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    • Día 6


      4 de octubre de 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Eine Stadt auf Felsen gebaut 😃

      Ohhhh wie wundervoll ist diese Stadt und dann noch dieses Wetter. Ein Traum 🌞 Leider waren wir nur bis 14 Uhr mit dem Schiff vor Anker. Ich hab mich mit meiner Arbeit beeilt und bin um 11 Uhr schnell rausgegangen. Hab dort eine leckere Pizza und ein Eis zum Nachtisch gegessen - mjami. Hinter jeder Ecke gab es so schöne Dinge zu sehen, wäre gern da geblieben.Leer más

    • Día 24

      Cinque Fotigrafies-Sorrento Day 1

      7 de mayo de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      This was our first day on mainland Italy. We arrived to Port in Naples around 8 a.m. after a night at sea on a ferry from Palermo. I was a bit dubious about getting much quality sleep as the seas were rolling a bit. Neither of us suffer from motion sickness, but I do get a bit unnerved by the unevenness of the motion, not unlike my response to turbulence in the air.

      I woke up to the light coming in from the porthole and got up to look outside. It turns out that we were approaching the isle of Capri. That passage will likely be the closest that we get to Capri, but it was fun to see it.

      When we disembarked from the ferry, the next task was to find the commuter ferry from Naples to Sorrento. Google maps saved the day, and we easily found the ticket office about fifteen minutes later. I hadn't booked the connecting ferry until 11 a.m., but the ticket agent let us book the 9 a.m. to Sorrento for a modest fee.

      The ride on the commuter ferry was fun. It was a fast passenger ferry and we cruised along the shoreline at a pretty good clip. Our first glimpse of Sorrento was inspiring as we saw buildings built into the cliffs and walls that reminded me of castles from Game of Thrones.

      As we pulled up to port, we started to map the address, but as I looked up from the dock, I recognized our inn from photos. We confirmed the address and, sure enough, our place of lodging was only about 100 meters from the marina. In retrospect, the lodging house is called Marina Piccolo (small marina) so it makes sense that it was close by

      When we arrived at our accommodations, we met Alice. We were hoping to just drop out backpacks off, but it turns out that our room was ready and she let us move in after a tour of the facility and area restaurant suggestions. She was really quite lovely and welcoming.

      Our room is spectacular. We face the bay and Mt. Vesuvius. The song of the dance of the waves on the shore adds to the tranquility of the place. And most of the city is nestled on the cliffs above us.

      We learned that there are only two ways to get to the upper city: the stairs or a lift that connects you to the public garden. We decided to check out the lift and ventured in search of a local laundromat. As has been true for a good part of our trip, the rains have stalked us from Portland.
      Luckily, Alice had made sure that we had an umbrella, and we found a site to do laundry.
      When we arrived, a young Australian couple helped us navigate how the machines worked. We learned that they had both quit their jobs, and they told us that they were exploring Europe ".. until their money ran out." They alerted us to avoid a specific washing machine. In turn, we paid the information forward by helping another traveling young man navigate the machines.

      Walking the streets of Sorrento is festive with many shops and restaurants luring you to their spaces. The old buildings are interspersed with the new, and I love the integration.

      As we returned back toward our hotel, we opted to try some pizza, the food that this region is famous for creating. When we asked the server how big the pizzas were, he replied that they were single serving size. They were huge and tasty, and despite having leftovers, to-go boxes do not seem to be in custom here. We capped the meal with limoncello shots.

      After a nap, we held a family Zoom call with Genevieve, Olive and my mother as an early Mother's Day greeting and catch up.

      We opted for a late night dinner at the beach. We were the last reservation of the night, and the service was disorganized, but gracious. It should be noted that traveling in Sorrento is a bit like the DownEast Mainer expression, "You can't get there from heah." Although we could see the restaurant from our accommodation, the route to get there was a little tricky as we have to travel up and around a cliff to get back to the shore.

      It's time for bed. I go to sleep with gratitude that the travel gods were looking out for us. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Buona Notte! 💞
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    • Día 25

      Cinque Fotagrafie-Sorrento Day 2

      8 de mayo de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Buona festa della mamma a tutte le mamme e a coloro che hanno ricoperto il ruolo di mamme.

      We are having a lovefest with Sorrento. Today we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day thar contrasted the local weather reports. We started the day with a substantive breakfast on the rooftop terrace of the Inn. The service here is generous and friendly.

      The city plazas were bustling with tourists from cruise ships. Jim C went to view the Roman ruins (circa 150 A.D.) where Queen Giovanna escaped the summer heat. I remained at the inn and we met at one of the main plazas at noon.

      While waiting for Jim, I overheard a woman switching from Italian to English, as she tried to explain to her Italian companions the phrase "to put on lipstick as they attempted to repeat it. At one point, I laughed while this exchange was happening, and the woman asked if I spoke English. I told her that I was from the states, and she explained that she was originally from Torinto. She complimented me on my ability to speak English and she told her friends in Italian that I was a good English speaker. I guess nearly 64 years of practice has some benefit.

      I didn't know that Mother's Day is also celebrated in Italy (and many other European countries), and it was fun to see tourists and locals alike celebrating their mothers. The market where craftspeople were selling their wares was lively and packed.

      Jim and I people watched and drank cappuccino freddo, a really delicious blended ice coffee layered on top of cappuccino. We also sampled French fries with a lemon pepper cheese sauce before heading off to wander the city streets.

      On our walk, we discovered a lemon and orange garden where a vendor offered limoncello and other liquors. We purchased a bottle of mandarin- flavored digestive, and we hope to share it with Jim's sisters next week when they join us in Tuscany.

      We decided to check our David's Gelateria who Rick Steve's billed as producing the best gelato in the city. We can offer no dispute- the flavors were amazing. Jim C has become partial to coffee/pistachio and I have really loved the fruit flavors like strawberry and mango.

      After returning to our room, we enjoyed a long nap, and then we watched the changing sky, a spectacular rainbow and the setting sun.

      We wrapped the evening with an extended dinner at Donna Sofia, a restaurant dedicated to Sofia Loren. We were seated in a courtyard; the food and ambience were lovely and relaxed.

      We had a sweet walk home, and we enjoyed the quiet streets as we made out way back while noticing lightning flashes from moody Mt. Vesuvius across the bay. Buona Notte, friends.
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    • Día 23

      Sorrento, Italy

      27 de abril de 2016, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Day 21,22 and 23 Sorrento

      I visited the Amalfi coast.
      The roads are very winding and i got a bit car sick so i didnt go as far down the coast as i expected to.
      But Alas it was still very nice.
      I sat on the beach and ate a panini.

      I could see the coast on the way back on the bus.

      I have left sorrento and am on my way back to Naples to catch a plane to Sicily.
      I am very excited.
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    • Día 14

      Sorrento & Amalfi Coast, Italy

      16 de agosto de 2017, Italia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Today we drove the entire Amalfi Coast. The narrow winding road offered magnificent views throughout. We stopped in the town of Amalfi to walk its streets, visit piazzas and have lunch.
      We could go on and on about this special place but will let our pictures do the talking.Leer más

    • Día 40


      8 de octubre de 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      What a difference a day makes, from nasty Naples to stunning Sorrento. This place is heaven!!

      We somehow managed to make it on to the train at Naples after fighting against a huge crowd of people determined to get off the platform and not make any room for people trying to get on. I can understand how people get pick-pocketed here. It was overwhelming. The train ride was just as unpleasant as I was sat across from an old lady who was muttering Italian in a “devil” like voice and doing the sign of the cross for the whole ride. I think she put a curse on me. Arriving in Sorrento broke that curse.

      Our room is beautiful, location amazing, the streets are clean and the sun is shining. There are very few people here so we spent the afternoon wandering the streets, exploring the area, checking out the shops (I love the ceramics here) and enjoying an afternoon drink sat overlooking the amazing water. It is such a pretty town and so full of colour. Such a contrast to where we just came from.

      And we had some amazing meals here too. While waiting for our accommodation we enjoyed a very delicious brunch at Mo Mo, a kitchen and bar next door to where we are staying. We enjoyed it so much we went back for dinner and I had the best ravioli so far on the trip.

      Another place we visited twice was the Restaurant Terrazza delle Sirene at the Foreigner's Club, overlooking the amazing coastline. We enjoyed an afternoon drink and snacks on our first day, had a chat with some English tourists at the next table, and patted the local cats who joined us, while admiring the beautiful scenery. We were so impressed we returned for dinner on our last night and it was fabulous. Another plus for this beautiful town.

      We don’t want to leave. Sorrento put us back into holiday mode and helped wipe away the homesickness blues.
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    • Día 49

      A room with a view in Sorrento

      13 de mayo de 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I arrived after a flight from Naples and then a bus ride to the lovely town of Sorrento. Next challenge was finidng my room at the B&B I had booked. Google maps led me to a very large private house which was not the right place. As I stood there pondering a lovely young American woman stopped to help. She was living in Sorrento and running a food tour business. She rang the host and got directions for me, one of many helpful people I found along the way.

      The room was lovely with a balcony and view over the Petite Mer and fisherman's village. The host helped me up the stairs with the bags and then took me to the rooftop balcony for a drink and a chat. She gave me some great advice about how to spend the next few days.

      Breakfast was freshly made food served every day on the roof balcony. Such a nice start to each day. The village below was lively at night and a great place to eat with fish straight from the boats each day.
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    • Día 1

      Sixty in Sorrento

      16 de septiembre de 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      02:15 start seemed like a really good idea when we booked this holiday. Never mind holiday started with a bang well 2 bangers and a full English breakfast 😁06:00 out of Manchester for Naples gives a full day. Finally got to the hotel around 14:00 after a chaotic arrival at the airport - I suppose the Italians would say it was highly organised!!. Hotel not really what we were expecting and our balcony is bigger than our room. At least it is warm and very sunny when the clouds go 😎Leer más

    • Día 5

      Arco Naturale

      23 de marzo de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Heute habe ich einen Ausflug nach Capri gemacht. Das Wetter war perfekt dafür, aber ich war froh, dass ich meine warme Jacke dabei hatte, auf dem Katamaran war es ganz schön kalt. Mein erstes Ziel war der Arco Naturale, eine Felsformation an der Ostküste, die wohl den Rest einer Grotte darstellt, die es vor ewigen Zeiten dort einmal gab. Der Weg war sehr schweißtreibend, so viele Treppen bin ich lange nicht hochgelaufen. Und meine Kondition war auch lange nicht so mies wie aktuell. Aber es hat sich gelohnt, denn es war wunderschön. Die Farben des Wassers waren großartig und es waren nur wenige Menschen dort.Leer más

    • Día 5

      Captain Obvious

      10 de mayo de 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      An hour and a half in a train station feels like five.
      If you pack a big suitcase you are going to have to lift it up train steps.
      When the train attendant helps you with your case expect a dirty look if it's incredibly heavy.
      Sorrento is beautiful.
      If you book accommodation at the top of the hill you will be climbing an awful lot of stairs.
      Only the brave would drive in Italy. Or an idiot.
      The idiot has six days to learn the road rules.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Sorrento, Sorrent, Sorrente, סורנטו, सोरेन्टो, RRO, ソレント, Surriento, Сорренто

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