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    • Dia 14–16

      Day 15: Kotor

      27 de outubro de 2023, Montenegro ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Yesterday, I arrived late in the evening in Kotor. Already in the darkness I've been positively surprised by the historical city center. But what I saw today, after having climbed the so called "ladder of Kotor", left me speechless. Neither pictures nor words can describe the beauty of the Kotor Bay, the fjord, and how it's surrounded by mountains.

      The way up has been pretty steep, but at every corner, I wanted to stop to take another picture. After around half an hour uphill, a rain shower caught me, however, I was lucky enough to arrive exactly in that moment at a roof of the ruins. Some minutes later, it has been over already and to the top, it has been just a couple of steps more. The view has been simply awesome and breathtaking!!
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    • Dia 6

      Only pigeons and fig trees

      3 de abril, Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      The best experience of Kotor is approaching it, then leaving it -because it sits at the bottom of a fish-hook-shaped fjord that is gaspingly beautiful. Folding cliffs are fringed at the shore by red-roofed Montenegrin villages, every one featuring a church you ache to visit, several buildings that look damaged and long abandoned, and a trendy cafe or restaurant where you can hear strains of Europop or Muzzein Muzak. We sailed in on glassine water with long threads of cirri still glowing pink
      from the sunrise; we sailed out as the currents turned silver, evening cumuli glowered, and the winds from the Adriatic beckoned us to Greece. Kotor itself could be stored in a corner of Dubrovnik, which could be stored in a corner of Venice. It’s a stone grey striving second cousin who points your attention to modest attractions, but oozes self-effacing humor and unctuousness. Here the hard history of the Balkans is less well-disguised and the damage of war and earthquakes less well-repaired. Our hilarious guide Radi, who always addressed us as “Dear and Beautiful People”, traded heavily in ironic jokes and English malapropisms that you came to suspect were part of the shtick. He pointed out one building, a formerly fine home bombed in one of the endless wars in this part of the world: “Now inside is only pigeons and fig trees.” And indeed many figs have sprouted in Kotor’s crevices and two other cruise ships were in port: Kotor’s fruitful years may be ahead.
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    • Altstadt Kotor

      30 de abril, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Eine gute Stunde Spazierweg in der schon vormittags heißen Sonne trennt uns von der Altstadt Kotors. Der Marsch zahlt sich aber aus - die gut besuchte Altstadt lädt zum Flanieren und Entdecken ein ☺️

    • Dia 13

      Kotor Abschied

      13 de maio, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wieder nicht so gut geschlafen. Gestern wurde ich um 22h aus dem Restaurant und um 23h aus der Bar geworfen wo ich noch einen Schlummi trank. Tja Kotor ist nicht Budva 😂😂😂.
      Heute dem See entlang war herrlich.... Hat mich irgendwie ans Tessin erinnert. Wegen der sehr engen Strasse konnte ich aber nicht sooo mega geniessen. Ich weiss nicht, wie das hier in der Hochsaison funktionieren soll!
      Jetzt bin ich auf der Fähre und warte auf die Ueberfahrt.
      Aktuell warte ich seit geschlagenen 15 Minuten am Zoll, ohne dass ein Auto durchgekommen wäre. Ich bin wohl etwa der 7. Fahrer.... Vor mir ist aber noch ein Bus.... Ich überlege mir bald einmal ob ich da überhaupt einreisen will....
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    • Dia 26


      16 de maio, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Sailing into Kotor today was just amazing. We sailed through a very long inlet almost a fiord with the scenery in both sides getting closer and closer. Pretty little villages and churches studded along the edge.

      The port is busy today there are three cruise ships in and we have to take tenders, apparently not many are available so they are getting off the lifeboats to use.
      Interesting to see inside the life boats. They hold 230 in an emergency but only 120 as a tender, so still quite roomy inside.

      Kotor town is another pretty little town, very crowded at the moment though so we headed for the back of the village where you can climb up to a church 15 euros for the pleasure of doing that. It was a pretty steep climb. Quite cold when we first started but that didn’t last long.

      What a marvellous view when we got up there. You could see right over the town and then down to where the resilient lady is anchored.
      We meet Chris, Tanya, Lan and Joc up there as well. Funny how we all headed for the hill. Oh course the church is only half way up the hill, Millie and Marl’s chests were feeling it after having this virus they are recovering from. The rest of us started off up to the top.
      Holy Moly it was a steep climb. Luckily the steps were the perfect height for me so it was pretty good on the legs but hard in the lungs.

      As well prepared as ever we had no water and the day was getting hotter and hotter, we all had long pants on. Luckily when we got to the top some enterprising soul had set up a stall there selling drinks. Only one bottle of water left which we snabbed.
      It really was an amazing view from up there. I’m glad we did it. Whoever gets the 15 euros though was making a killing. There were hundreds of people climbing that mountain.

      Coming down of course was harder on the legs than the lungs but we made it in one piece dispute a few slippery patches along the way.
      Met Marl and Millie in the town square and they had found a great little restaurant for us to have a late lunch in.
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    • Dia 2

      Un drum horror pana in Kotor

      17 de maio, Montenegro ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      11 ore de mers pentru 500km, adica o medie de vreo 45km/h, sub media din Turul Frantei. In plus, am stat si vreo 3 ore in granita pentru o sosea blocata. Total 14 ore. Groaznic.
      La coada, printre zecile de camioane si sutele de masini a aparut o limuzina Mercedes, neagra, imbracata de nunta in broderie alba; Kusturica.
      Am mers pe drumuri de o banda, cu prapastie intr-o parte, fara parapet si sant pe cealalta parte, in care nu prea avea voie sa iti scape roata.
      De memorat si trecerea granitei, pe un varf de munte, pe un drum forestier, cu vamesii iesiti din niste baraci albe.
      Si saracii catei, ce sa mai zic de ei.
      La sosire, in Kotor, mi-am aratat maiestria de sofer de Vito. Pilotat de Roxana.
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    • Dia 3

      Kotor - Ziua de dinainte de IM

      18 de maio, Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Dupa ce cateii au facut o baie meseriasa in mare, adica Skippy, am vizitat orasul vechi. Este absolut fabulos, este un must-see autentic. Fortificatiile sunt grandioase. Kotor este inconjurat de munti de jur imprejur. Vilele sunt frumoase, serviciile acceptabile, mancarea, pana acum, asa si asa.
      Am luat kitul de concurs si ne-am intalnit cu vreo 10 membri ai clubului Seven: Flabio, Valentin, Marius.
      Mi-a aparut din senin o usoara durere de calcai si tendon, dar nu ca sa ma tina in loc.
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    • Dia 4

      Half Ironman

      19 de maio, Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Este o cursa nemaipomenita. Peisaje de vis, inotul intr-un dreptunghi, asfaltul bun pentru bicla si doar 500m de urcare, alergare pe
      malul marii, 2 ture. Am scos un timp foarte bun: 6:06, cu 40 min la inot, 3:53 la bicla si 2:17 la alergare, restul timpii mei lungi din tranzitii.
      Desi timpul e bun am terminat pe 5 din 5 la age group. Concurentii au fost prea tari. Ordinea: Serbia, Polonia, Slovenia, UK si baiatul.
      Mi- a fost foarte cald la alergare; a fost multa umezeala.
      Sunt pe zero tutun de 7-8 luni si zero alcool de vreo 2 luni.
      In sfarsit o masa foarte buna in seara asta, de data aceasta cu o sticla de vin alb sec. Totul 100 de euro.
      La iesirea din apa, am intrat intr-un arici de mare. Mi-am scos acele, dupa cursa, cu unghiera. Ne-am adus aminte de prestatia Mariei aflata intr-o situatie similara, acum mai multi ani.
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    • Dia 22

      Day 2 Montenegro

      3 de junho, Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      There was a thunder storm and rain overnight with the rain persisting into the morning but it has been warm. We decided to get our raincoats on and explore the Old Town walking along the walls. The Old Town is full of little alleys and is characterised by tradional orange roofs. After lunch we went back out and it was beautifully sunny. We walked along the shingle beach and admired the view. There is a picture of me hanging out the washing over the balcony using a pulley system. Our air bnb host, Zoki is fabulous he has just a little English and makes himself understood with additional gestures and acts of kindness. Having mentioned his limited English .... we don't speak any Montenegrin! Today he came up when we were sitting outside and brought us two beers and some pastry snacks.Leia mais

    • Dia 23

      Day 3 Kotor

      4 de junho, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      What a fantastic day! Today was a 'blow the budget' day. We went on an amazing speedboat trip. The trip was 3 hours long and gave us a lengthy trip across the bay,. It went to the submarine port (an area where submarines were housed in. WW2) They mentioned Yugoslav submarines but they must have been German, I think
      One of the pictures shows a swastika on the wall. After this we saw Mamula Island which was a prison camp during WW2 but is now a luxury hotel that charges around 1000 euros a night. This is between Croatia and Montenegrin waters. We then visited the Blue Cave and swam in the water, it was cold but not freezing. We went to the Island of Perast where the Lady of the Rocks church is sited. In the evening we went out for a lovely meal overlooking the sea. Tomorrow we will pull back a bit on the budget. I think the accommodation is £28 per night.
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