Griswalds Tour to the UK

Julai - Ogos 2023
The Griswalds are off again. Clark and Ellen are off to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Baca lagi
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  • Hari 6

    London - Day 3

    1 Ogos 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Up and off this morning to meet our Tour Director and check in for our Tour which starts tomorrow.

    We then jumped on the hop-on hop-off bus again for another tour of the city. This time we got off at Buckingham Palace. Wow what an impressive building. Apparently King Charles didn’t get the email we were coming and to prepare the High Tea as he was not in residence. How rude!!!

    At the front of Buckingham Palace are four Guard Boxes, when the King is in residence all four of these have guards in them. Today there were only two. This indicates the King has left the building.

    Below is some photos for you to view. I also included a video of the Guard change at one of Guard Boxes.

    Just down the road from the Palace we stopped at a little cafe and had bruschetta and a milkshake for lunch. Omg those milkshakes were to die for. I haven’t tasted one as good in a very long time.

    Back on the bus and head back to our Hotel which took longer than normal thanks to the amount of traffic.

    Another great day.
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  • Hari 7

    London - Day 4

    2 Ogos 2023, England ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Started our tour today. We went for a guided tour around London seeing some of the thing we had already see over the past few days but a lot of stuff we hadn’t seen.

    Drove past the gates to the Prime Minister’s residence, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, Whitehall etc. We then visited St. Paul’s Cathedral - it is huge. See pictures below of the Font - I could bath in that if I could get in it lol, the Dome of the Cathedral, the stained glass windows. We then went downstairs and saw the Tombs of Arthur, the Duke of Wellington and Florence Nightingale.

    It has been raining earlier today but now sunny and cool winds.
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  • Hari 8

    London to Stonehenge to Plymouth

    3 Ogos 2023, England ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    We left London at 8am this morning and headed to Stonehenge. We travelled through some beautiful countryside. Arrived in Stonehenge and off our coach onto a shuttle bus to take us up to the stones. Lots of people wandering around looking. After a few hours we left Stonehenge and travelled to Ilminster where we had lunch at this pub called The Flying Fish. It seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Omg the lunch was sooo nice - a baked meal along with a pint of British Ale - that was yum too.

    Leaving Ilminster we travelled to Plymouth. I think most of us slept on the way - could’ve had something to do with the beer lol.

    We arrived to our hotel in Plymouth at about 5pm then off to be assigned to our rooms. The first room we were given had a shower over the bath, even with my long legs that would present an obstacle and there’s no step ladders close by. So I requested a room change with an accessible shower. Off we go to the next room, pop the room card in the door and in we go to a room full of people already settled in. Well this made me less than happy after a big day so down I go to reception and let them know I was not happy. Within two minutes we were assigned another room.

    Off we trot to the local Tesco express to get some goodies and grab some tea.

    Back in our room now ready to be up and at it at 7.30am tomorrow.

    Here are some pictures of today.
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  • Hari 9

    Plymouth to Cornwall to Plymouth

    4 Ogos 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Off we go this morning on our cruise on the Plymouth Sound. Very relaxing and saw and heard about the area.

    We heard about the Scott Memorial which honours Robert Falcon Scott. He became a naval officer, and subsequently led the British Antarctic Expedition of 1910–13 in search of the South Pole. The members of his team were Lawrence Oates, Henry Bowers, Edgar Evans and Edward Wilson. The team reached the pole in January 1912 only to learn that Norwegian Roald Amundsen and his team had beaten them to it, arriving there one month earlier in December 1911. On the journey home Scott and all his men perished.

    We also saw some decommissioned submarines waiting to be pulled apart after their reactors cool down.

    Finished our cruise then back on the bus to travel to Cornwall. Beautiful countryside - green, green and more green. It’s about a 2 hr drive but with all the traffic it took about 2.5 hrs.

    We went to St. Ives where we could see St. Michael’s Mount. This is a tidal island in Mount’s Bay, Cornwall.
    The rocky island of St Michael’s Mount is crowned by a medieval castle and church. Inside are historic buildings. On the outside is a subtropical garden where you have spectacular views of the bay. At high tide you can take a boat trip from the mainland across to the island harbour; at low tide you can walk across the ancient cobbled causeway.

    Freezing when we left Plymouth but quite pleasant in St. Ives.

    Then we spent the afternoon in St. Ives where we enjoyed a toastie for lunch followed by a scone with jam and clotted cream between us.

    I tried to convince Clarke to hire out the bike in the picture and I could ride around in the front of it. He didn’t find that amusing.

    Back on the bus to head back to Plymouth. We are almost back and next minute the bus stops on the side of the road. ‘Houston we have a problem’ - they said it was an electrical problem but it sounded like gearbox. Clarke tells everyone they have to get out and push 😂😂 Who knows what the problem was but they eventually got it going and away we go. The slowest trip back to the hotel - much better than walking though. Took us 3 hours so we were all tired and hungry.

    We trotted off to a pub not far from us but their restaurant was closed. So we come back to the hotel and decided to treat ourselves and went to the hotel restaurant called Marco Pierre White Steakhouse Bar and Grill. Omg the meal was really nice along with the pint of Spanish Lager.

    I have posted photos from today below.
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  • Hari 10

    Plymouth to Glastonbury, Bath to Newport

    5 Ogos 2023, Wales ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    Woke up this morning to pouring rain. After breakfast we boarded the new bus that came overnight. We left Plymouth today and headed for Glastonbury. A quick morning tea there and off to Bath for our visit to the Roman Baths. Still pouring with rain we lined up along with hordes of others to get into the Baths. Once inside we followed the rest of the crowd like lost sheep. About 1/4 of the way through it became stifling hot and claustrophobic. I wasn’t able to complete the whole tour as I had to get some fresh air before fainting.

    While waiting for the bus to pick us up we listened to this guy playing music on his trumpet with accompanying music. We also enjoyed an ice cream.

    Once we left there we headed to Newport in Wales along with the other million people headed to the soccer match there. Thankfully we weren’t going to the soccer but to our beautiful hotel for free time for the rest of the afternoon/night.

    We are currently sitting in a laundromat in some ungodly part of town so we have some clothes to wear for the next few days.

    I’ve posted some photos of our adventure today.
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  • Hari 11

    Newport, Wales to Waterford, Ireland

    6 Ogos 2023, Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Little sleep in this morning as we didn’t need to board the bus until 9.30am.

    We made our way to the Port of Fishguard where we drove onto the Ferry whilst on the bus then when parked we got off the bus and caught the lift up to the decks. The bloody lifts only took a maximum of 11 people at a time - even less if you were a bit overweight then it probably only took about 8 as the lift would not move if overloaded and an alarm would sound. Clarke had to go up without me as there were too many in the lift - he then sent me a message to tell me what deck he was on so I wouldn’t lose him 😂😂

    You can imagine how long it took for all those people going up to the decks. Then we had to do the same coming back - everyone pushing and shoving thinking they were gonna miss getting off the ferry.

    After 3 1/2 hours on the Ferry we boarded the bus again and made our way to our hotel in Waterford, Ireland.

    The countryside here is beautiful and the Irish are very friendly. Wonder if I’ll see Mrs Brown!

    It’s 7pm at night here and still daylight. We are about to go for dinner at the Hotel as part of our trip.

    I have posted some photos of our day.
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  • Hari 12

    Waterford to Blarney to Kinsale

    7 Ogos 2023, Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Big day today. Left the hotel at 8.30am and headed for the Waterford Crystal Factory. What an amazing place - we saw everything from start to finish of making something of crystal. Very talented people.

    Then we were off to Blarney for lunch and a visit to the castle. Unfortunately Clarke and I didn’t go all the way to the Castle as I didn’t feel too well and my legs were not playing the game for me. I tried to convince Clarke to go have a look without me but he wouldn’t. So we made our way to the side of the castle and the gift shop.

    All the roads here are lined with trees or hedges. It’s really nice but sometimes makes it hard to get photos.

    On the bus for a short trip to Kinsale where we have free time this afternoon to have a look around before our dinner tonight.

    It’s cold here at the moment but we are having a great time.

    Photos from today are below. Check out the Crystal Clock - I tried to get that in my suitcase but it just wouldn’t go. 😂
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  • Hari 13

    Kinsale - Ring of Kerry - Killarney

    8 Ogos 2023, Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Up and at breakfast early this morning to board the bus by 8.30am to head for Killarney. We head to Killarney first as that is where we join the Ring Of Kerry. Buses are only allowed to go one way around the Ring of Kerry and that is anti-clockwise. The reason for this is the road is not wide enough for two buses to pass. Some places you have to stop to try let the other vehicle go by without going off the edge of the road. There was some hairy parts of the road as it winded it’s way all the way through. There was lots of mist up high.

    We stopped at Riney’s Bar in Sneem for lunch. The manager had sent a selection of lunches through to the Tour Director of what she had ready for us. It was the quickest service we’ve had for a while.

    Then we went for a quick look through the gift shop and a quick ice cream and back on the bus to finish the Ring of Kerry and back to Killarney.

    We saw the statue of Charlie Chaplin in Waterville. He used to spend his summers in this town so they erected a statue of him.

    Out for tea tonight with all the crew off the bus then tomorrow we have a bit of a rest day. Some of the others are booked on a small excursion in the morning but we’ve decided that we will do a few optional excursions over the next few weeks.

    I’ve included some photos of today and I’ve included a video of our entertainment tonight. They were fantastic. You’ll love this Justine x
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  • Hari 14


    9 Ogos 2023, Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    A rest day today for us. We joined the bus group for breakfast then came back to our room for a rest for the morning. A little bit of extra sleep was nice and the chance to rest my legs from being jammed in the bus.

    We then wandered down the street for a look around. Where we went was nice and flat and made walking a bit easier. We grabbed a toasted sandwich for lunch - ham, cheese, tomato and onion - very nice.

    Off to have a look around the shops etc. On the way back we stopped for an ice-cream and where we sat was a guy who struck up a conversation with us. He was from Dublin and had two sons that live in Sydney and have dual citizenship. He was interested to hear where we are from and what parts of his country we had already seen. He mentioned that he had been to the Hunter Valley on a visit. It was really lovely to have spent some time with him - very friendly.

    Only a couple of photos today of one of the streets where we went. We did manage to find a store called Casey’s so I sent a photo back home to Betty.
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  • Hari 15

    Killarney to Dingle to Limerick

    10 Ogos 2023, Ireland ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    We left Killarney this morning at 8am and headed for Dingle.

    On the way we went through a little town called Milltown and then on to Castlemaine. Castlemaine is where Jack Doolan, known as The Wild Colonial Boy comes from. His real name is Jack Duggan.

    We then travelled along the Dingle Peninsula to get to the Blasket Islands Centre. The road there was hairy, sometimes only wide enough for the bus along with fog and misty rain. At one point we met a car coming the opposite way and with a couple of hundred foot drop on our side and a rock wall on the other there was no room to move. The car had to reverse back quite a way just to get a small section to get off so the bus could get through. I was ever so glad to get to the end. I posted a photo below of how close the rock wall was to the bus window.

    On arrival at the Blasket Island Centre we had an audio visual presentation all about the Blasket Islands.

    The Blasket Islands were inhabited until 1954 by a completely Irish-speaking population and today are part of the Gaeltacht. At its peak, the islands had 175 residents. The population declined to 22 by 1953. The government evacuated most of the remaining residents to the mainland on 17 November 1953 because of increasingly extreme winter weather that left the island's ageing population cut off from emergency services. The evacuation was seen as necessary by both the Islanders and the government.

    I included some photos of how these people lived.

    Leaving there we headed for Dingle on the other end of the hairy road - this road was a bit better but not much. We lunched in Dingle beside the Harbour. It was very nice.

    After lunch we travelled to Adare. It’s a little village with a lot of thatched roof houses. A 20 minute stop there and then onto Limerick for the night.

    Lots of photos from today.
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