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    • Dag 59

      We always need food

      10 januari 2018, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Sadly, our stay in magical marvellous Matera came to an end. We packed up our bags and hyped ourselves up for the tour we were absolutely to begin. Alessandro, a tour guide and as we later discovered, a wine and olive oil sommelier was taking us to Ostuni. On the way, we were to stop at Martina Franco and Alberobello.

      The Awesome Foursomes don’t go anywhere with anyone unless food was involved. Alessandro knew us well and after a 10 minute drive, he stopped us at a bakery to eat some typical Matera bread and focaccia. We stocked up on 3 different types of focaccia which unfortunately was to be saved for Ostuni’s meals. No eating. Arriving in Martina Franco, we were amazed at how our guide was able to navigate the small alley ways to show us the beautiful town. We toured a palace and was described daily life in the ancient (pronounced ain-s-ient) times. Soon we were lead out of the town, back to the car and ready for or next stop.

      Remember, we need food. So, our next stop was a cheese tasting. Our tour guide lead us passed the cheese shop and getting anxious, thinking we need to walk more for our food, we were lead through a beaded curtain and were greeted by 6 muscled men making the cheese. They were working hard and fast making buffalo mozzarella. Our tour guide explained to us that the liquid they are dishing the cheese out of is 65C and that’s when we discovered that the men’s hands were bright pink and they had to dip it in cold water every few minutes not seconds to stop it from scalding. Then they started making another cheese that was half ricotta half cream cheese. The blocks of this cheese that one man was scooping out of a 1m deep trough was 3kg and he lifted it like it was a marshmallow. Now, I appreciate cheese even more and try very hard no to think of all the sweat that may be in my cheese. Yuck!! We then were finally able to taste the various cheeses and were in love. We bought 3 different cheeses which were again, to be kept for Ostuni.

      Alberobello is a town filled with trulli. Trulli are what look like tepees made out of stones. I will let the photos describe. Words can’t. They were phenomenal. Perfectly rounded and all the same so the town looks almost identical in every direction yet each corner has something different. From, houses owned by old Nona’s to restaurants and souvenir shops. Knowing us well, Alessandro lead us into a pastry shop known for their typical pastry cakes. So of course, we had to get some and these, we could eat immediately. Yay!

      Our next stop was the olive oil farm where we going to find out how olive oil was made . This time, in an industrial way rather than a small farm production like Francesco and his families in Assisi. We were allowed to taste the olive oil. More food.
      Crates containing 350kg of olives lined the factory and they looked yummy. I wanted to jump right in and start eating them all but I contained by urge and stayed out of the crate. We were explained how olive oil was made manually which takes 3-4 hours and mechanically which took 45 minutes. The mechanical machine was going full steam ahead and to see the process was amazing. From whole olives being washed to mushy olives looked like tapenade to curd looking oil to pure olive oil. It was quite amazing to see the process. We tasted the olive oils (all 6 types) and were amazed at how olive oil can taste so different depending on whether it is organic or not and manually or mechanically made. Quite frankly, I could not taste the difference between organic or not, but manually made olive oil tasted so much better than the machine made oil. Now average mini market bought olive oil is not nice. We are so spoilt in Italy with food.

      Later arriving in Ostuni, we were taken to our accomodation which is 3.5 stories. Bedrooms on the ground floor and a bathroom (all very open plan), a bathroom as you ascend the stairs, a kitchen, dining and living area on the next level and the 4th level has a beautiful terrace.

      We were so tired, we made our way to dinner then collapsed in our super comfy bed ready for our exploration the next morning.

      I thought after the busy day we had yesterday full of cheese and olive oil tastings . We would be up at mid day.

      First day in ostuni we all must have been excited to explore . We where all up by 8am . We had a very yummy breakfast of foccasies, cheese and bread. We all scoffed down our breakfast and decided to go and visit the only 2 sites listed in kai's Kindle. The cathedral which was amazing inside with beautiful facades. We where very fortunate to have the sun shine through the windows so we could see the interior of the cathedral. The second site was an archeological museum it was a 5 euro entrance fee so we gave it a miss.

      We then went for a walk to find dudo's coffee. A nice lady in a shop recommended a coffee place up the street. Which serves appertivos so look forward to writing about it in our next post.

      After a slow stroll in the park it started to bucket down with rain. In a panic Kai got the umbrella out and the camera went back in the case.

      We where very fortunate to have some left over pasta , garlic and a tin of tomatoes and cheese from our cheese tasting shop yesterday to have for lunch. Otherwise we might have just starved. As we figured out ostuni is like a ghost town nothing was open except a few sandwich shops and coffee shops.

      Now we are all sitting in our apartment catching up with reality Facebook, emails and what's app.
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    • Dag 15

      Ostuni, The White City

      15 april 2019, Italië ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      On our way from Gallipoli to Alberobello, we stopped off for a visit to Ostuni, a picturesque hillside town that is known as Città Bianca, The White City. The majority of the buildings in the old town are constructed of limestone, a readily available commodity in the region, whose white colour served not only to keep the homes cool in the summer, it provided lime, the mineral that acted as an effective disinfectant in ancient times of epidemic. In fact, it is believed the city was largely spared from the plague in the 17th century because of the inhabitants’ use of lime.
      From the highway one can see Ostuni gleaming in the sunshine from several kilometers away, quite a spectacular sight.
      The area was first inhabited by Neanderthals some 40,000 years ago and the remains of a pregnant woman, who died 25,000 years ago, were found in one of the nearby caves. Quite a history.
      Of course, like most of this part of Italy, the city was built, conquered, destroyed and rebuilt several times over the centuries. Messapians, Greeks, Romans and Normans all held the city at some point in history.
      We wandered through the old town, admiring the 13th century cathedral, the palaces and some of the ruins of the ancient fortifications.
      We were surprised to find the city to be teeming with tourists, particularly this early in the season.
      When we arrived in Ostuni, I parked the car in the first open spot I saw. Park first, ask questions later. When we got out to read the signs to see if we could legally park in that spot, we were both puzzled by the posted pictograms. As we stood on the corner debating what to do, we were approached by an American couple, who have also been touring around Italy. The woman inquired as to our nationality and then went on a rant about how many tourists are already in the more popular cities further north. She claimed Rome is now almost unrecognizable with all the African, Syrian, Iranian and Chinese immigrants roaming the streets. Brenda politely agreed with her that the mainland Chinese tourists are quite unpleasant and said she does not want to be mistaken for one. The woman said, “I understand. Maybe you should have some surgery done to change your eyes or something”. Hmm….I wonder who she voted for.
      By the time afternoon rolled around, we were getting a little hungry, but couldn’t find anything open to meet our dietary requirements. OK, there were a few, but the prices they were charging in the old town were ludicrous. Sorry, I can’t bring myself to pay €10.00 for a plate of pureed fava beans, even if it is a regional specialty. We made our way out of the old city and eventually came to a Tavola Calda that was filled with locals having lunch. Food is served cafeteria style and we ate delicious tomato and artichoke salads, pickled beets, orrechiette pasta and I had a decadent slice of tiramisu for dessert.
      With very happy bellies, we jumped into La Grande Orange and made our way to our next destination, Alberobello.
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    • Dag 4

      Ostuni (1)

      23 september 2021, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Die "Weiße Stadt" Ostuni hat ca. 32.000 Einwohner*innen. Sie liegt auf drei Hügelkuppen. Auf dem höchsten Punkt dieser wunderschönen Stadt ist die im romanisch-gotischen Stil erbaute Kathedrale Santa Maria aus dem 15. Jahrhundert gelegen, deren Rosettenfenster eines der größten in Italien ist.
      Die gut erhaltene Altstadt ist inzwischen kein Geheimtipp mehr.
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    • Dag 6

      Ostuni by night

      18 november 2021, Italië ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Ab späten Abend kommen wir in Ostuni an - der weißen Stadt. Unser günstig ergattertes Appartement (42€ pro Nacht) stellt sich als echter Glücksgriff heraus. Jede Menge Platz und alles da was man braucht. Von da aus schlendern wir in dir Stadt und suchen nach einem offenen Restaurant. Tatsächlich hat ca. 70% schon geschlossen, die Hauptsaison ist vorbei. Ein tolles Restaurant finden wir aber noch und verwöhnen unseren Gaumen noch einmal mit italienischen Nudeln und Nachtisch darf auch nicht fehlen. Wir freuen uns auf die Eindrücke der Stadt bei Tag.Meer informatie

    • Dag 7

      Ostuni by day

      19 november 2021, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Um 10 Uhr checken wir aus, bringen das Gepäck schon mal zum Auto und begeben uns noch einmal in die weiße Stadt. Der Abend gestern hat nicht zu viel versprochen und so genießen wir schon beim Frühstück dir wunderbare Aussicht. Das Wetter spielt heute auch mit und so lassen wir uns durch die weiß gemalerten Gassen treiben.Meer informatie

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    Ostuni, Остуни

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