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  • Day 43

    More stuff in pretty streets

    May 4 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    I then a big loop via the Estrela garden and Eduardo VII park, back down through the designer label area, into Barrio Alto again which, by night is sort of a zoo.

    This, and all the signs saying things like "you look like I need another drink" and " if you're still standing you need another drink", is entirely the fault of two groups that, if you took the census right now, appear to make up 50% of the city population and are chiefly concerned with maximising their booze volume value ratio at all times:

    1. British lads/hens/stag groups - stop singing Robbie Williams in the street you sunburned bellends

    2. early 20s American consultants - stop talking about JP Morgan onboarding you geek bellends.

    Back at the hostel after 18km, I cracked unceremoniously into the sardines I've carried over 900km since Roncesvalles. They were fine.
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