Second wave holiday

juli - november 2020
Just when it looked like the CoViD19 situation was relaxing a little, cases in
Victoria spiked...
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  • Dag 12

    Another bright winters day.

    24. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    First up, Tattler deliveries. Janette and I deliver to O'Dea Rd, Watchbox Creek Rd and ‘Molyullah Village’. We also pick up the Tattlers for two other deliverers and deliver them to their mailboxes. There are far fewer hard copy deliveries these days than once upon a time. Many people choose to download their's each month from the Tattler website.
    Deliverers, Jan and Terry live at the end of Ryans Creek Rd. Dropping their Tattlers off gives us a good excuse to go for a really nice drive down their valley. On the way, a bright orange tractor really stood out in a paddock. Only trouble was that it won't be going anywhere for a while - it's bogged to the axles. Lex would say “that'll be there till Christmas”.
    Because we're only about a week off calving and some of the cows are looking to be getting close, we will check them each day from now. A little hay always brings them to the tractor and we can do a head count and a progress check.
    #1003 has a bit of a limp so we might get her into the yards tomorrow morning and have a look at her. Because it's been so wet there could be a bacterial infection in her foot. Might need a shot of penicillin.
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  • Dag 13

    Mmm marmalade

    25. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    #1003 is still a little lame so we put her into the yards. She got a shot of penicillin and was put into what is now the hospital paddock. That makes four patients in there now. We'll end up with more in there than out if we go on like this.
    Janette made marmalade today. She used about half of the oranges I picked the other day and that made twelve jars. I'll be doing an official taste test in the morning.
    Before my back operation, I started pruning. I pruned one apple tree. I've been very aware that other trees need pruning too and we're heading for an early spring. I did some pruning today and figure that, if I do a little each day, it will get done. That's the theory anyway.
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  • Dag 14

    Lunch at Glenrowan

    26. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Checked the cows, drafted out the cows with calves so that only pregnant cows are in the calving paddock.
    Had to be at Glenrowan for lunch by 12 after picking up Kathy and Pete on the way. We'll meet Andi and Brian there.
    Nice lunch out on the verandah of the restaurant, good company and away by shortly after 2pm (that's when the cafe closes at the moment).
    Home and checked the cows again - I reckon two might calve tonight. We'll see what the morning brings. I'm a bit edgy because the cows are very fat and fat cows can sometimes have difficulty calving...
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  • Dag 16

    A quite indulgent day

    28. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    Friends, John and Marian came today. They arrived at 10.00 and, as always, Marian brought scones she'd baked this morning and jam and cream. Therefore the first thing to do was to put the kettle on and have tea and scones. This took till about 11.00.
    Marian loves gardening and always wants to get in and help. Because of this, Janette made sure she knew what they would tackle.
    John had serviced the ride-on last time they were here and he noted that it needed new drive belts. So, off came the deck again, some new grease nipples and drive belts fitted and back on with the deck.
    The gardeners did a sterling job. One of the garden beds has been quite a mess since, some time back, we had a rather determined wombat trying to dig a burrow there.
    Lunch about 1.00, and sitting around chatting till about 3.30 - it's a hard life!
    Janette and I did a drive around the cows. All looked well. Yesterday's bereaved seems OK.
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  • Dag 18

    HOORAY !!! a live one at last!

    30. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    Went out at daybreak and saw a cow with a live calf - a much better start to the day!
    Bit more gardening for me and some baking for Janette. The first rose is blooming. It's a Phoenix rose. After the Black Saturday fires, this rose was bred, called Phoenix, and used for fundraising for the CFA.
    Stopped about 4.00 for coffee and to sample the baking - rice bubble biscuits. As we sat down Sharryn and Kevin from next door drove up - they must have smelt the coffee. They arrived on their new Honda side by side.
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  • Dag 19

    Marmalade postscript

    31. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    You'll recall the marmalade making. Well, I can tell you now that it is delicious! Whether on bread or toast it tastes lovely.
    It's a little difficult to spread. We find the best way is to pour it from the jar. Yes it's quite runny, but if you don't like it, then I'm more than happy to eat it all.
    On a recent episode of Escape to the Country, they showed a recipe that used marmalade in a cake. Janette decided that was a good idea and used our runny stuff in a fruit cake - WOW!
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  • Dag 20

    Post natal depression

    1. august 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    Yesterday we thought that the cow that lost the twins was looking a bit sad. We were worried that she might develop mastitis. We decided to get her into the yards, milk her out and, of course, give her a jab of penicillin. Don't ever say you're not feeling well when you're here - you'll be in the head bale with a needle in your bum before you can say "what’s happening?"
    Anyway, we got her in, Janette milked her and I jabbed her. We'll milk her out again tomorrow.
    We're going to a friend's 60th tonight. She can't have a party, so a few of us are going to the Northo (North Eastern Hotel). What do you buy a sixty year old who has everything? A bottle of Moet, of course! That meant we had to go into Benalla to buy the Moet and, while there, stock up on groceries. As we were leaving for town, the optometrist phoned to tell Janette her new glasses were ready, so we collected them too.
    This all took us to near enough lunch time so fish and potato cakes for the trip back which was to be via Moorngag.
    Now Moorngag has a cemetery and a winery. Janette's mum and uncle are buried there - in the cemetery, not the winery. I would like to be able to say that we went to the cemetery and decided that, as we were there, we would visit the winery. I would be lying if I said that - but you all knew that anyway. No, we went to the winery to buy some more of their 2006 Merlot at $2 per bottle. YES 50 bottles for $100!
    While we were there we thought we should check on Paula and Lex, just to make sure they hadn't washed away with all the rain this year. When we talked to Lex about his wishes years ago he was adamant that he didn't want to be cremated. I promised that I would scatter him around the farm wherever he chose. No he wanted to be buried! But, he didn't want to be buried in Benalla Cemetery - “it's so wet there that you'd float back up”. So, Moorngag it was. When the funeral procession got to Moorngag and we carried him to his grave, there were pumps trying to get the water out of the hole so we could put him in it...
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  • Dag 21

    A nice ordinary day.

    2. august 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    We had a really nice night at the Northo Hotel last night. Seven of us in all to celebrate Sandy's 60th. Sandy and Janette worked together at the local credit union. Nice food and a birthday cake (ginger cream sponge) baked by Nina.
    Two more calves this morning.
    Janette did a bit of rock work on one of the creek crossings up in Burragunyah.
    Saw what is a rare event these days - a vapour trail from a plane going from Melbourne to Sydney. We are under the flight path to Sydney. Once upon a time they would be visible all day.
    Near neighbours Gary and Julie Campbell came for afternoon tea and to get some rocks for their latest garden project. They have a beautiful garden which they open to raise funds for the local hospital.
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  • Dag 22

    Victoria - State of Disaster!

    3. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Bit of a day off. We went to Benalla to get our drugs (fill our scripts). We bought a box of masks as we're going to need plenty. The only person we saw not wearing a mask was a bloke on a bike.
    Janette decided I needed some water resistant sneakers for the farm, so on to the shoe shop. Didn't find any sneakers but bought a pair of walking shoes. Did get the sneakers at the sportswear shop though.
    We wanted to get some more lucerne, so up to Wangaratta. Lucerne makes working cattle a lot easier. Janette says it's like chocolate to them.
    Probably, the main reason to head out today was to get some corn bread from the Milawa bakery. By the time we got there, they were sold out. We bought a couple of packs of rolls out their freezer.
    Premier Dan has imposed level 3+ restrictions on regional Victorians. He told us not to panic buy - “you'll be able to get what you need, maybe not what you want, but there's no need to panic”. Sorry Dan - we didn't go to a supermarket today but we heard they were packed!
    We won't panic buy but we're going to panic dine. All restaurants will be take-away only from midnight Wednesday. So, Wednesday night, Janette's sister Bev, Kathy and Pete and us are booked into Martinis, Wangaratta for dinner. They won't open for take-away - in fact they have said to us previously that if there is another lock-down, there's a good chance they won't reopen. We're hoping it isn't a last supper.
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