Spiaggia di Castiglione

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    • Dag 39

      Soaking up the sun ☀️

      12 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After a late wakeup we caught the bus 10 mins down the road to Amalfi - it was supposed to be 10 minutes but the chaos of the drive made it closer to 15 as the bus had to keep giving way to other buses, cars and scooters as the road is only really wide enough for 1 to get through on the corners.

      We wandered around Amalfi, grabbed some lunch and headed to the beach. We rented out some beach chairs with an umbrella and set up where we stayed for most of the day enjoying the sun and the cold ocean.

      After the clouds covered the sun and we realized we would have to wait another hour for the bus if we didn't leave we packed up and jumped on the next bus back to our accommodation.

      We wandered around and grabbed some things for dinner which we ate on our balcony before going out again (under the guise of getting step count up) and got some gelato.

      Step count: 11k
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    • Dag 16


      7 augustus 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      beautiful start in the day, I knew it was a day to enjoy.

      Costiera Amalfitana is just amazing. Views were stunning, cars weren’t that fast, everything was just nice and I captured the moment so I had no interest in rushing. I couldn’t even take enough photos of the coast.. too beautiful

      after a quick stop to adjust my breakpads for even wear, I went into a lovely descent. Soon I realized there‘s changed something. So I stopped and evaluated the problem. I was losing air at front and my already broken lower headset bearing (yes I mean broken; outer ring) somehow got worse. I recompressed it and went on. after a tunnel the following cities were just awfully ugly and dirty and I wasn’t so happy anymore. In Torre del Greco, just some 10k from my destination Naples away, I punctured. Some piece of wire managed to punch through. I was angry but focused like before. Deep down I felt some miscomfort and was really lacking confidence. After hours of trying to fix it with the help of lots of other people there was no solution. An old man, knowing no thing about bikes, even brought me a bowl and some water to distinguish the holes; not even that was successful. He then brought me to the nearest stazione and gave me a ticket. I was happy and thanked him multiple times before the train took off to Napoli.
      Being sure now I would make it to my upfollowing reservation I wasn’t feeling great at all. Those multiple times of severe bad luck were held up in my stomach and let me think a loong time. I wasn’t really sure if I’m gonna make it to Rome where I already booked sth for the upcoming day. Keeping in mind that It‘ld be the longest transfer in italy for me (230k) I was very unsure of everything. There is no thing like „Stadler“ in italy and somehow they don’t care about bikes in bigger cities which is ironic because I actually had a feeling of safety about it because it’s a big city and they have to have everything right? This feeling of safety decreased after trying to look for help. Strava, Facebook, Instagram, Google maps.. hours of searching but in the end I asked a fellow bike rider in the night while I was trying to visit the city and not thinking about the problems for too long. He suggested a place which should have everything I need! I was thankful, patched my remaining tires and was gonna look for a pump (mine doesn’t work for that valve length and my adapter doesn’t work anymore)
      But I also had an adapter to car valves which came in more than handy for the second time in two days(!)

      good night and wish me luck..
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    • Dag 12

      Altrani, Minori et Maiori-Costa Amalfi

      23 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Altrani, la plus petite ville de la côte amalfitaine s'est développée autour de ses nombreuses églises.
      L'église San Salvatore de Birecto construite au 10e siècle avec son petit clocher au dessus de l'horloge.
      La collégiale de Santa Maria Maddalena fondée en 1274 est située sur le promontoire surplombant le village, avec une belle vue sur le golfe de Salerne,
      La chapelle Santa Maria del Bando située sur la paroi rocheuse est accessible par quelques centaines de marches d'escalier raides.

      Minori la plus ancienne ville de la côte amalfitaine avec ses petites maisons blanches qui serpentent le long de la côte et qui s’adaptent aux terrasses ensoleillées des collines.

      A l’abri des vents dans une anse naturelle, Maiori offre aux amateurs de farniente la plus grande plage de la côte amalfitaine, avec une belle promenade en bord de mer
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    • Dag 3

      La costa

      24 april 2017, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Un paio di giorni sono sufficienti per capire come funzionano le cose: sai che ti devi buttare per attraversare la strada, sai che devi fermarti a chiacchierare con tutti quelli che ti si avvicinano e sai che gli orari sono lì solo per dovere.

      Il concetto di tempo è quello più interessante. Non puoi farci affidamento come faresti in qualsiasi altro luogo della terra e poco conta avere un Rolex o l'ultimo modello di Apple Watch.

      5 traghetti presi in un giorno e solo uno è effettivamente partito quando doveva. Intendiamoci, due erano in anticipo, ma di un anticipo talmente clamoroso che posso solo immaginare il disastro interiore che avrei avuto se solo ne avessi perso uno.
      Io che pianifico al minuto!!!

      Ma qui accetti e vai avanti. Almeno la costiera è talmente grandiosa che ti convince facilmente che tutto andrà bene, anche rimanere bloccati per un paio d'ore in più.

      Ci si lascia accarezzare dal vento mentre i paesi si susseguono veloci; si guarda la vivace Amalfi o la più sofisticata Positano. Si ricorda il passato che, in fondo, doveva essere fatto di voci e rumori non così dissimili e ci si lascia trasportare in conversazioni solo per il gusto di farlo e di sentirsi un po' meno freddi.
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