New Year at the Baltic Sea

Desember 2023 - Januari 2024
As all of my family members had time over New Year's Eve and I've always wanted to see the fireworks from the highest lighthouse in Europe, I decided to join my family in Travemünde. Baca selengkapnya
  • 4footprint
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  • 4hari
  • 22foto
  • 2video
  • 279kilometer
  • Hari 1

    Driving To Se(a) the Fireworks

    29 Desember 2023, Jerman ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    After another day of work, my sister and I drove to Travemünde to stay at my dad's over New Year's Eve.
    My mom and dad were on holidays, so they decided to see the fireworks of Travemünde for a change. So my dad booked my mom a hotel room at his work, the Maritim hotel, and stayed with her there. Therefore, my sister and I could stay at his flat. And as Aluna had never seen the ocean before, I took her with me as well.
    We drove through heavy rain, but our mood was quite good, listening to our different kinds of music tastes. We arrived at 10pm and were completely done for the day, but obviously, something had to go wrong... I ha forgotten most of Alunas things at home. So I didn't have any treats, chewing sticks or toys with me, not even a leash. At least I had her food with me. Adrenaline was high, mood was low, but I couldn't do anything against it now. It would only be a few days anyway. And the most important things, I could still buy tomorrow. Well, what you don't have in mind, your wallet will have to give to you...
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  • Hari 2

    Alunas First Time at the Beach

    30 Desember 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    After an awful night full of unnecessary thoughts, I woke up at 7am to get myself ready. I was going to pick up some used furniture for my new flat and had to drive to Lübeck and Bad Schwartau for it. Luckily, my sister was kind enough to come with me to help. We picked up my two Kallax shelves and some treats and a leash for Aluna as substitutes for my forgetfulness. Afterwards, we had a long walk with Aluna around the Riesebusch forest in Bad Schwartau. Muddy, wet and nearly frozen, we drive back to Travemünde where we warmed up our bodies again staying at my Dad's flat. After a proper breakfast, Aluna and I made our way to the beach. As it was her very first time at the sea, I was really looking forward to her reaction. I know that she loves playing in the sand at home, so being with her at the beach would be amazing. And she really loved it. As soon as she realized everything was sand, she sprinted into the distance and was super happy. Sniffing each and every shell, and meeting lots and lots of different dogs, I knew that she'd be very tired tonight. We walked and walked for at least 2hrs and she never even so much as touched the calm water to her right. She is a beach dog, not a water dog, that's for sure.
    Finally, we finished our walk and met my parents at the Maritim hotel lobby. We took the lift up to the 13th floor with an amazing view over the Trave and I cleaned Aluna from all of the saltiness. I wanted to go to the Christmas Market, as there still was one in Travemünde, so I left Luni with my Mom and went on my own. There were little handcraft stands with wooden statues, pearly necklaces and witty writings. And there were Bratwurst and Glühwein, but what I wanted was Schmalzkuchen. Little pieces of dough, baked in fat and served with powdered sugar. Here in the North of Germany it's also called Mutzen. I love Mutzen! These were the best I've ever eaten because they were so freshly baked and still very soft. I ate the whole bunch on my way back to the hotel, and I have to admit... My tummy hurt after that. Well, they'll never be as good as that anymore. Back at the hotel, I made myself ready and my family and I went to The Pub at the foot of the Maritim Hotel. We ate a very late dinner whilst Aluna was fast asleep beneath our feet. And after dinner, I was glad that I could still roll my stuffed body up the hill to get back to Dad's flat.
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  • Hari 3

    Over the Clouds at New Year's Eve

    31 Desember 2023, Jerman ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    Today, I slept way better than yesterday, waking up at 11am. I guess that's the result of around 19.000 footsteps. My parents arrived shortly afterwards, bringing us some breakfast rolls and blocking our bathroom. As if they didn't have one at the hotel...
    After breakfast, my parents and I went back to the beach whilst my sister went back to bed. Yesterday's forest walk was too much fresh air, I suppose. As the Neujahrsgarten was already open, my Mom decided she wanted to try Glögg, the Swedish version of Glühwein with raisins and almonds inside. I shrugged and said, I'd share with her. It was a hot but sweet little drink that tasted quite alright and warmed up quite a bit. Then, Aluna and I should have started our stroll along the beach while Mom and Dad went back into the hotel. However, Luni wanted to go with Mom and followed her from the beach over the promenade up to the hotel. I had to catch and line her up, dragging her back to the beach. She was resistant until she met the first dog she could play with. Afterwards, Mom was forgotten and we could move along without her hesitance. We had another long walk around the beach and then back to Dad's flat, where we had our usual cleaning and a quick nap, as tonight would be a long night.
    Waking up, as good as new, we made our way to my parents, to go have dinner at the Köstlich restaurant. It was packed, but luckily, my dad has reserved a table in advance. The waitress was cheerful as one could only dream of, and the food was quite alright. A Chinese luck cookie was on the table for each of us. Mine read "Gratefulness is like wine. Come on, drink up!" which I found quite fitting.
    Later, we went back to the hotel and watched Dinner for One together, a beloved, funny tradition. Then we made our way up to the shut down restaurant "Über den Wolken" (translating to Over the Clouds). It's been closed for ages now as the customers lift to it (it's in the 33rd floor of the Maritim, 115m above sea level) was broken and the costs for fixing it in the millions. However, the employees lift was still running and as my dad is one of the most important ones at the Maritim, we sneaked up there.
    The restaurant is a dream come true for Aluna as there is all carpet and lots of space to run. The old chairs, tables and lamps, all left in their last positions. The air felt eerie and cool. I loved it up here. We had an amazing view!
    When the clock turned midnight, we "Cheers" -ed and viewed the hundreds of fire works going in the air. It was quite the experience!
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  • Hari 4

    Goodbye again, Baltic Sea

    1 Januari, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    After sleeping in and having breakfast, me and Aluna made a huge last trip around the sea, before saying my parents Goodbye for now, sitting back in my car, driving home.