Jabal Khabathah

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    • Dag 3


      27. februar, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      Today was our adventure in the Petra Archaeological Park.
      Was it amazing? Hells yes. And to give you an idea of just how amazing today was, there are three things I hate: Being cold, climbing stairs, and hiking...and I willingly did all three today, and Petra was worth all three.

      We were up at 5:45am (correction, FOUR things I hate), and at the Petra Park entrance at 7am. The sun was just rising on a clear, cold morning, the moon was still fully visible, and we had the entire place to ourselves.

      I had envisioned Petra much like the Pyramids of Gaza in Cairo: You show up, pay your fee, walk in, and boom! There they are.

      Petra is nothing like that.

      As you enter the Park, there is a modern visitors' center; a short walk downhill leads to the main entrance. Once you enter, there is a 1 kilometer/.75 mile gravel road winding downhill, past temples and ruins; then you come to the Siq, the gorgeous pathway snaking between the tall canyons. At 7am, the canyon walls were red, pink, orange, and purple, and absolutely silent (AND COLD). The Siq path continues for 1.5 kilometers/1 mile, and then, in a real-life Indiana Jones moment, the canyon opens to reveal the Treasury- the famous symbol of Petra. It is simply breathtaking.

      There were so few people at the Treasury that it felt like a private visit. We got some amazing photos- depending on the weather and time of day, the rocks look very different. We were absurdly lucky to have a clear, sunny day as our backdrop.

      We continued on past the Treasury, and the site opened into a massive space, called the Street of Façades. Petra's 2000-year-old stone structures were originally massive tombs- they are carved into all the rock walls in this area. Though as the "Façade" name suggests, you can't actually go inside them.

      We explored the Royal Tombs, a set of four massive tombs atop a steep stone staircase. One of the tombs, the Silk Tomb, had rock striations running up the columns in bright rainbow colors. I've never seen anything like it.

      We continued walking to the end of the main path, about 4 kilometers/2.5 miles from the main entrance, and embarked on the Ad-Deir, or Monastery, Trail. This trail is about 1.5 kilometers/1 mile straight up a stone staircase: 800 stairs, to be precise. We were warned that this trail is hard, but possibly the most impressive site in the park. At the top is the Monastery, a tomb that is similar to the Treasury, but on a wide-open hilltop, rather than in a narrow canyon.

      The walk up was spectacular. We were again the only people, aside from the Bedouins who live and sell tea and souvenirs in the canyons. And the morning went from I'm-wearing-thermals-cold to T-shirts-warm (though I'm sure that stair climb helped to warm us up). We reached the Monastery in about an hour, and found an amazing viewpoint to relax and savor our private view.

      After an hour or so, we began the walk back down. We stopped to have tea with a Bedouin woman and her daughter, and to play with the many kittens frolicking around the staircase. By the time we reached the bottom, back on the Street of Façades, we were starving. Luckily, we had packed a lunch from little shops near our hotel: Fresh pita, soft cheese, falafel, apples, and a tub of halvah. We had ourselves a little picnic in front of the Petra amphitheater.

      (Side note: If you don't know what halvah is, I suggest you go find some right now. I love nuts and creamy desserts, and halvah is like peanut butter nougat, filled with nuts. I eat it by the forkful, straight from the container. But I also eat Nutella out of the jar, so maybe don't follow my example.)

      Later in the afternoon, we decided we were full of Petra and tombs and staircases and halvah, and began the three-mile slog all the way back uphill to the park exit. As we exited, we saw a sign at the fancy-pants park hotel adjacent to the gates that this exact moment was happy hour. Two things: One, Jordan is Muslim, so alcohol is hard to come by, and two, if any moment in time screamed "you earned a beer," this was it. That is my way of saying we hustled inside that hotel bar and toasted our 15.5 kilometer/10.5 mile Petra hiking adventure with truly vile white wine.

      And then we went back to our hotel for very long naps.
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    • Dag 260

      Petra - Day 1*

      3. november 2023, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We woke up really early because today we went to Petra! After picking up our tickets, we spent almost 7 hours walking through Petra. We walked through the Siq to the Treasury, and then onwards along the Al Khubta and Wadi Al Ferasa trails - about 25,000 steps and 18.5km of walking.Les mer

    • Dag 4


      3. august 2023, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Petra è un sito archeologico della Giordania, posto a circa 250 km a sud della capitale Amman, costruito 2000 anni fa, in un bacino tra le montagne a est del Wadi Araba, la grande valle che si estende dal Mar Morto fino al Golfo di Aqaba del Mar Rosso. Il suo nome semitico era Reqem o Raqmu («la Variopinta»), attestato anche nei manoscritti di Qumran. Nacque come una città degli Edomiti e poi divenne capitale dei Nabatei, popolo assai evoluto di guerrieri e commercianti, la cui diramata rete mercantile metteva in comunicazione il sud della Penisola araba con il Mediterraneo. Le numerose facciate intagliate nella roccia, riferibili per la massima parte a sepolcri, ne fanno un monumento unico, dichiarato Patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO il 6 dicembre 1985. Anche la zona circostante dal 1993 è parco nazionale archeologico. Nel 2007 Petra è stata dichiarata una delle sette meraviglie del mondo moderno.Les mer

    • Dag 32

      Petra Cats

      21. januar 2023, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      You know me! I had to touch base with the local felines. This trio reside at the gift shop at the opening of the Siq.

      On our way down, I saw the shop owner petting them and feeding them in back of his store.

      When I passed by again near sunset, they were lounging on little rugs their owner puts out on the rocks for them.

      I think that’s pretty sweet!
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    • Dag 32

      Walk to the Siq

      21. januar 2023, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      After a wonderful lunch, Kamal shepherded us down the stony path to the Rose Red City a.k.a. Petra by calling out, “Yallah, yallah, yallah! Let’s go!”

      We passed a gauntlet of tourist shops along the way, but soon we were surrounded by ancient history.

      Our tickets included a free horse ride to the entrance of the main canyon, but we skipped this.

      We would’ve missed Kamal’s commentary had we done so, as well as missing several tombs that the ancient Nabateans carved into the rocks.

      You can see the Egyptian influence in the tomb with the obelisks on it, but I’ll talk more about that in another post.
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    • Dag 31

      A visit to the Petra Museum

      20. januar 2023, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Once we got back to the site entrance, we went for a drink at The Cave. It was lovely just to sit in the sun 🌞 for a while! When we'd recharged our batteries, we went go the Petra Museum. It helped us to understand the historical timeline better.

      I picked up a copy of 'Married to a Bedouin' by Marguerite van Geldermalsen, a New Zealand born nurse who visited Petra in 1978 and ended up changing her life completely. I look forward to reading it when we get to Aqaba and I have time!

      After the museum, we went to the Red Cave restaurant for a delicious lunch. Later, we skipped the evening's drinking with the rest of the 'fun group' and, instead, spent the time editing photos 📸 and catching up on posts.
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    • Dag 7

      Petra Siq

      20. oktober 2022, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      2-Tages-Karten besorgt 5 JD Aufpreis
      Auf Trail und zwischen Felsen bis zum Schatzhaus
      Recht voll
      Guide wieder recht zügig und hetzig unterwegs
      Einige Erklärungen ... könnte mehr sein
      Die Händler (Bdul) sind wirklich in Mengen vertreten und bieten alles an (Esel- und Kamelshuttle, Souvenirs...)Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Petra im Regen am Morgen

      21. oktober 2022, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Treffpunkt 6 Uhr in der Lobby
      Leider leichter Regen
      Deutlich weniger Leute und kaum Bdul
      Bdul kamen erst langsam aus den Höhlen
      11km Tour
      Siq, Schatzhaus, Grabkammern, Tempel
      Zurück zum Hotel in 2 Gruppen (auf dem Rückweg strömten die Massen rein)
      War schön Petra nochmal so gesehen zu haben
      Zum Glück war am Vortag Sonne
      Es gab noch Frühstück
      10:20 Abfahrt zum Toten Meer
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    • Dag 13

      Obelisk Tomb and Bab as-Siq Triclinium

      15. oktober 2022, Jordan ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      These monuments are just as you start into the walk towards the Siq from the ticket booth. They were built together 40 - 70 AD. The triclinium is a dining room and would be used to hold feasts to honour the dead. The tomb and the "obelisk" decorations are above itLes mer

    • Dag 19

      Petra - we're full of anticipation

      19. november 2019, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      On arriving at Petra we are already fidgety and excited about this visit. This lost city was discovered in 1812 after being abandoned some 1500 yrs earlier. Evidence suggests it may have been inhabited as much as 9000 yrs ago, but most of what is visible was built between about 400 BC and 300 AD. It was the capital city of the Nabateans around 350 BC and they were responsible for much of the architecture.
      We arrive at the visitor centre with hundreds of other visitors and the atmosphere is expectant to say the least. Our guide supplies entry tax and off we set. He is very knowledgable with two related degrees in archeology and history. Along the way he points out the ancient structures carved into solid rock and explains their function. He can name the builder of each and even compares some to modern buildings (e.g. a McCamel joint! See pic 4).
      Horses, golf carts and horse buggies are available for those wishing a less strenuous day, but we walk (eventually clocking up 11km on this day).
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