Paris to Prague

May - June 2017
A 28-day adventure by Janette and John Read more
  • 34footprints
  • 8countries
  • 28days
  • 187photos
  • 0videos
  • 36.5kkilometers
  • 32.7kkilometers
  • Day 19

    The Ringstrasse in Wein (Vienna)

    June 7, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The Ringstrasse (ringroad) in Vienna is as famous as the Champs Elysees in Paris. It is Vienna's ringroad and is the best way to see all the major buildings from a coach. There a so many grand old buildings it's a bit overpowering.
    The Museum Quarter possibly has the greatest concentration of museums anywhere in the world. St Stephen's Cathedral dominates the city centre.
    Again we were coached into the city and then had a walking tour with a guide. We've been a bit spoilt with all the beautiful medieval towns we visited, and to come into a large city is a bit of a shock to the system.
    The city centre is really nice with a very nice atmosphere. There is a large fleet of horse and carriage. There is a large pedestrian area in the centre. The shops are full of Summer clothes - all of very high quality, I'm assured.
    In the main street (a mall) there are food stalls and tables and chairs. There are many laneways with boutique shops and cafes - all with tables and chairs outside.
    We elected to stay in Vienna and find our own way back to the ship. First on the agenda, a visit to the Hotel Sacher for the world famous Sacher Torte and coffee - a very enjoyable experience. Then the obligatory shopping - two tops for Janette.
    Lunch next at one of those cafes. We then navigated the Metro to return to the ship in time to get frocked up for our concert tonight.
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  • Day 19

    A concert in Vienna

    June 7, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Our concert was at the City Palace, a residential building in the heart of Vienna (google City Palais Liechtenstein). From the outside it's just another big stone building - on the inside it's pure opulence.
    After a champagne reception we were seated for a one hour concert by the Viennese Imperial Orchestra, featuring a soprano, tenor and three boys from the Mozart Boys Choir.
    All in all, a most memorable occasion.
    Tomorrow we're going on a tour to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.
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  • Day 20

    Bratislava, Slovakia

    June 8, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Talk about spoilt for choice - today's options were, the Schonbrunn Palace, the Spanish Riding School or Bratislava. We're sure we chose the best.
    Our guide, George, a Bratislavan, was witty and knowledgeable.
    We were after all going into a country that was communist until fairly recently, so what an opportunity. Bratislava is a one hour drive from Vienna. We turned off the freeway ASAP and went through lovely countryside and villages.
    We also went through the biggest wind farm you might imagine, km after km of wind turbines - 1500 in all !!! A spectacular sight.
    First up we had a bus tour of the town - yet another beautiful old town. Would you believe there is a castle on the highest point above the town? We parked there and had a guided tour.
    Back on the bus and down into town for a walking tour. Then two hours to wander around on our own, have lunch and check out the markets and shops. Everywhere in these old towns are narrow, winding and cobbled laneways with little shops and little cafes with tables and chairs outside - Europe has such a great cafe culture.
    Tonight - cocktails with the captain then a 'celebration gala dinner'.
    Tomorrow Budapest.
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  • Day 21

    Another 'pinch me' moment

    June 9, 2017 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We've just come back from walking around town. Budapest that is, or more correctly the Pest side, Buda is on the other side of the Danube - who'd have ever thought we'd be here!
    It was everyone up on deck at 9am for our approach into Budapest. At our nightly briefing last night, our cruise director suggested being on deck by 9.00am tomorrow. We knew from experience that these suggestions were worth taking notice of. The approach into Budapest was something not to be missed.
    Once we'd docked anyone interested could walk into town for a look around. We walked to a market. The ground floor was food stalls and the upper floor had crafts, leather goods, souvenirs, clothing etc. From there we walked around some of the main streets, and back to the ship for lunch.
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  • Day 21

    The two sides of a city

    June 9, 2017 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Budapest became one city in 1873 with the amalgamation of right bank Buda and left bank Pest. Pest is very flat and Buda sits on seven hills. Because of this, Pest was prone to flood and sustain severe building damage. Therefore much of Pest only dates to the 19th century. Buda is much older because of this. It's also the Toorak / South Yarra of Budapest.
    Pest has a huge square called 'Heroes Square'. This is where , in 1989, a young man urged a large crowd to throw out the communists. The square was surrounded by Russian tanks and it wasn't long after Tiananmen Square. The world press were there and the Russians did nothing. That young man went on to be Prime Minister. Next to the square is a huge city park.
    So Buda has the history of the old buildings etc, but Pest has the significant political history.
    Tonight - a night cruise to see the lights of Budapest.
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  • Day 21

    What a finale!

    June 9, 2017 in Hungary ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Last day of the cruise and there's been a lot of farewells - to crew and to friends we've met.
    During dinner we set sail back up river so that we could approach Budapest again but this time at night.
    There were boats everywhere - it was as busy as Hong Kong. The photos don't do the evening justice. It was a balmy night making this the ideal finale.
    Tomorrow - travel to Prague
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  • Day 22

    Transfer day

    June 10, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Nothing much to report today. We boarded the coach at 8am and arrived at our hotel in Prague about 4 pm.
    The point of interest was really driving past the old checkpoint at the Czech Republic border. Actually, I tell a lie, there is an Irish pub a few doors up from the hotel - will check that out for sure!
    Most of the journey was on a freeway, but we turned off it to go to lunch. We went to a little village and had lunch at its winery. Once through the door we went downstairs into a wine cellar for the lunch.
    We had to meet our new tour director, Mate, at 5 for a 45 minute orientation walk. The hotel is on Stepanska Street and that goes into Wenceslas Square. By walking through the square he showed us the direction of several points of interest. As we had to feed ourselves tonight, he made a few suggestions re eating.
    We walked down to the river and on the way back saw a nice little restaurant. The guide had talked about the traditional dishes and that they are always served with dumplings. I had Czech goulash and Janette had duck - sure enough - both served with dumplings. They were delicious but it was too much for us to eat. Two lemonades each and the meals - €23 - about $32 - great value.
    Tomorrow - bus and walking tour of Prague.
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  • Day 23


    June 11, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    8am coach departure for Prague Castle. Already lots of people there and heavy security. Toured the castle then had tea and honey cake (my new favourite cake).
    Being a 4km walk back to Wenceslas Square, people were given the option of returning by coach. Prague is so busy - there are people everywhere - mostly tour groups following someone with a flag or umbrella etc. we walked back with our guide seeing many points of interest. Prague is choc full of old buildings and history - it's really too hard to describe.
    One of the things we saw was the Prague Astronomical Clock which dates from 1410. One dial shows the hour, the one below shows minutes. The main function of the clock was to depict the movement of celestial bodies (including the Sun and the Moon) - showing the time was secondary.
    Bit more shopping this afternoon. Janette can't get over the cheap prices and high quality.
    We had a farewell dinner tonight with all 36 of us that travelled on to Prague being treated to a lovely dinner in the hotel restaurant.
    Tomorrow a falconry display
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  • Day 24

    Jemniste Chateau

    June 12, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Arrived at Jemniste Chateau about 10am. Our programme included, a falconry display, a tour of the chateau, lunch and time to explore the 13ha grounds with zoo (wallabies and cockatoos included). We were welcomed with a drink by the owner.
    Between the communists and the Russian 'liberators' most of these places were usurped. It's only fairly recently that many have gone back to their rightful owners. The present owner lives in one wing and we toured the rest. The gardens are spectacular. The main course at lunch was wild boar. We were assured that the owner or his son would have hunted and shot it.
    The highlight for me was the falconry display. The first birds were falcons. They soared and dived after lures - they are so fast!
    Next a Golden Eagle. The falconer rode his horse away from us, pulled on the rein and the horse lay down with the falconer getting clear at the last minute. Some meat was placed on the horse's flank and the eagle sent off. It landed on the horse which didn't budge. In fact, it seems the horse was quite comfortable and refused the falconer's urging to get up. It was suggested that our applause might get it up - it did.
    Next, an Eagle Owl but it didn't fly. The real bonus was that we were encouraged to go up and 'meet' the birds.

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  • Day 24

    Dinner at Como

    June 12, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Tonight we dined with 4 of our new friends. We walked to Wenceslas Square and went to a restaurant called Como in the Jalta Hotel. We just wanted to have our own 'last meal'. Four had duck, I had cod, but Janette went traditional having goulash. If the mains were good, the desserts were great.
    We still have tomorrow (Tuesday) morning to wander around and the check out of our room by midday. In the afternoon we fly to Frankfurt and from there to Singapore - this is where we lose the time we gained on the way over.
    Ah well - it had to end sometime.
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