Tour part 2, outside the Colosseum

As we tour the outside of the Colosseum we got rained on. Refreshing but Kayla is not comfortable with the thunder and lightning. Somethings we learned about the outside.
- Caesar was killed andRead more
As we tour the outside of the Colosseum we got rained on. Refreshing but Kayla is not comfortable with the thunder and lightning. Somethings we learned about the outside.
- Caesar was killed andRead more
As you come down from the hill of ruins and vegetation and shade you enter the Roman Forum, the "mainstreet" of Roman city life so to speak. Down the main road would run chariots, Roman citizens ofRead more
Did a guided tour through the forum and collesuem. It rained on us hard.
Non è il Romolo, re di Roma, ma il figlio dell'imperatore Massenzio.
Al centro c'è la mongolfiera che fece il volo partendo dalla vicina basilica di Massenzio.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Temple of Romulus, Tempio di Romolo