‘Ayn al Qaţţār

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    • Dzień 7

      Dag 7- De woestijnvosjes

      22 sierpnia 2023, Jordania ⋅ ⛅ 39 °C

      Na een goede nachtrust beginnen we onze dag met een typisch Jordaans ontbijt: droog brood, hummus, ei… (lekker voor één keer, onthoud dit goed). Daarna zijn we met onze Chevrolet helemaal naar het zuiden getrokken… het prachtige woestijnplekje Wadi Rum. Dit is een groot beschermd woestijn gebied. Eens aangekomen was er een beetje chaos omdat we wat laat waren aangekomen en daardoor de jeeptour niet meer ging gaan. We hebben dan een big switcheroo gemaakt en zijn rond een uur of 13 op de kamelen geklommen. Deze boys: Mich Mich (Maarten), Racemachien (Miguel), Aylan (Robbe), Susu (Joren) en Fufu (Arthur), droegen ons een uur lang door de Wadi Rum Desert. Daarna pikte Yussef ons op en gingen we richting ons Bedoeïnen Kamp waar we de komende twee nachten verbleven. Omdat het daar pokkeheet was (40+), waren we door Yussef verplicht eerst even platte rust te nemen. Na een heerlijk kaartspelletje en onze eerste theetjes (van heeeel velen) sprongen we vanachter in de Toyota en knalden we richting de White Desert. Daar wandelden we rustig rond en beklommen we een hoge rots voor een prachtig uitzicht over de woestijn! Yussef nam ons dan weer mee voor een gezellige tea (door houtvuur verhit)by sunset. Eens terug bij ons kamp dineerden we van een heerlijke kip die heel de dag ondergronds had zitten garen in een oude olieton (verrukkelijk en mals!!) gecombineerd met een groentebuffetje.
      Savonds dronken we nog een theetje aan het vuur en keken we naar vallende sterren!
      We leven nog, en zijn terug iets bereikbaarder (dus geen excuses voor afwezigheid van communicatie)
      De Schapen
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    • Dzień 3

      Wadi Rum

      2 października 2022, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ici il y a un vent de Films... Laurence d'Arabie, Star wars, Dune

      Un excédent de choses vécues, alors je vais les lister sinon je pourrais faire un roman rien qu'avec ces quelques jours dans cette partie du pays 😎🙃
      Il y a eu:
      Un train appelé German train

      Une Tribu zelabia

      Amina et Mohammad (qui se marient bientôt)
      Hadjis, le cousin

      Arrivée dans leur maison, je discute avec un des cousins (il sont une dizaine me dit-il et ils apprennent les langues au contact des touristes)
      Aprèm de folie douce dans le désert en mode solo privilégiée
      Premier stop, un papillon se pose sur mon pied droit puis vient sur ma main
      Se sentir comme une Reine
      Sensation indescriptible d'honorer la vie
      Pleurer face à la beauté des dunes, des roches, des lumiéres
      Points d'eau indiqués avec des inscriptions sur les roches
      Partage de musiques dans la jeep (j'apprends la danse-clap de mains des bédouins...trop drôle 😅)

      Pont suspendu
      Surf sur une dune! Ihaaa Indiana jonette des temps modernes
      Point de vue + goûter boules dattes enrobées de sésame
      Coucher de soleil de folie de fou harchis foufou
      Dîner au feu de bois sec ramassé dans le désert
      Thé et café bédouin (merveilleux! Avec grains café vert roasted, cardamome séchée et pistilles de safran)
      Jouer à un jeu bédouin dans le sable 7×7 cases où déposer des cailloux (un peu un solitaire-jeu de dames à deux)

      Nuit complètement seule dans le désert, face aux étoiles et à la voie lactée
      Pleurer de voir une étoile filante après chaque formulation -remerciement-question-souhait
      Se faire des promesses... plein!
      Remercier l'univers et tout ce qui me guide si merveilleusement 🌟✨️
      Dormir en tente moustiquaire
      Avoir la visite de renards la nuit et des clins d'œil d'étoiles filantes
      Se réveiller avec le jour qui se lève (et l'alarme de Hadjis au loin qui résonne)
      Meditation-chant aux aurores avant le lever du soleil
      Petit dej qui gagne en goût quand t'es face à une splendeur comme celle-ci!
      Se faire conduire à mi chemin pour aller à Aqaba (parce que les bus et les liaisons là-bas ça craint)

      Se faire offrir un cadeau surprise par l'hôte tout heureux
      Rire (secrètement) dans le bus parce que je suis la seule européenne touriste non voilée- typée d'ici
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    • Dzień 4

      Strange Bed(ouin) Fellows

      28 lutego, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      After breakfast, we left Wadi Musa at 9am and drove two hours farther south to the desert region of Wadi Rum. (And yes, everything is called "Wadi" here because it means "Valley" in Jordanian Arabic.)

      Most people are familiar with this region, just thirty minutes from the Saudi Arabian border, from the classic film "Lawrence of Arabia." Those real-life events occurred here, and the movie was filmed here as well. Now, the Wadi Rum desert is a protected area, and visitors come here to spend a night or two with the Bedouin tribes, sleeping in tents, and seeing the desert by 4x4.

      We arrived at Wadi Rum Village at the edge of the desert at 11am, and met up with our Bedouin host. He put our bag in the truck, and we rode on a bench in the open truck bed. We spent the next four hours exploring and climbing up the different sites in the desert, including the rubble remains of Lawrence of Arabia's home, sand dunes, and several famous rock formations. I learned a few things:

      1. Desert wind in an exposed open truck bed in the winter is fucking freezing.
      2. All rock formations in the desert look exactly the same to me.
      3. If I have to endure sand in my eyes, nose, and mouth, there better be an ocean in front of me.
      4. There is no ocean in the desert.

      Luckily, our drive took place during the warmest part of the day, so when the truck DID stop, it was a gorgeous day to climb on some rocks. Until the wind blew more sand up my nose.

      We arrived at our Bedouin camp in the late afternoon, where we chilled in our tent and admired the stunning view of the desert. At 6pm we walked out to a promontory to watch the sun set over the red rocks. The last time we visited a desert, Egypt's White Desert, the white of the sand reflected the moonlight, and it wasn't very dark at night. Here, darkness is absolute, and not just a little disconcerting. Our very cool guide pointed us to the sunset promontory, a ten-minute walk in a straight line, and warned us not to get lost on the way back. We laughed at this "joke" until we realized he was absolutely not joking. We then mused on how many idiot tourists got lost and wandered in the desert for forty days and forty nights, and decided that would make a really good story. (Biblical joke)

      The Bedouins made a traditional dinner for the camp, featuring zarb (roasted meat that is buried and roasted in the sand), and several types of dips and salads. I really like the food here- they offer lots of vegetables, including an "Arabian salad" that is like pico de gallo without cilantro or spice; chickpea salads and hummus; baba ganouj; and soft mild cheeses and yogurts. I will admit to being at maximum falafel tolerance, so when the wind ripped our small bag of lunch falafel out of Matt's hand and far into the desert, I wasn't too disappointed. Hungry, yes, but in consolation, I had a tub of halva hidden in my bag. Don't judge me.

      So did you know that without lights, internet, or bars, there isn't much to do after the sun sets? After dinner, we sat around the fire drinking tea and listening to some truly awful Bedouin music, but by 9:30pm, we seized the opportunity to head back to our tent early, and read in bed while eating halva straight from the tub.

      Tomorrow we drive all the way back up to Amman, while attempting to see as many things along the way as possible before the rental company wants their car back.
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    • Dzień 6

      A spasso nel deserto!

      28 czerwca 2022, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Buondì Giordania! Dopo la giornata meravigliosa di ieri siamo in trepidante attesa di sapere cosa puoi regalarci oggi! 😊
      Raggiungiamo il Wadi rum Village, dove le case sono letteralmente il limite alla sabbia del deserto, intorno alle 10. Giusto il tempo di caricare le valigie - non le nostre - e saliamo sul cassone del pick-up.
      Ad accompagnarci in questa avventura una coppia di olandesi e una di francesi, con cui tentiamo di instaurare un dialogo complicato dall’inglese pessimo della banda.
      La mattinata scorre molto rapidamente, ci spostiamo senza sosta su e giù per il deserto, scaliamo rocce più svariate e visitiamo canyon con disegni rupestri di chissà quanti anni fa! Il tutto sotto un sole cocente, rigorosamente con la kefiah a mo’ di turbante!
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    • Dzień 28

      Drive to camp

      17 stycznia 2023, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      After the Visitor Centre, we transferred to 4WDs for the 35 minute journey into camp.

      The desert scenery en route was amazing! We arrived at our camp 🏕 just in time for sunset 🌇. We dumped our bags 🎒 and scrambled up the hill to get a good view. I managed to fall over half way up but, as Molly pointed out, it was a slow fall so I didn't hurt myself 😂. It was extremely cold but we did stay to watch the setting sun. Stones had been arranged into seats fir those who wanted to relax! 😂 The sky was totally clear - not a bit of cloud in sight - so it wasn't the best sunset we've ever seen, but the location more than made up for it.

      Back in camp, we settled in to our homes for the next couple of nights. Luckily, they had supplied plenty of blankets to help with the freezing temperatures.

      We then went to the restaurant tent for our 6.30pm dinner. They had prepared barbecued chicken and vegetables cooked in an underground oven so we went to see the big reveal! All the food was delicious!

      After dinner, we played cards. The game was 'Shithead' which Mark had played before - on an overlanding trip through Ethiopia. It was a fun evening! Most of us turned in by 9pm - it had been a tiring day!!
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    • Dzień 29

      A hike through the desert

      18 stycznia 2023, Jordania ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      We were up at 6.45 am after a pretty restless night for me - it was soooo cold!! Mark slept like a log! The camp chefs had prepared us a tasty breakfast which we ate before setting off on a 12km hike through the desert with Sofyan. The usual seven of us went 😀.

      One of the guys from the camp drove ahead of us just in case any of us got into difficulty. He also made tea for us at the halfway point.

      The scenery as we walked was stunning! Everything looked and felt fresh in the early morning light. We walked through landscapes used in films like The Martian and Star Wars. It's also where they filmed the last two series of SAS - Who Dares Wins. It's a harsh and unforgiving environment and yet there are signs of plant life everywhere. We even saw a well and Sofyan explained how it is used to supply the 1000 camps in the Wadi Rum reserve.

      Some of the rock formations made the perfect frames for photos 😀
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    • Dzień 7–9

      Wadi Rum

      30 września 2023, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Unsere allerschönste Wüstertour. In 8 Stunden konnten wir wirklich viel sehen, wunderschöne Landschaften, selbstgekochtes Mittagessen, Sandboarding, Sonnenuntergang in der White Sand Wüste mit auf dem Feuer gekochten Tee 🍵🔥. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7–9

      Petra und Wadi Rum

      30 września 2023, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Noch einmal rein in die Felsenstadt, wieder unfassbar toll. Schön das wir das gesehen und erlebt haben. Wir haben noch eben das Rad gefixt und sind dann auf zur nächsten Station, ins Wüstencamp Wadi Rum. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 29

      Jeep Safari in Wadi Rum

      18 stycznia 2023, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      When we returned from our walk, we sat in the sun until lunch was ready. There was a bit of a wind but we took shelter behind one of the 4WDs! 😀

      Lunch was goat meatballs cooked in goat's milk yoghurt served with rice 🍚 and vegetables which was much tastier than it sounds!

      After lunch, we set off on a Jeep safari through Wadi Rum. Our first stop was at a sand dune. Mark climbed to the top to take photos 📸. I'm suffering from a chesty cough so I stayed at the bottom and enjoyed a good strong coffee ☕. They only serve tea
      in camp so we're missing coffee!
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    • Dzień 29

      Jabel Khazali

      18 stycznia 2023, Jordania ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The second stop on our Jeep safari was at Jabel Khazali Canyon, one of the most famous places in Wadi Rum. It is a long deep narrow fissure in the rock face, the inner walls of which are covered with mainly Nabatean inscriptions and petroglyph rock drawings. The carvings show camels, horses, mountain goats, people, pairs of feet, and spirits. Dating from 400 to 200 BC, they are surprisingly well preserved.

      Sadly, today we witnessed a group of Lebanese tourists defacing the rocks with roughly written graffiti! They then proceeded to take selfies 🤳 with their handiwork! We wanted to say something to them but Sofyan warned us against it.
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    ‘Ayn al Qaţţār, `Ayn al Qattar, عين القطّار

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