San Jorge

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    • Dia 43

      Granada > Ometepe

      3 de abril, Nicarágua ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      What definitely shouldn't have been a full day of travel quite quickly turned into one!

      We woke up early ish but were in no rush to get going on the short trip from Granada to Isla de Ometepe 50km away. Therefore we had some breakfast and played some pool at our hostel. We were glad to see the back of probably the worst pool table we've ever played on especially since, despite almost every game going down to the black, Dan beating me 5 sets to 0 in our 48 hour series.

      From our hostel we took a 5 minute walk to find the local bus to Rivas, only to find there weren't any buses at the location. After speaking to a few locals at the market they directed us to the new bus stop where we found our bus. The buses in Central America don't run on any timetable and simply leave when they are completely full. We had to wait about 45 minutes for our bus to fill up before we eventually departed.

      However, 10 minutes into the journey, our bus broke down. After 20 minutes on the roadside we realised this particular bus wouldn't be going anywhere soon so we had to get off. We then waited another half an hour for the next bus to Rivas to come along which we all piled on. At this point it was about 12:45pm so in the 2.5 hours since leaving our hostel we'd managed to travel 10 minutes down the road.

      We arrived in Rivas and jumped straight into a taxi to San Jorge. This was straight forward enough although our driver was a bit erratic.

      We got to the ferry terminal in San Jorge at 2:23pm, which was 3 minutes too late to catch the 2:30pm ferry. The next ferry was scheduled for 3:30pm but oh no this ferry had a mechanical failure so the next ferry we could actually board was at 4pm. We used this time wisely and called our friend Javi.

      We boarded the packed ferry and eventually arrived at Omotepe, with one of its two volcanos towering ahead. We then had to take a tuktuk down the road to our hostel.

      So, 2 buses, a taxi, a ferry, a tuktuk and 7 hours later we arrived at our hostel! It's a pretty decent hostel with great food and a good selection of drinks. So we had a few soft drinks and played some cards before settling down.

      Not exactly a fun day but definitely another memorable one, which sometimes is what it's all about!

      God speed Merseytravel.
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    • Dia 66

      Isla Ometepe 2#

      3 de junho de 2023, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Mit unserem Roller machten wir eine Tour um den kleineren Vulkan herum. Das ging länger als erwartet, da die Strassen noch nicht so gut ausgebaut sind wie um den grösseren Vulkan. Auf unserem Weg begegneten wir so vielen Tieren.
      Kühe, Schweine, Hunde, Katzen, Affen, verschiedenste Vögel und mehr.

      Das Essen war auch hervorragend auf der Insel. Wir fanden ein süsses Café, wo wir gerne Zeit verbrachten.
      Am Abend fing es immer an, heftig zu regnen und winden.
      Auf der ganzen Insel fiel der Strom deswegen aus, zwei Tage hintereinander.
      Wir hatten kein Licht mehr, aber zum Glück Taschenlampen dabei. Handys konnten wir leider nicht aufladen über Nacht und der Ventilator funktionierte auch nicht mehr.
      Tagsüber war es sehr heiss, und die Hitze staute sich in unserem Zimmer. Es war unmöglich für uns im Zimmer zu bleiben bei dieser Hitze da drin.
      Wir sassen möglichst lange draussen und lauschten den vielen Tieren und hofften dass es etwas kühler wird im Zimmer.. bis wir schlafen konnten. Die Hitze trieb uns auch am nächsten Tag früh aus dem Bett und wir hatten genug Zeit um den grossen Vulkan rundherum zu erkunden. Auch auf dieser Tour gab es viel zu sehen.
      Einen Stopp machten wir noch bei Local‘s, die gerade dabei waren das Mittagsessen zu kochen. Als sie merkten dass wir fasziniert beobachteten was Sie kochen, gab es auch für uns eine Probier-Schale der Suppe die sie machten.
      War sehr lecker 😊

      Und schon bald heisst es für uns,
      Adios Nicaragua, auf nach Costa Rica
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    • Dia 12


      11 de fevereiro de 2019, Nicarágua ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Another day, another adventure. Today we are to take the ferry to an island called Ometepe comprised of two volcanoes where one is still active.

      We get up have breakfast and pack our stuff. We head to the ferry early just in case. We are taking one of the larger boats to avoid being shaken by the waves. We were warned by friends that the ride they took yesterday was rough and one of them got sea sick.

      The ride is okay and not too bad. The wind is a bit calmer than yesterday. It takes us about 90 minutes to cross. As we arrive we have a driver with a sign waiting to take us to our AirBnB. Eddie explains some of the things to do on the island as we drive. He offers to give us a full day tour if we are interested. We tell him we will verify our options and let him know. Near our destination we get stopped by the National Police. It's the second time in 2 days. We try to understand why we were stopped but thankfully only the driver has to deal with them and we don't have do anything but stay quiet. It seemed like they were inspecting all the papers and the car to ensue that everything is in order. I guess it's a good thing for us.

      Lucie greats us at our arrival. She shows us our cabin and explains how things work. The place is nice, clean and the bed looks comfy. After check-in we decide to go for lunch. We walk to a place nearby and order. They have 1 litre beer bottles for 1.75 🍻, nice. In general beer is cheaper in bars and restaurants than at the market in Nicaragua.

      After lunch we stop by a small market to get some snacks as Ben will be hiking up one of the volcanoes tomorrow. I decided to sit this one out as it's about a 8-9 hour trek. The rest of us will probably take Eddie on his offer for the tour. Once we arrive back we decide to take a nap.

      After our nap, we go watch the sunset. It is a nice view to remember. We then take our headlamps and walk to another restaurant for supper. As we walk we notice that everything is dark. There are no lights anywhere. When we find the restaurant, we see candles providing light and a big flashlight for the cook. For some reason I do not question any of this as I thought it was normal for this rural area. After getting our plates the lights turn on around us. Electricity is back. We never knew it was missing 😂. Before leaving our AirBnB we had electricity in our room however this place runs on solar energy and batteries. I guess electricity here is a gamble.

      After supper we take our showers and go to bed around 10.
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    • Dia 275


      11 de julho de 2019, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Die "Chickenbusse" sind ausrangierte amerikanische Schulbusse, die entweder gelb oder ganz bunt hergerichtet sind. Nach zwei Bussen geht es schließlich weiter mit einem Boot, das uns rüber zur Isla de Ometepe im See Cocibolca bringt.Leia mais

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    San Jorge

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