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    • Day 14

      Day 14: Trevi to Spello

      June 27 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I left before 6:30 a.m. to beat the heat. What I love most about Italy - you can almost always get a coffee early in the morning, and every single tomato you eat tastes delicious and exactly like a tomato should. It wasn't a long walk (21.75 km), and I am very glad that I got to Spello before 2 p.m. Trevi, with the sun shining on it, looked really beautiful as I was leaving, as did the valley (I even saw a hot air balloon in the distance). Today's walk was mostly along sealed surfaces and so different from what I have become used to. On the positive side, it was almost all along the flat - which makes for quicker walking. Today's highlight was being able to congratulate Bernadette and Marian, along with Alex, as they reached Saint Peter's Square - what a thrill. Oh, and I've seen two squirrels in the last two days!Read more

    • Day 4


      February 21 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Ein Traum und hier hat sich der Vorteil gezeigt für diese Reisezeit, es war Menschen leer.
      Parkhaus oben an der Kirche und Du brauchst nicht weit laufen.

      Nächstenliebe, Demut und Armut - dafür steht der hl. Franziskus (1182-1226), der hier geboren wurde. In der Basilica Papale di San Francesco wird er verehrt. Seine ganz aus dem zart ockerfarbenen Stein der Umgebung gebaute Stadt bettet sich auf einen grünen Ausläufer des Monte Subasio. Das mittelalterliche Stadtbild - dazu zählen die Stadtmauer sowie die Festungsruine Rocca Maggiore - gehören seit dem Jahr 2000 zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO. Die Kirche Santa Chiara aus dem 13. Jh. birgt das Grabmal der hl. Klara.Read more

    • Day 4


      April 4 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Und noch eins von den schönen Dörfern. Ich hab Trüffel aus der Gegend bekommen, Moritz Eis.... zwei Leute sind schonmal happy.
      Rom für nä Woche haben wir dingfest gemacht, jetzt gilts noch paar Tage zu überbrücken....erstmal Nr kleine Kletterrunde.Read more

    • Day 9

      Spello II

      June 12 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Der heutige Tag war nochmals ganz Spello gewidmet. Nahe der Unterkunft durch Olivenhaine besuchten wir zuerst eine Olivenmühle wo wir uns eindeckten mit Oel von besonderer Qualität zu einem vernünftigen Preis. Darauf besichtigten wir eine Ausgrabung mit römischen Mosaiken. Anschliessend setzten wir den Rundgang in der Altstadt von Spello fort bevor wir wegen des aufkommenden Gewitters in die Unterkunft zurück kehrten und am Swimming Pool ausruhten.Read more

    • Day 8


      June 11 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Bis jetzt wurde das Wetter nicht erwähnt. Ja, von Sommer keine Spur. Kühler Wind und meist bedeckter Himmel sind vorherrschend.
      Auf Nongnois Wunsch suchten wir ein Einkaufszentrum und verfuhren uns tüchtig bis wir schliesslich zu ihrer Enttäuschung den üblichen Einheitsbrei vorfanden. Somit begannen wir mit dem Erkunden des pittoresken Spello das uns sehr beeindruckt und uns wieder kulinarisch Verwöhnte.Read more

    • Day 7


      June 10 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Rund um Foligno, ohne diesen Ort zu würdigen besuchten wir Rasiglia, das Dorf wie ein Museum und dem vielen Wasser. Hier liessen wir uns lange Zeit nieder und wie üblich zum Mittagessen. Nächstes Ziel war Bevagna mit seiner noch vollständigen Stadtmauer. Abenteuerlich war die Suche von unserer nächsten Unterkunft im Nirgendwohl zwischen Olivenbäumen nahe Spello. Zum Nachtessen gab es nur die Wahl zurück ins Städtchen ins Restaurant oder in den Supermarkt. Im letzteren kam der Schock- die MC-Karte fehlte. Sofort entschied ich mich zurück zum Parkingmeter in Bevagna zu fahren und selber Ruhe zu bewahren und oh Wunder jemand hatte sie unter die Tafel geklemmt...........Somit war der Picknick in der Unterkunft und der Tag gerettet.Read more

    • Day 15

      Zusatzetappe, weils so schön war

      April 15, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Assisi ist absolut sehenswert, daher waren wir auch 2 Nächte dort. Allerdings hatten wir auch von Spello gehört, was gleich im Anschluss zu Fuß erreichbar ist. Drum gab's eine Zusatzetappe, welche Sabrina und mich das erste Mal trennte. Sie nahm den Weg mit den Höhenmetern, ich blieb im Tal. Schön wars für beide und weils so schön war gings dann auch gleich noch weiter nach Foligno (wo ich Tage zuvor schon mit dem Zug gestrandet bin) und dann auf mit dem Zug zum nächsten Ziel.Read more

    • Day 10


      September 12, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We started in Collepino -- it seems every hill top has a small village from the Middle Ages. Of course the ones we see have all been restored. Everything is spotless.

      The walk followed the ancient route of the aqueduct that supplied Spello. Along the way we walked through olive groves. These are amazing trees. They grow without irrigation -- even this Summer which was both hot and extremely dry. The trees live for centuries -- the oldest in Umbria is from the 1700's. But they need to be pruned every year if they are to produce enough olives for oil production.Read more

    • Day 67

      So Long Rome.... Hello Spello!

      November 9, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Checked out and stored half our luggage. Walked around and had a forgettable espresso. Saw the Piazza Navona. Looked at Christmas shops but nothing amazing - disappointing Christmas game Rome (though not so disappointing as Paris)! Browsed more shops.

      Then sandwiches and wine from Pane e Salame for lunch (thanks to Trent and Renee for the recommendation). Turns out that its number 1 rank on TripAdvisor was warranted - was delicious! Porchetta (roast pork) and salami with eggplant and smoked cheese, yum. Plus, they had Coldplay songs on - perfect.

      For dessert some gelato from Venchi - yum. And then back to our luggage. Took a wrong turn and stumbled across a place that had a few Christmas ornaments. Found a handpainted bauble made in Pashmir with 12 layers of lacquer (not handmade in Italy but was prettier than the others we had seen in Rome).

      Then on the train to Spello! Side note: Spello is definitely a different place from the much instagrammed Spoleto. A fact we'd had to clarify after pretty much everyone we spoke to about going to Spello thought we meant Spoleto. And then asked why when he confirmed we meant Spello. Our response? It looked cute and small.

      Train to Spello was 2 hours or so - went through a lot of tunnels which kept making our ears pop? Was odd but fine.

      Spello is a super cute little mountainside village on the train route between Rome and Florence. Has about 6,000 people.

      Our host didn't speak much English but he picked us up and drove us to the accommodation through tiny streets. Basically the width of a car which is slightly unnerving. Outside our place the road widens to almost two cars, so they call it a square instead of a road...

      Haven't seen much of the town but looking forward to exploring for the next 3 days. Went out for dinner to a recommended restaurant and was delicious. Thick spaghetti with truffle, bread, red wine, veal stew in wine sauce, grilled zucchini, tomato and eggplant, some other green vegetable and lots of olive oil. Followed by tiramisù and souffle (Wade now understands that souffle is not creme brulee...). Was very good.
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    • Day 70

      The Roman Aqueduct Trail

      November 12, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Got up earlier today and made most of nice weather (not super sunny but tshirt weather before a little light spitting so we were happy). Decided to walk the old Roman Aqueduct trail to Collepino.

      Not a super historical trail although we were walking beside a wall that presumably is or was the aqueduct. Served the area until 1900 or so, and was then forgotten and was then rediscovered and repaired... ish. Clearly marked trail, and had random sayings imprinted on blocks throughout. Favourite (and only one we could easily translate) was from Einstein: "the mind is like a parachute - it only works if you open it".

      But overall trail was beautiful just walking through trees etc. Had nice views of Spello and the Umbrian countryside. Trees were nice with all the autumn colours. Took a while to get to the end and we probably should've just turned around early as the last part was disappointing (and there wasn't anything really at Collepino).

      It was small and cute, but basically a ghost town and neither the one restaurant nor the one cafe were open at 4pm on a Sunday - understandably. So not really worth the steep uphill trek (including going astray for 5 minutes before realising our error). Did make some random cat friends though.

      Walked the car road home and considered hitching but was nice going downhill after we had cooled down. Each listened to some music, had a relaxed walk back in the fresh cool air. The way back was much quicker coming back. 2 hours ish there and 45m back or so.

      Then grabbed panini (one hot with roast pork and one cold with salami, both delicious) and some snacks and came home. Relaxed and then got takeaway pizza. Note to selves - prosciutto crudo (raw) can be good on toast but is consistently bad when baked on pizza. Will steer clear and stick to our mushroom or vege pizzas mostly (or plain).

      Now packing before we head to Florence tomorrow! Photos of first half of walk - second half in next post.
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