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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Toyama-ken
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    • Hari 131

      Hotel und Spa 18+

      12 November 2022, Jepang ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Eines wollen wir euch ja nicht vorenthalten. In Azumino haben wir ein richtiges Schnäppchen gemacht. Hier wollten wir ja ganz viel Wandern, also sollte es ein Hotel fernab der Stadt sein. Das hier sah so gut aus und war dafür noch nichtmal so teuer.
      Wir dachten erst es liegt daran, dass es keine Anbindung an das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz hat. Immerhin 4Km Fußweg oder 20€ Taxifahrt.
      Beim Einchecken fanden wir eine Rezeption in Form eines Bildschirmes vor. So weit so gut, nur leider alles auf Japanisch.. Zum Glück kam gleich eine ältere Frau angelaufen und hat uns geholfen. Sie hat noch komische Fragen gestellt, mit ihrem Tablet als Übersetzer im Gesicht. Wann und was wir frühstücken wollen und noch irgendwas bei dem sie Gesten gemacht hat wie Einseifen in der Dusche- keine Ahnung was das sein sollte.
      Im Zimmer haben ich mich gleich auf die Suche nach der Mikrowelle gemacht (weil Bärenhunger und so) und dabei noch ganz andere Sachen gefunden.
      Anscheinend sind wir in einem Liebeshotel gelandet. Wir haben schon gehört das diese hier besonders luxuriös und günstig sein sollen.
      Luxuriös war es allemal. Es gab einen Jacuzzi Wirlpool, weiche Bademäntel und Handtücher (für die muss man sonst überall bezahlen). Haufenweise Lotions, Cremes und sogar einen Lockenstab. Naja und dann noch einen Katalog mit haufenweise anderen Kram..
      Das ganze Konzept war auf Anonymität ausgelegt. Das Autokennzeichen wird mit einem Schild abgedeckt. Einchecken über einen Bildschirm, bezahlt wird im Zimmer. Alles kann telefonisch bestellt werden. Das Frühstück steht morgens vor dem Zimmer auf einem Hocker und niemand steht im Flur. Also könnte man sich theoretisch mit seiner Affäre im selben Hotel aufhalten wie der Ehepartner mit seiner Affäre- vorausgesetzt man trifft sich nicht auf dem Parkplatz. 😅
      Zum Wandern war die Location leider nicht so toll wie gedacht, weil alles doch weiter weg war, als es auf der Karte aussah und wir keinen Mietwagen hatten. Dafür waren wir dreimal im Wirlpool.
      In Matsumoto hab ich mir eine Erdbeer Mochi Rolle gekauft (Eiscreme in Reisteig) die beim Auspacken viel zu passend aussah.
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    • Hari 48

      Day 47-48

      17 April, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

      Day 47

      So we’ve been trying desperately hard to plan a day trip into the Japanese alps as it feels like it would be SUCH a mistake to miss them. The only problem is that without a car they are almost completely inaccessible. We even looked into staying in the alps and just taking the hit with having to cancel a different booking but the prices were outrageous and the lodges completely inaccessible. We were feeling at our wits end a little as it seemed that our dreams of visiting the alps were becoming more and more impossible to fulfil. Until I found the alpine route. This is a route through the mountains that starts in Nagano in ogizawa and ends in Tateyama in Toyama prefecture. It’s a popular route by car and also for hiking but we still had the problem of no transport until I found a website entirely in Japanese that offered a day ticket through a pathway in the alpine route using only public transport. Absolutely thrilled and seriously surprised that it wasn’t more advertised as it took quite a lot of hunting to find to it we booked it!

      When the alarm blared at 6.30am I groggily got up and got dressed before we grabbed a quiet bite before taking a bus all the way to ogizawa. Luckily the lady at the bus terminal was a saint as we were struggling to find tickets and where the bus went from and she recommended to go to the stop before the station and just as well as we wouldn’t have got a seat on the bus otherwise and then we would have been screwed!

      After 1 1/2 hours we started winding up through the alps with blinding snow on either side the bus pulled into this tiny little bus station literally on the mountainside with nothing around it. Getting off we managed to get a physical copy of our ticket from a vending machine and then began to look for our tour guide. After a while of looking around we couldn’t find one, just the other passengers there. Slightly confused we went back onto the website and translated it all and managed to work out that we didn’t actually have a guide, it’s basically a ticket that secures you a spot on the public transport route but the rest you have to work out yourself! Managing to find a map I felt a little more confident that we knew what we were doing but in truth we made it up as we went along quite a lot!

      We started by taking a cable car through a tunnel in one of the mountains. Climbing out we climbed the 220 steps to the view point which was absolutely spectacular and actually probably the best view of the whole day! A gorgeous frozen dam winding in between the snowy mountains it was just breathtaking, the pictures don’t do it justice we literally stood there in awe it was incredible. Seriously a view of a lifetime. What’s also special is that apart from when your on the public transport it didn’t feel as though there were many people there as everyone dispersed at the viewing points so it didn’t feel really touristy or over crowded. Once again, we were the only western people there, everyone else was Japanese which would explain the Japanese only website but it just seems bizarre that it wasn’t really advertised to the western tourists!

      After this we took a long Ropeway even higher into the mountain range and the highest we went was 3000 metres! It honestly felt like we were in a different world, with no real civilisation in sight just wilderness it was really really special.

      We took a few more buses through the alps before reaching our last stop- the snow wall. Now this isn’t the famous one in Aomori prefecture but it’s just as impressive and I’m sure less busy. The snow wall accumulates in drifts and creates 20 metre high walls of snow. For most of the year the route is inaccessible but from mid March-June they bulldozer a route through the snow creating the snow walls! Wandering through glancing up in awe it’s hard to imagine this level of snowfall it’s just insane. You definitely wouldn’t want to be any where near these mountains in a snow storm! It’s so compact that it’s almost ice now it really is quite the sight and this was probably one of my favourite parts of the day trip!

      The last public transport was an hour bus that slowly made its way down through the mountains with amazing views before ending up at a train station. We took two trains to get home and had a quick dinner before crashing and going to sleep as we had been out of 13 hours and I was shattered but completely and utterly worth it! Amazing day and definitely one to remember.

      Day 48

      Today is our last day in Nagano so we decided to have a relaxed day just exploring the city as we haven’t actually done this yet! Having a yummy breakfast we walked through the city for about 30 minutes before arriving at Zenkōji temple which is a massive temple with a few very large gate entrances and lovely grounds. Sitting in the sun we enjoyed the birds chirping away and took a few photos of them. Jacob got very excited taking photos so I found a nice cherry blossom tree to sit under whilst he wondered around taking photos. After a while we slowly weaved our way through the streets of the city and browsing in shops and stopping for a quick lunch. We explored the city for a few more hours before walking back and having a relaxed evening getting all our things in order for the move tomorrow.
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    • Hari 13


      26 November 2022, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      1er village sur la route de Takayama avec des maisons de type ghasso kuri. Ce sont les maisons typiques des alpes japonaises toutes en bois avec un toit en paille, très incliné, pour ne pas que la neige s'accumule.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      Onsen Besuch

      15 April, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Auf dem Weg Richtung Kanazawa machten wir noch Halt an einem Onsen, das an einem der vielen Stauseen gelegen ist. Da wir die ersten Besucher des Tages waren, waren wir zunächst ganz allein in unseren jeweils getrennten Bereichen und ich erlaubte mir, ein paar Fotos zu machen. Das heisse Thermal-Wasser wärmte uns gut auf und die Dusche tat mehr als nur gut! Auf unserer Camping-Tour sind die Onsens bisher die einzige Möglichkeit für uns, zu duschen…Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31

      Shinkansen - Hokkaido to Toyama

      2 Oktober 2017, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We leave Hokkaido with the super fast bullet train. But not before we pay a visit to the huge fish market (with crabs as big as your head) in Hakodate and taste some of the super fresh fish for breakfast. Sea urchin (orange, slimy, brainy type of substance.... hmm I mean delicacy), coquille, salmon roe (eggs) and squid... strong tastes on our empty stomach, ai carambaaa, but what a seafood feast!! Finally we could take it ‘easy’ in the shinkansen and before we knew it we arrived at our destination more than 800 km away: Toyama, gateway to the Japanese Alps!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 32

      The Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route

      3 Oktober 2017, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We did it!! We traveled 90km via a sacred mountain, a deep gorge, a boiling-hot spring and unfortunately invisible mountain scenery due to the heavy fog... But the bad weather did not get rid of our enthusiasm jumping from a train to a cable car then to a bus, all the way to Murodo (see pictures enclosed!!) A trolley bus then took us through tunnels before getting on a ropeway that connected us with an underground cable car from which we emerged on the impressive Kurobe Dam. A last bus ride followed by a short train trip got us to Matsumoto! You might be wondering how we managed all of this with our luggage... we did not! There is an almost magical service by which you can ship your luggage from your hotel before you depart, you’ll find it at your arrival city’s station, the Japanese sense of practicalities and detail is just mind blowing!!
      We discovered enchanting Matsumoto by night, walking through the Nakamachi area with its shops and restaurants hosted in beautiful houses and discovering the Castle, the oldest wooden castle in Japan! We treated ourselves to a delicious dinner in a traditional restaurant and a glass of whisky and a cocktail in a gentlemen bar.
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    • Hari 15

      Shinkansen back to Tokyo

      22 Juni 2023, Jepang ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      The shikansen is right between the sea and the Japanese Alpes. Wonderful view.
      By the way, sorry SNCF, but the award for best jingle goes to the shinkansen. 😊


    • Hari 3

      Snow Corridor 立山黑部大雪谷 (雪の大谷)

      29 Mei 2018, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C



    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Toyama-ken, Toyama, 富山県, 도야마 현

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