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  • Day 11

    The Marvels of Malaga!

    May 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    The day got off to a bit of a rocky start! We were not particularly well rested because our bed and pillows in this new AirBnB here are very hard and the bed is very small! Fortunately, we have two bedrooms because ... we might need both!!

    One of the challenges of travelling is learning how to use all the things in the house. We had no trouble figuring out how to use the Nespresso machine in Seville, but ... the Nescafe contraption here in Malaga is like nothing we have ever seen and it had us scratching our heads!

    I was so darned tickled to see that there were pods for Cafe Leche but my joy was short-lived, because once the machine was turned on ... it just kept running!! It took us a bit to realize that we had to manually turn it OFF. Good grief!! We have never experienced THAT before. I guess it makes sense because you can make your java as weak or strong as you prefer ... but ... it's certainly a crap shoot to figure this all out! 🥴

    And then, there was the shower! It has both a rain head and a hand held ... but ... the hand held was pointed to the opening when the old boy turned it on. He accidentally showered the bathroom! And then, little did we know, but the hot water tank is small. By the time he was complete with his shower and I stepped in ... well ... it cold water for me! Tomorrow I am showering first! And, I will make it quick so the old boy has some hot water.

    While I was showering, the old boy was trying to make our eggs! It took him forever to figure out how to turn the burners on .. and then ... he couldn't find the egg flipper. When the host came to fix the air-conditioner ... I asked her if there was an egg flipper. She pointed to a slotted device that neither of us would ever have imagined would be it! I will add a picture of it! See what you think!

    And then, to top it all off, the old boy ended up choking on something in his breakfast! It was certainly unnerving. He had tears running down his cheeks as he gasped for breath. Thank goodness it didn't take too long for him to clear the obstruction!! All in all ... lots of adrenalin in our morning wake up today!!

    We started our day outside by wandering the harbor again and the old boy enjoyed a churro (without chocolate!) with his morning cafe leche. The sun was shining as we made our way along the Malecon ... taking in all the beautiful vistas that the the sea provides.

    I noticed a little hairdressing shop along the harbor and thought they might have a strong hold hair spray for me ... my travel one was running out. They did ... but ... it was $33 Euros!! That would be in the neighborhood of $45 CAD. I was NOT about to pay that even though the sales clerk defended that it was 'salon quality'. I found a little shop down the way and paid $5.49. I certainly hope this will not be one of those moments where you get what you pay for!!

    Malaga in located on the Mediterranean Sea. Fortunately for me, the food seems to have broad influences from Italy, Greece, India, Mexico and other cultures! The menus are diverse! We had a lovely lunch on the harbour ... where I opted to try Paella #3. I played it safe and ordered the Pork and Vegetable version rather than the seafood option. I will give it 7/10. It looked delicious and was better than the other two, but still not the best!

    The old boy ordered the fried anchovies and emphatically stated that these were "the best ever". I reminded him that he said that in Seville. He reassured me that the last 'best ever' were just a 8/10, but these were a 12/10. With every bite he took, he exclaimed his appreciation in another way: "I could have these for breakfast!" ... " These are to die for" ... "Wow!" ... "Did I tell you how good these are?" ... and finally ... "You better bump these up to 13/10." His boyish delight is just a joy to behold. I'm looking forward to a paella that I can get that excited about!!

    After our lunch, we meandered through the old town until we came upon the Roman Theatre and the Alcazaba and the Castillo de Gibralfaro. These historical sites were mammoth in size and hold more history than I have room or inclination to share! Suffice to say that we logged just shy of 18,000 steps winding our way up the hillsides to conquer the castles and enjoy some incredibly magical and delightfully majestic views.

    Oh .... by the way ... we might have changed our minds!! We previously declared that Seville might be our favorite city in all our travels. However, we may be in error. It just might be Malaga. We have a couple days to nail it down, but our first impressions have been nothing short of stellar!! Malaga is overflowing with magic and majesty!

    We stopped at a local restaurant for some tapas on our way home. It was good. We were good. The day was good. And ... we hope our sleep will also be good.

    Wishing you all a good day! Good night from us ... k&j ❤️
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