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    • Dag 10

      Autour d'Aso

      7. oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      La forêt primaire est souvent un peu inquiétante, oppressante. Sensation d'étrangeté qui s'en dégage...

    • Dag 5

      Wanna see a grown man cry?

      4. november 2018, Japan ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Bidding farewell to our octogenarian taxi driver (and hoping he made it home in one piece) we head towards what we think is our hotel only to find ourselves in the middle of a children's 'festival'. Hundreds of them, all between one and six, belting around the place with all manner of bells and whistles, music, parents, siblings and a lot of racket. The noise level is deafening. I'm searching around for what looks like a hotel lobby when a lovely guy comes up and I say Yumeoi-so, ??? And he's smiling and nodding and directing us through the throngs of children and parents to, oh no, this can't be happening: a reception desk. PC says, did Trip Advisor say anything about 'good for children'? Did three nights of heaven just became three nights of hell? We are so pooped we have no choice but to hand over the credit card and get to our room, and hot tub. Open the wine and slid straight in, with a perfect view of Mt Aso, rumbling in the distance and saying hello to us with puffs of white smoke (also know as highly deadly sulphur type shit that would kill you instantly, but for the story we're going with the romantic theme).

      Now pleasantly lulled by the vino and hot spring water we make out way to a little restaurant around the corner where, to our delight, we discovered goyza and Japanese fried chicken (nothing like carbs to improve one's temperament). We also are introduced to the owner who speaks great English, and owns a Lamborghini which is parked inside said restaurant (obviously his pride and joy). He's as proud as punch and insists we hop in for a photo shoot. Chatting away we tell him of the lost license and lack of car and immediately he is on the phone organising a driver for the next day. Wonderful we think. Not all lost. Back we go to the hotel feeling excited about the next day and to top it off, have been advised by the staff that the children's festival is over for another year. They've all gone home. Winners! Things are looking up.
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    • Dag 6

      Mount Aso to Osaka

      5. november 2018, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today we expect to meet our driver, kindly organised by previously mentioned restaurant owner. As usual, I'm up before the rest of the world and excitedly slide open the door to the onsen to check out the morning. Pea soup fog surrounds the hotel (and I'm assuming the rest of Aso). Check my best friend Mr Google - it's currently 2 degrees (aiming for 19) with fog expected to lift mid morning. Could throw our plans of an early start out the window me thinks. At the appointed time we head to reception, bags repacked (ready for room transfer for the next two nights). Ask reception where restaurant is. ????? is the look on her face. She takes us over to a hot water dispenser with tiny paper cups and green tea bags. This is it we sign? Yes she signs back. Now being one who likes food, as most of our friends would be aware, it would be highly unlikely that I would choose a hotel in the middle of friggin nowheresville which did not have the option of providing sustenance. Maybe I read it wrong I say to PC. And so we wait for driver to turn up and finally after much tooing and froing a 'barely' English speaking bloke turns up ready to drive us. To the Station. No, says PC, we want someone to take us to Mt Aso and the gorge and Fountainhead for the day. Nope say bloke. I only drive to train station. PC says to bloke, so there is no way for us to get to Mt Aso? Nope says bloke. I'm on the computer with Wifi that a) can only be connected by sitting in the 'lounge room' of the hotel and b) has the capacity of dial-up trying to come up with alternate solution. Surely, if this is the case, someone in Aso would have thought "well, here's a money making exercise - day trips to Mt Aso and other places" and purchased himself a little bus and now be looking at a fine retirement? Clearly not. PC's wandered of for parts unknown, clearly stressing. I find him in one of the free massage chairs, now slightly more relax and wanting to know if, when we get home, can we purchase one. Sure love I say. When we have a lazy $6000 to dispose of. God help me.

      A quick discussion about current circumstances and we decide that the universe is telling us that Mount Aso and the other sights we broke out necks and backs to get here to see are not meant to happen. Back to Mr Google I book another night in Osaka and we kindly accept the blokes offer to take us to the train station (after negotiating a non-cancellation fee for the next two night - which seemed a little too easy if you ask me, I think after all the tooing and froing they were happy to see the back of us). Get to station, fog has cleared and the sun is shining.

      We've had a little chat on the way to the station and come up with plan B and feel ok about everything. Thanked bloke for assistance and transport, waved him farewell and turned to see a rather large bus parked outside the station. Going to Mt Aso. On a loop. Every hour. Are you friggin kidding me I say to PC? Why did one of the ten people we spoke to about transport to Mt Aso tell us about the bus?? And then it occurs to me. They did. We just didn't understand them. They all kept saying, in different ways, 'go to station'. We just kept saying 'no, we don't want the train, we want to see Mt Aso' (Paul has by this stage given up in trying to use pigeon Japanese - which he did with flare when doing the same in Europe) - it just doesn't translate as successfully in Nippon. He has resorted to 'drawing pictures' of what we are trying to achieve. Remarkably, this system proved extremely effective.

      So we park our luggage in the office, hop on bus. See Mt Aso and return. Hop on another bus to Kumamoto (2 hours) to catch train to Osaka (4 hours). Arrive at Shin Osaka to check in to our hotel and delight in the fact it has enough room for both suitcases and our persons and a bath! It's now around 10pm and we venture out to find food, discovering a teppinaki place with wine and food and a lovely Japanese business man who was travelling alone. Long day. Worth every minute.

      Footnote: on leaving Aso establishment we are shown by the driver the very extensive restaurant where we could have had breakfast. Ho Hum.
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    • Dag 7


      4. oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Le + long et le + haut pont suspendu du monde...
      Vertigineux !
      Prendre de la hauteur pour caresser le ventre des nuages.

    • Dag 37

      Day 36:reaching Aso caldeira in the rain

      21. april, Japan ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      The objective of the day was to finish the road 11 that we started two days ago and to reach the caldeira of Aso, one of the largest in the world, and home to many nice volcanos. What we were not expecting was that it would be raining cats and dogs. After reaching the pass we had a little break from the rain 🌧️ and could have a very little view of the hills and of animal plant sculptures. It was short… 😅 Lucky to find a last minute comfortable and deserved hotel with kids pool&onsen 👘 & warm dinner 🥘Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Aso trail to mount Nakatake (Bergtour)

      25. juli 2018, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The viewing area at the crate was closed, but the long hiking trail around Mt. Aso in direction to Mt. Nakatake was accessible, except for the last part very close to the crater. It was an amazing hike! I definitely would recommend proper mountaineering shoes, although I only went with light sports shoes there.

      Die Aussichtsplattform beim Krater war geschlossen, aber der lange Wanderweg um den Berg Aso herum in Richtung Berg Nakatake war zugänglich, außer dem letzten Stück, das sehr am Krater vorbei führt. Es war eine herrliche Wanderung! Ich würde auf jeden Fall ordentliche Bergschuhe empfehlen, obwohl ich selbst nur mit leichten Sportschuhen dort war.
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    • Dag 38

      Day 37: Aso volcanos & its craters

      22. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      No rain today! « Siamo contenti! 😁 » even though we might not see a lot with the clouds all around. And it would be a pity because today’s target: the beautiful Aso volcanos 🌋. Just a “little” bit of steep climb (11km) and we arrive at the top in the total fog…. But after lunch, the miracle happens and the sky slowly gets clearer! Of course the 700m elevation gain were not enough, we hiked until Mount Kishima-dake (Lorenzo too, good job! But we promised a big ice cream!). Riding down we bumped into Komesuka, the inverted rice bowl, for Ellie a pandoro shape and for Pierre la butte du Lion without lion (chacun ses repères).Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Aso - Vulkane und Treppen

      15. april 2019, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Per Bus reisen wir zum Vulkan Aso, beziehungsweise zum Vulkangebiet Aso, dass durch eine Supereruption vor 90.000 Jahren entstanden ist. Der einzige noch aktive Vulkan ist der Naka-Dake, in dessen Krater wir schauen wollen. Aber er ist schlecht gelaunt, grummelt und raucht vor sich hin. Er will einfach keine Gesellschaft. Also bleibt uns der Aufstieg auf den Nachbarberg, bei bestem Wetter und frischer Luft, wandern wir steil, also wirklich steil hinauf. Gefühlt tausende Stufen, die Tempel-Treppen in Nagasaki waren nur das Aufwärmtraining! Aber es lohnt sich, wir haben eine fantastische Sicht auf den schlecht gelaunten Berg, der weiter Rauchzeichen von sich gibt. Die Landschaft darum herum erinnert ein bisschen an eine Mischung aus Highlands und Mondlandschaft. Wieder herabgestiegen, machen wir uns auf den Rückweg. Wir haben ein bisschen Zeit, die uns Yuki - „ich hab da mal was vorbereitet“ - mit einem Exkurs über japanische Musik (mit Kassettenrecorder!) verkürzt. Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig für westliche Ohren, aber sehr interessant.
      Wieder in Kumamoto schauen wir uns Burg und Kirschblüten noch einmal bei schönem Wetter an und lassen den Tag stilecht mit lecker Sushi ausklingen.
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    Aso-gun, 阿蘇郡

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