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    • Day 23

      Cinque Terre

      July 19 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      This was a long, hot, exhausting, and totally amazing day trip. We joined a group tour for this, which started with a two-hour bus ride west to La Spezia. Two short train rides took us to the second and third of the “Five Villages” along the coast. Then we hiked to the fourth, which was quite a steep up-and-down walk along a cliff overlooking the sea. One more train ride took us to the fifth village, and then a lovely boat ride saw us back to the first village. Beautiful views every step of the way!Read more

    • Day 41


      September 14, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      This is the post card picture town called Manarola :) if you see pictures from Cinque Terre, I bet it's of this town! The houses are literally built on cliffs and everything is either up or down hill! So great to stop and have lunch :) we also SWAM! It was a fairytale. The water was perfect temp (just a tad refreshing) and so blue, surrounded by magnificent cliffs and ocean.Read more

    • Day 13

      Von Volastra nach Manarola

      May 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ich dachte das man im Nationalpark Cinque Terre nicht nur mit dem Bus die Landschaft genießen sollte, eine kleine Wanderung kann man gut damit kombinieren. Luftlinie von Volastra nach Manarola sind es nur gut einen Kilometer, allerdings knapp 400 Höhenmeter. Naja dann ist es wohl nicht Luftlinie, aber machbar, hat sich gelohnt, auch wenn Manarola extrem touristisch ist. Hier kann man auch mit der Bahn hin fahren, aber das kann ja jeder!

      Volastra ist dagegen recht verschlafen, hier verkehrt keine Bahn und die Parkplätze sind rar.
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    • Day 69

      The Cinque Terre

      July 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today was a magical day - not because of the 40+ degrees temperature, but because of our time on the Cinque Terre - five villages on the coastline of the Ligurian Sea that date back to the 11th century and the time when nearby Genoa effectively ruled the known world.

      We started in Manarola, then caught the ferry down the coastline to Manarossa, where we had lunch - 'fantastico'.

      Then we caught the train back to Sant Margherita Ligure, where we caught another boat down to Portofino - another magical place.

      Today was one of our best days ever - amazing scenery and great food. This area of Italy is a special place.
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    • Day 11

      Cinque Terre

      September 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute waren wir der frühe Vogel, da wir bereits kurz nach um 8 Uhr im Zug sitzen wollten, um die Cinque Terre anzusehen. Das Wetter verkündete schon morgens einen heißen und sonnigen Tag. ☀️ Wir kauften uns am Bahnhof die Cinque Terre Card und setzten uns in den Zug nach Monterosso, dem ersten Dorf. Von dort aus wanderten wir knapp 4 km zum zweiten Dorf, Vernazza. Ein wunderschönes Dorf, welches uns mit einer herrlichen Ansicht der bunten Fassaden vom Wanderweg aus begrüßte. Da man von Dorf zu Dorf mit dem Zug fahren kann und nicht zum wandern gezwungen ist, waren wir zu Beginn noch relativ allein, in Vernazza selbst merkte man dann aber schon, welche Touristen Massen tagsüber durch die Straßen strömen.
      Wir setzten uns zunächst mit einem kühlen Bier ans Wasser und akklimatisierten uns, bevor wir das Dorf erkundeten. Danach beschlossen wir, den nächsten Wanderweg nicht anzutreten, sondern auch mit dem Zug zu fahren, da die Hitze und das ständige rauf und runter einem schon ziemlich zusetzen. 😄
      Wir fuhren bis zum Letzten der 5 Dörfer, Riomaggiore und erkundeten auch dieses.
      Danach beschlossen wir aber, die Mittagszeit am Meer zu verbringen und fuhren nach Levanto zurück. Zum Sonnenuntergang ansehen fuhren wir dann nochmals mit dem Zug los nach Manarola, stiegen auf einen wunderbaren Aussichtspunkt und genossen die letzten Minuten der golden Hour. 🥰

      Morgen gehts weiter in die Toskana und nach Florenz. 🤗
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    • Day 97

      Cinque Terre

      April 13 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Cinque Terre besteht aus fünf malerischen, verträumten Dörfern an der ligurischen Riviera. Mit dem Zug kann man die Dörfer bequem erkunden. Von Dorf zu Dorf führen auch Wanderwege. Wir sind von Manarola nach Riomaggiore gelaufen. Dieser Weg führte uns steil hinauf zu traumhaften Ausblicken über das Cinque Terre und wieder ebenso steil hinab zu den malerisch bunten Häusern und Gassen. Dass das Gebiet leider kein Geheimtipp ist, merkt man schnell, da es an Besuchern nicht mangelt. So lassen wir uns verzaubern von den kleinen Dörfern, die auf so wenig Raum zwischen Meer und Bergen liegen, dass die Bahnsteige sogar im Tunnel verschwinden.Read more

    • Day 12–15

      Cinque Terre

      May 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Time for another coastal trip with hikes, Cinque Terre had beaches, views and gelato aplenty. We stayed in Manarola, a town that is against the cliff in the middle of the 5 towns. The visit was mixed. We loved the sunsets, the views and some of the hikes, however it was pretty crowded. Other highlights include sea kayaking around Riomaggiore and swimming in MonterossoRead more

    • Day 23

      Manarola - Nessun Dorma Restaurant

      July 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      All rested and ready to take on the steps again in Manarola, we caught the train, then had to walk up to the restaurant from the station. Not just any walk, I must say, up stairs downstairs and inclines that are not for the faint-hearted certainly learnt our meal. Wonderful views and plenty of memories made lovely evening. I purchased some original paintings of the villages from a lovely girl on the way down and can't wait to frame them.
      We did, however, miss the return train and had to wait an extra hour, so we tried to navigate a quicker way and went to Riomaggiore station. No luck waited for the train there. Back now and resting for another adventurous day tomorrow, I will sleep well after all the trekking we did.
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    • Day 35

      Our Epic Day in the Cinque Terre

      July 28, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today was one of the days we have been really looking forward to. The Cinque Terre. 5 little villages built into the hills of the Italian Riviera of the Mediterranean. What is there not to love?

      We bought a Cinque Terre Train Card that gives us unlimited travel from La Spezia through all the towns as well as access to the trekking paths (the walk between the towns that we didn't do)

      We started out taking the train to the farthest village, Monterosso. Every village was so different. This one was more spread out so there was very little vertical climbing unless you wanted to get into where the houses were. We walked up and down the marina and then we got into the Mediterranean for a good long swim. It was awesome. It was already 25 C outside by 9 am so we knew it was going to be a hot one and we wanted to start off the day in the water before it got too busy.

      After our swim and a little shopping, we were back in the train to head to the neighbor village of Vernazza. This village was quite a bit smaller that lead down to this circular marina. Very picturesque. It was here we took a little detour up into the trekking trail to get some good shots of the city from up on high. After a little for exploring and relaxing we headed to the next town of Corniglia.

      By now the heat is starting to affect us. This village is unique as it doesn't have a marina and the town is at the top of a hill. You have 2 options, wait for a little bus to take you up...or... do it the Mooney way and take the stairs. So, we took the Mooney way. After the stairs we were hot and tired. The path takes you to a little square that doesn't have much and you have to take some side path to get to the centro or city centre. All the other towns so far just took you there easily so it took us a little bit of time to find the secret entrance.

      Once we found it, our next action was to find food. We stopped at a cute little pizzeria that specializes in pizza and sandwiches on foccaci bread. It was delicious and just what we needed. We kept walking through the town to their scenic terrace at the edge of the town with views of the Mediterranean and the neighboring town. Then it was back through the town and to take the stairs back down (it is the Mooney way) and back in the train. This time, we skipped the next town and got down to the first town of Riomaggiore.

      In this town, you get off the train and walk through a long tunnel to get the town. This town had a marina and the town extended far up the hill. We walked really far up, stopped for some Gelato, and got some great pictures. Then we walked back down and headed to the rocky Marina. Some of the kids wanted to get wet again and a couple wanted to work on their tans. I saw some kids cliff jumping nearby and thought my kids would like to do it. The tanners were not that keen as they didn't want to get wet. So I convinced the swimmers to come check it out with me. Once the tanners saw the swimmers go... then they decided to come to. I think they were nervous but if they all went together and the sacrificial first jumper survived, then maybe they would do it to. So we worked our way up to the top of the Rock, watched some little kids jumping off and I convinced all of them to do it to. So all my kids went cliff jumping in the Cinque Terre. That will be a cool memory for them.

      Afterwards, we made our way back to the town center, got some more Gelato (didn't I already say how hot it was... it was definitely a 2 Gelato day) and then we were off to the last village, Manarola.

      We kept this one till last because the hope was it was larger then a lot of the other one so we would spend some time there and then have a nice supper. But man..... was it hot. We started at the marina. It was packed with swimmers and sun bathers and there as a cliff side path that would take you to some scenic views of the town and the sea. So we hiked up there, got some great pictures and then made our way back to the city centre. Nobody was interested in swimming again so we walked up the hill into the city. We ended up not finding a suitable place to eat and by now we were all pretty tired and sweaty. So we intended to head back to our place in La Spezia, clean up, change clothes, and head back to the Cinque Terre for supper. In reality, we got all cleaned up and decided to stay in. We cooked some pasta, drank some coke, and spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the place and preparing for our trip to Florence.

      The Cinque Terre was everything we hoped it would be and the kids had fun. I am glad we came. Next is 3 days in Florence so there is still lots to look forward to. And in a week from now we will be heading home. So with that I will sign off. Thanks for being on this journey with us.
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    • Day 8

      Mit dem Zug nach Manarola

      July 24, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Das einfache Ticket zu den Dörfern kostet 5€. Für 18,60€ bekommt man das Tagesticket.

      Wir haben online einen Tisch im Nessun Dorma reserviert Wartezeit ca. 1,5h ( 100 Vorreservierungen).
      Um 17.00 reserviert und um 18.30 hatten wir den 2er Tisch.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Manarola, Մանարոլա, マナローラ, 마나롤라, Manium Arola, Манарола, 马纳罗拉

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