Das Forum Romanum ist wie das Palatin ein Wohngebiet, nur diesmal für das Fußvolk. Mit Marktplatz und Markthalle und Eventhalle.
Das Forum Romanum ist wie das Palatin ein Wohngebiet, nur diesmal für das Fußvolk. Mit Marktplatz und Markthalle und Eventhalle.
Early start for us at the Roman Forum
Probably our favourite part of Rome was the tour of the Roman Forum even though it was 33 degrees by 10am
Here’s a panoramic view from the top of the balcony. It looks great! There’s so much to see here at the ruins next to the coliseum. I want to experience all of it!
We’re even able to get a good look at the Coliseum from up here. It looks beautiful! I’m really impressed by the view from here.
Kathy was right! The view from up here is amazing! I can only imagine what this view looked like in the heyday of the Roman Empire. It must have been magnificent!
This was what we saw at the end of the corridors. I’m so impressed that the Romans were able to build such beautiful things like this with no modern tools or machinery.
Here’s another shot of Kathy and I. I really love photos of us together. We always look so natural and happy with each other.
I was right! This is a great location for shooting portraits. I think Kathy always photographs so well. I love taking pictures of her!
Kathy ran up to the top of the hanging garden to see the view and started calling me to come up. It must look fantastic from up there. I’m on my way!
También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:
Orti Farnesiani sul Palatino