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    • Day 154

      Road trip

      August 22, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Miles: 1.0 Steps: 2669
      Flights stairs: 8

      We took off this morning and headed south. We drove the Dead Sea highway for about an hour which took us down the entire length of the Dead Sea. Beautiful.

      Then we climbed up into the mountains and drove for probably an hour without seeing another car. Really gorgeous hills.

      We eventually made it to Wadi Miss, after a four hour drive. Was really unique and interesting tho. Can’t wait to see this historic place for the next couple days.
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    • Day 155


      August 23, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Miles: 9.2 Steps: 20272
      Flights stairs: 61 !!

      We went to Petra today. It’s quite a hike - surprised me, I had no idea it took so much to see it. And today, we only saw about half of the site.

      We made it to the “treasury” - to me, made famous by Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Anyone else? Shows how cultured I am. 😂 And then we took a side trail to be able to view the treasury from above - it was 725 stairs to the top! (yes I counted every one of them). Luckily we went out early so wasn’t too warm for most of it - mid 70’s at the start, mid 80’s at the end. The main trail to get in was about 2 miles each way and then the side trail we took was another 2 each way. All the hikes we’ve done so far are rated easy or moderate - todays was rated hard, and it was. But we made it to the top!

      When we got there we found a person had constructed a “hut” that completely blocked the view. You could only see said view if you came into the hut and purchased something to drink. Quite the entrepreneur. At that point we had little choice after hiking for 2 miles just to see the view so we paid out the $6 for two water bottles, sat down and enjoyed what we worked so hard to see. 😂

      So far, Jordan has been a joy to see. And for the most part the people are kind, polite and friendly. Today tho, was shocked when a man asked me “how many camels would you like for your baby?” Yep .. someone offered to buy my daughter. 😳 For camels, nonetheless. A waiter also asked Jordan, with me sitting right there, “does your mom like sweets? Most old ladies here don’t.” Yep .. I was called an old lady, to my face. 😢 Someone also wanted to know why Jordan wasn’t married yet - what was “wrong” with her to not be married by 23. Interesting times.
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    • Day 156

      Just another day in Petra

      August 24, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Miles: 8.0 Steps: 22654
      Flights stairs: 65

      We have learned to get up early here - it’s cooler in the nighttime so morning is fairly cool and nice. We get out, do our hiking and are back to the hotel by noon or 1:00. Makes it bearable.

      We hiked in and went all the way to the end, to the “monestary”. This is a carved building in the rock, just like the famous “treasury” but much bigger. It’s also much more difficult to get to. We hiked about 4 miles and up 850 steps today to get to it. Most steps yet. Very impressive tho. It’s unbelievable that these massive structures are carved into the stone.

      There are a lot of animals being used for transport of all kinds here. Mostly donkeys, some horses and then a handful of camels. It’s crazy to see the donkeys climbing the rock steps. We refused to use the donkeys to help us, as it just seemed cruel. They were so tiny .. and well, we obviously are not. Just felt wrong. And the horses are definitely not healthy or taken care of. Pretty sad situation.

      However, after we hiked back down the mountain, we did decide to take a camel ride for about a mile or so. It seemed less cruel as the camels are built for the desert and are SO big. The owner also seemed to take good care of them - hopefully looks weren’t deceiving. At least how we justified it. 🤷‍♀️ It was AMAZING. I’ve ridden horses, but these were so much taller and bigger. The feeling of having them stand up and sit back down while we were on them was incredible. They are VERY tall! I was on “Zuzu”, a 7 yr old male and Jordan was on “Daisy”, a 3 yr old female. Apparently, they can go a WEEK without food or water. Not that they do, but they can. Amazing finish to our time in Petra.
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    • Day 157

      Beautiful desert

      August 25, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 99 °F

      We took off this morning and drove a couple more hours south to Wadi Rum. This is a red sand desert - most famously used in any movies that need to look like Mars or another planet. The Martian, Star Wars: Rogue One, Dune, Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, live action Aladdin, Prometheus, Lawrence of Arabia, Moon knight, Transformers … the list could go one.

      We’re staying in an actual modern day Bedouin camp. We have our own tent with a gorgeous Mountain View that has its own bathroom, and air conditioning! It does great in the evening/night but couldn’t keep up with the heat in the afternoon very well. Pretty sweltering.

      We took another camel ride out to see the sunset with another seven people or so. Kind of rode in a herd which was fun. Once back to camp all sat down for a Bedouin dinner together.

      After dinner we loaded into truck beds that had seats built in and rode into the desert for our star gazing tour!! Drove about 20 min or so deeper into the desert where it was very dark. The Bedouins laid out some carpets, built us a fire, and made some tea right there. Then we sat back and enjoyed the view for a couple hours.

      It was so peaceful just laying there in the sand looking up at the sky with nothing but your thoughts - with no light pollution we could see so many stars and the Milky Way! And it was perfectly quiet - zero sounds except the soft wind. I’ve camped a lot - and there’s always sound of some kind. Birds chirping, crickets, campers next door. But here it is perfectly silent. Crazy peaceful.
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    • Day 71

      Wadi Rum 2.0

      November 16, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Den zweiten Tag in der Wüste haben wir mit Wandern, auf die Hügel klettern und Mittagessen in absoluter Ruhe genossen.
      Auf die Berge kann man sehr leicht klettern, da man durch die raue Oberfläche perfekten Halt hat und der Rundumblick von oben ist einfach atemberaubend.Read more

    • Day 72


      November 17, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Erster Eindruck von Petra.
      Zu Zeiten der Nabatäer die Haustadt ihres Reiches und zw dem 3. und 5.Jhd ein wichtiger Handelsplatz auf der Weihrauchstraße. Die Karawanenwege von Ägypten und Syrien mussten auf dem Weg zum Mittelmeer hier vorbei - Zwischenhändler und Zölle machten die Stadt reich. Zu ihrem Vorteil zählte die besondere Lage in der Schlucht und damit eine sehr geschützte Lage und außerdem haben sie es mit einem ausgeklügelten Wasserzysternensystem geschafft, eine fruchtbare Oase aufrecht zu erhalten.
      Im späten 5. Jhd wurde dann der Schiffsverkehr am Roten Meer gefördert und die Stadt verlor allmählich an Bedeutung.
      Im Mittelalter verließen dann die letzten Menschen die Stadt und erst 1812 wurde sie von Johann Ludwig Burckhart wieder entdeckt. Ab 1920 gab es dann archäologische Ausgrabungen, die bis heute ca 20% der damaligen Stadt ausgegraben haben.
      Die heute noch erhaltenen Monumente waren anscheinend Grabdenkmäler, von denen die Fasade direkt aus dem Felsen gemeißelt wurde.

      Das traurigste an dem Ort sind die vielen Pferde, Esel und Kamele, die den ganzen Tag herumstehen oder jemanden von A nach B tragen und dabei nicht sehr toll behandelt werden😪.
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    • Day 73

      Little Petra, Monastery und Petra

      November 18, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      35 000 Schritte und 158 Stockwerke haben wir heute hinter uns🤪
      Da wir schon ganz früh in Little Petra waren, hatten wir es fast für uns alleine und die Wanderung von dort zur Monastry war einfach nur in Ruhe durch die Wüste wandern.
      Wir waren fasziniert, dass die Monastry im Gegensatz zu anderen Gebäuden noch so gut erhalten ist. Bild4
      Im Café am Ende der Welt hat man einen wunderschönen Ausblick und in der Stille hört man nur den darunterliegenden Wasserfall.
      Der Wanderpfad zum Blick von oben auf die Treasury geht wieder über ein paar Stiegen, dafür hat man dann einen tollen Überblick.
      Besonders schön finde ich die vielen verschiedenen Muster und Farben der Steine, die durch verschiedene Pigmentablagerungen entstehen .
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    • Day 75

      About last night

      November 20, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Die letzte Nacht in Petra in den Bergen verbracht.
      So schön - diese Stille und die Sterne und der Sonnenuntergang🥰
      Auf sem Weg zurück noch ein wunderschönes Andenken in einem der hundert kleinen Stände gefunden.
      Heute sind wir dann mit dem Bus nach Amman und werden die Stadt nich anschauen, bevor es weitergeht.
      Amman ist die Hauptstadt von Jordanien und die größte Stadt des Haschimitischen Königreichs.
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    • Day 17


      December 18, 2022 in Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Seeing the Treasury at Petra has been a bucket-list experience for me. It was very cold when we started our walk but as the sun rose the rocks got warmer. The path was very quiet so we were able to spend time in the entry taking photos with very little people around. As the path opened up to the Treasury, it was breathtaking! The Treasury building is carved out of the side of the mountain, not built!

      When it was first “discovered”, people thought there was treasure in the statues and started shooting the rocks at the top to crack them open. You can still see the bullet holes! Unfortunately you can no longer enter the Treasury.

      We then walked up to a Byzantine church and various temples. Lunch was at the end of the walk.

      On the trek back we got to the Treasury and then caught a golf cart back to the entrance. What an exhausting but incredible day!
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    • Day 11

      Mt Nebo - Jordan

      January 26, 2023 in Jordan ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      At 2,651 ft, Mt Nebo is part of the Abarim mountain range, mentioned in the Bible as the place where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land before his death. The view from the summit provides a panorama of the West Bank across the Jordan River valley. The area includes the The Memorial Church of Moses which features the remains of multiple churches and mosaics dating back to 530 CE. We also stopped to learn about the process of making mosaics. Jordan appears to have more stray dogs than cats. more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Muḩāfaz̧at Ma‘ān, Muhafazat Ma'an, Ma’an, محافظة معان

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