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    • Day 5

      Tag 7 Gouda

      April 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Heute Windmühlen angeschaut, Fähre gefahren, Käse gekauft in Gouda, Goldie hatte eine Schwanen Begegnung und jetzt sind wir auf einem Bauernhof zum übernachten. Eigentlich wollten wir nach Keukenhof und Tulpenfelder ansehen, aber da waren ungefähr 1000 Wohnmobile, 100 Reisebusse und unzählige PKW am Parkplatz und man konnte schon von weitem sehen wieviel Menschen an der Kasse standen. 6.- € Parkgebühr, 19.50€ Eintritt pro Person, haben wir uns dann erspart. Tulpenfelder waren auch nicht am blühen, noch zu kalt gewesen.Read more

    • Day 6

      Alblasserdam 🤔

      May 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Ja, gestern Abend gegen 20 Uhr musste ich doch den schönen Parkplatz verlassen. Eine Security-Dame hat kontrolliert und mich weggeschickt.
      In Alblasserdam gebe es einen Womo-Stellplatz. Mein Camper-Navi zeigt nichts an....
      Ich fahr die ca. 6 km und frag mich durch.... keine Ausschilderung... finde diesen Stellplatz nicht.

      Etwas genervt finde ich dann einen sehr großen Parkplatz bei der Firma OCE ANCO. Er ist frei und kein Park-/Übernachtungsverbot.... und relativ ruhig 🙏

      Es gibt ihn wirklich, den Camper Park. In meinem Handy, Google-Maps, finde ich ihn heute morgen😁.

      Eine kleine Gassirunde durch den Ort
      ... dann geht es weiter.... 🐕🐕

      Achja, der Parkplatz ist auch Ausgangspunkt für den Shuttlebus zu den Windmühlen. Dort kostet der Parkplatz glaub 9,50 € - hier kostenlos und entspannter🧘‍♀️.
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    • Day 3

      Cheese making

      May 24, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      1600 gallons. Use raw milk. Cut curds into square forms. Net in mold with lid. Then press curds for 3 hours. Low fat milk is only half rounded. Mix herbs with milk intub. A brine bath starts giving flavor. Kills bacteria. 70 cheeses in one production line. The cages allow cheese to float. Hotel blocks are square forms. Less salt in rectangular molds. Wax allows breathing. Then back on shelf. Every 2 days they flip. Truffles from Italy. Goat cheese made here. Gouda seems to be curds, brine, and herbs.

      His family has owned the farm since 1632. He's hoping his youngest son son will want to be a farmer. Family Kiuper.
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    • Day 4


      September 6, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Etwa 15 km südöstlich von Rotterdam befinden sich die 19 historischen Windmühlen von Kinderdijk, die zu den bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten in den Niederlanden zählen. Sie wurden im 18. Jahrhundert erbaut und dienten dazu, das anfallende Wasser aus eingedeichten Gebieten abzupumpen, um so den Boden landwirtschaftlich nutzbar zu machen. Dazu pumpen die Mühlen das Wasser zunächst in den Nieuwen Waterschap Kanal, von wo es dann schließlich in den Fluss Lek fließt. Aufgrund des ausgeklügelten Systems von Windmühlen und Pumpstationen, das den Boden in der Region schon seit Jahrhunderten trocken hält, wurden das Gebiet und die Windmühlen 1997 in die Liste der UNESCO Weltkulturerbestätten aufgenommen.Read more

    • Day 53

      Rotterdam Day 2- Kinderdijk

      August 10, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today was another one of my favourite days that I’ve had! How lovely. Yesterday, Lititia had convinced me to go on a small day trip with her to Kinderdijk which is a 40 minute boat ride from Rotterdam. So we met at my hostel around 9:30am and set off to catch the boat. Once we arrived, the weather was a bit gloomy, but our spirits were not! We rented bikes, and I got a kids bike and it sucked also LOL (the handlebrakes and bell didn’t work, it made a really funny noise, couldn’t adjust the seat). We biked all around the area which is littered with windmills. We didn’t get to go into one because we didn’t wanna pay, but we saw lots and lots of them and it was very fairytale- esque. There were lots of animals- cows, horses, sheep! It was lovely. We were also very adamant about not using a map for a while, but then somehow ended up in some residential area and got very very lost. But, we did find out way back. I was pooooooped after. We took the boat back and I slept. Then we went our separate ways for a bit to refresh. I had a nap and then took a walk to a nearby park that was very very beautiful! There was a stream that flowed in the middle and it was dirty, but the park was still very very pretty. Green and lush and had trees lining the stream, pretty flowers in some areas, and people were just relaxing. After, I walked towards Lititia’s hostel and walked past what I call “the egg” which is a museum, that I unfortunately never got to actually go inside. Lititia’s hostel is really cool it’s like these cube houses, she showed me the inside and it was pretty cool. We went to eat at the Markthal for real this time, and we both got gyros. Then, we went back to the egg and went to the architecture and design museum across from it, because there was free entry on Thursday evenings. I wasn’t a huge fan of the museum, but it was something to do. We went to watch the sunset at the nearby bridge, which, the sun was actually blocked by the tall buildings, but, we still saw the pink sky. After this, we met up with her hostelmate and we had a drink nearby her hostel. We grabbed some McFlurry’s as they walked me home, and we said a very sad goodbye.

      Also side note is that Rotterdam is so different from so many of the cities that I’ve been to because it’s quite modern and newer, since much of it was destroyed in the world war.
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    • Day 18


      March 28 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      It is a cold and windy day here at Kinderdjik. All of the windmills are in working order, and pumped water in the past. Today, water is pumped using electric motors. The idea is to pump water from lands below sea level, behind the dykes, and have some reclaimed ground you can cultivate.Read more

    • Day 18

      Windmill household

      March 28 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      One more interesting fact is that many of the windmills are inhabited. You need to be licensed as a millwright, and then you can apply to live in the windmill. You pay rent, but it is reasonable and you have to maintain the windmill in working order as part of the agreement. Not really for us, even if I was a licensed millwright, but would be cool to say you live in a windmill.Read more

    • Day 8

      The windmills of Kinderdijk

      April 10, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Amidst rainy and windy conditions, we journeyed to the Kinderdijk park where we walked among windmills built in the late 1600's. The Netherlands used to have 10,000 windmills, but now they number around 1,200, 19 of which stand in this park. Many of these structures have people live in them and they're still working at pumping water out of the poldir or flat land.
      One windmill is set up as it would have been back in the 1700's, and we were able to go inside to see how it's family would have lived. There isn't a ton of space inside a windmill, but what room they had was used efficiently, with beds touched into the walls and storage tucked into every corner.. Steep stairs led up to each new level and I had to descend backwards like climbing down a ladder when I returned to the lower floors. It would have been cosy for a family and I think the parents would be telling their kids to go outside to play every chance they got.
      We learned that we have incorporated windmill sayings into our language. For example, the sails on a windmill have to be opened in pairs or the windmill is off balance. Thus the saying that someone who has drank too much is wobbly and "3 sheets to the wind". Another example is crazy people were said to have been hit on the head by a windmill and then the person makes a circle with their finger, mimicking the rotation of the windmill sails.
      What an experience! We returned to our bus soggy, cold, but happy!
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    • Day 5

      Kinderdijk.... Womo-Parkplatz

      May 3, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Und siehe da..... nach ein paar 100 m weißt ein Hinweisschild auf den Womo-Parkplatz 🙏.
      Hatte keine Lust, jetzt weiterzufahren.
      Danke 👏🙏👌

      Die Straßen in Holland sind 1-spurig....zumindest die N57. Da kann kein Auto überholen. Die Gegenfahrbahn ist durch einen Grünstreifen abgegrenzt.
      Auf der N57 gilt aber Tempo 100....
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    • Day 7

      Kinderkijk windmills

      September 14, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      Our first stop on the river cruise was at an old village of 18 windmills that used to pump water out of the area so that crops would grow. These were used for many years until modern pumping equipment ( huge Archimedes screws and even larger diesel pumps)took their place. Today they are largely in disuse except for 2-3 that they maintain for tourists. Like at Zaans Schans , we climbed up into the windmills and saw them at work with their huge stones and wooden gears crushing grain.
      Our ship arrived at the mooring site before dawn so we got a glimpse of the town lights on the dark, before we began our tour after breakfast. After the tour we returned to the ship and continued down the Rhine river to Germany.
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    Molenwaard, MLW

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