United States
Bland County

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    • Day 36

      Was für ne Aussicht!

      March 7 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Das Zwischen dem Jenny Knob Shelter und Pearisburg sind es etwa 32 Meilen. Mit Aussicht auf ein chinesisches all-you-can-eat Restaurant galt es diese heute möglichst schnell zu bewältigen, um genügend Zeit am Büfett zu verbringen.

      Da kam uns ein „blue blaze“ Trail gerade recht. In der Regel werden auf dem Appalachian Trail Wege zu Sheltern, Wasser oder alternativen Routen mit blauen Strichen markiert.
      So auch der „Ribble Trail“. Mit diesem sehr steilen Trail sparten wir uns insgesamt 4 Meilen. Ein Shelter und alte Wegmarkierungen ließen uns vermuten, dass der AT ursprünglich auf dem Ribble Trail verlief. Von dem Shelter blieb allerdings nicht viel übrig. Vielleicht auch deswegen, weil dort vor vielen Jahren ein Pärchen nachts erschossen wurde.

      Nachmittags hatten wir die schönste Aussicht bei herrlichstem Sonnenschein. Nach einem Bild auf dem Angel‘s Rest Rock gings steil bergabwärts nach Pearisburg. Geschafft! Am Trailhead ließen wir uns vom Hostel abholen und nach dem Check-in ging es direkt zum chinesischen Buffet. Was für ein Tag!
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    • Day 34

      Leg Day

      March 5 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der heutige Tag bot landschaftlich eine abwechslungsreiche Szenerie. Den Tag über liefen wir über Felder und Wiesen, kamen durch Wälder, mussten uns über steinige Bergkämme kämpfen und durften den herrlichen Duft im Rhododendron-Tunnel genießen.

      Allgemein war es aber ein sehr anstrengender Tag, der sehr strapaziös für unsere Füße war. Auf dem steinigen Weg fiel das Wandern deutlich schwerer im Vergleich zu den letzten Tagen. Gefühlt war es mehr „Boulderhopping“ als Wandern.

      Zum Glück durften wir an diesem Tag unsere Füße in eiskaltem Wasser baden. Bei einem größeren Fluss gab es keine andere Möglichkeit, als ihn zu furten.
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    • Day 2

      On the road - Day 2

      December 28, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Left Washington, PA at 9. Not raining 😊 Gassed up in West Virginia just before the East River Mountain Tunnel through the mountain and into State of Virginia.

      Kendra was at the wheel all day and did a fabulous job. Quite busy pretty much most of the day. Stopped at a Love's Truck stop in Charlotte, SC.

      Ares was very happy with his shower and his McDonald's McNugget character. Aspen loved the shower and her Happy Meal Box with Pokémon.

      They have both been absolutely wonderful 😊 ❤️

      Late night for all .... not much sleep for us adults. Nana and dad both have sore throats (thanks to Aspen).
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    • Day 17

      Traffic ahead

      May 16, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      It's a little early for a gas break but the sign said accident ahead so I'm going to check Google. There's a guy here with a sidecar and a German Shepherd. He just put the dog in another car. He said he rode here from Seattle and I think he said because he has an inoperable brain tumor.Read more

    • Day 31

      Day 30 Wythesville,VA - Daleville, VA

      June 25, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Day 30 Wytheville, VA - Daleville, VA
      Miles - 102
      Turtles rescued - 1
      Black bear and baby cubs spotted - 3
      Emergency repair on Wes's bike - 1

      Down to just a few days left in this amazing adventure. People are getting gitty, anxious and nervous all at the same time. Its been a L.O.N.G. 30 days. It has gone bu fast - and it has gone by slowly.

      This morning, I woke up at 4am to finish my blog. Last night, I could barely type and decided to finish up this morning. I finished up around 5:30am just in time to get ready for the day and then go down and help Glenn load up the van.

      It was kinda overcast in the morning but cleared up before breakfast. We all went over to the Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Glenn and I shared the Old Timer's breakfast. Just before we left, I checked to see if there were any letterboxes in the area. There was one at the Best Western Parking lot - and that was on our way out of town. So, with Wes's permission, we followed the clue and did a letterbox. Very easy. Glad Glenn did this for me. We also drove by a tiny tiny church. I got a picture.

      About 20 minutes up the road, one of Neil's friends that lives in North Carolina drove up so he could cycle with the team. What a kind friend to do that. He was all decked out in the cycling outfit and he rode probably an hour or two before he has to ride back and get his vehicle.

      Just right after this, Wes' chain on his bike kept breaking or was creating problems for him. He would ride for 3 minutes, then stop. Do that again several times, til finally, he had some screws out and was really working on it. It looked like he had it repaired. And we started to drive to meet the team. They had only gone 1 mile up the road where they started to have a conversation with a man and his wife or girlfriend. They were in a Sprinter van. Once we rolled into them, Wes decided he needed to find a bike shop. He searched the internet and found one just 20 minutes up the road.

      We asked the other bikers to get their stuff that they would need like food items. Then we quickly left. Glenn drove on I 81 towards Blacksburg. Then off the interstate to a bike shop in a Kroger's shopping center. While they were getting that repaired, I walked over to Kroger and bought a case of water. I think we were there for 45 minutes. And then we called Jeff and they were just sitting down to eat lunch at Fatz.

      25 minutes later we were at the restaurant also. I had soup and salad. Glenn had chicken. Now it was time to roll again. Heading North on the side streets on the rolling hills through farmland. We didn't seed corn like we used to see in Kentucky and Missouri.

      We went through one tunnel and I saw one covered bridge. We stumbled upon a barn and Jon took some photos of the blue bike against the old barn.

      As we were driving towards the Super 8 motel tonight, Neil saw 2 ladies trying to get a couch through the front door. Glenn, Wes, Matt, and Caroline helped this family. Then afterward, Neil was able to have a conversation. Glenn and I went on to the hotel to get checked in. Tonight, Glenn and I are together.

      We met Neil's cousin, Monty. He lives several hours from here and drove down to see them. We went to a Chinese restaurant for supper tonight.

      We got back to the hotel room by 9:45pm. Another late day. We get to sleep in 30 minutes later tomorrow.
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    • Day 39

      O'Lystery Pavillon Campsite 556.5

      June 11, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Pizza for breakfast!! How much better can a day on the trail start?!? After about two miles there was an old school building with some trail magic. It had almost everything that hikers need :) After four miles we reached our first target for the day at a gas station and intersection to the town of Atkins where we wanted to resupply.
      Because it is easier for one person to hitchhike I've stood there and tried to catch a ride. But after more than an hour I gave up :( It wasn't a good place and time to hitch a ride - Sunday morning and many that just came off the interstate to refuel. So Julia went for it and walked in direction of the town and got a ride after some time and also back :)
      Afterwards we went to a buffet but the food there was as bad as it was cheap. We still ate too much of it and back on the trail we had a tough fight with the food coma... Although we went super slow for the first three hours we still made it to 17 miles by hiking until 8:30.
      Aaaaand we've got already 1/4 of the App Trail behind us!! Unbelievable :D

      So we challenged ourselves to make it to Harper's Ferry - the xxxx halfway point of the Appalachian Trail - by the 4th of July. Which means 23 days with about 22 miles per day with resupply... So that's a tough goal but worth it :)
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    • Day 41

      Jenny Knob Shelter 602

      June 13, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Shortly after we went to sleep I've heard howling from quite a distance. I wasn't too much worried about it but then it got louder until they were clearly at or near the road where we set up our tent... You could hear the breathing and the paws of them at our tent. But then they just went on :) Julia slept through all of that ;)
      Because we were almost out of water we went straight to the next Shelter about 4 miles away and had our late and extended breakfast there with some newly met trail mates. It was very humid this morning so we were glad that it started to rain around noon. It was the first day of rain after about a week and the refreshment was really necessary although it was accompanied by a thunderstorm. So the downpour latest for about an hour in which everything got soaking wet. Too less water, too much water... Never happy :P Typical German...

      On our further way we met Giggles again. The first time we met was in the Smokies and our ways crossed for several times. She is super friendly and always happy. She already hiked the PCT and shoots for the triple crown next year. It's always nice to see her again. So we told her about our challenge to make it until Harper's Ferry by 4th of July and she joins us. But for her it's much easier to make that 25 miles per day...
      Regarding miles!! Wow, already hit the 600!! Just 4 days after the 500, so we're picking up the pace now :)

      And we've got some trail magic by a fellow thru hiker. His name is Cool Breeze and he's doing a supported thru hike, which means that he has almost no backpack, a van where he sleeps at night and gets resupply of food and water directly along the trail. Although this makes it easier, you still have to hike the same distances. He also has a blog where a photo should be: coolbreeze2200.com
      His supporter is a German named Mick, trail name "Sherpa" as he is coordinating all the supplies and driving the van to the road crossings. Together with Giggles we ate almost all of their trail magic, tangerines, chocolate and pistachios. We spent more than an hour in the evening with them and chatted. It was easy talking to them and so entertaining that we forgot about the time.

      At around 8:30 we still felt good and went on to hike to the next Shelter as we didn't want to set up our tent. So this was our second night hike and it went much better. I used the better head light and we easily made the remaining 3.3 miles where we disturbed everyone that was already sleeping :D It was a good day and a great mileage.
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    • Day 40

      Campsite near Rd VA623 574.3

      June 12, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We went super motivated on the trail today after the good miles we made in the last few days. But after two extremely exhausting ascends - one short and steep, the other one long - we merely made 12 miles at 2 PM. This was quite frustrating for us and so at 6 and 15.5 miles we decided to have a break, a nap and lunch and then head on for a night hike.
      So that's what we did but I was quite exhausted from the day and hiking at night needed more concentration. So we ended up nearby a road after about 17 miles at 10:45PM.
      Being interestingly watched by raccoons and some other animals we set up our tent, hang the bear bag and went to sleep :)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bland County, مقاطعة بلاند, Бланд, বিল্যান্ড কাউন্টি, Condado de Bland, Bland konderria, شهرستان بلاند، ویرجینیا, Comté de Bland, Bland megye, Contea di Bland, ブランド郡, Konteth Bland, Bland Kūn, Hrabstwo Bland, بلینڈ کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Bland, Блэнд, Округ Бланд, Бленд, بلینڈ کاؤنٹی، ورجینیا, Quận Bland, Condado han Bland, 布蘭德縣

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