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    • Day 4

      Tokyo day 3 - part 2

      March 28 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Our next stop saw us catching the underground and heading to Shibuy... mainly famous for the incredibly busy crossing at the crossroads of four roads.

      Having watching the hoardes cruising the road we headed back to Shinjuku for a beer in a bar we'd been into previously. The bar had an automatic ordering system using tablets on each table.

      Next, record the subway to Tokyo station and eventually navigated our way out of the shopping centre complex. We managed to get some pretty photos of the station in the dark before finding our meeting point for our bus and meal tour.

      The tour was supposed to be a trip around Tokyo viewing the cherry blossom but sadly due to a cold snap, the sakura hasn't yet made a real appearance. Added to that was the fact that it started to rain.

      The bus tour itself was there for a bit of a disappointment and whilst the meal that we had was presented very well, it probably wasn't to hour tastes if we're honest. So the idea and concept was good but the reality was a little bit different. There were some lovely panoramic views of Tokyo at night from the other side of the bay where bizarrely, there is also a statue of liberty.

      The tall finished just after 9. :00 and we made our way back to our hotel to recap on the day's activities.
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    • Day 41

      …endlich wieder am Meer!

      May 3 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Morgen, am 02.05. 2024, Donnerstag ist Ruhetag.
      Tolles Frühstücksbüffet, Büroarbeit und Abendessen mit Delikatessen aus dem Supermarkt und danach wieder Onsen.
      …und kein Radlfahren

      vom Hotel Manten in Kawazawa zum Toyama-Beach
      71 km,278 hm, 7h49 Gesamtzeit, Zeit in Bewegung 5h17´-ö

      Um 8:20 gingen wir im Hotel nochmals fein frühstücken, mit Frenchtoast, Ahornsirup, Joghurt, Croissant, frischen Früchten, Tee, Kaffee, verschiedenen Säfte, und typisches japanisches Büffet mit Fisch, Fleisch, Eierspeise, Misosuppe, verschiedenen herausgebackenen Fischen, oder Gemüsen, Curry und Reis hatten wir die Qual der Wahl.
      Alex hatte heute seinen 52. Geburtstag, und das Frühstück war wirklich angemessen für diesen Anlass.
      Um 10:30 hatten wir`s geschafft und schmissen uns auf die Sättel unserer Drahtesel. Es ging durch die breiten Straßen von Kawazawa, da mein Bluetooth Kopfhörer defekt waren, kaufte ich in einem Elektromarkt einen neuen. Weiter gings durch die Stadt. Es war nicht viel los, und so war das Durchqueren der Stadt heute angenehm. Die Luft war frisch und kühl, aber trotzdem warm genug für kurze Ärmel.
      Ca. 50% der Wegführung waren heute Bundesstraßen, der Verkehr hatte zugenommen, und Mittags kehrten wir in einem Supermarkt ein, aßen dort gleich das Eingekaufte und für Abendessen und Frühstück wurde auch gleich Vorrat angelegt.
      Als wir aus der Stadt heraußen waren, bot sich uns ein grandioser Blick auf einen riesigen Gebirgsstock, sogar die schneebedeckten Gipfel (ein paar 3.oooer waren <yschon dabei) konnten wir ausmachen. Ein erhebendes Gefühl, darauf zuzufahren.

      Weiter gings, viele Industriegebäude und Reisfelder säumten unseren Weg. Gegen späteren Nachmittag rief dann Claudia an, Alex Schwester, und die beiden quatschten sicher eine Stunde lang,während er fuhr. Der Wind frischte auf und es war Zeit, sich einen Schlafplatz zu suchen.
      Und da, endlich hatten wir wieder das Meer erreicht. Während dem Zeltaufstellen und Abendessen herrichten, bot sich uns ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang und wir sahen zum ersten Mal seit wir in Japan waren, die Sonne im Meer versinken.
      Heute werden wir durch Pinienbäume geschützt, auch der Wind vom Meer hat nachgelassen.
      Morgen soll es wieder sonnig werden. Aber wir haben morgen etliche Höhenmeter vor uns.
      Also heißt es gut ausruhen für morgen
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    • Day 38

      …Westküste, wir kommen!

      April 30 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Dienstag, 30.04.2024
      19. Radltag
      von der Brücke von Minami-Echizen bis Binnenmeer/See bei Awara
      71,86 km, 10h31 Gesamtzeit, 194 hm, Zeit in Bewegung 5h50

      So schlecht geschlafen hab ich schon lang nicht mehr! …und Alex sagte daselbe!
      Ich, weil sich statt ebener Fläche eine Hügellandschaft durch die aufblasbare Isomatte drückte, und nur 2 Stellungen einigermaßen beschlafbar waren, außerdem war es total schwül, und es schüttete. Unter der Brücke war es trocken, jedoch hatte ich Rohre gesehen, die von der Fahrbahn nach unten führten, um das Wasser wegzubringen. Ich fühlte mehrmals in der Nacht am Boden des Zeltes nach, ob wir schon davongeschwemmt wurden.
      Alex meinte er hätte schlecht geträumt, und am Ort liegt es bestimmt nicht! OK!
      Wir wurden um 5:30 munter, und es war nebelig und es regnete nicht. Wir packten alles zusammen, und fuhren los. Es ging teilweise bergab oder gerade aus, also einfach zu fahren. Um 9h hatten wir richtigen Hunger und warteten schon, das die Supermärkte aufsperrten, damit wir Obst und Sonstiges fürs Frühstück einkaufen konnten, um uns dort im Essbereich hinsetzten zu können. Es hatte wieder zu nieseln angefangen. Das ist für mich beim Radln ok, da einem nicht kalt ist, und Wind ging auch keiner. Danach suchten wir noch einen Outdoorshop auf, um Gas für den Kocher zu besorgen. Alex hatte seinen Sonnenhut und sein neues Radlkapperl schon irgendwo angebaut, also mussten ein neues Kapperl her und ein neuer Hut.
      Dann gings weiter im Nieselregen durch die Ebene von Fukui, hier reiht sich eine kleine Stadt an die andere, dazwischen unterbrochen von Tausenden gefluteten Reisfeldern, in denen sich die Regenwolken spiegeln, oder wenn ein Windstoß kommt, sich die Oberflächen zu kräuseln beginnt. Dazwischen waten weiße Reiher und Kraniche durch die Felder auf der Jagd nach Fröschen und anderem Getier.
      Nach den endlosen Feldern meldete sich unser Hunger, und wir kehrten beim nächstgelegenen Supermarkt zum Mittagessen ein. Same Procedure as always!
      Die Berge in der Ferne wurden niedriger und die Nebelwolken blieben an einer bestimmten Höhenlinie hängen. Nun hatten wir auch noch Gegenwind bei der Fahrt durch das landwirtschaftliche Gebiet, aber wir wollten heute unbedingt noch ganz nahe an die Westküste Japans gelangen. Um 16:30 letzte Anfahrt zum Supermarkt in Awara, kurz vor dem Meer. Abendessen einkaufen. Gut ausgestattet mit Proviant, gings noch bisl berauf, bergab und wir hatten unseren Schlafplatz erreicht. Den hatte ich auf Google Maps Satelit rausgesucht. Einen Park am Binnenmeer, der wie ein See im Wald lag, Kirschbäume säumten einen Asphalt weg und die herabgefallenen rosa Blüten rahmten den Wegesrand farbig ein. Ein blühender Azaleenbusch bot uns den nötigen Sichtschutz, eine Granitbank war ideal zum Kochen und Dinieren, und das Sanitärgebäude, das 30 Schritte vom aufgestellten Zelt entfernt lag, war eine tolle Infrastruktur, die wir gerne nutzten.
      Beim Abendessen hatte es schon wieder zum tröpfeln angefangen, nun liegen wir unter den Bäumen und hinter den Azaleen im Zelt, auf der geraden und gemähten Wiese, schreiben noch, sehen uns die Wegführung für morgen an und werden hoffentlich gut schlafen.
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    • Day 154

      Kyoto (Kobe), Japan

      June 17, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Another beautiful city. Went out with Korah, Leela, Sebastian and Ann to a eat a kobe beef meal. It was fantastic! So tender and flavorful. We were on the 17th floor of the Oriental Pacific hotel with a view of Mont Rokko.Read more

    • Day 27

      … es geht zum Shimanami Trail

      April 19 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      18.04.2024 Ruhetag
      19.04.2024, Freitag, 9. Radltag von
      Matsuyama nach 1. Insel nach Imabari,Oshima Island
      Start des Shimanamit Trails über 6 Brücken und 6 Inseln
      60.27 km, 286 hm,8.47 Stunden Gesamtzeit, Zeit in Bewegung 4 h 47 mins

      Heute verließen wir nach einem guten Frühstück ausgeruht das Hotel. Es ging am Fluß entlang und dort entdeckte ich viele Schildkröten die zum Sonnen auf den großen Steinen saßen. Es waren Rotwangen-Schildkröten, die im Süßwasser leben.
      Danach ging es am Meer entlang. Wir fuhren sogar einen Teil des Weges einen Pilgerweg, den 88 Tempel Trail auf Shikkoku, den Alex schon einmal vor vielen Jahren zu Fuß gegangen ist., Bei einem dieser Tempel lernten wir Alice aus Kanada kennen, die schon 53 Tempel besucht hatte und uns mit ihrem Outfit begeisterte.

      Wir radeltn weiter bis nach Imabari, um dort den berühmtesten Radweg Japans zu erobern. Der Shimanami Trail geht über 6 Insel mit 6 Brücken und wurde 1999 eröffnet. Er verbindet die große Insel Shikoku mit Honshu.. Es wurden eigene Fahrradwege geschaffen, und fährt man von insel zu Insel mit dem Rad. Es ist wunderschön, so weit oben übers Wasser auf die Inselwelt Japans zu schauen. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen, wenn er mal hier ist. Fahrräder kann man sich ausborgen und auf der anderen Seite zurückgeben.

      Wir nahmen gleich die 1. Ausfahrt auf die erste Insel Oshima, und suchten uns ein Schlafplätzchen. Alex kochte uns noch Ramennudeln, während ich mit Luisa telefonierte und Fotos von der untergehenden Sonne machte.
      Unser Abendessen nahmen wir auf einer warmen Steinsitzbank mit Blick aufs Meer ein.
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    • Day 16

      Der letzte Samur… ähh Tag 😉

      November 4, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Am letzten Tag klingelte mein Wecker trotz der langen Nacht schon früh um 6 Uhr, denn ich musste packen und hatte noch eine wichtige Sache vor mir: Natürlich kann ich Japan nicht verlassen um mich einmal hier mit Kampfkunst zu befassen und so besuchte ich im etwas abseits gelegenen Viertel Suginami einen Schrein mit einem Tempel, wo die Kampfkunst der Samurai gelehrt wird. Mit dem Bushi (in Japan ein geläufigerer Begriff für einen Samurai) Bugaku verbrachte ich hier den kompletten Vormittag um im Tempel mehr über die Geschichte der Samurai zu erfahren, zu beten und um einen kleinen Einblick in die Kampfkunst zu bekommen, so wählte ich das Schwert und die Lanze und übte Katas damit ein. Bugaku war sehr zufrieden, ich weiß natürlich nicht, wie oft er das jemanden sagt, aber es machte auf jeden Fall den Anschein, als das er es wirklich so meint 😉.Read more

    • Day 3–4

      Jozankei Ryokan and Onsen

      October 5, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We rented a car in Sapporo and drove about 45 minutes to a ryokan in an onsen town called Jozankei. It was a funny looking car but similar to what everyone is driving here. Jorma always impresses with me his navigation skills while also managing to remember which side of the road to drive on and which way to look before pulling out (most of the time). We stopped in Otaru which had a fish cake factory and a very quaint street with old historical buildings along the canal. It was beautiful in the rain. Jorma loved the fish cakes so much.

      We drove on to Jozankei, it is a beautiful mountain town with natural hot springs. The weather was drizzly, cool and cloudy- perfect! First stop was a little cafe that had a foot bath you could use while drinking your warm beverage. It was wonderful! But just a tiny glimpse into the wonderment of the evening we were about to experience.

      Jorma warned me that he had booked one of the less expensive ryokans in the area. The inn was wonderful in every way. The front desk woman who checked us in gave us perfect instructions on our stay and we booked our dinner time with her. We had a traditional room with a tatami mat for sleeping. The bedding would be set up while we were dining. We had two pairs of clothes each for onsen, men's were blue and women's were red. There were also two each of a heavier jacket to wear over the clothes (probably not called pajamas?). We both wanted to experience the onsen because they were natural hot spring baths. The men and women are on separate floors and they switch the floors by gender from morning to afternoon. The women were on the second floor in the evening, this was the bigger floor with more baths and the flower bath. I loved the flower bath which was a bath that was surrounded by tiled seats in a circle that made it look like a flower. It was beautiful and comfortable. I was still getting used to being completed naked in the bathing area but was worth it for these gorgeous hot springs baths. There was an open air bath that felt so nice because it was raining outside and the hot bath was so soothing....mmmmmm.

      The sun sets here at about 17:05, so early! There was a laser light show installation through a forest and on the bridge over the river. It was amazing and so much fun! I am very glad that it wasn't raining too hard, otherwise they may have canceled the show. So glad we were able to experience that.

      Next up, our kaiseki dinner. We were told it was fine to wear the clothes that were provided for us to dinner. I love that concept. It is nice to not worry about your outfit and be dressed like everyone else.

      Kaiseki is a traditional multi course Japanese dinner. Our server was wonderful. I don't know what she was saying of course but I loved her energy and her smile. The food presentation was more beautiful with each course she served. There were so many different textures and flavors. Some I loved and some maybe not as much. But always fun to try new things. I felt like the food was fairly healthy which I enjoyed. Mostly vegetables, seaweed and seafood. The main course was beef wrapped around tofu. It would have been better without the beef in my opinion. Jorma was using Google translate to read about each course. At one point he teased me and said 'rabbit yogurt' and I said 'rabbit yogurt?!?' We both cracked up. Guess you had to be there.

      Next up we had booked a private hot stone bed bath for both of us. She told us to change into yet another pair of jammies and gave us the instructions for the hot stone bed. Undress, drink some water and lie down on your tummy on the hot stone for 10 minutes. It is always hard for me to lay on my stomach but especially immediately after dinner, ugh. Then onto your back for 10 minutes. After that, rest for 5 minutes, drink some water and repeat- 10 minutes face down, 10 minutes on your back. It was surprisingly relaxing.

      There was one more thing we had to check out before heading up to sleep on the floor. Our host had told us about the night lounge that was a free space open until 23:00. They serve snacks, coffee and hot wine. We took a long walk from the area where the baths are, outside in the rain to a separate building. Oh but it was so great. It felt like being in someone's living room. There was cozy furniture, relaxing music, art and books. And also, mulled wine, crackers and roasted sweet potatoes. I was still full from dinner but was excited for the warm wine, it was yummy! There were also foot baths on the deck with blankets to keep you warm. The older gentleman who was hosting the lounge came out and stirred the baths and showed me how to open the tap for more hot water. The water is HOT, you must be careful when adding hot water. So don't scald yourself because it will take away from the absolute magic of this place.

      We slept well on the beds they made for us on the floor. We went down to the front desk area for some fresh juices, coffee and tea. I went to the onsen to bathe before breakfast because there NO towels in our room. I must deduct two points for that.

      Breakfast was an amazing Japanese breakfast buffet. There were so many items available. So much fish, seaweed, nori, along with continental breakfast items. It was impressive and very good.

      Jorma waited to go to the onsen after breakfast and I decided to rest and relax before it was time to pack up and leave.

      It was pretty rainy and stormy on our way back to Sapporo. Jorma picked a long route (4-5 hours) back. It was a bit scary at some points with the heavy rain and wind but we found some beautiful spots. We stopped at a rest stop that had a beautiful park with waterfalls and so much foliage. Amazing surprise.

      Right outside of Sapporo Jorma stopped at a cemetery that featured a huge buddha on a hill. It is hard to explain the architecture but I will try. The buddha was set into a hill and just the top of his head was sticking up. The hill surrounding him was planted with lavender which of course was not blooming. The statue itself was so impressive though. And it was beautiful in the rain. I saw pictures in the gift shop of the statue in the spring when the lavender was blooming but also in winter in the snow. Wow! I would love to see those seasons too.

      We made it back to Sapporo and stayed just one more night there. Next up was the bullet train back to Tokyo.
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    • Day 10–15

      Back in Tokyo for 5 nights

      October 7, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We rode the bullet train, Shinkansen from Sapporo back to Tokyo. The train from Sapporo was not a bullet train. Our seats were outside the green car because it was fully booked and we would not have been able to have seats together. It was approximately a 4 hour ride. We transferred to the bullet train and had two roomy seats in the green car. It was a very comfortable ride, smooth and very fast. There was no food service on the train other than a snack cart. Fortunately we knew that and were able to grab some bento boxes at the station in Sapporo. We picked up a few more snacks and drinks at the transfer station. Jorma was a little disappointed that I had the window seat but also that much of the ride was through tunnels (under the ocean!). When we were outside the tunnel, there was high plexiglass blocking the view. I did see a rainbow right before sunset though so that was cool.

      Our train ride ended back in Tokyo at 19:04. Have I mentioned that sunset is around 17:10 pm here? Sunrise is super early but so is sunset. We had a little over .5 miles to walk to our Air BnB in Asakusa. It was dark but Jorma had no problem navigating us to our apartment. We were able to get in easily (not always the case). The apartment is a very similar layout to the first apartment we stayed in. One difference is that there are two windows, one is a sliding door to a balcony, SO NICE! We walked into the living/sleeping area and both beds were made up- a futon and a twin bed. I took the twin bed and although I think it is a better bed, neither of them are great.

      One of the things I love about Japan so far is that they always separate the toilet into its own room. And there is always a washlet (bidet). I think the toilet should always be separated.

      We are not as close to a train station here but we are close to a pretty busy area so we can easily walk to shopping and restaurants. And of course Family Mart.

      Jorma keeps commenting on how quiet it is here. It truly is. There are large apartment buildings in every direction but almost no noise on the streets. It seems to me though that the Japanese can be extremely quiet but they also have places that are very loud such as discount department stores (Don Quixote and Bic Camera). There is always loud music and speaking throughout Don Quixote. It is so chaotic and overwhelming in there. But they pretty much have everything so you probably have to go in there at some point.

      We explored the Asakusa and Akihabara neighborhoods on Sunday. We walked towards and around the Senso-Ji temple. It is Tokyo's oldest temple. It is a very busy tourist area. We also saw the Nezu shrine that was very beautiful with the orange colored gates. In both areas many young people were dressed in the ritual or traditional dress. The girls are very beautiful and many of them were doing photo shoots. I love seeing the young people exploring their culture and history.

      We found some yummy ramen and had some small beers with it. We were directed upstairs to sit. We were asked to remove our shoes before walking up the very steep steps. The upstairs was very cozy but we had to sit on cushions on the floor. Jorma said that was the longest he had ever had to wait for a bowl of ramen! It did seem like a long time. We had the cozy upstairs to ourselves for a bit which was nice. We enjoyed our ramen and then had to stand up and navigate back down those steep steps with our stiff legs, backs and hips. Nothing like sitting on the floor to make you feel almost 55!

      Yesterday (Monday) I had a disappointing experience attempting to take a combo Body Pump and Body Combat class. It was pouring rain so I decided to take an Uber (taxi), I didn't want to be drenched when I got there. But I got there and was told multiple times that I couldn't join the classes because the facility was members only. I was using Google translate to explain that I was an instructor visiting the area and was hoping to take both classes. I nicely asked if I could speak to a manager but was told that he was not at his desk. I knew the name of the instructor, Daigo so I asked if I could speak to him. He came down to the front desk and I asked him if I could attend his classes. He said yes and also said yes the front desk and walked away. I waited for a few minutes until the front desk guy came back and told me again that I could not participate in the classes, it was for members only. As Jorma and I were leaving he spoke in English to say he was sorry he could not help me and wished us a nice day. He was sincere in his desire to help us.

      We took the train a few stops to another facility that had a Pump class later at 15:25. It was only 11:15 but we wanted to be sure I would be able to take the class before we planned our whole day around it. I was told the same thing, class is for members only. Next time I might ask if I can buy a pass for 7 days. I am going to try yet another club today that has a 30 minute Combat at 12:15 and a 30 minute Pump following. Fingers crossed that I can get in.

      After the second rejection from a fitness club we walked around and explored in the rain. There are umbrellas for anyone to use everywhere. Our apartment had 20+ umbrellas at the door for anyone to take. When you go into a shop or restaurant you leave your umbrella at the door. You may or may not get the same one when you leave.

      I was pretty hungry by the time we left the second gym so we went looking for some food. I mentioned onigiri (not from a combi store) so we were searching for that. We found a restaurant close to our neighborhood that had a set, soup+ onigiri+ drink. On our way to the restaurant we saw a bakery/bread shop that had seasonal pumpkin shaped melon bread. Good thing I decided to try one because there was a queue for the restaurant. We waited in the rain for 40 minutes to get inside and place our order. The soup and rice balls were yummy. The serve yourself cold green tea was also very good. We did some more walking and exploring. We ended up back at the Rox mall near our apartment. We did some shopping at Gu, Uniqlo and Don Quixote before coming back to our apartment to regroup.

      Walking around exploring here makes me very tired. I had to take a nap when we got back. I believe it is the stimulation of walking in a crowded city combined with everything being in another language. I do find it interesting that so many signs and branding are in the English alphabet. Wouldn't it be so weird to have signs and product labels in the Japanese alphabet in the US?? In addition, most businesses play American pop music. I do find it so interesting. In contrast, it is pretty challenging to find someone that speaks English here.

      I like it here and could spend more time here. I would definitely need to take some online Japanese language classes. I would have a tiny flat and a bicycle and a train pass. It would be fun to continue to explore and try all the amazing foods. I would love to meet some locals and learn more about their culture.

      One more observation and I feel sure this is true for most people of any heritage. The toddlers and the elders are adorable!
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    • Day 666


      November 9, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      elsababe https://www.dldolls.com/brand-b62463.html
      EXDOLL https://www.dldolls.com/brand-b369477.html
      大多数なお客様に手頃な価格の高品質のセックス人形を提供するためにFJDOLLラブドールブランドを創立しました。FJ Dollは主に、セックスロボット、リアルラブドール、ワックスの彫像の製造と開発を専念しています。独自のFJDOLLダッチワイフ製造ワークショップと信頼できるOEM工場を持っています。このブランドの創立理念は、ラブドールは単なる性処理ではなく、仲間になることもできます。
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    • Day 51


      January 2 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      この事件の主人公は我々の現実の人間ではなく、シリコンで作られた女性人形たちで、男性に性的サービスを提供するためにバルセロナの売春宿に集められ、明確にマークが付けられ、時間単位で値段が付けられていると言われています。 1時間あたり120ユーロ、つまり8,900元に相当します。高いですか? 私に言わせれば、これは高すぎます。120ユーロも出して売春婦に行くのはただのダッチワイフです。しかし、この店の業績は思いのほか好調で、所有者は富を築きました。

      shedoll https://www.dldolls.com/brand-b353956.html

      店主は、「当店の大きな胸のシリコンラブドールは、高品質の素材で作られています。女性の価格は少なくとも1万ドルです。したがって、その効果は非常に現実的です。動かないこと、話すことを除いて、本物の人間と比較してください」と述べました。 、何も 少し違います、そうですね...ここでは、セックスの気持ちよさを感じることができるだけでなく、最も重要なことは、他人とセックスすることで妻に罪悪感を感じる必要がないことです。 「だって、これは命のないものよ。お嬢さん、たとえ奥さんが知っていたとしても、私たちを責めることはないだろう……これは一石二鳥ではないですか?」
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Nakano-ku, Nakano, 中野区, _Tokyo

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