Ḩayy al Fayşalīyah al Jadīd

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    • Day 97

      it’s mosaic time!

      March 16 in Jordan ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute schauen wir an 3 verschiedenen Orten Mosaiken an aus der byzantinischen Zeit, 6. bis 8. Jh.
      Erster Halt ist in Umm ar Rasas, dort gibt ein großes, gut erhaltenes Bodenmosaik.
      In Madaba sind Mosaike an verschiedenen Stellen der Stadt entlang einer alten römischen Straße. Schön auch, dass es hier christliche Gemeinden gibt!
      Dritter Stopp und Übernachtungsplatz ist der Mount Nebo. Hier soll Moses die Gesetzestafeln bekommen haben. (Stimmt, das hatten wir vor ein paar Wochen schon mal 😂). Im ehemaligen Kloster sind auch wunderschöne Mosaike erhalten. Und der Blick auf den Jordan, das Tote Meer, Jericho und bis nach Jerusalem ist sehr berührend.
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    • Day 5

      Berg Nebo

      September 18 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Unser nächstes Ziel ist der Berg Nebo, auf 808m Höhe.

      Den Überlieferungen nach ist das der Berg, von dem aus Moses das gelobte Land gesehen hat und wo er im 13. Jh. v. Chr. starb ohne das verheißene Land gesehen zu haben.

      Nach dem Eingang gehen wir auf der Straße des Friedens in Richtung Basilika und kommen an der Skulptur von Vincenzo Bianchi vorbei.
      Die Skulptur wurde in Gedenken an den Besuch von Papst Johannes Paul II. auf dem Berg Nebo, im Jahr 2000, erstellt.

      Der auf dem Weg zur Basilika zu sehende rollende Stein, wurde als befestigtes Tor eines byzantinischen Klosters verwendet.
      Was an dieser Stelle sofort ins Auge fällt, ist der fantastische Blick auf das Jordantal.

      Vor dem Eingang der Basilika steht das Christologie-Symbol, welches von Giovanni Fantoni geschaffen wurde. Es stellt die Kreuzigung Jesu dar und die eherne Schlange, die Moses in der Wüste aufgestellt hat.
      Rechts neben dem Kunstwerk der Verschmelzung haben wir wieder einen einmaligen Panoramablick, dieses mal auf das Tote Meer, das Jordantal und die Hügel Jerusalems.

      Um 393 wurde auf dem Berg eine Basilika erbaut, die aber im Jahre 749 n. Chr. durch ein Erdbeben zerstört und erst im 8. Jh. n. Chr. wieder errichtet wurde.
      Ca. 2 Jh. danach erfolgt eine komplette Aufgabe des Standortes, der erst im 19. Jh. quasi wieder entdeckt wurde.

      Nach einem Wiederaufbau der Moses-Basilika auf den Ruinen des alten Gebäudes, wird die ganze Stätte in 2016 wieder eröffnet.

      In dem jetzt sehr modernen Gebäude, welches auch für Gottesdienste genutzt wird, schaue ich mir die wenigen aus der antiken Zeit noch vorhandenen Steinklötze und Mosaikböden an, bevor ich mich zu unserem Treffpunkt am Ausgang aufmache und diesen wirklich wunderschönen Ort verlasse.
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    • Day 3

      Gelobtes Land

      April 5, 2023 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Mit Sack und Pack geht es in unseren kleinen Bus. Wir fahren zur Zitadelle von Amman. Wir entdecken wieder unsere heißgeliebten Säulen, aber im Museum auch allerhand Schätze aus acht Jahrtausenden. Runter vom Berg hält Amman noch sein riesiges Theater, zwei kleine urige Museen und einen farbenfrohen Spaziergang durch die Altstadt für uns bereit. Nach Gewürzen, Obst und Grafitti geht es nach Madaba. Hier sehen wir die St. Georgs Kirche mit dem berühmten wunderschönen Bodenmosaik, das das ganze Heilige Land abbildet. Und wir folgen weiter den christlichen Spuren auf den Berg Nebo, wo Moses einst stand und das gelobte Land sehen durfte. Es ist so beeindruckend, wie schon kurz nach Amman aus „Grün“ Steine und aus Steinen Geröll und trockener Sand wurde, die Vorfreude auf die Wüste steigt bei dem Ausblick… aber vorher noch….Read more

    • Day 3

      Petra, Dead Sea and Mount Nebo

      November 21, 2019 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      We wanted to see the sunrise so we got up at 05:30 to be there when the gate opens. The first stop was at the treasury, but we didn't stay long because we wanted to get a better view. So we hiked up to a lookout for about an hour and got there just before the sun touched these ancient stones. From there it was a strenuous walk of 6km to the Monastery. An even larger structure but without the details. Overall less impressive but very picturesque.
      By 12 we were back in the car park after another stop at the treasury and a - crazy overpriced - local Jordanian beer called Petra with the slogan: 'When in Petra, drink Petra'. The only thing we couldn't do was the High Place of Sacrifice trail leading through an oasis because we didn't have time. Initially we had planned to go to Mini Petra on our way to the Dead Sea but decided not to after we've been hiking for 6 hours in the heat.
      Just as we got out of Wadi Musa I stopped to take two hitchhikers with me that had a Dead Sea sign holding up. They happened to be a couple living in Switzerland, Marianna and Sebastién. She's Mexican and he's French. They were super nice people and we enjoyed the time driving with them even though I ended up on a super bad road. Steep climbs and descends, potholes and even partly washed out streets. It got better after about an hour and we arrived at the dead sea and the Lowest Point on Earth Museum. It definitely sounded more interesting than it was but it was included in the Jordan Pass.
      Then we dropped the couple off on the Dead Sea and drove on to Mount Nebo where Moses saw, according to the Bible, the promised land for the first time. We just had half an hour left before it closed so we walked quite quickly through. But it had its upside, the place was almost empty and we saw a beautiful sunset...
      We spent the night in Madaba because it was a lot cheaper than the stays near the Dead Sea. And we got lucky to meet some locals who invited us for tea and some fun conversations.
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    • Day 3

      Monte Nebo

      December 5, 2023 in Jordan

      Tra le colline giordane, il Monte Nebo offre una quiete mistica. Panorami senza fine si mescolano con il cielo, mentre la brezza accarezza antiche pietre. In questo luogo sacro, il silenzio è un invito alla riflessione, e ogni passo è un viaggio tra storia e spiritualità.Read more

    • Day 11

      Mount Nebo

      October 13, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today will be a driving tour from Madaba. First stop out of Madaba was the pilgrimage site of Mt. Nebo.

      According to the Bible, Moses ascended Mount Nebo, and from there he saw the Promised Land. Moses died there, and his burial place is nearby, but the exact location is unknown. A monument atop Mount Nebo commemorates Moses' death after seeing Canaan, across the Jordan valley. Mount Nebo is then mentioned again in the Bible when the prophet Jeremiah hid the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant in a cave there.

      A Christian church from Byzantine times stands on the top of Mount Nebo. There is a very interesting mosaic there.

      In 2000, Pope John Paul II visited the summit of Mount Nebo during his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. During his visit, he planted an olive tree next to the Byzantine chapel, as a symbol of peace.

      A serpentine cross sculpture atop Mount Nebo was created by Italian artist Giovanni Fantoni. It is symbolic of the miracle of the bronze serpent invoked by Moses in the wilderness and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

      The views are very dramatic, but the skies were very hazy, so much of the effect is lost, but it is something to contemplate the historical significance of the site.
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    • Day 4

      Mount Nebu

      November 7, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Reise durch die Wüste, Besuch des Mount Nebu( Mosesberg). Grab Moses und Blick ins gelobte Land. In Madaba zur St. Georgeskirche mit der ältesten Mosaiklandkarte des heiligen Landes. Fahrt auf der Königsstrasse zur Kreuzfahrerburg in Karak. Weiterfahrt nach Petra.Read more

    • Day 3

      Mt Nebo

      December 4, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      What a view from Mt Nebo! While at the top of Bishop Michael read a passage which detailed what Moses saw while he stood at the summit. It was a very spiritual experience to stand there and look over the vista that Moses would have seen - including the Dead Sea and Jericho. We then went into the church to look at the stunning mosaics that have been preserved.Read more

    • Day 33

      The Memorial Church of Moses, Mount Nebo

      January 22, 2023 in Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      From the mosaic workshop, we drove to Mount Nebo, an elevated ridge approximately 710 metres above sea level which is mentioned in the Bible as the place where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land before his death. The view from the summit provides a panorama of the West Bank across the Jordan River valley. The city of Jericho is usually visible from the summit, and on a very clear day you can even see Jerusalem. It wasn't that clear today 😂.

      Although the Bible tells us that Moses' burial place is unknown, a monument on top of Mount Nebo commemorates his death. There is also a serpentine cross sculpture created by Italian artist Giovanni Fantoni. It is symbolic of the miracle of the bronze serpent invoked by Moses in the wilderness and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

      There has been a church ⛪ on Mount Nebo since the 4th century AD. It was modified and extended over the years before falling into disrepair. The ruins, complete with exquisite mosaic floors, were discovered in 1933. Their restoration was hampered by war and inertia. However, the important work finally went ahead and a complete new basilica was built over the ancient church between December 2007 and the reopening day on 15 October 2016.

      Today, for most visitors, the mosaics are the main attraction on Mount Nebo although it does remain a place of religious pilgrimage for many.
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    • Day 3

      Mount Nebo

      February 4, 2023 in Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      We visited Mount Nebo this afternoon. This is the place God took Moses to show him the promised land. Ultimately, God refused Moses entry because he and Aaron took glory for themselves when they implied that they could provide water to the Israelites. There is a memorial statue of the snake Moses raised in the wilderness and a plaque in both English and Arabic of John 3: 14‐15. "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him." We ended the day back in Amman where we had dinner and spent the night.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ḩayy al Fayşalīyah al Jadīd, Hayy al Faysaliyah al Jadid, حي الفيصلية الجديد

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