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    • Day 22

      Pyin Oo Lwin

      March 9, 2015 in Myanmar ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      As Myanmar heads towards its rainy season, the mercury slowly rises... And so I went up too, heading to the colonial hill station of Pyin Oo Lwin. I stayed at an old house which was the base for British intelligence just after the second world war. Lots of interesting buildings, garden nurseries and a lake to look at.
      I booked a tour guide, Mr Osama, who took me on one of the most genuine and relaxed tours I think I have ever been on. Riding pillion on his motorbike, he took me out of the town and into the hills of the Shan state. We first stopped at his friend's house (picture below) where we had tea, coffee and bananas with the grandmother. I was showed round the house which was very cosy and humble. We then continued down the road, stopping to look and talk about the farming and veg/fruit grown in the area. We went to a quiet hilltop temple where novices were returning with the morning alms and then on to the local primary school. He was very knowledgeable and I learnt so much about daily life. We arrived at the main Shan village and I had a walk whilst Osama shopped for lunch. We returned to his friend's house and while he cooked, the daughter, Ma Let Let Phyo, took me for a walk round the farm. We then went back to the house and she showed me her school books and young kittens, which we played with. Lunch was a feast of ginger salad, tea leaf salad, spicy tofu and noodle soup. I left very relaxed.
      The afternoon was spent with Morgan and Simon, two travellers I met at the post office. We went to the Shan market then relaxed at a Burmese beer station (where M and I got lots of unwelcome attention) before enjoying dinner at a local Chinese. Lovely day.
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    • Day 52

      Pyin U Lwin - Botanischer Garten

      December 6, 2016 in Myanmar ⋅ ❄️ 0 °C

      Zum Nikolaus haben wir nochmal einen Ausflug außerhalb Mandalays gemacht und sind nach Pyin U Lwin gefahren, dass für seinen botanischen Garten bekannt ist. Das war wirklich schön. Leider hat unser Fahrer uns für den Garten nur 2h gegeben, wir hätten jedoch den ganzen Tag hier verbringen können. Da Myanmar ein armes Land ist, gibt es nämlich nicht so viele gepflegte Parkanlagen und diese war eine willkommene Abwechslung :-)Read more

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