Selandia Baru

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    • Hari 19

      Cycling the Lake Dunstan Trail

      13 November 2022, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      I cycled the Lake Dunstan Trail today! We spent about 4 hours covering 45km of grade 2 and 3 tracks (there were some big hills!). We rode from Cromwell to Clyde along the lake the whole way. It was super windy at some points! The views were really pretty!!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 91

      The great escape

      5 Februari 2020, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      The curiosity was high. How would the streets look? We moved the curtains away and... they were fine. It was sunny, as we had expected, and Riversdale hadn't flooded. The state website however still maintained that the road to Queenstown was closed due to flooding. So were most of the roads on the other side of us. We received another emergency alert: the inhabitants of Gore and Mataura were going to be evacuated and Riversdale should prepare to do so. We had a shower and packed our stuff. Another alert: Wyndham was also going to be evacuated. As this was further down the river, that didn't worry us too much. But we learned that a paper mill near Gore could release chemicals when damaged by the floods, so it felt better to get away from there. It didn't look like we'd be able to get to Queenstown through Gore anyway, so we drove back to Lumsden and put our hopes on that road opening again. The road conditions were fine on the way back there, a world of difference compared to the horrors of the night before. We drove to the closed crossing near Lumsden, monitored by a nice guy in an orange vest, to try and find out what the deal was. He claimed it was purely flooding holding them back from opening it, not slips or damage. With it looking quite good everywhere else that gave us some hope: surely it couldn't be that bad then.

      We went back to Lumsden and joined what felt like hundreds of other cars, vans and campers on a parking waiting for the road to open. Officially this was a legal overnight parking/camping for self contained vehicles only. However, joining an old train under a roof we found some tents that found shelter here last night. Just like lots of other people we were just hanging around on the parking lot, napping, writing postcards, eating lunch and once in a while checking the road status online. At 16:00 our parking spot neighbour told us the road was being opened between 16:00 and 19:00. It wasn't online yet, so we had no idea how they knew, but we and others got excited enough to give it a try. And indeed, orange vest guy was gone! In karavaan style we drove towards Queenstown, sometimes quickly stopping along the way because the nature around us was amazing. Apparently they opened the road for convoys in both directions, so sometimes we had to wait on stretches where only one lane direction was open. There was no flooding on the road anymore but in parts the fields next to the road gave a good impression that it was different here last night. And there were also parts with lots of dirt on the road and machinery to move it onto piles next to the street.

      About 1.5 hours later we made it to the other side. Campings in Queenstown were expensive and we had already lost quite some days and money because of the weather, so we decided to go further. A camping in Cromwell was our aim for the night. Our question if their grass was wet or a swamp, they answered with a laughter and an assuring 'it has dried up quite well'. So that sounded perfect. And we had just enough time to squeeze in the Halfway Remarkable viewpoint and a visit to the world's first commercial bungee jumping site before going there. From the viewpoint we could also see the effect of the flood on the water color and size of the river.

      When we finally went to bed, we really thought 'what a day' but like usual everything worked out well.
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    • Hari 14

      Mount Difficulty Wines

      10 April, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We went to Rachel's favourite winery! May have HAD to purchase a few bottles!

    • Hari 115

      Arbeit und Leben auf der Kirschplantage

      25 Januari 2017, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Jetzt ist es mal wieder an der Zeit euch auf den laufenden Stand über meine Reise hier in Neuseeland zu bringen. Es hat sich ja einiges getan seit meinem letzten Post hier. Wir haben einen Job auf einer Kirschplantage und der ist ziemlich cool genauso wie die Leute hier, aber auch das ganze außen rum. Wir leben auf der Farm mit allem was man braucht, super Duschen und guter Küche. Geschlafen wird seit neustem im Zelt, da sich unser Auto leider vorzeitig von uns verabschiedet hat. Wir sind jetzt schon seit ca. 3 Wochen hier in Mitten der Wüste Neuseelands und genießen die Sesshaftigkeit mit all ihren Vorteilen. Zum Beispiel hab ich eine wunderschöne Joggingstrecke gefunden. Diese führt auf einen Berg, von dort aus kann man gefühlt die ganze Wüste bestaunen. Wunderschön! Leider ist das Wetter nicht immer so geil. Was das heißt? Frühs zum Aufstehen haben wir immer so ca 4-7 Grad Celsius und mittags durch die Sonne so um die 20+ Grad Celsius. Aber wenn es mal warm ist, dann kann man das Wetter hier richtig genießen, denn es regnet kaum. Die Arbeit an sich finde ich echt cool, da unsere Supervisor extrem cool sind und da man pro Eimer gepflückter Kirschen bezahlt wird, kann man auch selbst bestimmen wie viel Geld man verdienen möchte. Nur das frühe Aufstehen - 5 Uhr - ist nicht so mein Ding. Morgen haben wir unseren letzten Arbeitstag, da alle Kirschen gepflückt sind. Man hat wieder tolle Leute getroffen und Spaß gehabt bei diesem tollen Stopp in der Nähe von Cromwell. Morgen Abend gibt es dann ein BBQ und wieder eine große Feier, von der ich hier schon 2 genossen habe. Danach geht's dann in unserer 5er Konstellation (Lukas, Niklas, Felix, Matteo und mir) weiter auf der Südinsel. Mal sehen was uns noch alles spannendes erwartet.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 36


      27 Maret 2022, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      On Sunday afternoon we moved to a POP in Bannockburn. It is a nice property looking out over the river and hills and we had the parking area to ourselves.

      On Saturday we biked the Dunstan trail, as far as Hugo bridge. It was a great ride, but the fact that it was so busy detracted from the experience somewhat. The track was fairly easy but it was difficult constantly having to pass people going the other way. We had a nice lunch at "Burger Afloat ", a cafe operating from a boat on the lake.

      On Sunday we drove to Clyde, stopping at the Clyde dam lookout on the way. We biked the other end of the Dunstan trail, back as far as Hugo bridge. Although the ride wasn't as scenic, it was more enjoyable as there seemed to be less people on the trail. Afterwards we stopped for a look around Clyde, which has an interesting historic area. We had hot chocolate and cake at a nice cafe.
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    • Hari 25

      Day 25 and 26

      18 Mei 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Day 25 and 26
      Have had 2 great days in Cromwell staying with the amazing Wendy Rear who just so happens to be in between visitors! How lucky are we?
      Parked up on her front lawn 200 meters from the cycle trail and walk around the lake too.
      Dinner out last night with Kaye Kennedy who is also down here at her other pad!!
      We crashed her dinner at The Bannockburn Hotel with her girlfriends. 😋 lovely catch up.
      Ride out this am with Wendy to Carrick Winery 22kms in all. We're just learning, but loving it. Slowly getting confidence. Such stunning scenery even this late in autumn 🍂 😍
      Fine this am for our ride, bit drizzly pm for a bit.
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