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Top 10 Travel Destinations Ehime
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    • Day 238

      Matsuyama Castle, Matsuyama, Japan

      May 31 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Wow what a view from Matsuyama Castle! This one seems built for combat much more than the previous castles we have visited. We decided to pay to enter too as it was relatively quiet and a bit rainy outside. The inside was beautifully built, with lots of information on how the castle was built as well. The views from the top were stunning, and can definitely see why it would have been a perfect place for a stronghold.

      We decided to walk up the first time we visited, taking us past a shrine and then quite a steep climb. The next day we had some spare time before the bus so we went up on the ropeway instead (not the chairlift!) as there was better weather so we wanted to enjoy the views again and chill out.
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    • Day 238

      Isaniwa Shrine, Matsuyama, Japan

      May 31 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Matsuyama is on a pilgrimage trail, so it's not surprising to see lots of temples and shrines scattered around the city! Unfortunately we were too tired to trek out to the most famous temple just outside the city, and we weren't lucky with public transport timings so we decided to stop by this shrine instead.

      The entrance up, with a steep stone staircase, is probably the most impressive part but it was nice to see anyway. There was a walk way all around, giving you chance to see the inner courtyard and some paintings hung around the walkway too.
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    • Day 240

      Ozu Castle, Ozu, Japan

      June 2 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      A fun castle to explore, and our main activity for the day in the relaxed Ozu! It had been rebuilt only around 20 years ago, but it had been excellently done. The craftsmanship was superb, and it felt like it could have been the original (although obviously in better condition and with better stairs!). There was insight into the building of the castle inside, and wonderful views from the windows.

      We must have been earlier than most people as we had the castle to ourselves for a few minutes, before other tourists entered. Afterward we exited we relaxed outside for a few minutes too, enjoying the eagles soaring so close by!

      The town also renovated various properties around the town as hotels to boost tourism, which we would have loved to stay in but were out of our price range. And after all, we had a cat ryokan instead so it's not all bad!
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    • Day 239–241

      Ozu, Japan

      June 1 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Lovely little Ozu town is out of the western tourist route usually, so although we did see some other westerners there (to Luke's disdain) we still got some odd looks and double takes.

      It was beautifully serene though and perfect for a couple nights stop over; we enjoyed exploring the area a little bit, chilling by the river, and I had fantastic meat filled dinner's at the local teppanyaki place that our ryokans owner kindly booked us into. Luke managed to get a few grilled vegetables and cheeses too, although delicious the restaurant wasn't too veggie friendly.

      The ryokan has to be one of the oddest places we've stayed, with 8 cats wandering around and being adored by the clientele. They could even go into your room if you didn't close the cat flap door! The 70s style building really added to the odd experience too.
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    • Day 239

      Firework display, Ozu, Japan

      June 1 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      As we checked into our ryokan the owner told us that there was fireworks by the castle that evening, which immediately peaked our interest.

      Unfortunately that was the end of the information we managed to find out about them. Why were they happening? Is it a frequent thing? Is it done mostly for tourists? We have no clue!

      We had to get a later dinner slot than we wanted so had to rush to get a good view at 8 when it was supposed to start, but then we ended up standing by and waiting. There was a small trickle of boats coming down the river, accompanied by a drumming sound, that we assume were connected to the fireworks so we watched as they came by. There was a lit lantern hanging from one of the smaller boats, and as it past by us the fireworks started. Slowly at first but building to a rather impressive crescendo, it was fun to see the sky around the castle light up and we still aren't sure if we got extremely lucky, or if its a weekly occurance kinda thing but we still enjoyed it!
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    • Day 111

      Gogo Island !

      April 29, 2020 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Ce matin on prend le large ! Direction Gogo Island, ou Gogoshima. Après 10 petites minutes de ferry, nous posons le pied sur l'île et commençons notre tour. On longe de charmantes plages, avec vue sur Matsuyama et les îles, traversons des champs d'orangers et autres agrumes ainsi que de petites villages en bord de mer. On discute un peu sur le chemin avec un coréen marié à une japonaise rencontrée en France. Improbable mais bien sympathique ! On pique-nique au bord de l'eau avant de continuer notre chemin jusqu'à une petite plage vide et parfaite pour se tremper les pieds et s'essayer au dessin ! On traverser l'île en largeur pour rejoindre l'autre côté où on se fait offrir de super bonnes mandarines / kinkan / mikan (on ne sait toujours pas) par une vieille dame en bas d'un charmant temple. Nous visitons les alentours du second port de Gogoshima avant de prendre le chemin du retour, en longeant la côte, au soleil.
      Une journée parfaite !
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    • Day 41


      February 3, 2023 in Japan

      Fin des randos de setonaikai dans les iles et debut des chemins de shikoku pour voir les temples.
      L'anecdote sympa était l'hostel avec un onsen intégré. Vu que j'étais le seul client je l'ai eu pour moi tout seul ou j'ai du glander une bonne heure dans le jacuzzi.

      J'ai passé le reste de la soirée avec un couple d'australiens qui étaient dégoutés que j'avais fait autant de chemins qu'eux sur les 2 derniers jours alors qu'ils étaient a velo et moi a pied.
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    • Day 28


      March 13, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Uchiko ist mitten im Nirgendwo und war um 1900 einmal weltberühmt für sein Pflanzenwachs. Aus dieser Zeit sind auch noch einige sehr schöne Gebäude erhalten. Ein traditionelles japanisches Theater (Kabuki) ist in der Stadt offen für Besucher und man kann sogar unter die Bühne gehen. Viel mehr ist hier aber auch nicht, für einen Tag war es ganz nett, aber dann hat man auch alles schon gesehen.Read more

    • Day 9

      Shimanami Kaido Cycling I.II

      June 10, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Ehe wir zu unserer Unterkunft fahren, besuchen wir noch ein Onsen an der Ostküste von Ohmishima.
      Für mich ist es der erste Onsenbesuch, Beate und Philipp sind nach über 5 Wochen in Japan längst Experten und so kann mich Beate in die Verhaltensregeln in einem Onsen einweisen.
      Nach einer knappen Stunde in 8 Becken unterschiedlicher Temperaturen geht's für wenige Kilometer wieder auf's Rad.

      Wir kommen an unserem etwas abseits gelegenen schönen japanischen Guesthouse an.
      Der junge Manager gibt sich offensichtlich nicht all zu viel Mühe, damit seine Gäste sich wohl fühlen. Die Betten sind nicht frisch bezogen, die Gemeinschaftsräume haben auch schon mal bessere, saubere und ordentlichere Tage erlebt.
      Aber wir schlafen hervorragend auf den Futons :)

      Wir gehen noch in eine Brauerei im Ort und genießen kurz vor Ladenschluss sehr leckere Getränke 🍺🍺🍺
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    • Day 10

      Shimanami Kaido Cycling II.II

      June 11, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Ich bin froh über meine gepolsterte Radhose, aber schon nach einer Stunde möchte ich lieber stehen als weiter sitzen. Dieser Wunsch wird erst bei einer Pause vor der letzten Brücke (kurzzeitig) erfüllt.
      Die meisten Steigungen liegen hinter uns und die nächsten 1,5 Stunden geht's dann auch für mich wieder gut voran - gestärkt und Dank der Aussicht von der letzten und längsten Brücke auf die Inseln.

      Als wir um 13.30 h ohne Regen, dafür mit Sonnenbrand (wie war das mit der Notwendigkeit von Sonnencreme?!), an unserem Hotel in Imabari ankommen, freuen sich meine Beine, mein Gesäß und auch mein Rücken. :)

      Ramen essen, einkaufen, Eis, einchecken, Dusche!
      Prost 🍻
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ehime, 愛媛県, 에히메 현

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