Baja California Sur

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    • Tag 177

      Tabor Canyon Trail

      29. Dezember 2022 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Der Amerikaner in der Sportsbar in Loreto hatte uns den Tabor Canyon empfohlen und wie sich herausstellte hatten Matze und Andrea das gleiche Ziel. Im Endeffekt ergab sich, dass wir einen Tagesausflug zum Canyon unternahmen. 4 Schweizer, 2 Belgier, 2 Hunde und wir. 😎

      Der Weg durch den Canyon war nur dürftig mit übereinander gestapelten Steinen markiert und hätte Matze diesen Trail nicht bereits gekannt, dann wären wir vermutlich nicht so weit gekommen. Man musste teilweise über große Felsen durch den Canyon klettern und auch wenn es oft mehrere Wege gab, war nicht immer ersichtlich wo diese lang führten. Es gab zwei Abschnitte in denen man nur an einem Seil weiter nach oben (bzw unten) kam. Auf dem Weg durch den Canyon kamen wir an mehreren Süßwasser-Pools und kleineren Wasserfällen vorbei. Wir erreichten einen der größeren Pools und bevor wir uns auf den Rückweg machten, sprangen wir noch kurz zum Abkühlen in das eiskalte Wasser. 🤩

      Es war nur noch ein kurzer Weg zurück zum Auto, als ich neben mir hörte wie jemand wegrutschte. Ich schaute neben mich und sah gerade noch wie Peter in einen der Pools platschte. Claudia, die hinter Peter ging, erzählte später, dass sie sich schon gewundert hatte wie leichtfüßig Peter über die glitschigen Felsen hüpfen konnte. Aber nun war er auf einen der Felsen ausgerutscht und in den kleinen Pool darunter gestürzt. Er war seitlich aufgekommen und heulte auf vor Schmerz. Ich lief zu ihm und half ihm aus dem Wasser. Er hielt seine Hand fest und sagte Schmerzverzerrt: "Mein Finger ist gebrochen!"
      Geschockt schauten wir verbliebenen 6 auf seine Hand und den Finger den er festhielt. Der Ringfinger stand unnatürlich schief ab und schwillte langsam an. Andrea reagierte blitzschnell: "Der Ring muss ab, bevor es nicht mehr geht!" Sie zog ein paar kräftige Male an dem Ring und Peter verzog verrückterweise kaum das Gesicht. Als sie den Ring dann endlich in der Hand hielt, war der Finger wie von Zauberhand wieder gerade. War der vielleicht "nur" ausgekugelt gewesen? Wir legten eine größere Pause ein, damit Peters Kreislauf wieder in Schwung kam und um seine Hand zu stabilisieren. Er hatte so Glück gehabt, dass nicht viel mehr passiert war und dass wir bereits den schwersten Teil der Wanderung hinter uns hatten. Durch ein Loch mit einem Seil klettern wäre mit einer verletzten Hand unmöglich gewesen!!!

      Abends am Lagerfeuer hatte Peter zum Glück wenig Schmerzen und konnte schon wieder ein wenig Lachen. Mal schauen wie es Peter die nächsten Tage geht und in Las Paz gab es einige Krankenhäuser. Bisher sieht sein Finger verhältnismäßig gut aus! Auf jeden Fall kann man sagen, dass er wahnsinnig viel Glück hatte!

    • Tag 64

      It sometimes rains in Baja California

      10. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      6:20am on the road - earliest start so far. We didn't sleep much during the night. Firstly, the restaurant was more of a 24hour truck stop, so there was a lot of noise of trucks coming and going. Secondly, there were a couple of puppies and young cats who loved playing with the tent: jumping against it to bounce off... If it wasn't our home for 15 months, it would have actually been really funny to watch 😂
      Once we were on the road, it started to rain. We didn't think this actually exists here and had difficulties finding the right amount of clothing layers at first. The rest of the day was cycling through pretty flat and unspectacular landscape. At least we had tail winds, so we could go fast. We stopped shortly at Guerrero Negro for a lunch and Internet break and then made use of the wind direction to continue a little further. At 4pm, we pulled off and set up our camp.
      By going into Baja California Sur, we also crossed a time zone for the first time. Now, sunset (which means bedtime for us) is no longer before 5pm, but closer to 6pm 😉

    • Tag 65

      An oasis in the desert

      11. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      When we wanted to leave this morning, Herbert had a flat tire again. However, as we didn't have much water, we decided to pump up the tire and go instead of trying to fix it right away. Our destination for the night was San Ignacio, about 100km through pretty monotonous landscape again. However, San Ignacio itself is a real oasis in the desert. It has a laguna, a nice old church and some cute little houses in the center. Luckily, we arrived there at 1pm already, so we had plenty of time to do our chores like fixing the flat tire and do our laundry, play with our visitors - 3 funny puppies -, explore the village and relax on our campground right next to the lagune.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 66

      Dinner with the pelicans

      12. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This morning, we took a little longer to get on the road as we enjoyed the lagune as long as we could. We then cycled to Santa Rosalia, a town on the seaside of Baja California. The landscape got more interesting again once we got closer to the sea, somewhat mountainous with canyons. In Santa Rosalia, we just stopped for lunch and filled up our supplies. The town itself didn't look too appealing to visit.
      So we headed for a beachside campground another 16km South. When we wanted to turn onto a dirt road leading to the campground, Myron and Marilyn stopped their jeep right next to us. They had a trailer parking next to the sea and offered us to stay in it. We thankfully accepted the offer and enjoyed a bit of luxury with an amazing view and a shower in the trailer. Over dinner, we watched the pelicans landing head first in the water and the cat climbing on our bicycles. After dinner, Myron and Marilyn took us to their friends' place. David and Martha live in a very cute RV, all painted in bright colors (Martha's work) and decorated in fish bones and shells which David has either found or traded with the locals here.

    • Tag 67

      Every day is a good day

      13. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Every day (on a boat) is a good day. This is what David told us last night when we asked him if he still goes fishing every day. And when you see him leaving the beach in his boat during sunrise, you totally understand why. With this in mind, we left our beautiful camp for the night and cycled South. We had a break in Mulege, a nice little town situated next to a river. Afterwards, we were about to continue for another 40km or so. However, when we saw Playa Santispak, we had to stop. The beach, the bay and the people were too great to just go passed. Our camp neighbours Tom and Heidi welcomed us with a beer and filled up our water supplies. Tom also organised a solar bag for us, so we could shower later on. Then we met Julie and Jeff who took us on a boat ride to see some dolphins. And for dinner, we got ourselves a treat at the beach restaurant. So yes, it was definitely a good day!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 68


      14. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Once again, we got up with a gorgeous sunrise. That's the best part of traveling on the East side of Baja! We then started into a pretty scenic, but also very exhausting day of cycling. The route first passed some nice bays, before it went further inland again where it got more mountainous. The most exhausting part was the rolling road. We went up and down all the time and soon stopped counting all the hills we crossed. Plus, there were no shops on the way, so we couldn't buy anything for lunch. So when we got to Loreto, we were so tired that we decided to stay in town instead of going further to a beach. It was a good decision as the city has some nice colonial style buildings, restaurants, live music and a seafront.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 69

      Lazy day

      15. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After the tiring day yesterday, we decided take it easy and just cycle to a beach some 30km South of Loreto. So we took it slowly in the morning, got up later than usual and walked around town for a bit before heading off.
      We went to Juncalito Beach, a beautiful bay with shallow, clear water where we could watch tropical fish without even snorkeling. From here, we actually took our first lift. A guy from the Loreto campground was at the beach and was going to Ciudad Constitucion, about 100km in our direction. The city is again in the center of Baja, an area that is mainly flat, hot and dry with pretty dusty towns. So we are happy to make this stretch faster and get back to the nice coastal towns as soon as we can.
      Down here in the South Baja California, the climate is different as well. It's very humid, so there's annoying bugs and mosquitos and the days feel a lot hotter while cycling. Nature, on the other hand, is quite a bit greener than up North. So there's pros and cons to it...

    • Tag 71

      Bike maintenance and a whale

      17. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      We got up early in order to see some baby turtles get released at the sanctuary. However, it started raining heavily, so we decided to better stay at home and have breakfast. The electricity had gone off as well. But luckily, the stove runs on propane, so we could cook and boil water for coffee made in a French press.
      After breakfast, it cleared up, so we went for a walk along the beach with Donna and her dog Zoe. Back at the house, we did some maintenance on the bikes. As we could use the garage, we stayed dry even in unstable weather conditions.
      The rest of the day, it rained a lot. So we spent most of it on the porch, getting spoilt with food and drinks to regain energy after a long period of biking every day. We even saw a whale making his way up North, jumping out of the water every 100m or so. Whale watching from the porch - not bad!
      In the evening, the power came back as well. We were all quite happy. As the water pump needs electricity, we didn't have running water. (During the day we managed by using the rain water out of the pond 😊)

    • Tag 72

      Exploring - and more rain...

      18. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today, the weather was supposed to get better. So we went to the turtle sanctuary in the morning in order to see some baby turtles get released. The people in charge look for turtle nests along the beach and mark the spots, so eggs don't get destroyed. 45 days later, the baby turtles hatch and first thing they do is crawling slowly right to the sea. They are all on their own against their predators. 13 years later, the turtles return to the same spot where they hatched to lay their eggs in it. This morning, we saw maybe 50 baby turtles heading to the sea. At least a couple of them got caught by seagulls straight away for breakfast. That's nature, I guess.
      In the afternoon, we did some exploring. Our destination was a waterfall at the end of a dry river. We could borrow the ATV, which was good fun. However, it started raining again and the dry river was not that dry anymore. When we could basically see only water around us instead of a dirt road, we decided it's probably safer to head back as fast as we can. Good decision! It rained so heavily that we could hardly see anything. Furthermore, the sand and mud flooded the paved roads and the dirt roads basically turned into rivers. But we made it back to the house safe and spent more time on the porch 😀

    • Tag 73

      Enjoying the beach and the sea

      19. November 2019 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Finally, the weather looked kind of nice. So we spent the morning kayaking in the bay. Good training for the upper body after LOTS of cardio and leg training over the past few weeks. In the afternoon, we went to town to have some tacos and check out the beach. Some kite surfers tried their luck, but struggled with relatively calm winds. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner and got some icecream from the supermarket for desert. Great day for regaining energy for the days of cycling to come!!Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Estado de Baja California Sur, Baja California Sur, BCS, Baixa Califòrnia Sud, Baja California Suri osariik, Hego Kalifornia Beherea, Basse-Californie du Sud, Baixa California Sur, Bassa California del Sud, バハ・カリフォルニア・スル州, 바하칼리포르니아수르 주, Kalifornia Dolna Południowa, Калифорнияи Поёнии Ҷанубӣ, 南下加利福尼亞州

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