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  • Day 58

    June 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    Miles hiked: 19.5
    Campsite location: 1448.4
    Weather: 70s and sunny
    One word to describe the day: noble

    Today was another day through some beautiful forests. It is nice going through lush, live trees. I saw some pretty wild flowers. And the most perfect Christmas trees ever. A full forest of noble pines, my favorite ones! We had a few views of Shasta, it's closer!

    Tonight's dinner was extra good for a backpacking meal. Peak refuels cheesy, chicken and broccoli. It was sooooo good. It tastes just like chicken broccoli casserole, a meal I grew up on! 🤤 And I found dehydrated hummus, it is also very tasty. Just add cold water!

    Tomorrow we hit snow, it should be interesting! We are only at 6,000 feet so it's kinda crazy it's still around. But we have heard it's a challenge section.
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