Appalachian Trail

toukokuuta - syyskuuta 2017
133-päiväinen seikkaillu — Mates on tour Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 30

    Camping near Bear Branch Rd 393.9

    2. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    The snoring in the Shelter kept us awake for most of the night so we were glad to head out early in the morning. At 10 we made our first break and had already ascended to three summits.
    Next on the list were two balds, Little Hump Mountain and Hump Mountain. Hiking them felt like in Switzerland where you're often above the trees. We were rewarded with a beautiful weather and some breathtaking views. Directly on the summit at 5583ft (or in Julias measurement 1997 steps) of Hump Mountain we had our lunch break.
    Afterwards we ran into a German woman who we had last seen in Neels Gap, so in our first week. On the way down from Hump Mountain we crossed the border from North Carolina to Tennessee for the last time!

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  • Päivä 31

    Campsite White Rocks 414.3

    3. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Another eventful day gone by. After a really good start and almost 12 miles for lunch we got a bit slower but managed to make more than 20 miles today! Oh, and we enjoyed our breakfast in front of a church this morning that was right next to the trail and looked like it had comfortable grass.
    We also reached our next milestone with 400 miles :) There were two nice waterfalls next to the trail today. Overall the trail was a bit easier with less elevations than we are used to. You go Tennessee!!
    One month in the trail and as a first summary we can say that it is an amazing experience. Both mentally and physically challenging sometimes. But we're as motivated - maybe even more - as we were at the beginning.
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  • Päivä 32

    Kincora Hostel/Shook Branch 427

    4. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    On our today's bucket list is a visit at the Kincora hostel for a bit of resupply to make it until Damascus. But it did turn out other than expected :)
    We arrived there at around 10ish AM and talked a bit with Bob (trail name Kincora - kind heart I think), the owner of the hostel. He is a super nice man and told us a lot about his experiences on several trails, especially on the Camino de Santiago. As we mentioned that we were planning to move on today he made us an offer we can't refuse. So first we got to sleep in the tree house with a gorgeous view over the area. Second he offered us a ride to Shook Branch Recreation Area from where we can slackpack (see the bottom text for an explanation) back to the hostel. And the last, most important point was that every evening around 9:30 PM there's a raccoon coming to the table and enjoys his dinner there!! As I said, an offer you can't refuse.
    So we hiked pretty easy today up a quite high hill on the trail and afterwards headed to a magnificent waterfall. But by the time we arrived there, it started pouring... So I just quickly dipped in the stream and we moved back to the hostel.
    After restocking we made a huge barbecue with 6 steaks and 6 sausages that we ate easily thanks to the hiker hunger. A little bit later the racoon showed up and we enjoyed seeing him eat while we rewarded ourselves with a beer!!

    Slackpacking (imo: slim backpack) means that you're leaving your heavy backpack at your accommodation and you only take the stuff that you need for the day with you. Then you're dropped off somewhere, hike the trail and then get picked up somewhere later and stay another night in the accommodation. Usually it's pretty expensive because you have to pay for the Shuttle up to three times. You can also "cheat" by getting dropped off at a summit, then you're just having the descents. For us it was basically the same ;)
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  • Päivä 33

    Iron Mountain Shelter 442.9

    5. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    In the morning Bob dropped us off at the Shook Recreation Area from where we continued on the trail. We hiked along Watauga Lake, which is almost completely closed to any other activity than hiking the AT. This is because a hunter used to put dog food as bait to the Shelter so they could easily shoot the bears when it's hunting season :( Idiots!
    Right when we were moving across the dam we got in a huge downpour which lasted almost the whole afternoon.
    Despite being completely soaked, we still made almost 16 miles!

    A few more words about Bob because he is such a fascinating man. Originally from Massachusetts the 70ish year old owns this property close to the AT. He extended it to host hikers and still builds more facilities like the tree house we stayed in. He can accommodate about 26 people and does it basically for free! There is just a suggested donation of 5$ which is used to cover the cost for water, electricity. And if there is any money left he uses it for trail maintenance.
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  • Päivä 34

    Somewhere before Unnamed Gap 460.2

    6. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    With a nice decent instant coffee we started into a new day. The part of the trail where we are currently on is named "Tennessee Turnpike" because the terrain allows to make more miles than usually.
    In parts we could use this to our advantage :) In the afternoon we saw a rattle snake directly next to the trail. It was enjoying the sun there and seemed to be sleeping. It didn't care about us making noises.
    Tennessee is named "The Volunteer State" - like New York "Empire State" or Florida "Sunshine State" - and now we know why. First Bob Peoples with his projects like the Hardcore Volunteers. And today we met Greg who worked the whole day to clear a part of the trail from weeds. It's amazing to see how much time and money they spend and you can really see that the trail is in a perfect condition here.

    The tent is still wet from the rain last night so we hope to have a dry night so it can dry...
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  • Päivä 35

    Campsite Laurel Creek 476.2

    7. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Today we made it to Damascus and the first thing we did is to figure out where to get pancakes because Julia didn't talk about anything else since yesterday :) She even taught me some Spanish breakfast vocabulary ("Quiero un hot cake con miel de maple")
    After we got those pancakes we went for a resupply at Dollar General and used the free WiFi access. We got an almost full can of gas from Rocket and Rockette because they've sent their stove home and asked us if we needed it. Until now, we've only bought one can, the others were found in hiker boxes or just randomly like now.
    We've met those two about a week ago at the trail angel Brother Tom and we kept on seeing each other along the trail. They are a lovely retired couple who are thru hiking the AT by flip flopping. We hope to see them again soon, they're usually faster than us :D
    In the afternoon we visited an outfitter to check on a new pair of shoes for Julia because the ones she's currently using are starting to fall apart. And we were actually successful in finding one that fit her and were at a reasonable price! So now she'll carry them until the others break completely.
    After an enormous meal at the gas station with free soda (apparently we look like we're in need ;)) we finally went back on the trail. It was quite an easy and flat hike along the Laurel Creek to a Campsite directly at the river. Eventually we made a small detour, but luckily some trail runners managed to get us back to our beloved white blazes!!
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  • Päivä 36

    Thomas Knob Shelter 497.3

    8. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    We really made some miles today! If we can keep up this pace we're going to be done with the trail by middle of September. In the afternoon the trail led us through a bunch of cows, they seemed friendly.
    The Shelter where we're staying is pretty neat. It looks more like a house and is even a bit isolated. But just like any other Shelter there are mice everywhere. They're cute as long as they stay away from your food and gear.
    There is a report from a bear that visited the next Shelter last night, broke a branch and ate the contents of a food bag. Afterwards it tried to steal a backpack out of the Shelter but was chased away. I hope our food will still be there tomorrow otherwise we'll have to walk quite a bit to get something to eat...
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  • Päivä 37

    Campsite near Dickey Gap 518.5

    9. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Luckily our food survived the night, so we started early into the hiking day. In the morning it was foggy so we couldn't enjoy the view that we supposedly had close to the highest mountain in Virginia. At our first stop at the next Shelter we read about the bear incident and someone we actually know was involved in it.
    But before the Shelter we had the pleasure of hiking across the 500 miles line :) It's a good feeling but still there's still some way to go... Later this day we felt pretty exhausted and found us a nice Campsite. Hopefully our feet will feel a little better tomorrow.
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  • Päivä 38

    Chatfield Shelter 539.4

    10. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    After a pretty easy and fast hike in the morning we've already made 14 miles at 1 PM and arrived at the Partnership Shelter. This Shelter is similar to the one in Fontana Dam quite modern and even with a shower!! Although the water was freezing cold we've enjoyed the refreshment on this hot day. Just a few steps away from the Shelter is the Mt Rogers Visitor Center from where you can call a Pizza Service which we did of course :) And there was also some trail magic at the Visitor Center with fresh made peanut brownies, mini Snickers and other treats.
    So we took a two and a half hour break there and had a "Crazy Carnivore Calzone" (Sorry Bernie - not sorry) and a XL Pizza Alfredo. Oh, and for dessert a triple chocolate cake :D The first two hours on the trail we barely managed to make a move because of Food coma and the weight in our stomachs. Afterwards it went better and we even made it to the Shelter which means that we made a Triple 20!! Whoopwhoop
    In the Shelter we met a girl whose bear bag was torn and cleared by a bear in the Wise Shelter.
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  • Päivä 39

    O'Lystery Pavillon Campsite 556.5

    11. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Pizza for breakfast!! How much better can a day on the trail start?!? After about two miles there was an old school building with some trail magic. It had almost everything that hikers need :) After four miles we reached our first target for the day at a gas station and intersection to the town of Atkins where we wanted to resupply.
    Because it is easier for one person to hitchhike I've stood there and tried to catch a ride. But after more than an hour I gave up :( It wasn't a good place and time to hitch a ride - Sunday morning and many that just came off the interstate to refuel. So Julia went for it and walked in direction of the town and got a ride after some time and also back :)
    Afterwards we went to a buffet but the food there was as bad as it was cheap. We still ate too much of it and back on the trail we had a tough fight with the food coma... Although we went super slow for the first three hours we still made it to 17 miles by hiking until 8:30.
    Aaaaand we've got already 1/4 of the App Trail behind us!! Unbelievable :D

    So we challenged ourselves to make it to Harper's Ferry - the xxxx halfway point of the Appalachian Trail - by the 4th of July. Which means 23 days with about 22 miles per day with resupply... So that's a tough goal but worth it :)
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