Lacul Valea Morilor

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    • Day 3

      Walking zum und um den Valea Morilor

      May 26, 2023 in Moldova ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Bei schönstem Walkingwetter war heute der Valea Morilor und der angrenzende gleichnamige Park Ziel. Auf der Karte sah alles etwas weitläufiger aus, aber das Ziel war schon nach 30 Minuten Fußmarsch erreicht. Also erst einmal kurze Rast und den Dehydrationsvorgang gestoppt, ehe es ums Gewässer ging. Alles ruhig und gut zum Abschalten. Neben joggenden Rentnern waren Schwimmtiere und deren Nachwuchs noch das spannendste. Gegen Mittag war ein Besuch beim Goldenen M abgesagt - Qualität sehr gut und dann die selbst verordnete Siesta. Nachmittag sollte es wieder Wasser von oben geben - we will see.Read more

    • Day 2

      Wolkenbruch = Walking-Abbruch

      May 25, 2023 in Moldova ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Das Wetter gestaltete sich leider etwas dunkelwolkig, so dass erst gegen Abend eine kleine Runde möglich war. Vorbei am Sala cu Orgă ging es mal links, mal rechts zur St.-Teodora-de-la-Sihla-Kathedrale.

      Morgen wird dann hoffentlich mehr.
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    • Day 189


      October 9, 2017 in Moldova ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Woke up midday but then took 42 minutes in the shower getting rid of my birds nest so we ended up leaving around 1.
      We walked to town which certainly had more people. We were gonna go to the museum but it looked completely dilapidated so we kept walking. There was no where to eat so we just kept walking and walking..
      We walked through their arcul de triumf which was nice and past a statue of Stefan. Don't know who Stefan is but the streets named after him so I assume he is important.
      Some of the buildings were boring but others had such interesting facades.
      We ate the food of our people (McDonalds) - quite honestly it was that or an ice cream from a kiosk..
      We walked past parliament which was very unusual looking - it had a pink tinge- I liked that it said Moldova with the hedge though. There was a pack of 5 stray dogs just chilling on the lawn.
      We walked down the street for maybe 2km just getting a feel for the place then turned around.
      The woman are all beautiful.
      We walked through 2 parks - both lovely- the second one had a great community vibe with enough benches and kiosks. Lots of people in it enjoying the "sunshine"
      We then walked home having seen pretty much everything. I like it. Its a cute little city.

      I like that their traffic lights have countdowns.

      Got home and sat in the kitchen and ended up deciding yo hire a car tomorrow with Liz (Scottish) and Karel (American) because everything there is to see requires one. It's also piss cheap.
      At one point there was discussions on hiring a mazarati for the day for 65€ but we didn't end up going with it.
      We procrastinated for about 2 hours trying to book this damn car but eventually got one. In this time I managed to book flights to Turkey. We are only planning on staying 2 days due to security warnings. To be fair the entire continent has warning so eh. Can't let them win.
      London has more attacked lately lol. We just want to see galipolli. We will then fly to either Serbia or the Ukraine. 👍🏼 still got to book our Romanian hire car though.

      Anywho we then went to the beer house for dinner only the menu was shit so we ended up just having a beer before going to a new place. We jumped on the bus to get there and that was an adventure and totally unnecessary - it was like 1km away. Bloody lazy American ! Hahahah

      This new place was out of their entire menu except pork. (It's a grill house so that's stupid)
      The other 3 bought 2 racks of 8 beers to share amongst them.
      I got really sick though and had an awkward gastronomic attack in the bathroom and vomited in their bin and I exploded the other end. Delightful.
      I have been dropped home and they are all still out.
      Bed time (feeling better now:))
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    • Day 37

      Kultur pur

      May 28, 2023 in Moldova ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Dank unserer temporären Wiedervereinigung haben wir gleich ein intensives Kulturprogramm, mit Akkordeonrockorchester, Chor, Tanz, Kirchenbesichtigung und Oper.

    • Day 188


      October 8, 2017 in Moldova ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      It's currently 4am and we have been awoken by customs for our passports.
      Soooooooo awkward. Wills passport had money in it that the officer threw back at us. He wasn't happy.
      Must think it was a bribe... Hoping we are let in 🤞🏼🤞🏼lol

      Next bloke came by and he was really nice - he checked our luggage and asked if we had anything to declare.

      Still waiting for our passports.

      Got them woo.

      We moved maybe 100m then on came the Moldovans.
      The customs chick was much more thorough than the Romanian. I had to open my bag for her to check for stuff.
      She was so brutal to the guy in the cabin next to us.
      "Why you travel alone?" "You don't have friends?" 😂😂
      It was all very intense. I don't think they liked my photo. I do look like a 12 year old boy. Eventually they stamped us both.
      On our way!
      I slept really good apparently because people in the morning talked about how loud and long the changing of the wheel took.
      I thought the information I had read must have been outdated because I didn't hear a thing 😅
      Nevermind.. Hahaha

      We arrived at 9:30am - ish.
      So groggy.

      It was rainy but we still planned on walking to the hostel.
      So much waterrrrrr 😩😩😩😩😩
      So many puddles too that we kept stepping in.
      The place was deserted and bland.
      Walk walk walk.
      We found our street easily enough. Next challenge was finding the hostel cause turns out Wills GPS only pin dropped the street not the actually house number.
      Good times in the rain were had by all.
      We found shelter and I put my bags down so I could explore. Even though they are water resistant there was a lot of water and I didn't want water seeping onto my kindle and journal book.

      Found it.

      We couldn't check in for 2 hours but they let us stay inside 🙌🏼 I had a snooze on the couch and Will called his parents to chat.
      Dural looks like it's a go but time will tell.
      We plan to get a goat.
      I will be pushing for a pig. #dreams

      Beds became available- dumped our stuff then went out for breakfast/lunch.
      Will didn't listen to the instructions given to him so he took us the wrong way...

      We found Andys Pizza though. We stood around like dixks for a while before deciding we are probably meant to seat ourselves.
      I wasn't sure if people would speak English here but our waiter did fine.
      We got 2 drinks, a pizza, soup and chips and it was only $14 😂
      Big tick for moldova.
      Went home via the supermarket then both fell asleep on our beds. The doona was so toasty. 😍
      Woke up a few hours later and it was still pouring.
      It's the wine festival at the moment and we were gonna go because it's the biggest festival of the year but it's just not gonna happen.
      We didn't even want to brace the rain for food. We had to though.. there was a resturant across the street but when we walked in it looked as if maybe an event was taking place?
      We ran down the street to option 2 which we though had exuberant prices until we figured out our meal with dessert was still only $35 😂
      Ran home and now in bed.
      Trying to figure out where we are gonna go after Romania but everything is so inconvenient. We are thinking of maybe flying to Turkey for 3 days to bang it out.

      Not sure is I have mentioned that I really love the Romanian money - the Moldovan money is tiny!

      My hair is a huge huge knot and I can't be bothered to deal with it without a proper shower.

      Looked up things to do in Moldova and it's seriously lacking. Hhaha might just go walking :)

      Our resturant had cigarettes in the menu before the dessert section hahah ridiculous.
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    • Day 44

      Chisinau, Moldawien

      August 5, 2018 in Moldova ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Willkommen im am wenigsten besuchten Land Europas 😂 Vor zehn Jahren noch bekannt geworden als das Land mit den unglücklichsten Menschen weltweit und Vorlage für den Fake-Reiseführer "Molwanien" hat sich das Land seitdem stark verändert. Viele moderne Bars und Restaurants gibt es mittlerweile. Infrastruktur ist etwas angestaubt, okay, und das Tempo hier ist ungewohnt gemütlich. Das hat mich doch tatsächlich erstmal etwas aus der Bahn geworfen, als Durchreisender, dass hier nix organisiert ist und keiner irgendwas weiß oder Tipps geben kann 😂 Musste folglich alle Touren selbst organisieren, mit Händen und Füßen. Englisch oder Deutsch ist hier nicht so angesagt... Vielleicht reist ja deshalb niemand hier her 🤔
      In der Hauptstadt Chisinau ist man mit Sightseeing auch nach 2 Stunden mehr als durch, inklusive Museum des Poeten Puschkin, der hier ne zeitlang im Exil war. Aber im Ernst, das Hauptproblem ist wie so oft die Sprachbarriere. Es ist nicht so dass hier niemand öffentlich lachen würde, nur halt nicht in den mir geläufigen Sprachen 🤷‍♂️
      Aber die tollen Weine habe ich teilweise durchprobiert (Feteasca Neagra!) und auch das Kloster im Fels Orheiul Vechi besucht in die Weinregion Crioca. Die selbstverwaltete Region Transnistrien, im Gewand der UdSSR habe ich nur durchfahren. Geschmackssache, würde ich sagen 😂 Mit der Kamera habe ich mehr Bilder gemacht. Hier nur eine kleine Auswahl...
      Orheiul Vechi ist auf der nächsten Seite 😉
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    Lacul Valea Morilor

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