sounds not too bad to me.
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    • Day 7

      H-Day 5 - beach walking and no water

      March 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      First beach walking day! Sunshine! Nice!
      We've started a bit later again and it took not long and we entered the first long beach. Unfortunately it was high tide and not much compact sand. So we took a break and enjoyed breakfast. Dried everything and headed further. The scenery changed always from Sandy beach, scratchy bush walking and busy roads. Hot, lots of wind... Like always. And always from the front.
      After awhile I realized that Lupo is tired. Everything was closed either, and thus we got short on water and food. But this time I decided to stop 7 km before the city. Without water. It is a good overnight place and shops will open tomorrow at 8:30 or 9. So we have plenty of time to rest. I stop earlier for my dog. We rest.

      32.000 steps - 23.7km
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    • Day 47

      Castel Sant'Angelo

      February 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      There was a thunderstorm this afternoon, so the thunder rattled my windows heavily - it scared me. In any case, I didn't think it would be so nice towards evening, but the sky opened up and the sun came out at sunset.

      So after my work we drove to Licata to climb the mountain and look at the Castel Sant'Angelo. It was already closed but we were interested in the view. Great. Then do some shopping and go to the bar, well two bars. A successful evening!

      The castle stands on the extreme eastern offshoot of the Licata mountain, 130 meters above sea level and dominates the port to the south, the city and the plant to the north. Numerous archaeological remains are preserved all around (necropolis, sanctuaries, silos, roads, monumental tombs, living spaces, cisterns, etc.). The construction was begun in 1615 alongside a pre-existing quadrangular-based watchtower built between 1583 and 1585. The works were interrupted until 1636. The bastion was completed and inaugurated in 1640 and constitutes a rare example of baroque fortresses built in Sicily in the 17th century.

      The castle never suffered attacks of any kind, demilitarized, it was used as a telegraph pole, for state service, from 1849 to 1856. At the beginning of the 20th century a "traffic light" was installed there with a garrison of the Air Force, which it continued to function until 1965, the year in which the Castle was definitively abandoned. By decree of 8 July 1969, it was declared of particular artistic and historical interest.

      In the 1980s it was the subject of a restoration, managing to completely recover the architectural organism. Its located in the center of an archaeological area of interest, that is, in the center of the Hellenistic city which extends over the top of Monte Sant'Angelo.
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    • Day 27

      Pasticceria Siciliana

      February 8, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I discovered a great pasticceria.

      Of course we had to eat our way through the offerings 🤪 and now we know which ones we like best.

      I will definitely come back, at least shortly before departure, to pack an adequate amount of food for Germany 😋.Read more

    • Day 41

      Santuario di Sant'Angelo

      February 22, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The Sanctuary of Sant'Angelo is located in the homonymous square in the historic center of Licata.

      The works perfected in their current forms and carried out in 1752 were evaluated by Angelo Italia, architect and "engineer" of the diocese of Agrigento, and by the architect Giovanni Biagio Amico.

      The church was elevated to a sanctuary on 5 May 2010 by the metropolitan archbishop of Agrigento, Francis Montenegro.

      A visit is certainly not necessary, but if you're having a drink in the Cafè Sant'Angelo anyway, you can definitely take a quick look.
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    • Day 19


      January 31, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      I actually wanted to eat or drink a granita during my lunch break but it's crazy. In winter ❄️ there seem to be none in all of Sicily.

      But now that I'm in Licata, I had to try something new 😋: stuffed cornetti 🥐.

      The filling of your choice is injected into a normal cornetto 🥐. In my case pistachio cream. The cornetto itself is sweet because of the sugar on it and the filling makes it really rich.

      Price for cappuccino and filled cornetto: 3.- 😳. A decent dessert! 😋🤣
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    • Day 24

      24. Tag Camping am Strand

      May 9, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Es ist immernoch bedeckt und wir haben genug von den Tempeln. Wir entscheiden, wieder aufzubrechen und haben einen Stellplatz etwa eine Stunde entfernt, direkt am Meer herausgesucht. Nach einigen Anläufen - die Wegbeschreibung ist da nicht ganz eindeutig und wir wollen schon fast aufgeben - finden wir ihn tatsächlich noch. Wir parken unter Palmen direkt am Meer und sind happy. Außer Scooby und Nina gesellt sich nur noch ein weiteres Womo zu uns und wir verbringen den Tag damit, aufs Meer zu gucken, mit Dronie zu spielen und die Seele baumeln zu lassen.Read more

    • Day 181

      Tag 179.5: Pizza Siciliana a Licata

      February 14, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Unser Ziel für den Abend und die Nacht sollte heute das Hafenstädtchen „Licata“ sein - man soll am Fischerhafen stehen können, das Städtchen soll ursprünglich sein und wir hatten einen Restaurant-Tipp.
      Allerdings war das mit der Zeit mal wieder ein Thema und die Fahrt dauerte auch wieder über die schlechten Landstraßen länger als gedacht. Die Abendsonne war wunderschön und der Sonnenuntergang auch, aber wir mussten noch fast eine Stunde im dunkeln waren. Und zum Ende sind auch die Kinder noch eingeschlafen - das heißt immer, dass unser gemeinsamer Abend sehr kurz wird.
      Zum Glück war die Einfahrt und der Weg nach „Licata“ nicht all zu kompliziert. Allerdings standen wir da nun auf dem Hafenparkplatz. Die Straße durchfahren zum Strand „Marianello“ wollten wir im Dunkeln nicht, da der unbefestigte Weg nicht im guten Zustand wirkte.
      Der Parkplatz war beleuchtet und es gab einige ruhige Straßenhunde. Allerdings kamen ständig irgendwelche Autos angefahren - Manchmal nur eine Runde gedreht und manchmal wartete ein Auto und es kamen andere nahe zu denen. Wir haben keine Ahnung welche Geschäfte hier liefen, aber es fühlte sich etwas komisch an.
      Deswegen gingen wir auch nicht mehr alle zusammen essen, aber ich bin nochmal losgezogen, da ich endlich mal italienische Pizza essen wollte. Und bei meinem Weg zum Pizza-Laden habe ich festgestellt, dass „Licata“ wirklich ein charmantes italienisches Städtchen ist, wie man es sich so vorstellt. Es waren sogar noch einige Leute unterwegs und Cafés und Restaurants offen. Spätestens jetzt wusste ich, dass wir heute in „Modica“ unsere Zeit verschwendet haben. Wir hätten lieber früher hierher kommen sollen und die Stadt noch bei Tageslicht mehr entdecken. Nur schlauer ist man meist erst im Nachhinein.
      Auf jeden Fall vertrieb ich mir circa 30 Minuten Wartezeit mit einem abendlichen Stadtspaziergang und telefonieren. Hier in der Innenstadt hat es mir so richtig gut gefallen. Also ich wieder am Pizza-Laden ankam, war die Pizza noch gar nicht drin und ich musste nochmal warten. Letztendlich hielt ich dann 3 große frische heiße toll riechende sizilianische Pizzen in der Hand und bin auf dem schnellsten Weg zu Homie und meinen Männern zurückgelaufen.
      Dort angekommen ließen wir es uns schmecken und die Pizzen waren großartig.
      Und so ließen wir den Abend ausklingen, beobachteten noch etwas was draußen los war und schliefen irgendwann alle ein.
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    • Day 18–19

      Zwischen Licate und Gela

      July 1, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute Morgen den Traumplatz verlassen um ins Tal der Tempel nach Agrigento zu fahren. Sehenswert, auch das Museum war sehr erhellend. Für heute genug alte Steine...
      Nach fast sieben Stunden Kultur nur noch ein wenig Strecke gut machen auf dem Weg ins Landesinnere. Ein Platz am Meer, ohne alles, aber gut gelegen...Read more

    • Day 47


      February 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      There aren't many cosmopolitan locations in Licata but this place has some of it.

      Of course the offering is Italian through and through but the presentation is very modern. Comfortable modern, not uncomfortable modern.

      Anyone who would like to switch from the old to the new tradition is well served here, because tradition is not about preserving the ashes, but about passing on the fire.
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