Piazza Duomo

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    • Day 44


      October 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Up up on the furnicula to Brunate.
      It's a steep 30 min walk up to Volta's lighthouse but definitely worth the view.
      Celebrated our 40yr anniversary with Karen and Ian plus our last night together. Sad,Read more

    • Day 43


      October 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Today we drove around the lake to get a different view. Still stunning but much mister than yesterday. First stop Menaggio for a gelato and walk before catching the car ferry to Bellagio. After checking out the shops and a bite of lunch it was off to Nesso, a quaint little town. Walked down to the Nesso bridge and waterfall then drove back to Como along the narrow winding road. Thank goodness Ian was driving.Read more

    • Day 9


      August 25, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Caught early train with a 5.00 wake up.
      2.5 hrs to Milan.

      At Milan we have a 'Best of Milan plus The Last Supper Tour' booked at 10:45am
      Our train gets in at 10:00. We struggle to locate the luggage drop off point as it is 3 floors below us. Grab a Taxi with a rally driver!!

      We make it perfectly on time. Eleana is our guide. She is colourful and cute. Earpieces in we begin with the famous Duomo.

      We walk the streets stopping at various buildings and statues. I like the one of Leonardo. We look up at the glass ceiling of the Victor Emmanuel shops surrounded by Prada, Versace, Lois Vuitton and it is all beautiful.

      The Sforsesco castle is amazing. Very old with a massive moat. Very hot today, I slurp on an icypole.

      We head to the church Santa Maria Delle Grazie where the Last Supper is painted on a wall in a room where the Monks would eat their meals.

      I took out my earpiece and sat still. Only small groups are allowed in for 15 minutes.
      The painting is well worn but still colourful. Many restorations have been done.

      All I know about the story is that Jesus and his disciples had just discovered that someone has betrayed Jesus and they were discussing whom it could be.

      Tour finished, we hail a cab to catch our 1.5hr train to Como.

      We are squished on the train and Athena has to hold our cases as they go rolling away on every turn!

      We arrive at Como and it is bustling with people and cars.
      We both wish we had booked more days in Monterosso as it was heavenly quiet.
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    • Day 29

      The Lure of Lake Como

      August 4, 2023 in Italy

      We arrived to an overcast Como which was better than the forecasted thunderstorms, although it felt as though the weather could change any moment.

      After having gelati we needed to work out what to do next as everybody we know who has been to Lake Como raves about it and whilst we weren't getting that vibe we also knew we only had one night in Como so we had to make the most of our limited time.

      We hurriedly booked tickets for a boat trip hoping the weather would hold out (which it did) and took a 1 hour trip on the lake. It was spectacular and quite obviously an area of excessive wealth and prestige.

      Once we were off the boat our next stop was the funicular (cable car) to see Como from above.

      As the sun started to go down the place came to life and we decided to have dinner in the old city Square which was lit up and has the Cathedral as a backdrop.

      After a later dinner we had a leisurely walk home enjoying the balmy warm weather and thankful that the predicted thunderstorms did not materialise.
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    • Day 68

      Our last day in Como

      May 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We had originally planned to spend the day on the lake. We were going to rent a boat and wake surf. This entire trip we expected it to be warm by now. Everyone has said this weather is usually cold. Since the weather didn’t cooperate with us, we had to change plans. We were all very disappointed. Gabe walked to the street market and found us a bag to pack up all our trip goodies! Did I tell you the 1st package we sent home is still in Lucca ? The Poste Italia sucks….the lady told us completely wrong and the package has never left Lucca. We are still working that out. I worked on some packing and the boys played video games together. We are all going to watch a minor league women’s soccer game. The game was cool. The stadium seating was covered. Which was good. Since is rained the entire day. After that soccer game we drove to Cernobbio. It sounds like “Chernobyl”. The traffic around Como has gotten so much worse since we first arrived. I cannot imagine it in the summer. It’s only a 2 lane road and in some places a 1 lane road. There was a car show going on in Cernobbio. So there were lots of cool cars driving around. We had a coffee and a pastry at a pastecheria on the lake. It’s Vitto’s favorite. Then we walked around a little bit. Gabe and I got a Bellini from the famous Harrys Bar in Venice. They have a little spot there that sells Bellinis, coffee and Chippriani products. Like pasta and sauces…We drove over to Franchi’s soccer game and watched his match. Then we finally made it to dinner. We didn’t get a proper lunch so we were all starving. We are super excited because we are going to a Lebanese restaurant. Vitto met the family who owns the restaurant at Tommis boxing class. The family has 5 boys and they all work at the restaurant. The food was wonderful. So homemade and tasted delicious. We were stuffed when we left. By the end of the night the restaurant was packed. They took a little while to bring our check and we really needed to get home to pack. Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Milan for the day. Ciao.Read more

    • Day 3

      Como: Il cuore del Lago 🌬️🧸🚢

      December 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Corriendo vamos a la estación y llegamos un minuto antes de que salga el tren 🚄💨

      Tras un breve viaje, llegamos al tercer lago más grande de Italia, conocido por su extraordinaria belleza natural y rodeado de pintorescos pueblos: el Lago di Como. Como lo habíamos esperado, nos recibe un cielo completamente nublado y un viento que no nos deja ni siquiera abrir el paraguas 🌬️🌧️🌂

      Ante este panorama, nos metemos a desayunar en una cafetería, temiendo que ni siquiera haya barcos para navegar por el lago. Al acabar el desayuno ha desaparecido tanto la lluvia como el viento así que vamos a visitar la pequeña ciudad de Como y luego nos subimos al barco que nos dará un largo paseo por el lago 🛥️🏘️
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    • Day 42


      October 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Another bucket list ✔️.
      To celebrate all our birthdays we hired a speed boat to take us around Lake Como for 3hrs. Perfect weather and so much fun. Saw George Clooney's house, Versace house, the house used in Oceans 11. Stopped in Bellagio for a drink before being whisked back to ComoRead more

    • Day 67


      May 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Rain Rain Go Away…Today we plan to just hang out with our friends, walk around and go to dinner tonight. Andrew, Renee and Tommi are going to have piadina’s for lunch. Gabe, Vitto and I went to a restaurant. I found a bean soup. It was pretty good. Tommi has a tennis tournament today so Andrew is going to go watch him. Then we will all go to dinner.
      We are going to our favorite pizza place tonight. It’s called Riva. We met in Piazza Volta for an apertivo before going to dinner in the rain. The pizza was fantastic!! We got a gelato after and went to bed. We are hoping for better weather tomorrow.
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    • Day 66

      Travel Day 4 back to Como

      May 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We began our day with urgent phone calls to American Airlines and American Express. Gabe requested an upgraded seat on the flight home and when he did that it changed all of our seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So hopefully that gets sorted out. Have I mentioned I really want to come home ?
      After breakfast we walked over to the Arena. The line was so long. So we just took a look from the outside. We will have to rain check a tour of that later. It’s really cool. Looks like a mini colosseum in Rome. It’s still used all the time today for concerts and shows. A movie is actually being filmed there right now. Then we walked over to the Castleveccio. Its a medieval castle surrounded by what was a moat. It sits on the water canal and is connected to a bridge. The bridge is called Ponte Scaligero. We walked over the bridge and walked along the canal. The water is flowing really fast.
      Verona is a beautiful city. It’s not to big, walkable, has really nice stores and numerous churches and historical things to see. It defiantly deserves another visit.
      We are not able to stay at this hotel another night because its sold out. There was supposed to be a Formula 1 race in Bologna on Sunday. But the rain has been causing some very serious flooding to that area and they cancelled the race. We have experienced the rain but have not seen any of the flooding. After we packed up the car we grabbed a poke bowl for lunch. Renee got a chicken sandwich from the Amsterdam Chippys place. We actually didn’t see any of those in Amsterdam. We stopped at the Basilica Santa Anastasia before we headed out of town. We drove our final 2 hours and arrived in Como around 5pm. We have a really great apartment near the Duomo. Renee and I went to the store to get a few things for dinner. Gabe has calls tonight so we are staying in.
      *more photos to come
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    • Day 28

      Lake Cafe, Como

      October 1, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We continued our walk around the harbour and sampled a fritelle sempilici, similar to a flat donut covered in sugar. A warm and tasty treat to enjoy on a cooler day.

      After checking out some of the buildings and monuments we made our back to the Duomo Piazza where we did a mini bar hop, with our last stp being front row seats at Lake Caffe, where we could admire the Duomo while enjoying a couple of cocktails. We do love how drinks in Italy are often accompanied by complementary snacks. These snacks, like today, end up being lunch as they can be quite substantial and filling. It was a lovely way to spend our last afternoon in Como.

      After a very relaxing afternoon we decided on take away arancini for dinner back in our apartment, which was delicious, before ducking out for our daily gelato fix. Can it get any better than this.??!!

      Como has been a great stop for the last five days. We didn’t get out on the ferries as much as we would have liked due to the sometimes ordinary conditions, but the weather Gods are smiling and the next couple of weeks are looking good.

      Tomorrow we head to Parma.
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    Piazza Duomo

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