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    • Dag 1

      Day 2

      29 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Another long day as out for 12 hours with a lot of walking (23k steps!). Left the hotel at around 10am as slept through an alarm because of jet lag. Had some nice Japanese pattiseries for breakfast although mine had crème cheese and custard mixed which was a bit weird. We then headed into Tokyo centre which is around a 30 min metro ride from our local station! We had booked the open top city bus tour and spent an hour and a half touring Tokyo. Luckily was a nice day so nice to sit out in shorts on the bus and learn some history. After we walked 30 mins or so to the famous Tsujiki fish market to see some of the stalls! As we were on our way we spotted a big queue of locals going into a ramen restaurant (usually a sign for good food) so we stopped for lunch there and had a nice bowl of hearty ramen pictured below! They make it all in front of you as you sit around the kitchen on stools at a bar with all Japanese sitting in silence slurping away! Luckily they give you big apron as as it’s good manners to slurp in Japan the broth from the ramen goes everywhere! We both had a nice Japanese beer and are working through them. After we went to the market and looked over all the crazy things they were serving we walked just over 2 hours to Tokyo tower pictured below. On route Sinéad stopped by Uniqlo (one just opened in Edinburgh too) and bought some clothes. We had pre booked a tour up the tower but it was very busy still! Lift takes you up at 600 metres a minute. Amazing views from the top though which makes you realise just how big the city is (32 million people making it the biggest city on earth) those were the same views all 360 degrees round! After the tower we went back to a restaurant we had passed and had some fried pork cutlets with rice miso soup and pickles, was tasty and cheap! With 2 glasses of wine each it and food it came to £20. After we had to get 2 trains home which took about an hour and Sinead was nodding off every few mins because of our walk and jet lag combo! Now back in the hotel for an early ish night as long day again tomorrow!Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      Day 3

      1 mei, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Long day again as just back after being out for 13 hours! Left at 9.30ish and had a nice breakfast at a bakery next door with egg, bacon bread and some miso soup! We then set off to see an amazing digital art show called ‘borderless’ which we had booked. It was a massive centre filled with rooms that were covered in mirrors and lights! Each room had art that moved and changed and had different scents, very cool experience.

      After we had toured each room and spent a good hour or so in there we had a browse around the local mall which was very posh and clean. The food there was amazing and had been arranged orderly and perfect. The fruit was some of the biggest juiciest non blemished fruit I’ve seen. I had the strawberries and they were amazing! Sinead got an Apple the size of a small football! Imagine Harvey Nichols on steroids with all the Japanese responsible for a section each and working like a well oiled machine. We can’t get over how well dressed everyone is here. It’s like being in a fashion shoot with all the designer clothes.

      We then walked around an hour or so to the imperial palace and the weather got nice and sunny. We walked the grounds with their weird shaped trees and I took lots of pics of the amazing nature mixed with the temple buildings and office skyscrapers. From my very brief stint in my failed sustainable urban management course I could really tell just how well the Japanese landscape architect. Everything has some sort of immaculately groomed greenery on it!

      After the palace we walked another hour to the stadium of Tokyo giants baseball game where we saw a great but very long derby game with the Tokyo giants against the Swallows! We were right up in the rafters with a great view so happy to see that! Both got hotdogs with mustard and ketchup and got a beer from the poor girls that run up and down the stairs with a keg of beer strapped to their backs! Sinead cheered on the other team and hers sadly won but it was a close game with a few home runs and lasted over 3.5 hours….

      After the game we left with 30,000 people although the Japanese were great and every single person left at the same time orderly all taking with them all of their rubbish to the bins inside before they left in a line down the stairs! We got the metro back to our zone Shinjuku and had what I think was our best meal yet. We shared some dumplings and gyoza with some kimchi, chicken and beef stir fry! I had something called a ginger highball to drink which was really refreshing. Another 20k+ steps done and now 1am with an early start Tommorow!
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5

      21 mei 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today was Sumo Day!

      We woke up, did a quick load of laundry, then headed to Ryōgoku Kokugikan Sumo Hall for the Sumo tournament. The walk there was super hot (as was the whole day). We were there around noon, so it was still more of the novice wrestlers, but it was super entertaining. Some of the guys are actually pretty fit, while some are XXXXL. When we had our cooking class, she told us they get so fat because they eat a veggie and meat soup and then go to sleep hahaha you can’t tell me they’re not downing McDonalds and bags of chips all day to get the size some of them are haha Ole got a bento box for lunch at the tournament, which is a normal lunch or travel food here filled with a variety of foods. He thought it was tasty!

      We eventually left to walk to Nakamise-dori Street, which was supposed to be a nice street food / souvenir shopping area, but when we got there, the streets were packed. It turns out the Sanja Matsuri Festival was happening. It’s a Buddhist festival, and one of Tokyo’s biggest shrines is in this area. That was something to see. They all had short robes on, and many men didn’t have anything underneath haha

      After making our way around there, we were really craving the big fluffy pancakes you always see on Instagram. We found the chain, Happy Pancake, in Ikebukuro. We had to wait about half and hour, but they were so worth it. They were melt-in-your-mouth good.

      We walked around that area, and ended up in Sunshine City, a huge mall. There are 4 floors of shopping and restaurants - kind of like a more compact Mall of America. Our favorite part? The world’s largest capsule toys arcade, with over 3,000 machines to buy shitty little toys that come in balls. They also had crane games where Ole finally won something…. A horse for Brewski!! He’s going to be so happy haha

      We ended the night with a quick dinner by our hotel, but it was nothing special.

      Steps finished with - 21,429
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    • Dag 2

      Tokyo, day 1

      26 maart, Japan ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      After a bit of a queue for immigration (and Ed being questioned about his passport... Seemingly linked to the ones that we had stolen in Barcelona) we took some advice and caught the airport limousine (coach) to Shinjuku, the area that we are staying. Most of the journey was underground in a long tunnel! We eventually emerged into the open not far from the station.

      We got off the bus and walked, in the rain, the 15 minutes to our hotel, arriving at around 10.30am. Unfortunately our room was not available and so we left our bags and wandered back to the station area! It seems that almost everyone in Japan owns an umbrella. ☂️☔

      We explored the area for a little bit before stopping at an old pre war building for some food. The restaurant saw us sitting watching the chef cook the food and alongside tempura battered prawns we also had tempura battered vegetables, rice and some odd soupy things (which was tricky to eat with chopsticks!)

      By the time we finished it was still only 12.15 and so we found a bar to have a couple of beers in... Order at your table here! By now it was almost 2 and we were both flagging because of the long flight and sleepless couple of days. Do we walked back to the hotel and had a quick drink whilst the room was finished.

      Eventually, at around 2.30 we had a message to say that the room was ready and so we checked in to our upgraded room.

      We decided to have a nap and set an alarm for 4.30 so that we had time to wake, get showered and head to the 'social' that takes place each night. The alarm went off and it's fair to say that we were confused. Ed said that he'd realised that we'd missed the social 'last night' until I pointed out that he'd only been asleep for just over an hour.

      Anyway, we both had a shower to eat wake us up. Once done we took the lift to the 16th floor for some wine and canapes. This finished just after 6 and as we were both tired we decided to eat some of the room snacks and have an early night ready for the day ahead!
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    • Dag 4

      Tokyo day 3 - part 2

      28 maart, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Our next stop saw us catching the underground and heading to Shibuy... mainly famous for the incredibly busy crossing at the crossroads of four roads.

      Having watching the hoardes cruising the road we headed back to Shinjuku for a beer in a bar we'd been into previously. The bar had an automatic ordering system using tablets on each table.

      Next, record the subway to Tokyo station and eventually navigated our way out of the shopping centre complex. We managed to get some pretty photos of the station in the dark before finding our meeting point for our bus and meal tour.

      The tour was supposed to be a trip around Tokyo viewing the cherry blossom but sadly due to a cold snap, the sakura hasn't yet made a real appearance. Added to that was the fact that it started to rain.

      The bus tour itself was there for a bit of a disappointment and whilst the meal that we had was presented very well, it probably wasn't to hour tastes if we're honest. So the idea and concept was good but the reality was a little bit different. There were some lovely panoramic views of Tokyo at night from the other side of the bay where bizarrely, there is also a statue of liberty.

      The tall finished just after 9. :00 and we made our way back to our hotel to recap on the day's activities.
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    • Dag 7

      Tag 6 in Tokyo 🇯🇵🎌

      8 juni, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute haben mal wieder den Stadtteil Shibuja aufgesucht, wir wollten unbedingt noch mal lecker Sushi essen. Außerdem haben wir noch ein tolles Einkaufszentrum entdeckt was eine unfassbare Food Abteilung mit allen uns erdenklichen Leckereien aus Japan zu bieten hat.
      Zum Abschluss noch ein Bummel durch die Takeshita Street in Harajuku
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    • Dag 3

      Day 4

      1 mei, Japan ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Slight change of plan today as we had originally booked to go to Tokyo Disney Sea but unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse and the rain started early and lasted all day with heavy downpours! Instead we changed our time for Disney and are going tommrow instead. Luckily the rain is only for one day and we are back to mine weather!

      As it was rainy we decided to go to a Japanese shopping outlet to get some designer clothes cheap! We took the metro early and were right in amongst the Japanese work craze! The metro was rammed and we were crammed on like sardines. I tried to capture what it was like but everyone in Japanese metro looks at the floor on silence as no one dares make eye contact and you could hear a pin drop! Not one person chats.

      We took the metro then train for 30
      Mins and both did some shopping. Normally it’s something I hate but I braved going to Levi’s store and got chatting with a young Japanese worker there who had studied a year in Ireland. He told me about their promotion and I ended buying 3 pairs of Levi’s jeans (light blue, navy and black jeans) all for a combined 13,000 yen which is just £70! got a nice shirt from banana republic cheap too and without tax due to the passport! Sinéad got a great Michael Kors bag 75% off! After a long day of shoping we had coffee and food in the mall and headed back as we were a bit wet from getting caught in the rain! Luckily I’m Japan get package your paper bags with plastic covers!

      More rain and we dropped our bags off at the hotel then set out to go to the famous pokemon cafe in Tokyo centre! (Japan created pokemon) unfortunately when we arrived we found out you needed to book in advance and the next 30 days were sold out! However there was a queue for cancellations so we waited in that and we’re lucky to be told we had sometime drop out so come back in an hour! We came back and both had a Gengar (a ghost Pokémon) themed smoothie and enjoyed the pokemon cafe! Was a big nuts but cool too relive some of my childhood playing Pokémon!

      After the cafe we tried to get into a few places (still need to have some sushi and Sinéad wants udon noodles) everything in Tokyo was packed so we were forced to go to a burger place ! Was decent burger and I love the drink I keep ordering (ginger highball ) it’s basically ginger ale and whiskey with lime! Sinead says it’s a copy Jameson ginger ale lime! But delicious! Sinead found a small metal thing on her burger so they have us the drinks on the house!

      After the burger and getting caught in more rain we went to an underground sherry bar in Shinjuku! I went for Japanese whiskey mixed with Pedro Ximenez and bitters! It had a huge Diamond piece ice cube which they carved up with knifes and was delicious! Up very early tomorrow so an early night (12.30am has become early night for us!)
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    • Dag 18

      Die vielen Seiten Tokios

      11 mei 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nachts kamen wir mit dem Flieger von Singapur in Tokio an. Hier lief alles nach Plan und wir kamen gut zurecht. Wir freuten uns beide richtig fest auf das Hotel, welches wir gebucht hatten, denn es versprach Sauberkeit und Ruhe. Beides Dinge, die wir schon seit längerem vermisst hatten. Da es schon spät war und wir beide etwas faul waren nach der Reise, nahmen wir uns ein Taxi zum Hotel. Es fühlte sich an, als wären wir Celebrities. Es war sehr geräumig, bequem und blitzblank. Zudem fuhr der Fahrer sehr angenehm aber zügig durch die Strassen Tokios.
      Im Hotel angekommen, war es so schön wie erwartet. Es hatte ein Badezimmer mit abgetrenntem Bad- und WC-Bereich. Endlich mussten wir das Badezimmer nicht mehr fluten beim Duschen, was sonst in Indien und Nepal gang und gäbe war.

      Wir schliefen fantastisch und wachten am nächsten Morgen motiviert auf. Unser Ziel war es, zuerst im National Garden zu spazieren und dann dort im Starbucks zu frühstücken. Wir konnten zuerst den Eingang nicht finden, aber mit etwas Geduld und Nachfrage bei einem jungen Mann, fanden wir ihr, zahlten einen kleinen Eintrittspreis und liefen durch den Garten. Sharleen hatte ein bisschen Heimatsgefühle, da die Vegetation der zu Hause doch recht stark glich. In der Mitte des Parks, fanden wir den schönsten Starbucks, den wir bisher in unserem Leben antrafen. Er war sehr modern, mit viel Glas und Holz und bot eine Aussicht auf den nahegelegenen See und umliegenden Hochhäuser. Wow! Was für eine Pracht. Wir freuten uns auf guten Kaffee und (endlich) vegane Optionen.

      Danach genossen wir noch die verschiedenen Seiten des Gartens (Rosengarten und japanischer Garten) und machten uns unter beginnendem Regen zu unserem nächsten Ziel auf, dem Meiji-Schrein. Als wir gerade schon aus dem Park gelaufen waren, fanden wir ein nahegelegenes Infogebäude und liefen interessiert hinein. Hier wurden die verschiedenen Nationalparks Japans mit kreativen virtual reality Animationen vorgestellt. Wir waren beeindruckt und wollten am liebsten jeden Park besuchen. Sharleen plagte danach das schlechte Gewissen nicht mehr Zeit für Japan einberechnet zu haben. Sie konnte sich plötzlich nicht mehr erinnern, warum sie ursprünglich eigentlich nicht nach Japan wollte.

      Wir machten uns weiter auf den Weg zum Meiji-Schrein. Er war in einem Park mit viel Wald gelegen. Unter strömendem Regen erreichten wir ihn und fanden ihn sehr schön, waren aber auch langsam genervt vom starken Regen. Die Schuhe waren durchnässt, die Regenjacken liessen langsam durch - ehrlich gesagt, hatten wir uns das ein bisschen anders vorgestellt.

      Unser Wunsch nach schönem Wetter wurde erhört als wir auf dem Weg zur berühmtesten Strassenkreuzung Japans waren. Der Regen liess endlich nach. Wir erreichten mit der U-Bahn das Shibuya-Quartier und waren überwältigt von der Grösse des Bahnhofs. So viele Ausgänge! Welchen sollten wir nun nehmen?
      Wir nahmen einfach einen und hatten Glück. Die Strassenkreuzung "Scramble Square" war nur etwa hundert Meter entfernt und echt faszinierend. Es gibt dort einen Fussgängerstreifen der queer über die ganze Kreuzung verläuft. Alle Ampeln der Kreuzung werden gleichzeitig grün für Fussgänger*innen und dann beginnt das Gewusel. Wir amüsierten uns prächtig.
      Nun meldeten sich unsere Bäuche. Sharleen hatte sich bereits im Vorfeld ein Restaurant ausgesucht, in welches sie Matthias zu seinem Geburtstag einladen wollte. Es war im 14. Stock eines Hochhauses und servierte Sushi sowohl in traditioneller auch auch veganer Variante. Zum Glück fand es Matthias, denn es war recht versteckt, und sie hatten sogar ohne Reservation einen Platz für uns. Es war das beste Essen, auch rückblickend, welches wir in ganz Japan gegessen hatten. Wir waren glücklich.

      Nach dem Essen betrachteten wir noch verschiedene Bars, Läden und Restaurants von aussen und entschieden uns dann aber im Hotel noch im Onsen baden zu gehen. Wir mussten uns dafür trennen, denn das japanische Bad wird leider geschlechtergetrennt genossen. Es war sehr heiss, angenehm, aber für uns nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr so interessant. Traditionelles europäisches Wellness sprach uns mehr an.

      Am nächstens Tag wollten wir am Fischmarkt frühstücken, da es da ganz viele Essensstände gibt und nicht nur frischen Fisch, wie man vielleicht zuerst denkt. Matthias war in seinem Element und es war schön, ihn so glücklich zu sehen. Auch Sharleen fand viele Früchte und einen leckeren Iced-Matcha-Latte.
      Als nächstes gingen wir in das Akihabara Viertel. Hier spiegelt sich die moderne und verrückte Seite Tokios wieder. Die Strassen waren bunt und gesäumt von Elektronikläden und Mangashops. In nebenliegenden Arcade-Hallen konnten wir Japaner beobachten, wie sie an Controllern und Tasten versuchten den Highscore für alle möglichen Arten von Games zu knacken. Soetwas hatten wir in noch keiner anderen Grosstadt gesehen.
      Wir wollten noch den berühmten Senso-Ji Schrein besuchen, da das Wetter an diesem Tag wundervoll war. Es war ein sehr touristischer Ort, aber auch ganz schön, trotz der vielen Menschen.
      Wir nahmen uns noch vor den Tokio-Tower zu besuchen und wie in Japan üblich, mussten wir auch nicht lange anstehen. Der Aufzug beförderte uns in Rekordzeit auf die 350m gelegene Aussichtsplattform. Hier, in schwindelerrender Höhe, stellten wir fest, dass Tokio riesig ist und keine Ende der Stadt erkennbar ist.

      Als wir dann den Turm verlassen hatten, freuten wir uns schon auf Kaoru, den Studienkollegen von Matthias, mit dem wir zum Abendessen abgmacht hatten. Wir trafen uns im Viertel Nishishinjuku und machten uns spontan auf die Suche nach einem Sushirestaurant. Nach mehreren Anläufen fanden wir eines mit zwei veganen Rollen für Sharleen und traditionelle Sushi welches in Matthias‘ Worten "atemberaubend" und "geisteskrank gut" war. Wir hatten auch interessante Gespräche darüber, wie Kaoru in Japan lebt und wie es ist, eine Beziehung in Japan zu führen. Z. B. ist es im Vergleich zur Schweiz üblich dass man früh heiratet, bevor man zusammen lebt.

      Wir haben noch lange nicht alle Seiten von Tokio gesehen und könnten noch viel länger da bleiben. Trotzdem freuten wir uns bereits am nächsten Tag mit dem Shinkansen (Expresszug) nach Osaka zu fahren und noch mehr Japan zu erleben.
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    • Dag 27

      Z'Nacht in Tokyo: 3. Abend

      31 mei, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir schauen fasziniert unserem privaten Koch zu, mit welcher Präzision er das Gemüse und das Fleisch zubereitet. Jeder Handgriff sitzt und das Endresultat ist fantastisch😋.
      Fazit nach 4 Wochen kulinarschen Höhenflüge in Japan: Für Vegetarier und Veganer ist Japan definitiv nichts, auch wenn der Tofu hundertmal besser schmeckt als bei uns😍.Meer informatie

    • Dag 27

      Cocktail über den Dächern von Tokyo

      31 mei, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach dem köstlichen Teppanyaki Abendessen fahren wir ins 45.te Stockwerk in welchem wir noch eine Cocktail-Bar ausfindig machen.
      Last Orders nehmen sie laut Hotel-Webpage bis zum 22Uhr entgegen. Wir schaffen es grad knapp und können so noch in gemütlicher Atmosphäre und mit imposanter Aussicht auf "Tokyo by night" einen Schlummertrunk geniessen😀.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Nakano-ku, Nakano, 中野区, _Tokyo

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